Tuesday 17 October 2017

Volatilidad De La Opción Binaria

Volatilidad de la opción binaria

Cómo negociar opciones binarias en mercados volátiles

Volatilidad de los pares de divisas es bastante común en los principales mercados, sin embargo, no debe ser temido por los que el comercio de opciones binarias. Mientras que hay tal cosa como demasiada volatilidad, muchos comerciantes son capaces de generar grandes beneficios cuando los precios están en movimiento. El movimiento de precios activos simplemente requiere que se use la estrategia apropiada para determinar si es probable que el precio suba o disminuya en un futuro próximo.

Cuando se negocia bajo condiciones volátiles, se convierte en extremadamente importante seleccionar las mejores configuraciones comerciales. Instrumentos como Range y Boundary deben ser completamente evitados cuando los precios están en movimiento. No se deben evitar los intercambios de Touch. Estos tipos de operaciones sólo deben utilizarse cuando las condiciones del mercado son planas, o de rango limitado. Este tipo de movimiento es generalmente en el lugar cuando no hay noticias importantes del mercado está teniendo un impacto en el sentimiento de los inversionistas.

Instrumentos de opciones binarias

Los mejores instrumentos para elegir cuando la acción del precio es volátil serán las opciones binarias básicas Put / Call trade, la variación de 60 segundos del comercio básico y One Touch. Cada uno de estos instrumentos va a requerir que los precios estén en movimiento si van a terminar en el dinero. De los tres, One Touch presenta la mayor cantidad de riesgo, ya que este instrumento a menudo requiere no sólo movimiento, sino movimiento sustancial para ser rentable. El comercio de 60 Seconds es ideal para movimientos a corto plazo, con el estándar Put / Call comercio ofreciendo tiempos de caducidad ligeramente más largos.

La selección de un tiempo de expiración apropiado es extremadamente importante. Como regla general, períodos de vencimiento más cortos son la mejor selección cuando los mercados son volátiles, pero hay valor en la selección de operaciones a largo plazo que proporcionan tiempo para que el precio encuentre un cierto equilibrio. Dicho esto, los comerciantes principiantes a menudo encuentran los negocios a largo plazo como un desafío, ya que predecir el movimiento de precios con mucha antelación puede ser una tarea bastante difícil. Los comerciantes experimentados pueden encontrar esto un reto también, que es una de las razones de la popularidad de expiries más cortos. Lea nuestro artículo (Cómo elegir los mejores tiempos de vencimiento para operaciones de opciones binarias)

Todos los comerciantes necesitan aprender cuándo, o no para el comercio. Esta es una habilidad que vendrá con tiempo y experiencia. No todos los oficios se crean iguales, y habrá momentos en que el movimiento de precios es tan errático que la predicción exacta se vuelve casi imposible. Además, las decisiones sobre la cantidad de inversión no deben tomarse a la ligera cuando los precios no se mueven en una dirección clara. Es posible alcanzar metas de ganancias diarias al comprometer cantidades de inversión más pequeñas a cada comercio, pero un volumen de comercio más grande será requerido.

Todos y cada uno de los tipos de movimiento de precios puede ser rentable, siempre y cuando las selecciones correctas se hacen. La volatilidad presenta un reto a veces, pero el desafío no es tan grande que no se puede superar. El análisis técnico en profundidad puede proporcionar información importante con respecto al pasado y los movimientos más recientes, mientras que el análisis fundamental proporcionará pistas y por qué los inversores están comprando o vendiendo. Cuando se combinan, esta información puede proporcionar pronósticos extremadamente precisos para transacciones de opciones binarias.

Cómo afecta la volatilidad a las opciones y los mercados de opciones binarias

La volatilidad del mercado viene en dos formas, la volatilidad implícita y la volatilidad histórica, ambas que pueden afectar la capacidad de un inversionista para tener éxito en negociar opciones binarias. La volatilidad implícita es similar a una garantía financiera, ya que fluctúa con el sentimiento del mercado y es una estimación de cuántas opciones el comerciante percibe una seguridad financiera o índice se moverá durante un período específico de tiempo sobre una base anualizada. La volatilidad histórica es el movimiento pasado real de una seguridad y puede definirse como la desviación estándar de una serie temporal, que se refleja en el formato porcentual.

La volatilidad implícita afecta al precio de una opción binaria, pero influye en las opciones de vainilla estándar mucho más que en las opciones binarias. La volatilidad implícita cambia a medida que cambia el sentimiento del mercado. En general, a medida que aumenta el temor y la temor, aumenta la volatilidad implícita, mientras que los aumentos de la complacencia generalmente están altamente correlacionados con los descensos de la volatilidad implícita.

El precio de una opción se basa en una serie de factores que incluyen los precios actuales del valor subyacente, el precio de ejercicio de la opción, el tiempo hasta el vencimiento, las tasas de interés actuales, así como la posibilidad de que el valor subyacente sea Por encima o por debajo del precio de ejercicio antes de la expiración de la opción. La probabilidad de que el valor subyacente se mueva una distancia específica durante un cierto período de tiempo se mide por la volatilidad implícita. Aumentos en la volatilidad implícita aumentará el precio de una opción, ya sea una opción estándar de vainilla o una opción binaria.

El precio de una opción binaria cambia con dos factores. El primero es el pago, y el segundo es la cantidad de capital devuelto al inversor en una operación perdedora. Dado que el perfil de pago de las Opciones Binarias generalmente permanece constante y la rentabilidad es casi siempre la misma, la volatilidad implícita actúa como más de una guía de un movimiento potencial en un activo subyacente que un cambio en el precio de las Opciones Binarias. Por ejemplo, si la volatilidad implícita se está moviendo más alto, aumenta la probabilidad de un movimiento dramático en una seguridad subyacente. El monitoreo de la volatilidad puede usarse a la ventaja de un comerciante al negociar opciones binarias a corto plazo con vencimientos predeterminados y desembolsos más altos, aunque una mayor volatilidad generalmente implica un movimiento adverso en un valor es inminente. Las predicciones de la dirección real se pueden medir usando el análisis técnico que es enseñado por los profesionales en las opciones de Magnum.

La volatilidad histórica es la volatilidad real de un valor o índice. Una alta volatilidad histórica significa que una seguridad está experimentando grandes oscilaciones cuando la volatilidad histórica baja significa que una garantía está experimentando consolidación. Cuando una seguridad está experimentando alta volatilidad histórica hay una mejor oportunidad de que un inversor se beneficiará de las operaciones de opciones binarias. Las opciones con tiempos cortos hasta la madurez, como las opciones de 60 segundos, se beneficiarán de los volátiles mercados volátiles, ya que los movimientos a menudo serán dramáticos, permitiendo a los inversores aprovechar los rápidos movimientos rápidos del mercado. La volatilidad histórica (en lugar de implícita todavía se puede utilizar a su potencial más rentable a través del uso de un comercio de 60 segundos en Opciones Binarias, algo que nuestros asesores también enseñan a los operadores de Magnum Options.

Los operadores de opciones binarias pueden utilizar la volatilidad implícita y la volatilidad histórica como guías para determinar si el entorno de mercado actual está maduro para negociar opciones binarias, dándoles una ventaja antes de negociar una seguridad específica. Para los pagos más altos y la mayoría de la experiencia comercial controlada, que abarca 1 en 1 de formación para el análisis técnico, gráficos, estrategias y metodología de negociación -, así como las herramientas y el apoyo para asegurar la mayor rentabilidad y oportunidades rentables. Abra una cuenta en las opciones de Magnum hoy - para obtener una educación de comercio libre de la # 1 Trusted Broker para la educación de opciones binarias.

Magnum Options es una plataforma de corredores que parece haber dominado el mundo de intermediación de las opciones binarias. Establecido a principios de 2017, Magnum Options utiliza la última tecnología para los operadores de opciones binarias. El corredor es de propiedad privada de los inversores con muchos años de experiencia en la industria de comercio en línea. La gestión del día a día es manejada por un equipo de experimentados profesionales de comercio en línea que han estado en la posición de sus usuarios, y realmente entender las necesidades y prioridades de los operadores novatos y experimentados. Estos profesionales han reunido un equipo educativo como ningún otro que realmente se centran en informar y educar a todos los comerciantes interesados ​​en el comercio de opciones binarias. Debido a su experiencia en la industria financiera, Magnum Options tiene un enfoque único y refrescante para la educación, enseñando a la gente no sólo cómo operar con una cuenta de opciones binarias, sino también cómo utilizar opciones binarias con otros métodos comerciales para maximizar los beneficios.



Los indicadores de volatilidad proporcionan una confirmación adicional del comportamiento de los precios, junto con el volumen. Indicadores de la volatilidad de la divisa: cómo utilizar volatilidad a su ventaja. Trading Forex con indicadores de volatilidad: métodos, fórmulas y ejemplos comerciales. El indicador de ruptura de volatilidad más popular es Bollinger Bands y puede ser usado para predecir movimientos de monstruos que pueden hacerte rico. Si ha utilizado los Indicadores de Volatilidad Indicadores de Mercado de Valores IndexIndicators. com ... Los índices de volatilidad, como el ampliamente seguido VIX, intentan medir el movimiento esperado del mercado ...

Indicadores de opciones binarias & # 8211; Instrucciones para descargar

Volatility2 es un indicador de Metatrader 4 (MT4) y la esencia del indicador de la divisa es transformar los datos acumulados de la historia.

Volatility2 proporciona una oportunidad para detectar diversas peculiaridades y patrones en la dinámica de precios que son invisibles a simple vista.

Sobre la base de esta información, los comerciantes pueden asumir más movimiento de precios y ajustar su estrategia en consecuencia.

¿Cómo instalar Volatility2.mq4?

Descargar Volatility2.mq4

Copie Volatility2.mq4 a su directorio de Metatrader / experts / indicators /

Inicie o reinicie el cliente de Metatrader

Seleccione Chart y Timeframe donde desea probar su indicador

Buscar & # 8220; Indicadores Personalizados & # 8221; En su Navegador en su cliente Metatrader

Haga clic derecho en Volatility2.mq4

Adjuntar a un gráfico

Modifica la configuración o presiona ok

Indicador Volatility2.mq4 está disponible en su gráfico

¿Cómo eliminar a Volatility2.mq4 de tu Metatrader?

Seleccione el gráfico donde está el indicador en ejecución en su cliente de Metatrader

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el gráfico

& # 8220; Indicadores de la lista & # 8221;

Seleccione el indicador y elimine

Haga clic aquí para descargar los Indicadores de Opciones Binarias:

Cómo Aplicar Volatilidad

Cómo aplicar volatilidad a opciones binarias

La volatilidad es su amigo, como expliqué en un artículo reciente. Esto es porque la volatilidad significa movimiento, y el movimiento significa pips y pips significa beneficios. Los beneficios son por qué estamos aquí, sí hay una gran variedad de razones secundarias para estar en el mercado, pero siempre vuelve a los beneficios. La volatilidad es algo que los comerciantes de los vehículos más convencionales vigilar de cerca, ya que implica niveles de riesgo, así como precios para cosas tales como opciones y contratos de futuros. Los comerciantes de estos activos pueden y ajustar sus estrategias de compra a la venta y de largo a corto como las condiciones de garantía y estas decisiones se basan a menudo en la volatilidad. De hecho, incluso hay índices, como el VIX, que rastrean la volatilidad y pueden ser comercializados. Esta es una manera para un operador binario para utilizar la volatilidad a su ventaja, pero no la única manera. Como una medida del movimiento del mercado que puede ser utilizado en un número de maneras y hay algunos indicadores diferentes basados ​​en la volatilidad para elegir.

La volatilidad es una medida del movimiento del mercado que no se preocupa por la dirección. Mide la cantidad de movimiento en una base del día a día, relativa a los movimientos históricos, y se utiliza a menudo como una indicación del riesgo. Los activos de menor volatilidad se mueven menos y presentan menos riesgo, mientras que los de mayor volatilidad se mueven más y tienen un mayor riesgo asociado.

Como comerciante puede aplicar esta teoría de dos maneras. En primer lugar, puede buscar en el mercado los oficios probables y clasificarlos en función de una medida de la volatilidad. Si usted es un comerciante menos arriesgado que desee cambiar un activo menos volátil, si usted es un comerciante más arriesgado que puede optar por el comercio de activos de mayor volatilidad. La segunda manera, y el método que más me gusta, es seguir con un activo y ajustar su estrategia como la volatilidad garantiza. Me gusta intercambiar el S & amp; P 500 por lo que es muy fácil para mí utilizar el VIX como una medida de la volatilidad. Algunos otros índices, pero no todos, también tienen un índice de volatilidad como el NASDAQ Composite y el VXN. Asimismo, algunos, pero no todos, corredores de opciones binarias tienen opciones en el VIX y / o en el VXN.

Puede utilizar la volatilidad para realizar un seguimiento de ciclos de mercado a corto plazo con el fin de ajustar la estrategia y obtener puntos de entrada rentables. Con el tiempo, cada activo pasará por períodos de mayor y menor volatilidad, y esto podría ser en cualquier dirección, hacia arriba, hacia abajo o hacia los lados. Mi advertencia es que siempre debe tener en cuenta la tendencia subyacente en el activo al aplicar la volatilidad de esta manera. Cuando la volatilidad es baja, suele ser un momento para comprar, ya sea una llamada o un puesto, dependiendo de la circunstancia. Esto se debe a que el mercado se ha enfriado de los movimientos anteriores y la acción de los precios se ha calmado. Usted será capaz de obtener mejores posiciones, con mejores puntos de entrada y mayores tasas de rentabilidad. Entonces, cuando el mercado se mueve, sus opciones se moverán bien en el dinero con menos posibilidades de pérdida, o romper incluso lo que creo que es peor.

Indicadores para medir la volatilidad

Hay varios indicadores principales utilizados por los comerciantes profesionales todos los días. Estos incluyen una serie de osciladores, así como Bollinger Bands ™. Bollinger Bands ™ es un método patentado de trading que utiliza sobres y teoría de canales junto con la volatilidad para encontrar puntos de entrada y salida en los mercados de productos básicos. La gran noticia es que funciona igual de bien en los gráficos de cualquier instrumento financiero. Se basan en desviaciones estándar del movimiento de precios en relación con un promedio móvil central. Las señales se dan cuando las bandas se acercan cada vez más, cuando los precios tocan o exceden de las bandas y cuando los precios se tocan o pasan por la línea de señal central.

El Indicador de Volatilidad Relativa es un oscilador que registra la volatilidad diaria en relación con un período establecido, usualmente 10, y luego suavizado por un promedio móvil de 14 periodos. Esto produce un indicador que oscila entre 0 y 1 con 0.25 bajo y 0.75 alto. Si observa la tabla anterior, puede ver cómo el patrón de fondo que se forma en el índice de volatilidad relativa ocurre cuando el SPY se está tocando o moviéndose más allá de la banda de Bollinger inferior. Esta es una doble confirmación de una baja en la volatilidad y la tendencia después de la entrada que produjo un movimiento superior al 5% la primera vez. ¿Cuánto va a producir esta vez?

7 Opciones binarias

7 Opciones binarias

Herramientas de volatilidad

Cuando se considera que el mercado es volátil, suele representar un período de tiempo en el que otros acontecimientos están actuando en el mercado en lugar de sólo las fuerzas normales del mercado. Estos pueden ser un momento en que un informe económico importante acaba de salir o algún cambio en el juego noticias económicas se ha roto. Puede ser muy difícil predecir los precios y la forma en que tienden en este momento, pero hay algunas herramientas que pueden ayudarle cuando esto sucede.

La definición técnica de la volatilidad es la correlación entre la oscilación de las variaciones de la tasa en el mercado y la acción del precio del mercado. Cuanto mayor es el swing, más volátil se considera que el mercado es. Un mercado volátil es mucho más impredecible para colocar los oficios que un mercado estable y algunos comerciantes evitar el comercio en ellos por esa razón. La ventaja de negociar en un mercado volátil es que usted tiene la capacidad de generar algunos grandes beneficios cuando sólo la colocación de un poco de dinero, sin embargo, el riesgo del comercio es mucho mayor también.

Los comerciantes que tienden a evitar factoring en la volatilidad del mercado a menudo hacen mal en su comercio. También puede conducir a la identificación incorrecta de cómo el futuro precio de un activo tendencia. Por lo que debe considerar cuidadosamente y aplicar la volatilidad del mercado a sus operaciones con el fin de minimizar los efectos negativos que puede tener en su comercio.

Las estrategias de volatilidad que parecen funcionar mejor son los comercios fuera del dinero y el profundo de los oficios de dinero.

Usted también tiene que considerar fuertemente que los mercados altamente volátiles son propensos a las inversiones de la tendencia en un futuro muy cercano. Cuando esto ocurre, se denomina comúnmente la regresión a la media. No confundir esto por ser el mismo que cuando la volatilidad del mercado es baja y el mercado se está agrupando antes de una ruptura del precio.

Empieza a operar ahora abriendo una cuenta GRATIS en uno de nuestros corredores recomendados.

Los mejores corredores de opciones binarias

Reuters & # 8211; Noticias financieras

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Las empresas mineras y petroleras de la República Democrática del Congo deben pagar impuestos y derechos de importación en dólares estadounidenses a partir del sábado en lugar de en moneda nacional, dijo el Banco Central del Congo.

DHAKA, 19 mar (Reuters) - Bangladesh solicitó formalmente ayuda del Buró Federal de Investigación de Estados Unidos para localizar a los ciberdelincuentes que robaron 81 millones de dólares de la cuenta de su banco central estadounidense, dijo el sábado el ministro del Interior.

ATENAS, 18 mar (Reuters) - Los inspectores de la UE y del FMI que evalúan el progreso del rescate de Grecia saldrán de Atenas el domingo y regresarán después de la Pascua católica, dijeron fuentes cercanas a las conversaciones, arrojando esperanzas griegas de que la revisión podría concluirse tan pronto como A finales de marzo.

LODI, Italia, 19 de marzo (Reuters) - El director ejecutivo de Banco Popolare dijo el sábado que el banco italiano y la Banca Popolare di Milano (BPM) se están acercando a las condiciones de fusión del Banco Central Europeo y un El aumento de capital aún no puede descartarse.

DAR ES SALAAM, 19 mar (Reuters) - Tanzania condenó a dos hombres chinos a 35 años cada uno en la cárcel por contrabando de marfil, informó la prensa local el sábado, la última condena de ciudadanos chinos en un intento por acabar con la caza furtiva.

MOSCU, 19 mar (Reuters) - El rublo probablemente será más fuerte de lo esperado anteriormente, pero es probable que siga siendo inferior a 60 rublos por dólar, dijo el sábado el ministro de Economía de Rusia, Alexei Ulyukayev.

19 de marzo (Reuters) - Pier Francesco Saviotti, CEO de Banco Popolare, informa sobre una reunión de accionistas:

19 de marzo (Reuters) - Pier Francesco Saviotti, presidente ejecutivo de Banco Popolare, informa a una junta de accionistas:

DHAKA, 19 mar (Reuters) - Bangladesh solicitó formalmente ayuda del Buró Federal de Investigación de Estados Unidos para localizar a los ciberdelincuentes que robaron 81 millones de dólares de la cuenta de su banco central estadounidense, dijo el sábado el ministro del Interior.

BAKU, 19 mar (Reuters) - La compañía Southern Gas Corridor de Azerbaiyán planea emitir un eurobono a 10 años por valor de mil millones de dólares, dijo el sábado el Ministerio de Finanzas. (Reporte de Nailia Bagirova, escrito por Lidia Kelly)

Cómo negociar la volatilidad mediante opciones binarias - Patrocinado por Nadex

Las opciones binarias son similares a las opciones clásicas con algunos ligeros matices, pero los componentes utilizados para el precio de la opción son los mismos; Mercado subyacente, huelga (K), volatilidad y tiempo. Si bien estos componentes son importantes y tienen sus influencias en el precio, vamos a centrarnos en las oportunidades a corto plazo con la volatilidad de los mercados utilizando opciones binarias.

El precio de una opción binaria es en realidad el consenso del mercado de que habrá un resultado particular en un momento específico. Por ejemplo, podría ser que el S & amp; P 500 estará por encima de 1650 a las 2 pm del día siguiente.

Si la huelga binaria está en o alrededor del precio de mercado subyacente real, en este caso el contrato de futuros de E-mini S & amp; P 500, entonces el precio binario será alrededor de 50. El binario en vencimiento vale $ 100 por contrato así que dado este escenario Ni la parte binaria (comprador o vendedor) tiene una ventaja inmediata por lo que tiene un precio alrededor de la mitad del valor del contrato.

Hay dos tipos de volatilidad, histórica e implícita. Lo histórico es simplemente cómo el precio del activo subyacente ha cambiado en el pasado durante un cierto período de tiempo. La volatilidad implícita es la forma en que el mercado actualmente espera que el activo actúe en el futuro.

La volatilidad histórica tiene una fuerte tendencia a volver a la media por lo que un comerciante prudente siempre es consciente de lo que la volatilidad histórica ha sido y lo que la volatilidad implícita está prediciendo los movimientos será.

Volatilidad de la venta / Intercambio de la gama

Si cree que el mercado subyacente se estancará y / o permanecerá dentro de un cierto rango, entonces el uso de binarios puede ser útil para capitalizar su visión. Los ataques binarios que considerarían son binarios ITM, lo que significaría que su costo inicial es una porción mayor del pago máximo de $ 100 de vencimiento. (Usted está pagando por la ventaja inmediata)

Usando esta estrategia, puede comprar o vender la huelga binaria directamente que está en el dinero (ITM) o puede crear un comercio combinado donde ambas piernas sería ITM.

Veamos un ejemplo; Tenemos un binario de Oro con el mercado subyacente que actualmente cotiza en 1301.10. Usted cree que el mercado de oro va a permanecer estancado a ligeramente deriva más alto para las siguientes 1 ½ horas antes de la expiración del contrato binario. Hay muchas opciones de huelgas en la lista de Nadex para elegir, pero nos estamos centrando en la huelga 1300.0 y 1303.0 que tendrá un mejor retorno en comparación con si elegimos huelgas con un ancho más amplio. Utilizando esta estrategia, el ancho de huelga más amplio realmente aumenta la probabilidad de un resultado favorable a la expiración, pero también aumenta el costo inicial, reduciendo así el ROI cuando se compara con un rango más estrecho.

Estamos comprando el binario con la huelga más baja y vendiendo el binario con la huelga más alta y anticipando el mercado subyacente para permanecer dentro de esta gama.

Comercio combinado para vender volatilidad

Comprar 1 - Oro (Jun) & gt; 1300,0 a 75

Costo inicial: $ 75 / contrato

Si el subyacente termina por encima de la huelga 1300.0 entonces el beneficio neto sería de $ 25 / contrato

Vender 1 - Oro (Jun) & gt; 1303,0 a 26,5

Costo inicial: $ 73.50 / contrato (100 - 26.5 precio comercial)

Si el subyacente termina en o por debajo de la huelga 1303.0 entonces el beneficio neto sería $ 26.50 / contrato

Costo combinado = $ 75 + $ 73.50 = $ 148.50

Oro expira por encima de 1303.0

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1300.0 tiene un valor de $ 100 / contrato

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1303.0 vale 0 $ / contrato

Pérdida neta al vencimiento & lt; $ 48.50 & gt;

El oro caduca por debajo de 1300.0

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1300.0 vale 0 $ / contrato

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1303.0 vale $ 100 / contrato

Pérdida neta al vencimiento & lt; $ 48.50 & gt;

El oro expira entre 1300.0 - 1303.0

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1300.0 vale $ 100 / contrato

Oro (Jun) & gt; 1303.0 vale $ 100 / contrato

Beneficio neto al vencimiento $ 51.50

* Los ejemplos anteriores no incluyen los gastos de cambio

Potencialmente si el mercado permanece plano y termina dentro de las dos huelgas usted recibirá un doble pago pero una pierna binaria siempre terminará en el dinero en la expiración. La idea es que tu binario ya está en el dinero, así que quieres que el binario expire lo más rápido posible; En realidad con binarios tiempo decaimiento funciona a su favor para las opciones de ITM.

Si usted cree que el mercado subyacente será volátil y es quizás cauteloso de negociar debido al riesgo percibido anticipado entonces usar binarios puede ser una herramienta útil para capitalizar en su penetración. Los ataques binarios que usted consideraría son binarios OTM, lo que significa que su costo inicial es una porción mucho menor del pago máximo de $ 100 de vencimiento. (Está entrando en un comercio en una desventaja que refleja un costo de entrada más bajo)

Usando esta estrategia, puede comprar o vender la huelga binaria directamente (comercio direccional) que está fuera del dinero (OTM) o puede crear un comercio combinado donde ambas piernas serían OTM.

Veamos un ejemplo en el que tenemos el binario USD / JPY con el mercado subyacente que actualmente cotiza en 102.24 que expira en 8 1/2 horas. El dólar / yen mercado ha estado en una gama de comercio estrecha durante bastante tiempo y de nuestro análisis técnico, estamos anticipando un gran movimiento en el dólar / yen. De hecho usted cree que un movimiento grande es inminente pero no puede poner su dedo en él direccional.

Una estrategia que puede utilizar para capitalizar en este escenario de mercado es la compra de altas huelgas binarias y la venta de las huelgas de baja de los binarios. Está tomando posiciones con costos de entrada baratos, pero se beneficia si el movimiento anticipado del mercado subyacente viene con un pago mayor por ciento.

Nuevamente hay muchas opciones de huelgas listadas en Nadex para elegir, pero nos estamos enfocando en las huelgas de 102.60 y 102.00 que se exponen a continuación.

Comercio combinado para la volatilidad de compra

Comprar 1 - USD / JPY & gt; 102,60 a 7,50

Costo inicial: $ 7.50 / contrato

Si el subyacente termina por encima de la huelga de 102.60 entonces el beneficio neto sería $ 92.50 / contrato

Vender 1 - USD / JPY & gt; 102,00 a 83,50

Costo inicial: $ 16.50 / contrato (100 - 83.50 precio comercial)

Si el subyacente termina en o por debajo de la huelga 102.00 entonces el beneficio neto sería $ 83.50 / contrato

Costo combinado = $ 7.50 + $ 16.50 = $ 24.00

USD / JPY Caduca por encima de 102.60

USD / JPY & gt; 102.60 vale $ 100 / contrato

USD / JPY & gt; 102.00 vale $ 0 / contrato

Beneficio neto al vencimiento $ 76.00

USD / JPY Expira por debajo de 102.00

USD / JPY & gt; 102.60 vale 0 $ / contrato

USD / JPY & gt; 102.00 vale $ 100 / contrato

Beneficio neto al vencimiento $ 76.00

USD / JPY Expira entre 102.00 - 102.60

USD / JPY & gt; 102.60 vale 0 $ / contrato

USD / JPY & gt; 102.00 vale $ 0 / contrato

Pérdida neta al vencimiento & lt; $ 24.00 & gt;

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores.

El comercio después de las horas de trabajo (AHT, por sus siglas en inglés) se refiere a la compra y venta de valores en las principales bolsas fuera de los regulares especificados. Leer respuesta completa >>

Con el crecimiento en el tamaño y el número de fondos de cobertura en la última década, el interés en cómo estos fondos van sobre la generación. Leer respuesta completa >>

Los fondos mutuos invierten no sólo en acciones y valores de renta fija, sino también en opciones y futuros. Existe una separada. Leer respuesta completa >>

Los contratos a plazo y las opciones de compra son instrumentos financieros diferentes que permiten a dos partes comprar o vender activos. Leer respuesta completa >>

El sector de las utilidades exhibe un alto grado de estabilidad en comparación con el mercado más amplio. Esto lo hace más adecuado para comprar y retener. Leer respuesta completa >>

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Un cálculo de impuestos que agrega ciertos elementos de preferencia de impuestos de nuevo al ingreso bruto ajustado. Utilización de los impuestos mínimos alternativos (AMT).

La fecha de vencimiento de varios futuros de índices bursátiles, opciones de índices bursátiles, opciones sobre acciones y futuros sobre acciones individuales. Todas las acciones.

La tasa de rendimiento de una propiedad de inversión de bienes raíces sobre la base de los ingresos que la propiedad se espera que genere.

Una relación de deuda y rentabilidad utilizada para determinar la facilidad con que una empresa puede pagar intereses sobre la deuda pendiente.

Una cuenta que se puede encontrar en la parte de activos del balance de una empresa. La buena voluntad a menudo puede surgir cuando una empresa.

Intercambio de volatilidad

Intervalo de volatilidad de comercio & # 8211; Una importante estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias

Hay diferentes tipos de estrategias que requieren un poco de comprensión básica de las opciones binarias y cómo se utilizan en la estrategia de comercio de opciones binarias. Una vez que domine los conceptos básicos, sería fácil adoptar las estrategias de negociación de opciones binarias avanzadas. La estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias se puede construir sobre la base de 4 tipos de estrategias. Son

La negociación de la volatilidad de la gama es una de las estrategias binarias más importantes de las operaciones binarias una vez que usted ha tenido un apretón y un control sobre los fundamentos de negociar binario de las opciones. Un comercio también necesita entender tanto las estrategias alcistas y bajistas, así, antes de entrar en el tercero.

Un comerciante puede o no ser capaz de determinar la dirección del mercado, pero con la ayuda de las opciones binarias y opciones binarias estrategia de negociación, es capaz de tener la flexibilidad para el comercio con las decisiones buenas, sobre la base de técnicas. La negociación de la volatilidad de la gama es una tal estrategia de negociación avanzada. Hay fluctuaciones de los activos dentro y fuera de & ldquo; rangos & rdquo; Cuando se tiene un vistazo de la gráfica de ese activo en particular, dado cualquier punto de intervalo de tiempo.

Estas variaciones que están dentro y fuera de los rangos abren el camino para ganar & # 8211; Incluso cuando el mercado no es fardo para definir una dirección clara o tendencia. En tal situación la estrategia binaria de las operaciones de la opción que es comercio de la gama se recomienda para ser demandado para cualquier clase de activo.

Por lo tanto, la estrategia de volatilidad de alcance se adopta para cualquier activo cuando no muestra ningún signo claro de aumento o disminución. Cuando los activos son bastante estables y se compra una opción binaria que es la GAMA, entonces en ese punto del tiempo si la opción es bastante volátil, y las variaciones son oscilantes y de carácter dramático, entonces el comerciante puede comprar un & ldquo; OUT & rdquo ; De la opción del rango. Por lo tanto, es bastante claro que esta estrategia le ayuda a ganar de cualquier manera, cuando el mercado no está mostrando signos de una dirección definitiva o cuando su es muy volátil.

Una visión general del comercio de volatilidad con opciones binarias

Comúnmente los comerciantes binarios principiantes se enseñan binarios basados ​​en la dirección de los precios de mercado. Los expertos financieros llaman a esta forma de negociación como "Negociación Direccional". Sin embargo, esta no es la única manera con la cual los operadores binarios pueden intercambiar opciones binarias. De hecho, los operadores pueden negociar con los mercados basándose en la volatilidad de los movimientos de precios. Con el comercio de volatilidad, los comerciantes sólo se ocupan de la magnitud de los movimientos de precios. La clave es ver si los precios se moverán o saldrán de un cierto rango de precios. El comercio de volatilidad es una buena estrategia para emplear si los comerciantes no están seguros de la dirección de los movimientos de precios a corto plazo.

Mecánica del comercio de volatilidad

La negociación de la volatilidad con los binarios implica básicamente la volatilidad de la compra o la volatilidad de la venta. El uso del término financiero para describir la volatilidad de compra se conoce entre los de la comunidad comercial como el "estrangulamiento largo". El estrangulamiento largo implica la compra de una opción binaria con un precio de ejercicio que está por encima del precio de mercado del activo subyacente. Simultáneamente, también implica la venta de una opción binaria con un precio de ejercicio inferior al precio de mercado del activo subyacente.

Por otro lado, la volatilidad de venta se denomina "estrangulamiento corto". Esta estrategia implica vender una opción binaria con un precio de ejercicio que está por encima del precio de mercado del activo subyacente. Al mismo tiempo, el comerciante también va a comprar una opción binaria que está por debajo del precio de mercado del activo subyacente.

Cuándo usar el estrangulamiento largo

Durante las épocas en que el mercado está experimentando inesperadamente una alta volatilidad, los comerciantes pueden utilizar opciones binarias para formular estrategias para beneficiarse de la situación. Esto es especialmente así cuando el mercado está esperando comunicados de prensa como cifras del PIB o anuncios de datos de nómina no agrícola. La estrategia de estrangulamiento largo es aplicable incluso cuando los comerciantes no están seguros de si la alta volatilidad resultará en un giro hacia arriba o hacia abajo. El comerciante sólo tiene que estar seguro de que habrá gran oscilación en los movimientos de los precios del activo subyacente para utilizar aplicar esta estrategia con éxito.

Uso del estrangulamiento corto

El estrangulamiento corto se emplea cuando los operadores sienten que el precio de un activo subyacente a la expiración de la opción binaria permanecerá dentro de un cierto rango. Mientras que el estrangulamiento largo intenta beneficiarse de oscilaciones de precios debido a la alta volatilidad, el cortocircuito busca aprovecharse de la desaceleración de la volatilidad contando con los precios que permanecen dentro del rango previsto. Lo que el comerciante hará aquí es vender una opción en el techo de la gama de precios, mientras que al mismo tiempo comprar una opción en el piso de la gama de precios.

Etiquetado con volatilidad

Lunes 14 de abril de 2017 por Tim Lanoue

Las opciones binarias que negocian pueden ser difíciles y son mucho más duras que qué se hace para ser. Para tener éxito en este campo se necesita una base sólida sobre los fundamentos, la experiencia y un poco de suerte. Hoy vamos a discutir el comercio de pares de divisas y cómo la volatilidad puede afectar la capacidad de uno para negociar con precisión pares de divisas con opciones binarias.

¿Qué son pares de monedas?

Los pares de monedas son activos que reflejan el valor de un valor de moneda directamente en contra de su par coincidente. El primer par de divisas se conoce como la moneda base, mientras que el segundo par se conoce como la moneda de cotización. Los pares de la moneda continúan creciendo en renombre y están entre los activos negociados más populares aparte de comúnzas y de materias primas populares. Un ejemplo de un par de divisas sería el Eur / Usd 1.3785, donde el euro dólar es nuestra moneda base y el dólar estadounidense es nuestra moneda de cotización. El número 1.3785 refleja el valor de nuestras monedas de par, donde un dólar del euro es equivalente a $ 1.3785 dólares de los EEUU.

Correlación de pares puede ser una gran manera de aprovechar las fuertes señales comerciales generadas al ver pares de divisas específicas. When it comes to trading correlations in binary options it is important to take notice on how the movement of one asset can affect the movement of a different asset. Popular correlating currency pairs would be the Eur/Usd with the Usd/Chf, Gpu/Usd, and Aud/Usd. Other correlating currency pair assets would be the Eur/Jpy, Usd/Jpy, and Aud/Jpy. When watching our targeted currency pair it is important to watch the movement of their correlating pairs, if we see a big movement or change in direction then you can bet that the correlating pairs are most likely moving in the same direction. The benefits of correlating pairs would be that they allow traders to have more trade opportunities allowing them to potentially profit more.

Volatility is the tendency and probability that an asset will change directions due to minor changes in market conditions. Volatility can be an issue when it comes to trading currency pairs because even the smallest changes to market conditions can cause an asset to become unpredictable. So when trading with currency pairs we want to make sure we trade assets that have a low volatility level, meaning that they are less prone to drastically change directions due to changing market conditions. If we trade assets that have high volatility then we are putting ourselves at risk because these assets are much harder to predict. Popular, low volatility currency pairs that we should focus on trading would be the Eur/Usd, Aud/Usd, Gpu/Usd, and Nzd/Usd.

Currency pairs are a great asset to trade when trading binary options. Now that you have a basic understanding on what they are and how volatility can be a significant factor hopefully you can use this to your advantage. Make sure to pay special attention to correlating pairs along with volatility. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

Binary Events And Volatility

A trader facing a binary event -- such as an earnings date on a stock they are interested in, or FDA approval on a biotech stock -- may want to shy away from that event.

Coupled with short-term Implied Volatility (IV) a trader may still be able to make a successful trade and have the results next morning. Anyone buying options, calls or puts may see a particular stock move in their favor and still realize a loss -- as the IV is pulled out of those option premiums, the event is over and the news is out. IV is sucked out of the premiums like air out of a balloon.

So how can a trader capitalize on this situation? One way is to sell an iron condor in the front month or weekly option closest to expiration. Generally this is where IV is the highest, as the back-end month volatility settles down.

Related: A Simple Options Technique To Quell Market Worries

Let’s take a look at a recent earnings event for PetSmart (NASDAQ: PETM ). Earnings were due out the morning of March 5 th. and an iron condor could be established near the close the night before. The premium collected would have been around $0.52 for the iron condor trade:

March 2017 75/72.5 calls /62.5/62 puts for $0.52 credit

The IV at the time for the front month option was around 36 percent, high for this stock -- and we establish the strikes just outside the expected move for that month which was around $4.30.

The stock trading around $67.5 would then have an expected move calculated by adding and subtracting the $4.30 from the current which would give a range of:

67.5 +/- 4.30 = $71.80 to $63.20 expected range

You can see the strikes chosen above are just outside of those numbers. A trader would want the stock to trade inside this area, and have the IV pulled out the next day, as the news event is over -- and buy back the iron condor for a small debit, to close a winning trade.

PETM earnings came in mixed, and the stock dropped to around 65.75 that morning -- well inside the range. It rallied later in the day, so it’s best to close first thing if possible.

The debit to buyback and close the trade would have been around $0.14, giving the trader:

$0.52 - $0.14 = $0.38 profit per contract.

The risk in this trade is the stock makes a big move and closes outside of its range. At that point you would be looking at a max loss on the position, and may have to use other measures to defend the trade. Keep this in mind when setting up the number of contracts you want to allocate to this position.

So the next time you face an earnings date on your stock, check the volatility and determine if you can get enough premium from the expected range, along with the IV crush, to setup a possible winning trade.

&dupdo; 2017 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.

Feb 11, 2017 9:56 AM

Binary Options Trading" we discussed which type of charts are most practical to use when doing your research. In this article we are going to discuss the effects of volatility on prices and on your analysis of the markets.

What is Market Volatility?

Simply put Market Volatility is a term used to describe the markets or a single Asset whose price is extremely erratic; sharply rising one moment then dramatically dropping the next. Often times, it is hard to identify the Trend Line as the price of the Asset changes so rapidly.

Day Traders love volatile markets as they will buy when the price drops then wait a few minutes and sell when it dramatically swings higher. However, Binary Options traders need to be very cautious during times of a volatile market as these dramatic price swings could swing Out-of-the-Money at the very last second of the Trading Period.

Selecting the Right Asset

Selecting the right Asset during a volatile market is essential to a successful trade. Carefully study the Trend Lines of all of the available Assets and find an Asset that is not affected by the large price swings. The ideal Asset is one where the chart shows the Trend Lines are long and steady and not switching up and down every few minutes.

As of the time of this article Binary Option brokers offer a limited number of Assets for trading. Brokers are continuing to add more Assets each month as they develop their market profiles. As a result it may not be possible to find an Asset which hasn't been affected by the market volatility. If this should happen just sit back, do your research, and do not trade that day.

Ride Out the Storm

Often, traders refer to high volatility as a market storm. It is easy to see why people would feel this way as it is best for the arm chair investor to leave this type of market movement to the professional traders.

Many professional investors have told me that when the market starts to swing wildly and the volatility level rises dramatically trading is being accomplished by automated trading programs that are using preset values to make the instantaneous trades that are needed to keep up with the wildly swinging market prices.

Controlling High Volatility

Fortunately, most market authorities will start to slow down trading by restricting the number of trades allowed in a given time period and by slowing down the data streams of trading results. In rare cases market authorities have halted all trading in their respective trading house.

In most cases, the market authorities will halt trading on one or more Assets that appear to be driving the volatility instead of halting the whole trading house. Halting one or more individual Assets is the most preferred action since it has less of an effect on other global trading houses. When a whole trading house is halted it tends to start a ripple effect throughout the whole global economy.

Watch for the next article in the Binary Options Trading series, "Bollinger Bands and Moving Averages Used In Analysis". We will discuss how to use Bollinger Bands to analyze market volatility.

Instablogs are blogs which are instantly set up and networked within the Seeking Alpha community. Instablog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors, in contrast to contributors' articles.

Volatility Filter

BinaryOptionPro. com would like to remind you that the online trading is not permitted to minors under the age of 18. In addition, we assume no liability with respect to any incurred losses related to the speculation that you could implement. La negociación en el mercado de opciones binarias implica riesgos sustanciales. You must know and accept these risks which are detailed in the "warning" section prior to performing stock transactions.

"I’ve never tried to I can’t say that I’m an experienced trader. I’ve never been a pro and I’ve never tried to pretend that I was one. But taking the advantage of signal service made me feel like a professional trader! Of course, no one can guarantee 75-95% success but somehow Torii Group achieves these results! I’m impressed and feel that this service is for a long time on the market. I’ve tried a lot of signal services but that’s the only one that made me feel that I can actually make money in binary options.” Sasha Winchester

The Importance of Volatility when Trading Binary Options

Binary Options Volatility

With the ever increasing popularity of Binary Options trading more and more brokers have been adding to number of binary options available to trade. The increase in the number of available options means more choices and opportunities for traders but it can also mean the underlying asset might lack liquidity and volatility. Market indices have become very popular as of late and this gives Binary Options Traders an opportunity to speculate on global markets without the capital requirements of trading futures or an ETF. This where the Binary Options Traders need to be very aware of the market hours of this index and to trade when liquidity is available and there is a certain level of volatility.

Most Binary Options Brokers are careful to limit the available of a binary options based on its underlying assets market hours. Traders are usually presented with a message that the option will be available in so many hours or when the index or asset is trading domestically. Some brokers will have a message that the asset is currently not available. While this might seem frustrating to some traders especially those that trade Forex and expect the market open 24 hours. This is definitely in the best interest of the traders. Some brokers will have a message that the option is not available and this is based on a limited volatility and limited liquidity.

One way to best understand this is to compare this with anyone who has traded a stock after market hours. The Bid Ask price are much wider than during market hours which makes getting in and out of stock very difficult. While Binary Options do not have a bid and ask the lack of movement makes trading all that more difficult. When volatility is low the ability to generate trading signals is also diminished greatly. Technical analysis tools are also not as effective on a shorter term basis.

Forex Binary Options offer by far the best liquidity and volatility. This is probably why the Forex Pairs are the most popular of the underlying assets offered by Forex and Binary Options Brokers.

To learn more please visit www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment. Also, you do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. The effect of leverage is that both gains and losses are magnified. You should only trade if you can afford to carry these risks. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary

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The volatility tool for Binary Options

Measuring volatility in a market is one of the most important technical analysis matters, because this determines the chances for your transaction to be completed. The volatility represents the volume in the market. When the volatility is high, the investor would find a corresponding partner at any time, so any transaction initiated will be processed fast. In case of low volatilizes, even if the investor wants to sell or buy, he might not find somebody willing to be a partner in this transaction. Volatility is one of the best Binary Options Tools . as long as the investor knows how to use it.

The Volatility Tool: when to use it

Volatility depends on many factors. The time of the day is important. The binary options market is opened 24 hours a day, but there are some times when the number of transaction is higher. The Binary Options trading day starts in Japan and Sidney, and while the Asian stock markets are opened, the volatility is average. Even if the traders from all over the world have the chance to make some transactions, this market is usually avoided by European and US traders, because it is influenced by the decisions of the Chinese government, which are sometimes abusive and surprising.

Later, the Middle Orient markets open, such as Dubai and Doha, but those are not markets that give a high volatility. We can say that the Binary Options Tools can be used now, but the volatility is still not enough. The opening of the European Market marks the actual beginning of the most important trading period of the day. The Volatility Tool shows the highest volumes within a day, and this is the period when the majority of traders are sitting in front of their computers, establishing strategies and determining the best methods to use the binary options tools.

At 13.00 Greenwich Time, European traders go for their lunch break. At the same time, the US market opens. Once they get back from their lunch, the traders have to exploit the most volatile period of the day. The afternoon European trading session combines with the morning US session, meaning that the market is at its highest point in terms of volumes. Those four hours are the most important of the day, when the US and EU markets are opened at the same time.

When the EU markets close, the US ones will still be opened for a few hours. Even if the volatility is still high and there is room for some more transaction, this period is quiet, and the majority of traders draws their lines and establishes their strategy for the upcoming days.

Binary Options Tools: how to be used by beginners

The Volatility Tool can be considered as a short-term instrument, but it is also a part of the technical analyze. Of course, this is only a complementary instrument, which does not allow you to establish the trend of the market. This tool allows you to anticipate how fast your order will be processed. Before placing the other, you must anticipate the direction of the chart, and this is made by using other instruments and forecast methods.

The tools used in binary options can be effective, but they are usually interpreted by investors subjectively. While an investor might see a buying signal on the chart, this might be a sign for another investor that he needs to sell. Some might see a triple-shoulders signal, while others might consider it a triple top. This is why the investors have to create a solid strategy that must be followed all the time. This way, they will be able to anticipate the direction of the trend correctly every time.

Noticias de Opciones Binarias - Traído a usted por NADEX

Author: Andrew Hecht

Market volatility is picking up across all asset classes and all signals are pointing to a year where trading will be more lucrative than investing. Intraday moves in equities and equity indexes, currencies, bonds and commodities have been huge with ranges from high prices to low prices expanding. Volatility equals opportunity; this may be the perfect environment for NADEX products: binary options and spreads.

Volatility is Picking up in 2017

One does not have to look too deeply into markets to see that volatility is increasing across the board in all asset classes. In equities, the end of year rally on U. S. stocks has given way to increasing volatility in 2017. In currencies, recent Central Bank actions have caused an incredible pickup in volatility. In debt markets, coming actions by the European Central Bank and U. S. Federal Reserve will likely increase volatility in debt instruments. In commodities, a deflationary environment has caused many raw material prices to plunge.

Markets are suffering from a lack of certainty in 2017, which promises that increasing volatility is here to stay. The signals are all over the place.

On January 15, the Swiss National Bank abandoned the cap that pegged the Swiss Franc to the Euro. Daily historical volatility in the Swiss Franc against the dollar jumped from 6.28% on January 14 to an astonishing 86.56% the next day.

The European Central Bank is widely expected to institute a long awaited policy of quantitative easing soon. The ECB will commence purchasing the sovereign debt of many member countries in order to stimulate the European economy, which continues to stagnate. This policy will likely cause a continued depreciation of the Euro currency.

In their December meeting, the United States Federal Reserve indicated that short-term interest rates would rise in the U. S. during 2017. As one may imagine, higher U. S. interest rates at a time when European interest rates continue to fall could add even more volatility to the currency markets. The spike in Swiss Franc volatility during the second week of the year may just be the first shoe to drop.

Increased volatility in currency markets have already resulted in the financial bailout of one high profile broker.

In the meantime, the global economic lethargy and fears of deflation have caused many raw material prices to drop. Crude oil is less than half the price it was in June 2017. Other commodity prices have dropped below long-term support levels. On January 13, copper plunged below its long-term support at $2.72 per pound.

Meanwhile other commodity prices are benefiting from the pickup in volatility and uncertainty that has embraced markets. Gold and silver prices have increased in 2017- as of January 19 gold is actually up more in the first two trading weeks of the New Year than it was down in all of 2017. The yellow metal moved 4.4% lower in 2017, thus far in 2017 it is up by over 8%. In the meantime, silver, which was down almost 23% in 2017, is over 13.5% high thus far in 2017. Gold and silver, traditionally harbingers of inflation, are moving higher while the world seems to be in a deflationary spiral. Could these precious metals be telling us that inflation could be coming in the future?

In China, the Shanghai's composite index of the biggest Chinese stocks dropped 7.7% on Monday January 19. Daily ranges have picked up in U. S. and European stock indices so far in the New Year. The potential of even more volatility lies ahead. The expected actions of the ECB, an increase in terrorist activity and a general level of increasing fear is gripping markets.

Increasing volatility is both a blessing and a curse at the same time. While wider trading ranges will cause the risk-reward profile of markets to expand, this may come at a cost of decreasing volume and liquidity in markets. Traders and investors alike will search for more limited risk-reward instruments in order to take advantage of bigger daily moves. The risks are increasing in all markets. Increasing volatility will cause margin levels to rise in the futures markets. Equity and debt volatility may scare many investors and low risk traders away from markets.

This could be the perfect time to explore NADEX products as a trading risk solution using binary options and spreads. These products offer a limited risk way to seize the opportunities afforded by volatile markets without risking huge sums of capital. Take a look at NADEX binary options and spreads to see how they may enhance your investment portfolio, particularly in these times of uncertainty and increasing volatility.

Assume in Crude Oil futures, you’re willing to take on $500 trade risk, as an alternative you might choose an At-The-Money Crude Oil Binary Option where the underlying futures is trading at or close to the strike price. A binary option priced at 50 would allow you to buy 10 contracts using your total risk capital. Your benefit is that you’re buying time, so any adverse price movement will not force you out of the position, the position remains live until expiration. Additionally with binary options, you just have to be a little right at expiration, if the underlying expiration value is even fractionally higher than the strike price then the binary option buyer will receive the expiration payout per contract which is $100. These NADEX products offer a lower risk solution to other alternatives in markets where volatility may otherwise increase risks.

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores.

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Market volatility is picking up across all asset classes and all signals are pointing to a year where trading will be more lucrative than investing. Intraday moves in equities and equity indexes, currencies, bonds and commodities have been huge with ranges from high prices to low prices expanding. Volatility equals opportunity; this may be the perfect environment for NADEX products: binary options and spreads. Continue reading here .

No matter what type of vehicle you trade, traders are always looking for an edge to put the odds on their side and binary options are no different. Although binary options do not have listed delta and gamma quotes, there are certain parameters that can help a binary option trader put the odds on his or her side. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Todo sobre los binarios

Binary Options And Volatility

People decide to explore Nadex Binary options due to the lure of the simple, and easy to understand “true or false” prediction. A trade can be placed on a credible and regulated exchange with the risk limited to the price paid for the trade. While these things are all true and are indeed some of the key benefits of trading Nadex binary options, people must remember that they are in fact, placing options trades. When trading options, even simple ones, you must have a base knowledge of volatility; What it is and how it affects the price of your option.

A simple definition of volatility (vol) is “the relative rate at which the price of a security moves up and down”. An easy was to think of it is, price range expansion or compression during a given time period. So, if price is moving in a wider range at a faster pace than normal, vol is rising. If price is moving in a tighter range at a slower pace than normal, vol is falling. You can clearly see this in the chart below.

In options (which Nadex binaries are), you would want to be looking at the changes in volatility of the indicative index and its effect on the price of the long or short option you own. There are other factors, called “The Greeks” that will come into play, but they also change with rising and falling volatility (if you would like to learn more about The Greeks, please go to the Nadex youtube channel and watch the series of videos that break down Nadex spreads and their construct here: https://www. youtube. com/user/nadex/videos ). Understanding volatility will help you choose the correct option to trade, so spend some time with the concept. You have found the right products on the right exchange now take a few more steps and learn the factors that will help you pick the correct trade.

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results

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Nadex is subject to U. S. regulatory oversight by the CFTC. The maximum risk for any trade is fixed and required in advance so you cannot be called upon for further funds. But please remember these are volatile instruments and there is a high risk of losing your initial investment on each individual transaction. Futures, options and swaps trading involves risk and may not be suitable for all investors

Trading Volatility with Binary Options

Trading Volatility with Binary Options

Submitted by adil on Fri, 07/25/2017 - 12:38

Tagged as: Binary Options Trading. Opciones binarias

What Elements Affect Volatility?

The elements that are used to determine the options pricing of binary options are the same as typical options. These elements include time frame, volatility, exercise price and the underlying security. All of these elements carry great importance as they affect the pricing of the options. However, in order to understand how volatility is traded using binary options, let’s look at how the traders can take advantage of the short term opportunity associated with trading volatility using binaries. Binary options pricing is basically defined with the mutual understanding of the market, according to which there will be a certain result during a fixed period of time. For example, the market expects that the underlying asset will be above 1250 at 1400 EST the next day.

The pricing of binary options will approximately be 50 if its exercise price is at or near the market price of the underlying asset. As you already know, the value of the binary at the time of expiry is 100 dollars per contract, so in this case, the buyer and seller of the binary contracts do not get any benefit from it instantly as its half of the actual worth of the contract.

Historical volatility and implied volatility are two types of volatility.

Historical volatility – represents how the underlying price kept changing in the past during a certain period of time, whereas;

Implied volatility – represents the expectations of the current market about the future performance of the underlying.

If the trader believes or expects that market of the underlying asset will not move or that it will stay within a defined range, then binary options can prove to be a useful choice to earn potential profits based on the traders’ perception. If the trader believes that the exercise price of the binaries is in-the-money, it represents that the greater portion of the contract value (i. e. 100 dollars) at the time of expiry consists of initial cost.

If you take advantage of this binary strategy, you can either trade the exercise price of binary options outright, which will be in-the-money, or a combo trade can be produced by you where both the tails will be in the money.

However, if the market stays stagnant and remains within the range of two exercise prices, a trader can earn double profit. But, one of the tails will always remain in-the-money at the time of contract expiry.

On the other hand, if a trader believes or expects that there will be volatility in the market of the underlying asset and therefore, carefully trades in the market due to the expected risk, then binary option trading can be profitable for him based on his perception. The exercise price of these binary options will be out-of-the-money, meaning the initial cost will constitute a small portion of the contract value (i. e. 100 dollars) at the time of expiry.

Therefore, if you take advantage of this binary strategy, you can either trade the exercise price of binary options outright, which will be out-of-the-money, or you have a choice to form a combo trade where both the tails of the binary will be out of the money.

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Implied volatility is the market’s estimate of how much a security will move over a specific period of time. Generally implied volatility is related in percentage terms and is a reflection of a securities potential movement on an annualized basis. Implied volatility is used in many formulas such as the Black Scholes options pricing model as well as VAR to assist in valuing securities and evaluating risk.

Volatility is a measurement of how much a security has changed on a historical basis and is calculated using the standard deviation of the security over a specific period of time. Implied volatility is the markets estimate and is driven by market participants.


Implied volatility is one of the major inputs used by traders to price premiums for binary options. Since an option is the right but not the obligation to purchase (or sell) a security at a certain price on or before a specific date, it is priced by how likely it will be in or out of the money by a specific date. The likelihood is based on the current price, the strike price, current interest rates, and an estimate of how volatile the security is at the current time. This likelihood is expressed in terms of implied volatility.

For example, if a security has an implied volatility that is 20%, a strike price that is only 5% away will likely be reached in 1 year and therefore the premium will reflect that likelihood. If the implied volatility on the other hand is 5% and the strike price is 20% away, the premium will be lower based on the idea that it is unlikely the stock will be above (or below) the strike price.

High levels of implied volatility reflect a market condition where fear is prevalent and traders believe that a security will move violently, while low levels of implied volatility reflect a market condition where complacency is dominant.

To track the potential direction of implied volatility, investors use historical implied volatility and chart its path similar to the way they would chart a security when financial trading. The most popular index which tracks implied volatility is the VIX volatility index.

The VIX volatility index measures the implied volatility of nearby S&P 500 at the money options. The VIX trades as a futures contract, as well as in an ETF format. The VIX can be used to hedge a portfolio that is similar to the S&P 500 index as premiums for option generally increase during adverse changes to a stock index. For example, the VIX will generally climb as the S&P 500 moves lower, and declines as the S&P 500 moves higher.

When purchasing options, an investor should understand that what he or she is really purchasing or selling is the chance that a security will be in or out of the money. This chance is priced by professionals, and most options expire out of the money. With this in mind, an investor should chart volatility on a graph when considering a purchase and determine if the current level of implied volatility is rich or cheap.

Sobre el Autor

Marcus Holland is editor of the websites financialtrading. com and options-trading. com. He holds an Honors degree in Business and Finance and regularly contributes to various financial websites.


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Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los comerciantes. BinaryOptionsPost. com no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que los lectores puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información presentada en este sitio web.

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Volatility Analysis


One of the most important measurement and assumptions used in the trading of options is the volatility of a financial market. Volatility is a measurement of how much a market moves over a period. Most measures of volatility are based on an annualized measure of daily movements of the market. These concepts measure a period of daily movements and multiply this number by the square root of time to annualize the number. When referring to volatility, market participants reference two different types of market movements. The first is implied volatility, and the second is historical volatility.

Implied volatility is a term used to describe how much a market will move over a period in the future, on an annualized basis. Implied volatilities are measurement that are used to price options, and they are considered the markets view of how much a financial instrument will move in the future. Implied volatility is based on fear, greed, and supply and demand. Implied volatility is traded like a stock or a futures contract. It is a market-based measurement and therefore it fluctuates with market sentiment.

In the graph of volatility, the implied volatility of the QQQQ ETF has traded between 40% and 15% during the past 12 months. Traders will use this range to determine when implied volatility is relatively low and when it is rich or relatively high. At levels near 15%, trader will consider purchasing options, because the major input into pricing of options is low on a historical scale. When implied volatility is near 40%, traders will consider selling options, because prices of premiums will be relatively high. Traders can use technical analysis to determine the direction of implied volatility. One of the most effective strategies in determining the direction of implied volatility is using Bollinger Bands. Bollinger Bands measure a specific standard deviation around a specific moving average to determine how for a particular instrument can stretch. Since implied volatility is usually a mean reverting process, a instrument that measures mean reversion is a powerful tool in defining a range for this process. When traders use implied volatility to predict future implied volatility, they use a chart of historical implied volatility (or data of historical implied volatility).

The second type of volatility that market participants analyze is historical volatility. Historical volatility is calculated by taking the standard deviation of a time series and multiplying that number by the square root of time () which will return a decimal, which can be changed into a percentage). Since zero bounds most financial instruments, analysts will use a logarithmic return when calculating standard deviation and historical volatility. Historical volatility is a measure of how much a specific financial instrument has moved in the past. It is not a future looking measurement like implied volatility. Historical volatility is a measurement of the underlying financial instrument, where historical implied volatility is a measurement of implied volatility (where the market believes a financial instrument would move).

Most of the time, implied volatility will be above historical volatility. This means that market participants perception of how much a market will actually move, is greater that the reality. When looking at the graph of the QQQQ ETF implied and historical volatilities, one can observe that 95% of the time, over the past year, implied volatility is greater than historical volatility. A trader could infer from this logic, that the majority of the time, a purchased option will expire worthless. When a trader is looking to purchase options outright, it is important to gauge the relative value of the implied volatility. When implied volatility is relatively high (on the QQQQ ETF above 35%), a trader will avoid outright purchases, and will look for implied volatility levels close to 20% to make intelligent option purchases.

Volatility, both implied and historical is calculated on a closing price basis. For option pricing purposes, implied volatility is calculated on a daily closing price basis. The calculation is on an absolute value, which means that negative readings are viewed as differential. A market can be considered volatile, even if a financial instrument does not move very far. For example, if stock ABC moved up 10% one day and down 10% the next, continuously every day for a month after having daily moves of 2% for a period of 12 months, volatility would increase dramatically.

Investors need to monitor volatility to have a knowledgeable grip on the markets. When the markets are very volatile, investors should understand how that could affect their portfolio or new transactions. Outright purchases of options are skew against investors when implied volatility is high especially if the implied volatility is greater than a relative high of historical volatility. For example, when the QQQQ ETF implied volatility reached 35%, and investor would know that this is higher than any historical volatility point in the past year, and it would be unlikely that a market would move enough to reclaim the premium paid for a purchased option.

It is important to find a reliable source to attain implied and historical volatility charts, since these tools can make the different between successful options trades and trades that lose money.

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A market that consists of a very low volatility rate is quite stable and it changes less. A market with a high volatility in the market usually has many swings and is quite unstable. It is simpler to make more profits with a little amount f money in the high volatility market because the ROI. Lee mas

A market that consists of a very low volatility rate is quite stable and it changes less. A market with a high volatility in the market usually has many swings and is quite unstable. It is simpler to make more profits with a little amount f money in the high volatility market because the ROI is greater. However there is a risk of misinterpreting the market is very high. The traders that ignore the volatility in the underlying market are bound to incur a loss because they may not be applying the binary option strategies correctly. In the same way, if the high volatility conditions are not considered, then there could be a misapplication of trading techniques. The main strategy used in high volatile markets is OTM (out-of-money) and DOTM (deep-out-of-the-money) trade. These strategies have a higher chance of success because the price savings are higher and quite common. We have already mentioned in the previous articles that you should be aware of the high volatility conditions because they often mean that there will be a reversal. The extreme volatility shows the transient conditions so that the underlying market will go back to the average range of volatility. This norm or event is also known as the regression to the mean. The opposite will take place when there are low volatility conditions. These conditions show the clustered market and this usually leads to a breakout.

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By Srdan Sore - July 7, 2017 8:08 am

A market that consists of a very low volatility rate is quite stable and it changes less. A market with a high volatility in the market usually has many swings and is quite unstable. It is simpler to make more profits with a little amount f money in the high volatility market because the ROI is greater. However there is a risk of misinterpreting the market is very high.

The traders that ignore the volatility in the underlying market are bound to incur a loss because they may not be applying the binary option strategies correctly. In the same way, if the high volatility conditions are not considered, then there could be a misapplication of trading techniques.

The main strategy used in high volatile markets is OTM (out-of-money) and DOTM (deep-out-of-the-money) trade. These strategies have a higher chance of success because the price savings are higher and quite common.

We have already mentioned in the previous articles that you should be aware of the high volatility conditions because they often mean that there will be a reversal.

The extreme volatility shows the transient conditions so that the underlying market will go back to the average range of volatility. This norm or event is also known as the regression to the mean.

The opposite will take place when there are low volatility conditions. These conditions show the clustered market and this usually leads to a breakout.

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How To Trade Binary Options In Volatile Markets

Volatility of Forex pairs is quite common in major markets and it should not be feared by those who trade Binary Options. While there is such a thing as too much volatility many traders are able to generate sizable profits when prices are on the move. Active price movement simply requires that the appropriate strategy is used to determine whether the price is likely to rise or fall in the near future.

When trading under volatile conditions it becomes important to select the best trade setups. Instruments such as Range and Boundary should be completely avoided when prices are on the move. No Touch trades should be avoided as well. These types of trades should only be utilized when market conditions are flat or range-bound. This type of movement is generally actual when no major market news is having an impact on investor sentiment.

Binary Options instruments

The best instruments to choose when price action is volatile will be the basic Binary Options Put/Call trade the 60 Second variation of the basic trade and One Touch . Each of these instruments are going to require prices to be in motion if they are to finish in the money. One Touch presents the greatest amount of risk as this instrument often requires not only movement but substantial movement to be profitable. The 60 Seconds trade is ideal for short-term movements and the standard Put/Call trades are offering longer expiry times.

The selection of an appropriate expiry time is important. As a general rule shorter expiry periods are the better selection when markets are volatile but there is value in selecting long-term trades that provide time for the price to find some balance. New traders often find long-term trades to be a challenge as predicting price movement far in advance can be a rather difficult task. Experienced traders can find this a challenge as well which is one of the reasons for the popularity of shorter expiries.

All traders need to learn when to or not to trade. This is a skill that will come with time and experience. Not all trades are created equal and there will be times when price movement is so erratic that accurate prediction becomes nearly impossible. Furthermore investment amount decisions should not be taken lightly when prices are not moving in a clear direction. It is possible to reach daily profit goals when committing smaller investment amounts to each trade but a larger trade volume will be required.

Any and all types of price movement can be profitable as long as the correct selections are made. Volatility does present a challenge at times but the challenge is not so great that is cannot be overcome. In-depth technical analysis can provide important information in regards to the past and most recent movements while fundamental analysis will provide clues and why investors are either buying or selling. When combined this Information it can provide extremely accurate forecasts for Binary Options trades.

Volatility Smiles in Binary Options

Volatility smiles are part of the volatility indicators, and are defined as areas on the chart in which the implied volatility of options based on the same underlying asset with same day expiry forms a U-shape on the chart across the various strike prices. The volatility smile is one of the two curves that chart implied volatility. A volatility smile forms as options go deeper In-The-Money (ITM) and deeper Out-Of-The-Money (OTM), forming a curve in the shape of a smile, hence the term Volatility Smile. We can also say that the leaning of this curve to one side of the other is a reflection of whether the asset will end up making a bearish move or a bullish move.

Volatility smiles form when strike prices of options which are out of the money have an implied volatility that is either higher or lower then ATM (at the money) options. The Volatility Smile is a signal to a binary options trader that as the asset nears expiry, the demand for In-The-Money (ITM) options and Out-Of-The-Money (OTM) options begins to far exceed those of At-The-Money (ATM) options. When this type of curve structure occurs, a trader can take advantage of this situation in a number of ways.

A typical volatility smile shows a plot of the options contracts on the x-axis against the implied volatility on the y-axis. If the smile is oriented to the left such that that the ITM side of the options contracts is located at a higher level of implied volatility, then this is a bearish sign. If the smile is oriented to the right such that the OTM contracts are located at a higher level of implied volatility, then this is a bullish sign.

What Do Volatility Smiles Tell a Binary Options Trader ?

Volatility smiles are hardly in a perfect straight orientation. Rather, they tend to tilt in the direction of the highest implied volatility. Usually, the ends of the curve that forms the smile shows that when the implied volatility in an asset increases, so does the chance of extreme price movements to the upside or downside happening, with speculators rushing into OTM Options and longer term investors putting their money in ITM Options.

Volatility smiles are essentially used to evaluate what the mood in the market is at any point in time. The volatility smile can tell traders whether the mood in the market is bearish or bullish, leading to the placement of trades on the put or call side of the market respectively.

The best way to demonstrate the effect of volatility smiles on the binary options bet, is to look at some examples to see whether the direction of the volatility smile conforms to the trader’s expectation on the outcome of the binary options bet.

Let us look at these volatility smile charts and see what they imply for the binary options trader who is looking at the smiles as a guide to where the binary options bet should go.

This is a typical volatility smile pattern that is seen when the mood in the market for the asset is bullish.

In other words, there is greater volatility towards ITM call contracts. Look at the pattern closely. We can see that the smile is tilted to the right where spot prices are increasing. This will lead the binary options trader to consider taking a CALL option trade.

In this example. we see a volatility chart which closely resembles a perfect smile, with the tilt of the smile almost in a straight, proportional fashion. Here, the bias for the trade started on a bearish note with a tilt towards the ITM puts, but we also see the smile getting broader to see a rise in implied volatility as spot prices increase, such that the smile almost starts and ends at the same horizontal point.

This is the scenario that occurs in a sideways market, with prices rising and ebbing within a particular range. This will interest traders who are interested in the boundary options, where there is an option to choose IN, with price staying within a range.

In this example, there is a bias towards the bearish end of the market, but this bias is not strong as there is a little bit of a tilt towards the bullish end of the market as well.

So even though we see more implied volatility when the spot prices are low, we see the implied volatility not entirely flat when spot prices are rising.

This will represent a tricky situation to the trader: would it be wiser to trade based on the high implied volatility when the put option is in the money, or trade based on a rising implied volatility when the call option is in the money?

Our last example shows a volatility smile that occurs when the asset is decidedly bearish.

We can see that the implied volatility is highest when we have a reduction in spot prices; the bias of the smile is shifted to the left.

The problem with volatility smiles is that on their own, they cannot be used as the only tool of analysis of market mood. The trader has to use other indicators to back up the information provided by the volatility smile before deciding on a trade. In addition, volatility smiles charts are not readily available, and can only be obtained through the use of special software, which will obtain price data in order to plot the smile.

Traders can use different strategies to make profit from the volatility smile setup. The key to successfully deploying this in the binary options market is to be able to detect when the volatility smile is either cheap or at a premium relative to the at-the-money implied volatility. Different tools should be used by the trader to gauge the direction of the volatility smile, in order to enhance the potential for profiting from them in the binary options market.

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Market Volatility for Dummies

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Okay so you’ve probably come across the term market volatility when scanning the daily news for a gauge on what’s happening on the world’s markets. If you haven’t been doing that every single morning before you even contemplate placing a trade then you need to navigate away from this page immediately and check out our articles on fundamental analysis. READ THE NEWS DUMMIES! (sheesh). Now for those of you who do read the news and have come across the term market volatility, do you understand what it means and how to look for it while trading?

It’s simple enough but misunderstanding this concept can lead to applying the wrong types of binary trading strategies, or applying the right ones at the wrong time. When a market is volatile this not only means that there is a great deal of fluctuation in price action (as in constant movement from up to down and back again). Sure, this is one of the underlying conditions you need to look for, but more importantly it means that this price fluctuation is significant. This is very very important to us binary traders for whom up and down is everything. A volatile market is one in which price swings wildly. Those little ups and downs you witness as you monitor your preferred securities occur all the damn time yo, do not confuse these with market volatility. When you see an asset rapidly rising, then plunging, then ranging for a while, then performing the whole mad dance all over again then you are dealing with a volatile market.

Also if a volatile market is swinging too wildly, as in the uptrend (or downtrend) carries on moving the asset into recently uncharted territory then you are dealing with volatility, but you are also probably dealing with a trend that is set to reverse. As such your trading strategies need to be hip to this distinction. A trend reversal can call for a longer term trade (PUT if it is an uptrend due to reverse and CALL if it is a downtrend due to reverse), whereas generally volatility swings are much shorter lived and require quicker trades. For instance a trend reversal trade can work out for you at anything from the 20 minute expiry all the way to end of day, whereas you probably want to steer clear of longer expirations in times of high volatility because, as the name suggests, the markets are swinging for the fences and you traders have no idea which side is about to be knocked unconscious. Right that’s it for volatility. Go and read the news… ¡Ahora!

also known among professionals under her nickname “Moneymaker”, is an experienced stock broker and Forex trader. Promoting and guiding new traders to the binary options market is Nancy''s way of saying "thank you" to the industry that helped her realise her dreams.


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Binary Options Wire is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to successfully trade binary options.

Trading Volatility of Binary Options

Binary options are used for various reasons that many people aren’t aware of. For example, binary options could be used as a significant vehicle to trade the market with a certain level of exposure. On the other hand, trading a market in conditions that are volatile can be somewhat risky. When it comes to binary.

Binary options are used for various reasons that many people aren’t aware of. For example, binary options could be used as a significant vehicle to trade the market with a certain level of exposure. On the other hand, trading a market in conditions that are volatile can be somewhat risky. When it comes to binary options, you can either purchase or sell the direction of the market through using strike that don’t have enough money such as initial cost that is cheaper. In the case of the underlying market becoming higher the same way you anticipated and ends above the strike, then the contract is going to be valued at an amount worth $100/contract. It is important to understand that when the outright market is being traded, there isn’t a specific cap on the potential of the profits taking place. Low volatility If you strongly believe that the trading environment is going to remain flat and the trading process is going to take place sideways, you should focus on assets or binaries that are known to make money. These binaries are going to have an initial cost that is higher and has low returns because of the payout structure that is capped. There are also high trading volatility activities that take place. Overall, the issue of volatility isn’t an easy subject especially for those of you who have no previous experience in the trading world. However, you can always take the time in looking at all the different tutorials and websites available online and on our website if you are looking to find more information. Even though this all might seem strange in the beginning, you are definitely going to get the hang of it right away and you aren’t going to feel confused anymore. This is why reading information before you officially start trading is a great thing that should be done.

Trading Volatility of Binary Options

By Martin - November 28, 2017

Binary options are used for various reasons that many people aren’t aware of. For example, binary options could be used as a significant vehicle to trade the market with a certain level of exposure. On the other hand, trading a market in conditions that are volatile can be somewhat risky.

When it comes to binary options. you can either purchase or sell the direction of the market through using strike that don’t have enough money such as initial cost that is cheaper. In the case of the underlying market becoming higher the same way you anticipated and ends above the strike, then the contract is going to be valued at an amount worth $100/contract. It is important to understand that when the outright market is being traded, there isn’t a specific cap on the potential of the profits taking place.

Low volatility

If you strongly believe that the trading environment is going to remain flat and the trading process is going to take place sideways, you should focus on assets or binaries that are known to make money. These binaries are going to have an initial cost that is higher and has low returns because of the payout structure that is capped. There are also high trading volatility activities that take place.

Overall, the issue of volatility isn’t an easy subject especially for those of you who have no previous experience in the trading world. However, you can always take the time in looking at all the different tutorials and websites available online and on our website if you are looking to find more information. Even though this all might seem strange in the beginning, you are definitely going to get the hang of it right away and you aren’t going to feel confused anymore. This is why reading information before you officially start trading is a great thing that should be done.

Latest Binary Options News and Articles

What is an Expiry Time?

On the surface, the expiry time is quite simple: It is when the binary option you purchased expires. The success of your option trade is determined at expiry.

However, the concept of expiry time has subtleties that you should be aware of and use wisely in making your trades.

Short-term or Long-term

A binary option can be purchased for as short a period as fifteen minutes. В You can actually buy it for less than fifteen minutes if you buy it during the option period.

There are many option periods available:В fifteen minutes, one hour, one day, week, month etc.

A trader who feels comfortable trading for a very short term expiry may not feel comfortable trading for a month or longer. В The same is true in reverse.

This means that you need to know yourself. В Do you have the patience to wait a week or a month to find out how your trade has fared? В Or are you more comfortable in the short-term time frame than the long-term.

There are generally four asset classes in binary trading:

You may feel comfortable trading in one asset class in the short term and in another in the long term.


Some assets are highly volatile. В Their price fluctuations are relatively large. В Volatility also refers to the number of people buying the asset. В Knowing yourself also means knowing how volatility will affect your emotional state regarding both the long-term and the short-term expiry times.

Again, in a volatile asset or asset class, you may feel more comfortable in only one time frame for the trade.


In order to make wise trades you need to have some working knowledge of the asset classes, the individual asset you want to trade, and the trends in those asset classes and assets.

There are two main methods of analysis; fundamental and technical. В A good broker will have easy-to-read tutorials in both methods.

A main feature of either analytical or fundamental analysis is the time frame, long or short-term. В The time frame can have a dramatic affect on the soundness or riskiness of a trade.

Expiry Means Expiry

In traditional options, the holder of the option can choose to exercise it whenever they wish to do so. В In binary options there is generally no such choice. В If a trade is going well and you want to cash in you generally may not do so in binary options.

There is a type of binary option, called the American system, where you do have the choice to cash in early. В This is not usually offered, however.

Therefore, if you choose to trade a binary option long term, you have to realize that you might not have liquidity if another great investment opportunity comes up.

The Bottom Line

The expiry time is simple and straightforward but also can, and does, affect your trading decisions. В Sound analysis is indispensable in making good, profitable trades. В Knowing your trading personality will also help you decide when to trade short-term and when to trade long-term.

- Posted by Denise Marie

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Options Trading for beginners with Market Volatility Strategy

Bollinger indicator is a popular tool among traders today. Working with this algorithm is quite simple, but the received signals are strong enough. It is for this reason the binary option strategy Volatility Expansion by Bollinger, like many other systems today, is often used in the traders’ work and is enjoyed great success.

Bollinger indicator consists of several moving averages, which together form a kind of bands in the binary options graph. If you examine the graph, you can see that the curves of the indicator will always follow the price. Moreover, the price itself is clamped between the borders of Bollinger indicator.

From time to time the price repels from one of the indicator’s boundaries and moves in the opposite direction. At this point, a trader can trade on the indicator. However, an indication of the market volatility expanding is the expansion of the Bollinger Bands. That is what makes it possible for the emergence of such a binary option strategy as the expansion of volatility by Bollinger.

Let’s take a closer look at the graph. Bollinger bands really embody the price wherever it moves. It is also possible to clearly see on the graph the moments when the bands contract and after a while increase again. It is these moments are important for us when using this strategy. At such moments the trader can prepare to open a deal. However, it is not recommended to enter the market and purchase the contracts at the time of the divergence.

As we noted above, in order to make this strategy work, you must wait until the indicator, that is, the bands, will first narrow and then disperse in different directions. This moment interests the trader the most.

The divergence of the bands in different directions suggests that the market volatility is expanding and there is a possibility to buy binary options. If at the time of Bollinger bands’ expansion the price starts upward movement, you can buy a Call option, as the expansion in this case suggests that the market trend is emerging.

The same applies to the situation where the expansion of the Bollinger bands is accompanied by a downward movement. In this case, the trader is recommended to buy a Put option. In fact, the binary option strategy of Volatility Expansion by Bollinger is flawless, as a trading signal can be seen even by a novice and thus he can start making money on the binary options market. However, there are a couple of nuances that I would like to clarify.

This trading system can sometimes give false signals, i. e. volatility begins to expand together with Bollinger bands. However, it soon turns out that the bands narrow again showing the constriction of volatility. Therefore, in this strategy can be used even an extra indicator that would act as a filter. For this any oscillator is perfect, including the Relative Strength Index.

Thus, the binary option strategy Volatility Expansion by Bollinger is a very simple and interesting trading system which can be used in work even by those who only recently started to get acquainted with the financial markets. However, from time to time in the work of this indicator may appear false signals.

That’s all for now. Got any questions? Just ask the expert!

Market Volatility: Binary Options Traders Friend or Foe?

It is easy to see how market volatility could strike fear in the heart of the binary options trader. This is particularly true on the part of the novice trader, who does not yet understand how to deal with it. A volatile market could easily be viewed as an unpredictable market by those who are just starting to trade binaries. However, there are ways to turn these market conditions from your arch nemesis into a reliable friend that is there when you need a lift.

While all traders love a strong price trend, the fact of the matter is that trends are not always occurring. It is estimated that any given asset is only going to have its price trend around 20% of the time. This leaves 80% of time that will be linked to either flat or volatile price movement. Market news is often linked to volatile movement, but it is actually caused more often by differing views of the asset on the part of investors. When some are buying and some are selling, it can be tough to know what to expect.

Before moving on, know that if you are trading for the first time and note volatile asset price movement on your chosen price chart, you can (and should) move on to a different asset. You will want to learn how to cope with volatile conditions before actually trading while they are in place. Technical analysis and the use of indicators are really a must when trading binary options under volatile conditions, so be sure that you know how to make use of these before you actually execute trades when conditions in the market are erratic.

There are two general options to choose from when volatile conditions are in place - trade a long term expiry, expecting calmer or trending conditions in the future, or trade a short term expiry, with the goal being to cash in on brief spurts of price movement. Of these, short term trades are typically the better idea. All long term trades tend to carry more risk, simply because it is tough to predict that the market may be doing so far in advance. With short term trades, technical analysis can paint a clearer picture of the expected price movement.

60-Second trades are one option that can be considered viable when volatility is in place, but keep in mind that these can be risky and tougher to complete analysis for. Five, ten, and fifteen minute expiry times offer less risk and can be solid choices under such market conditions. Furthermore, there are plenty of binary options strategies that are specific designed for these expiry times. Many of these can be used under any type of market conditions.

While it is easy to see why some traders view volatility as a pain, the fact is that if you plan to trade binary options over the long term, you will need to learn how to deal with it. Asset prices are not always flat and not always trending. The challenge of trading binaries lies in the need to use the tools and strategies that are available to trade for profit, regardless of the kind of conditions that are in place within the markets.

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Fundador y CEO de Tradingnav Estoy orgulloso de operar el sitio web de comparación de corredores líder del mundo. Nuestra misión es ayudar a los comerciantes a través del primer motor de comparación transparente del mundo y la agencia de calificación. ¿Qué te entusiasma tu trabajo? Me encanta el hecho de que ayudamos a los comerciantes a encontrar los mejores y más transparentes datos del mercado. Me encanta el hecho de que ayudamos a los comerciantes a tomar mejores decisiones de los corredores. Su no sólo una cosa de números para mí y el equipo. Como un & # 39; comparar el mercado & # 39; Sitio web, en los mercados financieros, realmente creo que una de las mejores maneras que puede servir a los comerciantes es a través de la transparencia. Equipamos a los comerciantes con información precisa e imparcial en tiempo real para que puedan tomar decisiones acertadas. De esa manera, los comerciantes obtener un mejor resultado. Y así es como nosotros, como empresa, podemos mejorar a toda la industria. Conocer más sobre.

The Role of Price Data In Binary Options Trade Analysis Tom Balmer — 15 Mar 2017 05:00

Using Binary Options to Trade Volatility

Binary Options can be used to trade directly on volatility itself, without having to commit to a particular market direction.

Watch this detailed video to find out how you can 'buy' and 'sell' volatility on a range of underlying markets.

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Binary Option benefits relative to Volatility

Binary options or digital options present a plethora of opportunities for traders to make options bets, without have the detriment of extremely high volatility increasing the value of an option to the extent that it becomes too expensive to use as an instrument to use for speculation. Many traders wonder why not just buy a regular option instead as a way to speculate that are market will be higher or lower over a specific period. The reasoning is that, in a volatile market, a digital option presents a cheaper alternative to the traditional vanilla option.

Why is this possible?

A Binary option is called binary because it is either in the money or out of the money. When the payoff comes, it is clear-cut and the amount of money that is paid is fixed. The definition of binary is “on” or “of” and therefore it is deemed all or nothing. Binary call option pays out if the underlying or market price exceeds the strike price at expiration. The only difference here is that the payout is a preset amount, regardless of the difference between the market price and the strike price. A binary Put option pays out the stipulated amount to an option holder only if the market or underlying price is below the strike price.

There is a different to the pricing mechanism used when pricing a binary option relative to a relative pricing a vanilla option. Vanilla options are priced using a Black Scholes model, which combines the underlying price of the asset, interest rates, the strike price and the current implied volatility. Implied volatility is one of the most influential inputs and therefore the higher the implied volatility, the higher the price of the vanilla option.

One of the largest differences between vanilla options and binary options is that the binary options payout is fixed. This means that the difference between the underlying asset and the strike price bears no outcome on the payout if the market is above the strike on a call or below the strike on a put. For example, a call option on stock that has a strike of $10 with a payout of $1 will make the same payout if the price of the stock is $10.01 or $20. With this in mind, the value of the option will not increase on a call if the price continues to get higher and higher. In effect, the binary call option is prices similar to a very tight bull call spread.

A bull call spread is an option structure in which a trader buys a lower priced call, and simultaneously sells a higher priced call. The payout on a call option bull spread is fixed. For example, let say a trader purchased a $10 strike for stock ABC and simultaneously sold a $10.10 call for the same stock. When the price of the stock moves to $10.50 or $11, the payout to the trader is still 10 cents (which is $10.10 – $10.00). The inverse example could be used for displaying a put spread.

The diagram below reflects how a bull call spread will pay off. As the market moves from below the lower call higher, the payout is zero until the first call strike is reached. In between strikes, the payoff continues to rise and then levels off once above the higher strike.

The price of the lower prices call will be slightly higher than the price of the higher prices call. The trader will need to pay a premium for the lower call, but he will receive a premium for the higher priced call. The two structures will offset each other, with a small outlay when purchasing a bull call spread. The implied volatility associated with the purchase of the lower priced call will be offset (almost) by the implied volatility of the higher prices call. The risks associated will be offset for the most part as well.

With this in mind, one can infer that a higher implied volatility will have a limited impact on a call spreads premium. What also can be inferred is the larger the payout, the more effect implied volatility will have on the premium of the call spread. Additionally, the skew associated with a call spread might positively or negatively impact the premium associated with a call or put spread.

Since a binary option is priced in a way that is similar to a call spread or a put spread, a trader can infer that when implied volatility is very high, it is more attractive to purchase binary options as a way to speculate on the direction of a market than to purchase vanilla options. Theoretically, binary options prices should be almost immune to increasing implied volatility. The larger the payout is relative to the premium, the more it will be affected by changes in implied volatility.

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Bitcoin Volatility Triggers Huge Interest

It didn’t take much for interest to revert from the Blockchain to the Bitcoin, in fact a tearaway price is all that is needed, plus the return of the absent bitcoin volatility. Although the initial drive in this Blockchain/Bitcoin combination was the Bitcoin itself, with the major focus on how this crypto currency can bypass the red tape and cost of fiat currencies, more lately the Blockchain technology itself has been causing the stir. A typical example would be Setl. an ‘institutional payment and settlement infrastructure based on block chain technology’ which on the 12th October announced “that it has established a test network which has broken the 1 billion transactions-per-day capacity barrier for blockchain movements.” Heady stuff! Yet these serious applications of the Blockchain pale into media disinterest when the Bitcoin goes on a 10-day roller coaster ride.

Chinese Lemmings

It is no secret that the Chinese love a punt. This year the Chinese government faced a political crisis when so many of their subjects decided to bet their shirt that their stock markets were on a one-way trip to the moon. Chinese are obsessed with the fear of missing out, the original FOMOs! They are more happy to lose cash than lose the face involved in not being in on the free ride. When it all goes pear-shaped they find that they have not only lost hard-earned money but also face anyway. So now that the Chinese are wary of their own stock market after having been burnt earlier in the year, they are looking for the next ‘get-rush-quick’ scheme and it takes precious little to convince them that this time kharma will be on their side. Last week they found their latest scheme and, hey, it was Bitcoin again.

The following is a chart from BitcoinPrice. com of the BTC v USD price from the 12th October.

BTC v USD 12th Oct 2017 to 12th Nov 2017

In the slow build up from the 12th October to the 28th volatility was low as the Bitcoin was on a slow grind upwards; a scenario boring pension funds love, but one that traders hate: boring! From the 28th to the 2nd Nov the price traveled to $350. Then by 12.00 on the 4th November the price has shot up to $487.96, a $138 increase in two days generating a return of 39.5%. Then profit-taking for two days, a stand-off, then the bears step it up again and the price retreats to the $300 again. Glorious trading for the long gamma merchant!

Bitcoin Trading and Liquidity

One of the main reasons for these spurts of volatility is lack of liquidity on a tick by tick basis and this is common on all markets. What this means is that although volumes may soar the actually price range of the asset has also increased hugely. This means that if the range were divided by the volume traded, whether it be futures contracts or underlying value, the number traded at each price may well fall from when the market was not volatile. This of course means that prices lurch from one level to levels quite distant from the last with no possibility of trade in between. This means increased risk once in and although that is of course offset by the increased profit potential, it takes bigger cojones or a smaller brain to get involved. Unless of course one is trading binary options…………….

Bitcoin Binary Options

Buying conventional options on Bitcoin or buying and selling binary options on Bitcoin offer the trader some level of cover against a large adverse move as in both cases only a pre-known amount of money/BTC can be lost. There are many binary options brokers offering the client the opportunity to speculate on the price of BTC but not so many who are prepared to offer that service using crypto currencies.

The original offerings whereby the broker took BTC deposits were the sites BTCOracle. BTCLevels and SatoshiOption but they are very basic in terms of functionality.

The site BitPlutos is a much more functional site with graphic displays that aid decision making. The site even will exchange Bitcoins for you should you wish to deposit in mainstream currencies.

On the other hand, if you wish to deposit fiat currencies, i. e. USD, EUR, GBP then London Binary Option have a very handy site with exceptionally good charting aids including all manner of moving averages, MACD, stochastics, Bollinger bands, you name it…………

……….but do not trade like the Chinese!!

Happy Trading

Binary Options Analysis: Volatility in US Stock Markets

Plethora of announcements

After a quiet trading session in the US last November 27, it’s going to be a different scenario today. During the day on Wednesday, we get the ADP Nonfarm Employment numbers which of course gives us a bit of an idea as to what we could expect on Friday. Because of this announcements coming out, expect a lot of volatility in the US stock markets. We also believe that the US dollar will be greatly influenced as well. The Crude Oil Inventories number comes out, and we also have a Canadian interest-rate announcement, which could cause a bit of volatility in the USD/CAD pair. As a side note, we believe in buying calls in the USD/CAD pair time the market has a pullback.

NASDAQ 100 to continue higher

The NASDAQ 100 rose during the day on Tuesday, and it now looks as if we are going to make a serious attempt on the recent highs. We are buyers of calls as the NASDAQ 100 continues look rather healthy and we of course prefer stocks in the low interest-rate environment.

Gold markets continue to offer put buying opportunities

The gold markets initially rose during the day on Tuesday, but found enough resistance near the $1075 level to turn things back around and form a very resistive looking shooting star. We believe that this market will reach back towards the $1050 level, and therefore we are buyers of puts in this general vicinity.

Crude oil rolling over

The WTI Crude Oil market initially tried to rally on Tuesday, but failed to hang onto gains above the $42 level, so it now looks like we are going to drift lower. We believe in buying puts as the market should reach towards the $40 level next.

Never miss a trading opportunity again. your favorite platform is now available in the Google Playstore.


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In the financial markets, volatility is an indication of daily market movement in relation to the past or historic movement of an asset. Volatility is a measure of risk. Assets with a low volatility show lesser movement and less risk while high volatility assets have more movement and higher risk.

How Do You Apply Volatility In Binary Options Trading?

Volatility is typically measured as historical volatility and implied volatility. Implied volatility is a measure of how an investor expects an index or security will move over a certain period on a yearlong basis. Historical volatility is the past movement of an asset and is presented as percentage standard deviation.

Both types of volatility impact on a trader’s ability to execute profitable trades. Implied volatility moves along with changes in market sentiments. Implied volatility shoots upwards when there is a lot of panic in the market. On the other hand, implied volatility reduces when market sentiments are complacent. An increase in implied volatility triggers the price of an option. The implied volatility is more of an indicator of a possible move of an asset than a change in the price of the asset.

Historic volatility is the real volatility of an asset. When the asset experiences large price movements, the historical volatility will be high. Low historical volatility is an indication that the asset is going through a consolidation. Traders are likely to profit when an asset is undergoing high historic volatility. Options with short expiries such as 60-second options are likely to do well from highly volatile markets. You can use both historical volatility and implied volatility to determine if it is suitable to trade options on the prevailing market.

One way to chart volatility is through indices such as the VIX volatility index . The VIX volatility index is a product created by the Chicago Board of Options Exchange which follows the implied volatility of the “at the money” puts and calls of the S&P 500 index. There are many other index specific volatility gauges which are calculated in a way that is similar to the VIX.

There are other types of volatility. Relative volatility is an oscillator style indicator that measure market movements relative to past price history and gives an indication of the direction of volatility. Chaikin Volatility is another oscillator style volatility indicator. It measures volatility as the movement between the open and the close and does not include gaps as other indicators do.

Bollinger Bands are fantastic method of utilizing volatility for binary options as you can see above. The typical strategies in high volatile markets out-of-the-money (OTM) and deep-out-of-the-money (DOTM) trades.

Keeping an eye on volatility can be used to execute profitable trades. It is important to find a reliable source to attain implied and historical volatility charts, since these tools can make the different between successful options trades and trades that lose money. Generally, when volatility is low it is a prompt to buy a put or call option as the prices and the markets have stabilized.

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Volatility play: binary options on SPX and VIX

optionsguy posted on 10/06/08 at 01:33 AM

Are you keeping tabs on the S&P 500 – who isn’t nowadays? – or wondering how you could trade the elevated levels of the Volatility Index (VIX), the so-called “fear index”? If so, you may want to look into binary or fixed return options (FROs) based on either of these two indices.

In a nutshell, these options let you trade based on your opinion of whether the S&P 500 or the VIX is headed up or down over a given timeframe. If you’re right, you’ll earn a fixed payout of $100 per options contract upon expiration. If you’re wrong, you earn zero. With only two outcomes, you can see why these are called “binary” or “fixed return options”.

If you’re not familiar with FROs, start off with my primer post on the subject. You can also read up on these CBOE-traded binary options here.

A word of caution on VIX options… If you read last Monday’s post on the VIX and related options. I should point out that these CBOE binary options are not based on the actual VIX, but on the futures that follow the VIX. (I dug into this in more detail in a previous post .) In other words, the markers on the floor of the CBOE use the futures to hedge their option trades.

What that means for you is these VIX binaries might not move as expected after the actual index moves. Keep an eye on the VIX futures product to understand why the binary options moved they way they did. Make sure you quote the future with the same expiration month as the option contracts you are trading.

Here’s another wrinkle: final settlement of CBOE VIX binary options is based on the actual index; the future and actual index (what’s know as the “spot”) will converge as expiration approaches. This is a general rule between the spot and future market. Read up on this at the CBOE product site for the full details on these contracts’ terms and how they trade.

Trading FROs and binary options at TK

If you decide to trade these, you can enter orders from Trading > Fixed Return (FRO) . You can also get there directly from our Options Chains. Just select “Fixed Return and Binary Options” from the Chain Type pulldown menu.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I’d encourage would-be VIX options traders try to stick to shorter-term contracts. Those contracts will bear more relationship to the current moves of the VIX index, and you can strategize accordingly. By the same token, know that VIX options are a truly wild, speculative ride. Plan your risk and exit strategies accordingly.

And let us know how your trade fares here! I’m happy to take your questions or just rehash ideas here.

While implied volatility represents the consensus of the marketplace as to the future level of stock price volatility or probability of reaching a specific price point there is no guarantee that this forecast will be correct.

Any strategies discussed or securities mentioned, are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes only and are not to be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell securities.

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Noticias de Opciones Binarias - Traído a usted por NADEX

Author: Gail Mercer TradersHelpDesk. com

One of the most dangerous times to be in a trade is during market reports. Some reports may cause tsunamis (like the recent Swiss National Bank announcement in January 2017), while other reports barely cause a ripple. Is there any way to safely identify and trade during upcoming market reports without risking a catastrophe? The answer is yes, and it’s by using Out of the Money (OTM) binary options.

OTM Binary Options are short-term options that are at least one strike price from where the underlying instrument is currently trading. For example, Figure 1: Crude Oil Binary Option Strike Prices shows a table of different strike prices for binaries based on the underlying market of the NYMEX® Crude Oil Futures on April 8, 2017, and expiring at 2:30pm New York Time. The strike price that is close to or greater than fifty dollars is considered the At the Money (ATM) strike price. In this case, the ATM binary strikes would be either Crude Oil (May) > 52.50 or the Crude Oil (May) > 53, as the underlying May Crude Oil futures was trading around $52.70.

The out-of-the-money (OTM) binary strike prices in this example are:

For Buying the binary: Strike prices above the underlying instrument (53.50 and above)

For Selling the binary: Strike prices below the underlying instrument (52.00 and below)

Figure 1: Crude Oil Binary Option Strike Prices

Binary Options always limit your risk and your profit potential. The settlement payout, if held till expiration and finishing in the money, is one hundred dollars per contract. The maximum risk is the price you pay on the entry of the trade. For example, assume the underlying instrument, May Crude Oil futures, is trading at $52.70. If you believe that the underlying price will close higher than $52.50, you pay a risk of $65.25 on entry for the Crude Oil (May) > 52.50. If at expiration, the underlying closes at a price higher than $52.50, the settlement payout is $100 to the binary buyer.

On the other hand, if you believe the underlying will close equal to or below $53, then you pay $61.25 on the Crude Oil (May) > 53.00, (100 - 38.75 entry price) as your maximum risk on entry. If the underlying closes equal to or below $53 then one hundred dollars is paid to the binary seller.

But what if you want to increase your risk to reward ratio?

Let’s say the Crude Oil Inventory report is expected at 10:30 am New York Time, and you believe the market report will create the volatility to move prices through multiple strikes. The question is: How many strike prices can you go out and still be safe on a Crude Oil Inventory Report? In this example, should we go one strike, two strikes or three strikes out? Unless you are an experienced trader that trades Crude futures on a daily basis, you probably will not know – making it hard to increase your risk to reward until now.

Now let’s say the Crude Oil Inventory Report generates on average an 80 tick movement between 10:30 am and 10:45 am New York time, based on two years of data. From my Nadex DEMO account below is a snapshot of using the straddle strategy with binary options for 11am and 2:30pm expiration times going into the market report:

April 8 th. 2017 Nadex expiration values:

The Crude Oil (May) Binary (11am ET) contract had an expiration value of 51.795

The Crude Oil (May) Binary (2:30pm ET) contract had an expiration value of 50.44

The short binary positions, finished in the money as both expiration values were below the two strike levels.

Short 10 contracts of the Crude Oil (May) Binary > 52.10 (11am ET) had a settlement payout of $1000

Initial cost per contract: $19 (100-81) with $100 settlement payout results in a $81 profit per contract (exchange fees not included)

Short 10 contracts of the Crude Oil (May) Binary > 52.00 (2:30pm ET) had a settlement payout of $1000

Initial cost per contract: $24.50 (100-75.5) with $100 settlement payout results in a $75.50 profit per contract (exchange fees not included)

The long binary positions, finished out of the money as both expiration values were below the two strike levels.

Long 10 contracts of the Crude Oil (May) Binary > 53.10 (11am ET) had a settlement payout of $0

Initial cost per contract: $24.50 which resulted in a $245.00 position loss for 10 contracts (exchange fees not included)

Long 10 contracts of the Crude Oil (May) Binary > 53.50 (2:30pm ET) had a settlement payout of $0

Initial cost per contract: $26.25 which resulted in a $262.50 position loss for 10 contracts (exchange fees not included)

Total net profit on the four trades: $1,057.50

Maximum risk on all four trades: $942.50

Return on Initial Investment: 112%

Risk to Reward: For every $1 Risk the Reward was $1.12

(Note: Exchange fees not included in calculations)

The key to increasing your profits while minimizing your losses is knowing how many strike prices you can safely go to lower your risk. The Anticipated Market Movement Report which includes a list of all major market reports and anticipated movement for each market is available on blog. tradershelpdesk. com for free. Remember using OTM binary options is key when the markets are volatile.

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Natural gas futures are one of the most volatile commodities listed on exchanges. Therefore, natural gas can be a trader's paradise - however, wherever there are big rewards there is also huge risk. As a combustible commodity, the price action in the natural gas market is combustible itself. Continúe leyendo aquí.

One of the most dangerous times to be in a trade is during market reports. Some reports may cause tsunamis (like the recent Swiss National Bank announcement in January 2017), while other reports barely cause a ripple …Continue reading here.

Todo sobre los binarios

Trading Crude Binary Options – Benefiting from Market Report Volatility

Trading Crude Binary Options allows traders to benefit from potential volatility prior to the Crude Oil Inventory Reports. While volatility in Crude is typical prior to the Crude Oil Inventory report, this volatility can be disastrous when trading Crude Futures. Even if a trader has a stop in place, because prices so fast, the stop price can actually be “jumped”. This means that since price never “touches” the stop price, the trader is, in essence, stuck in their position completely at the mercy of the market.

This is not an issue with Crude Binary Options. Binary options limit risk on entry and traders can never lose more than what they paid on entry. For example, on Wednesday, the Crude chart with the daily pivots indicated an upward movement. Price had fallen to the prior day’s support line and could not break it (around $44.17). A movement back up to the Pivot Line could be anticipated. An out of the money binary option strike price at 45.50 was available for $30 per contract, or $300 total risk, if trading ten contracts.

As the chart below shows (click to expand chart), as anticipated Crude moves up past the Pivot line around $45.50. Trading the Crude Binary Options results in a profit of $33.75 per contract or $337.50, if trading ten contracts (exclusive of fees). Trading the Crude Binary Options limited the potential risk while allowing a trader to take advantage of a potential high volatility movement.

In addition to the trading Crude binary options, since a large movement was anticipated, a trader could also enter a spread option. A spread option on Crude Light was available with a floor value of 44.50 and a ceiling value of 47.50. The spread premium on entry was $45.20 resulting in a risk of $70 per contract or $700 if trading ten contracts. As price moves up as anticipated, the trader would realize an additional profit by utilizing the spread option, as well as trading Crude binary options. If the trader exits the spread when it reaches $46.06, then an additional profit of $86 per contract or $860 trading ten contracts (exclusive of fees).

By utilizing both the Crude Binary Options and the Crude Spread Options, the trader limited his risk to $100 per contract or $1,000 if trading ten contracts (exclusive of fees) while reaping profits of $119.75 per contract or $1,197.50 if trading ten contracts (exclusive of fees).

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.

In theory, how should volatility affect the price of a binary option? A typical out the money option has more extrinsic value and therefore volatility plays a much more noticeable factor. Now let's say you have a binary option priced at .30 as people do not believe it will be worth 1.00 at expiration. How much does volatility affect this price?

Volatility can be high in the market, inflating the price of all options contracts, but would binary options behave differently? I haven't looked into how they are affected in practice yet, just looking to see if they would be different in theory.

Also, the CBOE's binaries are only available on volatility indexes, so it gets a bit redundant trying to determine how much the "value" of volatility affects the price of binary options on volatility.

asked Sep 29 '11 at 2:21

The price of a binary option, ignoring interest rates, is basically the same as the CDF $\phi(S)$ (or $1-\phi(S)$ ) of the terminal probability distribution. Generally that terminal distribution will be lognormal from the Black-Scholes model, or close to it. Option price is

$$C = e^ \int_K^\infty \psi(S_T) dS_T$$

$$ P = e^ \int_0^K \psi(S_T) dS_T$$

Volatility widens the distribution and, under the Black-Scholes model, shifts its mode a bit. Generally speaking, increased volatility will

Increase the density in the "payoff region" for out-of-the-money options, thereby increasing their theoretical value. Assuming your option was worth 0.30 due to probabilities and not high risk-free rates $ r $, more volatility will increase its value.

Increase the density in the "no-payoff region" for in-the-money options, thereby decreasing their theoretical value. An option now worth 0.70 will lose value, as the probability of ending outside the payoff region is increased.

As volatility $\sigma$ approaches $ \infty $, all option prices converge toward 0 for calls and 1 for puts. In Black-Scholes land, even though the term $ \frac > \to 0$ and the probability distribution is spreading out all the way to infinity on the positive as well as negative side of the exponential of its distribution, it concentrates lognormally on values less than any finite strike.

Therefore, out-of-the-money calls will take on a maximum value at some volatility that concentrates as much probability as possible below the strike before concentrating the distribution too close to zero.

Edit . A huge thank-you to @Veeken to pointing out that it is out-of-the-money calls, rather than puts, which take on a maximum theoretical value.

i don't understand what you mean by 'flat' skew in the BS model. As soon as $\sigma>0$, there is skew in the BS model. Allow me to cast the first integral above into BS terms: BinaryCashCall = $e^ *N(d_2)$ with $d_1, d_2$ given here:en. wikipedia. org/wiki/…. as $\sigma \to \infty$, $d_1 \to \infty$ while $d_2 \to -\infty$. This makes $N(d_2) \to 0$, and thus makes the binary call price 0. By obvious symmetry, the binary put goes to 1 in the event. All this is in the BS world. Thanks for your time. – Veeken May 8 '13 at 20:48

@Veeken: thank you for pointing out the error. By "flat skew in the options-trading sense" I mean that an options trader would perceive option implied vols to be the same across strikes if the option prices were generated by the BS model. In the sense of distributional moments, you are quite correct that the 3rd moment (skew) is negative for this model. It is an unfortunate collision of terminology between traders and mathematicians that the same word is used both ways. – Brian B May 10 '13 at 0:35

I have a mathematical proof with no graphs or pictures. Suppose $r=0$, what we want is to see what happens if volatility changes in $E^Q[1_ ]$.

The latter quantity is $Q(S_T>K)=Q(\log S_T > \log K)$.

Under Q, we know that $S_T=S_0 \exp\left(-\frac12 \sigma^2T + \sigma W_T\right)$, so $\log S_T$ is distributed as $ N(\log S_0 -\frac12\sigma^2T, \sigma^2 T)$.

So we can write $Q\left(\sigma \sqrt N + \log(S_0) -\frac12 \sigma^2T > \log K\right)$ which equals $ Q\left(N>\frac >+\frac12 \sigma^2T> \right). $

Since $f(y)=Q(N>y)$ decreases in $y$, it is enough to study $y=y(\sigma)=\frac >+\frac12 \sigma^2T> $.

If $K>S_0$ (out of the money option), then if $\sigma \to 0$, $y(\sigma)\to +\infty$ and the same happens if $\sigma \to +\infty$. Hence there is a minimum for $\sigma=\sqrt >>$. We deduce (by continuity) that $f(y(0))=0$, $f(y(+\infty))=0$, and we have a maximum for $\sigma=\sqrt >>$.

If instead $K<S_0$ (in the money option), $\sigma \to 0$ gives $-\infty$, $\sigma\to \infty$ still gives $\infty$ and the function $y(\sigma)$ is strictly increasing. So $f(y(0))=1$, $f(y(+\infty))=0$ and $f$ is strictly decreasing.

Finally, for an at the money option $S_0=K$, we have $f(y)=Q\left(N > \frac12 \sigma \sqrt T\right)$, so $f(0)=\frac 12$, and $f$ strictly decreases to the value $0$.

Espero que esto ayude.

answered Jul 18 '13 at 21:04

Ladder Binary Options

With Ladder Options, the strike prices are spaced at equal intervals (just like the rungs of a ladder) and for each preset level you simply have to predict whether the underlying asset will close above or below the strike price by a certain point in time. As there are 5 strike prices for each Ladder Option, you have multiple opportunities to place a trade at different payout percentages, giving you a potential return that can reach up to 1500%.

If you want to close a position early, simply click 'Sell' and you will automatically receive a price based on a statistical algorithm that calculates: option trading rules, time to expiry, market volatility, and target/ strike price. If you accept the price offered, the position will be closed.

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Profit on Volatile Currency Pairs with Binary Options

Volatile Currency Pairs – A Bless or a Curse?

How binary options traders should approach high volatility currency pairs.

Volatility. This word is used as a curse by many traders. Some traders fear and cringe from it, others embrace it. How to trade it is one of the hottest debates in the trading some world. Some strategies avoid it and others make it their b#*ch. Volatility should be on the minds of Binary Options traders. This measure of a market’s movement is a great tool to take advantage of.

So, What Is Volatility and How Can I Measure It?

There are a few ways that the word volatility can be used in the investment world. Sometimes the saying “volatility has come back to the market” can mean that fear has crept back in and downward movement is expected. At other times this same statement could mean that the market has begun to get active or that the average daily range has increased. In each case the use of volatility is correct but what does it mean to Binary Options traders?

The Wikipedia definition of volatility is “a measure of variation of the price of a financial instrument over time.” This sums it up well. Volatility is the measure of a financial instrument’s movement, or how much it moves on average, over time. This measure does not take into account direction, simply that the asset moved. Assets or currency pairs with higher volatility move more. Assets with lower volatility move less. In my opinion since Binary Options are about price movement higher volatility seems like the way to go.

Here are some ways to measure volatility:

Bollinger Bands©, probably the best tool in this category (Check out Bollinger Bands for Binary Options Review )

Elder Rays

Average True Range

Chaikin Volatility

Should Binary Traders Fear Volatility?

Many traders fear volatility because the same price swings that produce profits can also produce huge losses. Volatile assets and currency pairs have a greater chance of being stopped out and/or creating losses in margin accounts. Except in Binary Options there is no fear of that. Binary Options do not have stops and are not influenced by random day to day moves the same way as forex, futures and equity options. Since Binary Options cannot be stopped out or create a loss larger than the original trade there is no reason to fear temporary price changes so long as the asset closes in the money. However, there is also another reason to fear volatility. Volatile assets and currency pairs can also produce whipsaws and false signals on your charts. Filtering out these signals takes some practice, but it can be done.

Why Volatility Is Good For Binary Options?

I have one word to sum up why volatility is good for Binary Options. Movement. Volatility is a measure of movement. Binary Options are traded on movement. Assets and currency pairs with higher volatility have a higher probability of moving, and moving significantly, than assets with lower volatility. This is good for Binary Options traders for two reasons. First, you want the asset to move. It needs to be above or below your strike price for you to profit. There is nothing worse than buying a position and then watching the asset trend sideways for the next half day to a week and then closing barely out of the money. Even if a volatile stock moves sideways the range will be much larger. The second reason is the amount of movement. Volatile assets move more than less volatile assets. That is, they move further into the money. Even though the payout structure of Binary Options is pretty simple and my broker uses real time data I like to be sure that my trades will finish deep in the money. Higher volatility assets will move further into the money than a less volatile one.

What Are The Best Ways To Trade Volatile Currency Pairs?

I think the same techniques I use on less volatile assets work just as well on more volatile ones. The difference is that trading a volatile asset is more active and the signals are more exaggerated than with less volatile pairs and assets. Trend following techniques work very well once break outs and trends are established. Stochastic, MACD, Time Series Forecast and RSI are all great trend following techniques (Find more info on our Binary Options School ). Other techniques that work well for volatile pairs are support/resistance bounces and Fibonacci retracements. Both of these techniques produce excellent areas for volatile assets to change direction and binary traders to profit. Volatile currency pairs are also good choices for traders who can tolerate the risk of option scalping techniques and 60 second options.

My Last Word on Volatile Currency Pairs and Binary Options

Volatile and high volatility currency pairs are a good thing. These pairs make large movements with exaggerated swings. These swings are easy to track with technical indicators and produce trades with a higher probability of closing in the money. Volatile pairs are also more active and provide better opportunities for short traders like Binary Options aficionados. I tend to hunt for pairs that are making these exaggerated movements because I have learned through experience that I have a better chance of closing in the money.

Continue Discussing Volatile Currency Pairs on Forum!

Alex Nekritin, "Binary Options: Strategies for Directional and Volatility Trading" Español | ISBN: 1118407245 | 2017 | PDF | 268 pages | 3.9 MB

The first comprehensive guide to trading a unique class of options to manage risk and make smarter bets during volatile trading Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event-driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. Available on four asset classes—stock index futures, commodity futures, Spot Forex and economic data releases—they are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay-out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100. The first guide focussing exclusively on this fast-growing sector of the options market, Trading Binary Options examines the key differences between regular options trading and binary options trading and describes how binary trading is done. It also gives you the lowdown on the most successful binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed. Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data Provides the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular but poorly understood trading instrument Offers in-depth discussions of the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

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Feb 11, 2017 9:56 AM

Binary Options Trading" we discussed which type of charts are most practical to use when doing your research. In this article we are going to discuss the effects of volatility on prices and on your analysis of the markets.

What is Market Volatility?

Simply put Market Volatility is a term used to describe the markets or a single Asset whose price is extremely erratic; sharply rising one moment then dramatically dropping the next. Often times, it is hard to identify the Trend Line as the price of the Asset changes so rapidly.

Day Traders love volatile markets as they will buy when the price drops then wait a few minutes and sell when it dramatically swings higher. However, Binary Options traders need to be very cautious during times of a volatile market as these dramatic price swings could swing Out-of-the-Money at the very last second of the Trading Period.

Selecting the Right Asset

Selecting the right Asset during a volatile market is essential to a successful trade. Carefully study the Trend Lines of all of the available Assets and find an Asset that is not affected by the large price swings. The ideal Asset is one where the chart shows the Trend Lines are long and steady and not switching up and down every few minutes.

As of the time of this article Binary Option brokers offer a limited number of Assets for trading. Brokers are continuing to add more Assets each month as they develop their market profiles. As a result it may not be possible to find an Asset which hasn't been affected by the market volatility. If this should happen just sit back, do your research, and do not trade that day.

Ride Out the Storm

Often, traders refer to high volatility as a market storm. It is easy to see why people would feel this way as it is best for the arm chair investor to leave this type of market movement to the professional traders.

Many professional investors have told me that when the market starts to swing wildly and the volatility level rises dramatically trading is being accomplished by automated trading programs that are using preset values to make the instantaneous trades that are needed to keep up with the wildly swinging market prices.

Controlling High Volatility

Fortunately, most market authorities will start to slow down trading by restricting the number of trades allowed in a given time period and by slowing down the data streams of trading results. In rare cases market authorities have halted all trading in their respective trading house.

In most cases, the market authorities will halt trading on one or more Assets that appear to be driving the volatility instead of halting the whole trading house. Halting one or more individual Assets is the most preferred action since it has less of an effect on other global trading houses. When a whole trading house is halted it tends to start a ripple effect throughout the whole global economy.

Watch for the next article in the Binary Options Trading series, "Bollinger Bands and Moving Averages Used In Analysis". We will discuss how to use Bollinger Bands to analyze market volatility.

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Descripción del producto

The first comprehensive guide to trading a unique class of options to manage risk and make smarter bets during volatile trading

Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event-driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. Available on four asset classes—stock index futures, commodity futures, Spot Forex and economic data releases—they are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay-out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100. The first guide focussing exclusively on this fast-growing sector of the options market, Trading Binary Options examines the key differences between regular options trading and binary options trading and describes how binary trading is done. It also gives you the lowdown on the most successful binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed.

Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data

Provides the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular but poorly understood trading instrument

Offers in-depth discussions of the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

From the Inside Flap

Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event‗driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. While they have long been used as a powerful hedging instrument by professional traders, binary options are now available to retail investors. Available in four asset classes stock index futures, commodity futures, spot Forex, and economic data releases binary options are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay‗out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100.

The first book focusing exclusively on this burgeoning sector of the options market, Binary Options is a complete, how‗to guide to trading this unique instrument to hedge risk, make smarter bets during volatile trading periods, and for improving overall returns.

Writing for experienced options traders, as well as novices and everyone in between binary trading expert, Alex Nekitrin:

Explores the theory behind binary options as a speculative instrument

Discusses, in‗depth, the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

Clearly explains how binary options work and the mechanics of how to trade them

Shows how to read price quotes and options tickets and how to enter and exit positions

Describes the markets in which binary options are available and the costs of placing trades

Details proven binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed

Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data

Supplies dozens of examples to clarify each concept covered along with skill‗building exercises

Provides numerous quizzes that allow you to test your comprehension, each step of the way

Includes a demo trading account on which to practice and hone your binary trading skills

Supplies novice options traders with a glossary of all relevant trading‗related terms

Providing the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular, but poorly understood, trading instrument, Binary Options is a valuable working resource for traders and investors looking for a safe, relatively inexpensive instrument which, when used correctly, can significantly improve your ability to manage risk and net you substantial returns in every market climate.

From the Back Cover

A straightforward guide to trading a unique class of options to improve returns, hedge risk, and make smarter bets during volatile trading

One of the great things about binary options is that you can use them to reap big profits from volatility in the markets with only a minimal capital investment. Unlike plain‗vanilla put/call options, which require relatively high deposits, binary options provide access to exciting new speculative horizons with only a $100 deposit for every contract.

This groundbreaking guide from expert Alex Nekitrin gives you the complete lowdown on binary options: what they are, how they work, where they′re traded, what underlying assets they′re traded on, and how to incorporate them in any trading system. Step by step, and with the help of tons of trading examples, Nekitrin covers all the bases for novices and veteran traders alike, including:

What binary options are, where they′re traded, and what instruments they′re traded on

The 6 big ways binary options differ from other types of options

The potential risks and rewards of trading binary options

Proven techniques for using them to speculate on a variety of markets

The mechanics of binary options trading from reading price quotes to ordering options tickets

Binary options transaction costs

Basic binary trading strategies, including long, short, range‗bound, breakout‗bound, and more

Directional and volatility trading strategies using both technical and fundamental analysis

Tips on how to create your own binary option trading system

Expert advice on how to manage your binary options accounts to control risk and protect gains

Little known techniques for profiting from volatility with binary options trading

Don′t miss this opportunity to learn how to use this powerful and versatile tool for hedging risk, improving the overall effectiveness of your trading system, and reaping substantial gains, even during extreme market volatility.

Sobre el Autor

Alex Nekritin is CEO and President of TradersChoiceFX, TradersChoiceOptions, and TCForex, one of the largest introductory brokers in the world. Mr. Nekritin has been trading in equities, options, futures, and Forex very successfully for more than a decade. He holds a degree in finance with a concentration in derivative instruments from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Alex′s work has been featured online at FXStreet. com and TradingMarkets. com.

About this item

Binary Option Trading Chinese Volatility

Volatility can once again spread globally and create huge downside pressure on the financial market.

Binary traders have a huge advantage in this market as trades are exercised using the Fixed Risk Reward Mechanism. Meaning binary options traders know in advance, regardless how volatile the market is, their trading status.

If investors continue to see the Shanghai Index fall, than last August can instruct on how to take advantage.

On august 15 th of last year the Shanghai Index broke its 3000 points level and a few U. S stocks took an even stronger dive, creating amazing PUT options.

U. S technology companies took a huge dive throughout August:

Apple dropped to $92 a share.

Facebook dropped to $72 a share.

Nasdaq dropped to 4280 points.

The Chinese Shanghai Index traded this morning at 3115 points and is getting very close to extreme volatility levels from last August.

Posted by Thomas Ellis

Thomas Ellis is the Head Publisher of DayTraderGuide, as well as the author of DayTraderGuide’s eBook: A Day Trader Guide’s to Success. Thomas has been trading Binary Options since their inception in 2008.

alm's Blog: PA + Volatility

Finding an edge through VOLATILITY 17 December 2017

Hi there, this is my first post. I am practicing binary options since 2017 and tested tons of method. I jumped from indicators to indicators, from indicators to Price action, from PA to indicators again, lol all possible combinations.

At the end of the day I've found that 'traders' tend to ignore what matter the most in the market: VOLATILITY.

No matter how effective your method is, if you ignore market volatility you won't make it. Trend trading strategies will work at time of high volatility and range trading will be effective during low volatility time.

Try to trend trade the EURUSD during Asian session for example you will lose your money. Try to range trade during UK open and you will also lose your money. You must know what your system is about: a range trading method or a trend trading approach.

So my methods: 1-Trend trading during time of expected great volatility: UK, US, FRANCFURT SESSION OPENS and after high impact news release 2-Range trading during late US to Tokyo open. (I've got the best performance here).

I tremendously reduced my screen time once I start using volatility and time filter. So it's really boring not to trade most of the time of the day(I really want to trade non stop ). I decided to screen record my trades to fill the gap by editing and publishing after. Then I realised that by editing the videos I am also reviewing my entries . seeing where I could have done better etc. That's great. I recommend. Below is the screen of my last range trading during the late US session(low volatility). Tue 15 DEC 15. http://imgur. com/BXnMZYi http://imgur. com/c3TLHn2


alm. Dec 17 2017 11:58 AM

Xman. Dec 17 2017 03:35 PM

So what are your current rules and backtested ITM% and number of trades taken over a longer period (let's say 65000 data points which equals 1 year with 5 Min data)?

dth. Dec 17 2017 03:56 PM

everybody pay attention. seriously. nice work aim

alm. Dec 17 2017 04:40 PM

everybody pay attention. seriously. nice work aim

Thank, it's motivating. It's ALM(alm) lol

So what are your current rules and backtested ITM% and number of trades taken over a longer period (let's say 65000 data points which equals 1 year with 5 Min data)?

Thank's for the comment. I didn't do this kind of tracking. I trade and record in a sheet: ITM% and number of trades of each pair I've token. The %ITM depend on the stategy (trend trading and range trading). My most effective records are from range trading the majors during late US session. The average %ITM is around 60%-65% since AUGUST 2017. But I use time filter: I do not trade for more than 2 hours during the late US or after New York close. The limit is Tokyo session open, mini breakouts tend to occur at this time.

For trend trading during high volatility time it's less effective. It's around 58-60%. I don't have an overall exact number since I record by week or month in my sheets.

Sasuke9. Dec 17 2017 11:00 PM

It depends on what you mean by trend trading. If you trade the trend using a moving averages style of trading then yes in low volatility and range markets you will get burned. But if you see a strong trend and you see a nice pull back to a buyer pressure or seller pressure zone with higher time frame s/r and pivots you will win in any session regardless of volatility so long as you have a gauge of volatility i. e. bollinger bands etc.

In a range as long as you use higher tf s/r and pivots and buy and sell at the right areas you will do well regardless of volatility provided you have a volatility gauge. I believe market phases are more important. Properly defining trend and range markets as the market moves and buying and selling where buyer and seller pressure is high. just my opinion though

alm. Dec 18 2017 03:48 AM

It depends on what you mean by trend trading. If you trade the trend using a moving averages style of trading then yes in low volatility and range markets you will get burned. But if you see a strong trend and you see a nice pull back to a buyer pressure or seller pressure zone with higher time frame s/r and pivots you will win in any session regardless of volatility so long as you have a gauge of volatility i. e. bollinger bands etc.

In a range as long as you use higher tf s/r and pivots and buy and sell at the right areas you will do well regardless of volatility provided you have a volatility gauge. I believe market phases are more important. Properly defining trend and range markets as the market moves and buying and selling where buyer and seller pressure is high. just my opinion though

Yeah I agree but the problem with market phases is that you will likely lose some at the end of a phase for example when a range breaks or a trend ends. The benefit of time/volatility filter is that you can stop trading before the end of the phase. You will protect your gains or limit your losses by doing so.

For example it's not worth the risk trend trending 2 hours after a session open, because a range will likely begin. The phase says ok it still trending but the time says that a range is imminent, so even if you lose at the begining of the session stop trend trading and limit your DD.

alm. Dec 18 2017 03:58 AM

Yesterday's (thu 17 DEC 15) range trading the late US.

I identify a recent swing low/high at the M5 chart and call/put as price trade back there. I only had one opportunity on the Yen. I missed an entry too.

I haven't edited the video record yet I'll link it later.

alm. Dec 18 2017 05:18 PM

It was a little bit tough but I am green at the end of the day. The EURUSD moved up strongly for a moment. That's not good for range.

I haven't video recorded today, I used another PC.

MannaAvantil. Dec 20 2017 09:29 AM

As some say it's best to trade in quality instead of quantity, it was a nice read and (even if obvius for non newbies traders) an informative one.

At least this method is suited for who can't trade (GMT area) during work, but can trade for half an hour in the evening with range trading, subscribed to your channel.

Mind telling me what reuter you're using with MT4? I was interested in dukascopy before but I'd like to know which one follows closely the price movement of duka.

alm. Dec 21 2017 04:02 AM

As some say it's best to trade in quality instead of quantity, it was a nice read and (even if obvius for non newbies traders) an informative one.

At least this method is suited for who can't trade (GMT area) during work, but can trade for half an hour in the evening with range trading, subscribed to your channel.

Mind telling me what reuter you're using with MT4? I was interested in dukascopy before but I'd like to know which one follows closely the price movement of duka.

It's Dukascopy MT4 bridge (You can find that in their site). I use it to have a close eyes to the spread. Dukascopy's binary options have a spread to beat (but a very high payout:90% all the time). That's why I focus on majors with less than 1.5pips spread when range tranding, but I only trade the EURUSD when it comes to trend trade on M1 chart (more focus needed)

alm. Dec 21 2017 08:26 PM

Today none of my egdes were touched so no opportunity. However I made a short vid to better explain the late US method.

MannaAvantil. Dec 22 2017 04:49 PM

Quite interesting, I'll follow your updates if you'll make some more, interesting and simple strategy, if only you could have an unlimited demo with duka instead of the 1 month limit one.

alm. Dec 22 2017 06:45 PM

Second drawdown day for december: 2 OTM and 1 ITM. I wasn't fully focused and take a call EURUSD instead of the cable that was ITM. So technically it's 2 ITM and 1 OTM but on my balance it's a drawdown.

I am editing the video review.

alm. Dec 23 2017 02:47 PM

Today I did very well. Fully focused I reached my daily take profit: 3 ITM in a row +213$.

I'am liking the video review very soon.

Edit: here is the video review https://www. youtube. h? v=vPZyvYhke08 it's my best session of december. I was worrying about the last 2 weeks of this month but I'am doing pretty well for the moment.

MannaAvantil. Dec 23 2017 04:39 PM

Good job on your journey, how about posting a new journal next week for some thoughts while trading, and updating like you're doing now in the comments while providing some light analysis on your improvements and trade entries?

Not too shabby really, for how long have you been doing it? Both trading with this strategy and studying the market and forex in general

alm. Dec 23 2017 08:15 PM

I don't get you, why a new journal? I can post it here. Can't I?

MannaAvantil. Dec 23 2017 10:21 PM

Oh you sure can update here, it was just to differentiate trading weeks, progress, OTMs and a tought on them, if you enjoy updating in the comments here then it's fine, don't worry it was just a thought of mine

alm. Dec 24 2017 05:25 PM

Oh you sure can update here, it was just to differentiate trading weeks, progress, OTMs and a tought on them, if you enjoy updating in the comments here then it's fine, don't worry it was just a thought of mine

I don't if this platform permits multiple threads in a same journal?

MannaAvantil. Dec 25 2017 04:34 AM

You could try and post a new blog detailing your progress, like a diary, and do some updates in the comments.

By the way nice trade in the opening of london

alm. Dec 29 2017 04:23 AM

Today's trend trading the London open 29/12/2017. Market is very calm I decided to only scalp one hour. I only took a call on the EURUSD

It's not ema based, I identified a level where price got rejected once then take the trade with trend as price trade back there.

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You are here: Home / Advice / The best currency pairs to trade

The best currency pairs to trade

As most binary options traders know, binary options trading can use currencies as an underlying asset choice. The trading of currencies in the binary options market is a lot easier than trading directly on the Forex market. The opportunity to trade currency via the binary options market offers traders several benefits, such as:

Access to the largest financial market in the world

Sufficient liquidity

Trading of various currencies around the clock

Knowledge of exact income on in-the-money trades

Simple risk management

One very interesting concept is to melt forex with binary options trading – meaning that you can take advantage of both trading techniques and fully exploit the market potentials. One broker that does a very good job in this regard is IQOption. Their trading platform is superior to anybody elses. You can drop up to 9 charts of currency pairs on one screen and work with different indicators for each. It’s best to take a look for yourself. If binary options is interesting to you you have to check out this broker. Just click here to see for yourself!

This raises the question then of what is the best currency pair to trade. This is not so easy to answer, because each currency pair has its own personality, and every trader also has his or her own personality.

Essentially, deciding upon the best currency pair to trade is simply a matter of finding your own personal advantage in the market. Moreover, it of course also depends on what time of day a trader prefers to trade. For example, those who wish to trade in Asian currency should choose Yen currency pairs, even though the GBP/USD is a more popular currency pair to trade.

Here are some additional currency pair trading tips.


The EUR/USD currency pair has the highest order flow and thus the best liquidity in the entire forex market. You need not be afraid of possible slippage (with few exceptions), and your trades will always be executed immediately.

Also, trading of EUR/USD currency pairs will typically have a lower amount of volatility. Therefore, this currency pair is particularly suitable for beginners. Another advantage is the very low spread, especially if you are considered to be a scalping trader.


With USDJPY and USD/CHF currency pairs, traders may also have an advantage. These currency pairs have a very strong order flow, however, these currency pairs sometimes have too little “action.”


In the AUD/USD and USD/CAD currency pairs, the liquidity is a lot less. Therefore, their movements are sometimes very surprising and there are often unexpected reversals.

The AUD/USD and USD/CAD are often referred to as commodity currency pairs, as their prices correlate strongly with gold and oil. Australia is a large producer of gold and therefore the price of AUD/USD is typically influenced by the price of gold. Likewise, Canada is one of the largest oil producers worldwide, and therefore the price of the USDCAD often depends closely with the price of oil.


The GBPJPY is very volatile and therefore suitable only for more experienced binary options traders. This volatility is especially present when Japan publishes new economic data, causing drastic movements in the currency values.


The GBP/USD is also a very solid currency pair for beginners to the binary options trading arena. Here you will find very good liquidity and very good movements. The GBP/USD is slightly more volatile than the EUR/USD, but not as volatile as trading the GBP/JPY currency pair.


It is suggested that beginners to the binary options trading market should initially focus first on the EUR/USD and the GBP/USD currency pairs. In order to ultimately find the best currency pair for yourself, it helps to test, test, test. In doing so, traders should initially put very small sums into these trades, and then document all trades in a trading journal. If you see that your strategy works in the relevant currency pair (you’d need about 100 trades so that the statistical significance is also relevant), then you can scale up and increase your investments.

Another final tip: If you’re really interested in trading the Forex through binary options and you want to know the background and strategies in more detail, we recommend the book “ Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit “.

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Volatility Plays

Posted By admin on October 29, 2017

When trading binary options, investors ought to focus on 3 main dimensions. These dimensions are price, time and volatility. While often neglected, volatility is an important dimension traders should consider before placing any single order in the market. In simple terms, volatility can be defined as the frequency and severity with which an asset’s price fluctuates. High volatile markets are usually characterized by sharp and choppy price movements and they are always considered very risky. Low volatile markets, in contrast, are characterized by little or flat price action.

Determining Implied Volatility

Most traders either watch naked price action or use technical analysis tools to determining the level of implied volatility in the market. When watching naked price action, traders observe the behavior of price movement. When using technical analysis, the best indicator tools for determining implied volatility are Bollinger bands and the ATR indicator.

Strategies for Playing Volatility

Markets oscillate between periods of high and low volatility. As a rule, volatile markets should be traded with small stakes whereas less volatile markets can be trade with bigger transaction sizes due to the risk exposure involved.

When trading high volatile markets, traders can employ strategies such as:

The long strangle strategy is applied when a trader expects a significant directional price movement, but he is still unsure of the specific direction in which the movement will occur. Using this strategy, he then buys both a Call and a Put option with the same expiration but different strike prices determined by his own directional bias. This way, the maximum risk is limited at the price of the two options but the profit potential is, hypothetically, unlimited.

Like the long strangle, the long straddle is applied when a trader expects a significant price breakout in either direction of the market. Using a long straddle, a trader buys both a Call and Put option with identical strike prices and the same expiry time. The maximum risk when using this strategy is limited at the premium paid for the two options whereas the profit potential remains unlimited if prices make a substantial movement in either direction.

On the other hand, when trading low volatile markets, traders can employ strategies such as:

The short strangle strategy is employed when traders expect implied volatility to fall. Traders utilize this strategy when they anticipate that an asset’s price will be contained between two price points. A short strangle involves buying both a Call and a Put option with the same expiry times but with different strike prices. The profit potential when applying this strategy is limited and it is achieved when price is contained within the expected range. However, the potential risks are undefined and unlimited, especially, if prices make a significant movement in one direction at or before expiry.

Like the short strangle, the short straddle is applied when implied volatility is expected to drop. It entails selling of both a Call and Put option of the same asset with the same strike price and expiry time. The profit potential is limited and is achieved when price remains relatively flat during expiry. Nonetheless, the loss potential remains unlimited if price makes a significant move in one direction at or before expiry.

Volatility in the markets keeps changing all the time. Using the option strangle and straddle strategies can help traders play the markets profitably when implied volatility changes.


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How to Find Market Volatility

Article Summary:

U. S. TIPS yields have been very volatile all year pointing to insecurity in U. S. growth and recovery.

Global economic data has been weakening and slowing. Especially in the EU which is bordering on deflation.

Japan’s inflation missed the mark as prices are being fueled by the April tax hike and not by consumers.

We are seeing global equity, currency and commodity markets exhibiting historically low volatility. However, we have a key element standing out. A seemingly stable economic environment. Looking at Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, the long form for TIPS, which measures U. S. economic growth expectations has been very volatile for the past year. The yield represented in TIPS is reflective of the uncertainty with economic growth in the U. S. economy.

We have seen the yield for TIPS double, more than double over the past year. The consensus is that the U. S. economy appears rosy, but there are a few components that indicate it is a weak consensus for growth. The U. S. economy is still not firing on all cylinders. The U. S. economy has rebounded more strongly than initially hoped for in the second quarter. This past week saw the GDP or gross domestic product being revised higher to 4.2 percent annually instead of four percent.

However, we are seeing some conflicting data. The pace of the service sector growth was off for the second straight month in August. It is now at its lowest level since May. On the other hand, the Conference Board of consumer confidence was up to 92.4 percent. This is the highest number since October 2007. The uncertainty in growth is what the TIPS yield is screaming.

Not helping matters is the economic outlook not only for the European Union (EU) but for Japan as well. Can the U. S. ignore the fact that two of the world’s largest economies are slugging along and weakening? Their economies, especially out of the EU, continue to increase the pace of weakening. Japan’s data today was weak across the board. Especially with inflation, as inflation is being spurred by the April tax hike and not by consumer consumption. Japan’s manufacturing was also weak, as global demand is not there to support growth.

There is a debate about whether or not we will begin to see the U. S. growth begin to slow. Or, will we see a full blown recovery. The chances are, the U. S. is strong enough to endure and begin to accelerate its recovery. We are seeing better and better labor market conditions as well as manufacturing numbers. This means that the U. S. is likely to normalize monetary policy sometime in 2017 by hiking interest rates. The pace will be slower and more careful, but inevitable.

Disclosure Of Risk

BinaryOptionsLeader. com and all entities associated with it accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within this website. This includes analysis, news, education material, and market quotes. Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets, do not invest more money than you can afford to lose. The risks involved in trading binary options can be high and may not be suitable for all investors. BinaryOptionsLeader is not responsible for any trading loss of its readers using the data contained on this site. Prices may be different and not always accurate to real-time prices. They are provided solely as a guide to trading.

Copyright 2017 Binary Options Leader ·

Volatility Divergence Hints At Binary Outcome Next Week

Okay everyone, it’s time to take off your tin foil hats and climb out of the bomb shelter.

Simply put, sellers are more aggressive than the buyers. But frankly, it doesn’t matter. Understanding “why” has nothing to do with controlling risk, managing positions, and respecting the possibility that, at times, your position might just be wrong.

Trading is about trading. Trading is not about being right. The market is not here to validate our opinions or make us look smart for our buddies in the bomb shelter. However, if we can stick around long enough, the market will humble us (hopefully) and teach us an incredible amount about our psychology and how we can protect ourselves (and even benefit) from increased market volatility.

As we move into the year we need to remember that any assumptions we had about the market need to be questioned. Over the past few years, the market has responded to down moves by rallying sharply. That type of price action makes sense given the context of a Bull market. That sentiment has shifted and we need to be prepared and accepting of the Bear market we’re entering. In this environment, we can expect the rallies to fail and the declines to be faster with fewer pauses.

If you’ve developed trading habits and systems that rely on the behavior of a Bull Market, now is the time to recognize and change your assumptions. Market volatility presents opportunity, but that opportunity is not without risk.

So, what is Volatility telling us?

Most traders like to look at price charts in a decline and wonder where the drop stops. Unfortunately, you won’t find the answer in a chart and nobody (short of maybe the Plunge Protection Team) knows. Price levels only tell us areas where the possibility for change exists. There are no guarantees.

One of the interesting things to note about the move lower this week is that every day felt very measured and controlled. Sure the market was off several percent, but it didn’t fall out of bed like it sometimes does. It’s just the number of consecutive declines that’s causing pain. When compared to the collapse in August 2017, they felt almost slow.

Due to the controlled nature of the declines, there’s also a divergence occurring within the market volatility complex. But if your go-to market volatility indexes are the VIX and RVX to measure panic, then you’re missing a big part of the picture.

Understanding Market Volatility

In order to understand what’s going on with Implied Volatility, we should also consider both the VIX:VXV ratio and the volatility of volatility (VVIX).

One of the things we know about VIX:VXV is that in a panic, short dated options explode in value more than longer dated options. VIX, which measures 30 day implied volatility, will become elevated relative to the implied volatility of longer dated options. We use VXV to measure the implied volatility of 3 month options. Normally VIX:VXV is a ratio below one and in a bull market it’s usually below .90. When things get rocky, the ratio will increase above one and that’s exactly what we’re seeing right now.

The image below illustrates the divergence in VIX:VXV ratio. Despite the big decline this week, the implied volatility of 30 day options has not exploded relative to 3 month implied volatility. From an implied volatility standpoint, we’re not seeing total panic and mayhem.

In addition to what we’re seeing with the VIX:VXV ratio, the Volatility of Volatility (VVIX) isn’t in panic mode either. In the chart below we’re looking at VVIX and what we’re seeing is that the VIX has made a controlled move higher in the face of the decline.

The obvious question is what the divergence in Implied Volatility means for the market. The lack of panic suggests that participants either anticipated the decline or they haven’t seen reason to panic yet. The open and trading we see next week is going to hold some critical clues for what’s next.

If we see a large gap lower on Monday, things are going to get ugly much faster than people were expecting. In that scenario, we can expect to see VVIX and VIX make panic type moves. All the short options that seemed “juicy” to sell this week will seem cheap very quickly. On the other hand, if the market finds some stability, it means that implied volatility was “right” going into the weekend.

We need to wait and see what Monday holds. Below are stats for last week.

Thanks for reading.

Author holds positions in SPY and IWM at the time of publication. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.

Most Effective Binary Options Strategies for Directional and Volatility

In recent times, numerous investors and traders have started considering binary options to be an excellent trading instrument. Binary options allow you to trade in various markets, and reduce your exposure to any risk. When you’re investing your money in binary options, you need to focus on choosing a reputed service provider and binary options strategies for directional and volatility. In this post, we’ve discussed a few of these strategies.

Focus Beyond One Minute Charts It’s worth mentioning that a binary options strategy isn’t effective when you keep focusing on just One Minute Charts. It’s very important to trade with higher time frame charts. This allows you to get rid of unnecessary market confusion and noise. With this strategy, you can view intraday charts, and even pay attention to particular trading setups.

Don’t Fight a Breakdown Most traders exhaust themselves, and keep trying to resist a breakdown. It’s very important to let go of a few trades. There’s no need to think you won’t get a chance later. In the same way, you shouldn’t take profits early. You need to reach the defined target. If you take in profits early, it doesn’t turn out to be profitable in the long run.

Don’t Jump In Quickly This is one of the best binary options strategies for directional and volatility. Only amateurs and beginners jump in too soon. In fact, some amateur traders start trading right after the chart opens. Before you place a trade, you need to spend time to analyze everything. You need to have a clear idea regarding your strategy.

Never Overtrade There are a lot of traders who spend their time waiting for maximum opportunities. With overtrading, you can lose a good amount of money. Once you’ve earned some profits, it’s better to just quit the market. Moreover, when you’re losing money on a particular day, you should quit at the right time.

Analyze Charts After Closing Novice and amateur traders never analyze the charts after markets close. This can be a huge mistake. After the market closes, it’s important to spend some time analyzing the charts. This is the time when you can peacefully and calmly study the charts.

If you want to maximize the returns, it is very important to use these binary options strategies for directional and volatility. These tips can reduce your exposure to risk, and help you earn more money on your investment. However, you need to choose a broker carefully. It’s important to research properly to find a good company.

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Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event-driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. Available on four asset classes—stock index futures, commodity futures, Spot Forex and economic data releases—they are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay-out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100. The first guide focussing exclusively on this fast-growing sector of the options market, Trading Binary Options examines the key differences between regular options trading and binary options trading and describes how binary trading is done. It also gives you the lowdown on the most successful binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed.

Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data Provides the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular but poorly understood trading instrument Offers in-depth discussions of the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

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The Once “Fragile Five” Currencies are Back in Favor

The “fragile five” economies and their currencies which had been out of favor and and subjected to extreme high volatility have returned to favor in what we call carry trade. Some traders are now calling these same weak, fragile currencies the “high five.” Which currencies are we talking about?

The five currencies are the: the Indian rupee, Turkish Lira, Brazilian Real, South African rand and Indonesia’s rupiah. Since February’s end these five currencies are among the top performers. They could be a great hedge to play with lower volatility in the Forex markets in 2017. Often, and this has what investors have done with the former “fragile five.”

The Carry Trade Strategy

What is a “carry trade or buy trade” strategy? This is when you trade by borrowing in low yielding currencies and then buying assets which have higher rate yields. This practice stopped last year when we saw extremely high volatility in the emerging market (EM) currencies. The EM currencies spiked higher as fears over the end of the U. S. quantitative easing program shocked the markets. Since then, new Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has reassured the markets that the Fed’s massive bond buying program will continue for quite a bit longer. This has increased investor confidence and supported EM currencies again as investors are taking on more risk.

This strategy has a drawback. When there is huge volatility in the Forex markets, carry trades are risky. However, the current low volatility is trading near a record low for the currencies of the developed world. This is supporting carry trades with currencies of the EM. The volatility with the interest rate coupled with demand for safety (protection) against volatile moves in the U. S. Dollar has fallen off significantly.

Low Volatility is Time for Riskier Currencies

A good hedge is now to look into investing with the currencies from India, Turkey, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa and Brazil. You then sit on your trade and if there is no volatility, you take the yield on. When you are in a Forex market that has no volatility, here is the answer: buy the “high five.”

There are some concerns with medium to long term positions when looking at currencies in the EM. The biggest is the current account deficits these countries carry. This concern has dissipated a bit with investors as they want to forget what made the once “fragile five” a concern and move on. Was the obsession with current account deficits misguided? Maybe, since those five countries, especially India have made significant adjustments to their current account deficits. The deficits now stand at 4.2 percent of GDP (Q4 2017) as opposed to 6.2 percent just six months earlier.

There is a thought process, that due to a sharp recovery in risk appetite and that the “High Five” currencies were targets of aggressive speculative attack for the last half of 2017, this now presents an opportunity to buy. The Indonesian rupiah has, so far this year, been the best performing currency in that group. As you look at these five currencies be selective. We have seen some rate hikes by EM central banks that have made carry trades favorable. Still, carry long trades need to be selective as local growth along with competitiveness and sensitivity to the Fed’s tightening still being a concern that could bring volatility back at any moment.

Disclosure Of Risk

BinaryOptionsLeader. com and all entities associated with it accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within this website. This includes analysis, news, education material, and market quotes. Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets, do not invest more money than you can afford to lose. The risks involved in trading binary options can be high and may not be suitable for all investors. BinaryOptionsLeader is not responsible for any trading loss of its readers using the data contained on this site. Prices may be different and not always accurate to real-time prices. They are provided solely as a guide to trading.

Copyright 2017 Binary Options Leader ·

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Binary Options: Strategies for Directional and Volatility Trading (Repost)

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The first comprehensive guide to trading a unique class of options to manage risk and make smarter bets during volatile trading

Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event-driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. Available on four asset classes—stock index futures, commodity futures, Spot Forex and economic data releases—they are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay-out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100. The first guide focussing exclusively on this fast-growing sector of the options market, Trading Binary Options examines the key differences between regular options trading and binary options trading and describes how binary trading is done. It also gives you the lowdown on the most successful binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed.

Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data Provides the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular but poorly understood trading instrument Offers in-depth discussions of the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

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How to profit from volatile currency pairs

Volatility is a word which means measuring a financial asset movement over period of time. In this measure, you do not take the direction of the asset but simply, only the movement itself. Volatility can for some traders be good but for others even bad and they can fear it. But it is good that you are aware of what is going on. Currency pairs that are more volatile means they move around more.


What is volatility?

How to measure it?

Should you be afraid of volatility?

Why is volatility good for binary options?

What are most volatile currency pairs?

How is the best to trade it?

Now you have a better perspective on what volatility is but it can also mean for some traders that the market is becoming more active so it has different meaning for different traders. Since in binary options it is all about movements, higher volatility is better. You can see here with what you can measure volatility:

Bolinger Bands

Average True Range

Elder Rays

Chaikin Volatility Oscillator


As we said at the beginning, there are traders that actually are not comfortable with volatility since it really can be unpredictable. They are afraid because with one swing of a price, they can be in profit while the price can turn in other way aswell and they are in loss really fast. That is why, there is a higher chance to lose your account this way. Trading it in binary options is different since it is based on expiry time and therefore you can not be influnced by this huge movements in the middle of the trade since it all just depends how it will be at the end of the trade. That is why it is much easier to trade such volatility with them. But there is another problem which can happen even in binary options and volatility, that is, you can get fals indicator to enter the trade but with practice you can learn this aswell.


We said that volatility is measure by movement and that is also the reason why is it good for binary options. We trade binary options based on movements and assets that are highly volatile means that they will also move much more and this is good for everyone that is trading binary options. You are probably asking yourself how can this be good for trading binary options and here is why. One of the reasons is becuase you want your asset to be moving since you want clear definition after exipration time that it will be below or above your strike price. The worst is that you have to watch your trading asset moving always around your strike price. Another reason is similiar but different and it is the amount of the movement. Meaning for example, you probably want your asset to move far in the money zone. That can only happen with volatility.


We have six currency pairs that are the most traded and they are: AUD/USD, EUR/USD, GBP/ USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY. All of them have different level of volatility and what is the best pair to trade depends on the trader itself. You have to feel comfortable with trading and do not trade all of them at once. It is also good for a beginner to first learn and feel comfortable trading a pair that is less volatile and then move on. This is just to keep money on the safe place but you can always try it out in your demo account.


You can apply same strategy you are using for less volatile assets even on high volatile ones but you really have to be alert on what is going on in the market and have bigger picture in front of yourself, meaning you ahve to look at different time frames. Because the difference is they are more active, therefore you can get signals that is not even there and can be faked. Follow the trend and i would suggest to look for breakouts or breakdowns. We have covered strategies for beginners which can be applied even here, that are MACD, TSF and so on, learn more about them here. Other thing that can work well with this can be fibonacci retracement. High volatility can be used for trading binary options with 60 seconds expiry time but always be cautious.


As you can see, volatility can be a good thing since you can make big movements but there is always another side to that. That is why you have to learn and get knowledge so you can be better trader. Get in place proper technical indicators which will singalize you when to enter the trade and profit from them. Since there is more volatility in the currency pairs, mens there is also more opportunities that you can take advantage of.

Beat The Broker With Boundary Options

By Guide to Binary Options, March 13, 2017

What are Boundary Options & How can you maximize your profitability by trading boundary options?

A boundary option gives investors the ability to trade based on the underlying assets closing price by expiration time.

You can either choose in bounds or out of bounds.

The tricky and difficult aspect of boundary options are the constantly changing price range. A trader needs to really study the spread, as it changes based on an algorithm that adjusts to market volatility.

Notice in this picture below, the spread on Crude Oil.

Boundary Options Strategy

While most traders assume that boundary options are the simplest way to go both ways, the real money is during low volatility times of day.

I thought about placing a trade on the Euro US Dollar Forex pair before the FOMC makes their interest rate announcement, but the brokers do not list options during that time.

I thought about buying the “Out” options on Oil before the weekly inventories data is released every Wednesday. Again, the brokers did not list the options at that time.

So then I graduated from being a naive newbie trader, and realized that there are plenty of times during market hours when currencies in specific are quiet. Thing about the lunch time hour in New York. Markets are quiet between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm.

How about opening a position for the Euro to stay in the range during that time.

Boundary Options Brokers

Some of the popular binary options brokers offer boundary options.

24Option is a popular European licensed binary options broker who also offers the boundary options on their trading platform, see here .

Tradorax is a broker that accepts traders from the United States and they offer boundary options, see here .

Newbie Tip: Boundary options are referred to as Range options by many veteran traders.

What binary options are different from normal? First of all, the investor can trade not only the motion of the underlying asset prices up or down, but also to make a profit with lateral movement. Second, to understand the mechanism is much easier for the binary options than for the classical. Second, it is much easier to understand the mechanism of binary options than of classical. Third, convenient strategies, which can be understood and actively used even by novice trader, so we discuss them in more detail.

Options trading strategies: strangle and the volatility reduction

Are you a new trader and do you want to find a simple strategy for your options trading? Do you want to restrict risks and do not afraid for your small capital? Here are a few popular strategies, focused on both growing and reducing market volatility. The first one is strangle strategy.

Classic options: trading by volatility

Binary option trading attracts the largest number of online investors. The main advantages of options are: a relatively low capital to start trading, the ability to trade at any time directly from your home computer, an adequate assessment of the risks and benefits and, of course, the ability to trade not only on the movement of futures, but also during the flat. Consider one of the trading strategies that is based on a rather unusual factor — volatility, meaning investor makes a profit from the value of market fluctuations. Read more »

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Range Volatility Trading

July 03, 2012, by Chris Morton

When a trader wants to make a move in the market it is highly required to have good strategy plan. To achieve success in binary option trading one has to depend on a good trading strategy. Some times people faces lot of difficulties to make the decisions at the peak levels and thus these strategy plans will help them to make the decisions comfortably by which they can reduce the risk of failures. Today market is not stable and hence it is very difficult to make good income even after following the strategies but it will reduce the chances of loss. There are many trading strategies available for the traders and one as to choose them based on their requirement and what they are trading.

Volatile market is very difficult to handle for the traders as there will be ups and downs every second. This might lead to huge profit and sometimes it leads to huge loss. But in binary option trading, traders can make profit even when there is dip in the market so one can achieve profit at any point of time. Here, the main thing is to implement the best strategy for analyzing the market. In range volatility trading one will predict the range value of the asset. One will analyze the market by the change in the price of the asset and come to a conclusion where the asset is going to end at the time of expiration.

Range Prediction: Upon looking at the asset’s chart a trader can get complete details about the raise and fall of the assets value. Then one has to decide on a value of the asset at the time of expiration which is very easy in binary option trading.

If the asset value is stable and is varying inside some range and if you feel that it will remain the same, then it is better to opt for “IN” option which can be found under Range options. When you have chosen IN option and the value lies in the same range of your prediction then you will get good profit. If the asset value is not at all stable and is moving against the prediction and you are not able to make out the exact range of values where it is oscillating then it is better to go for “OUT” opción. When you have chosen OUT option and if the value of the asset has decreased for a greater extent or increased to the peak, then also one can derive good profit amount.

Example: Consider you are trading on an asset “XYZ” which has got a market value of $3 and today it is varying between $2.50 and $3.50. Because of this fluctuation you have opted to get an “IN” option for $1000 and if the asset expires in the same range then you will get an amount of $1800. If you have opted for “OUT” option and if asset expires out of the range, then also you will get the same profit.

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Option Volatility: Why Is It Important?

Posted By admin on January 30, 2017

One of the things that new investors need to understand clearly is what is meant by option volatility and how it relates to the performance of an asset in the marketplace. Since the main focus of choosing to invest is to build wealth, it stands to reason that understanding option volatility: why is it important will shed light on how to understand the movements that assets make when different market conditions prevail. Once the overall importance of volatility is understood both in terms of history and in projections for the future, the investor is in a better position to make wise investment decisions.

The Two Segments of Option Volatility Grasping the role of volatility in investment strategies requires that you use more than one approach to determine if a given asset is worth the risk of purchasing, or holding onto once it is in the portfolio. A common way of looking at option volatility is to break it down into two distinct segments: implied volatility and statistical or historical volatility.

Historical or statistical volatility draws on the history of the asset in question. How long has it been available in the market, and how has it performed under the shifting events that occur within that market? In the past, did it perform especially well when the economy moved in a particular direction? Perhaps the asset seemed to maintain value even when other assets were dropping or were experiencing significant increases in value.

Implied volatility is more forward looking, since the focus is on what is likely to happen with that asset in the future. The goal is to take what is known about the asset, or at least assets that are very similar, and project how it will perform over the next six months, year, or five years. This also involves gathering data that has to do with the projected movement or direction of the market in general. The goal is to get an idea of what will happen to that asset as the market moves from bullish to bearish and back again.

The Risk to the Investor Accurately assessing the movement of an investment as the market undergoes change is extremely important. This can result in being able to secure assets at lower prices just before they begin to increase in value, and then selling them before they begin to drop once again. It can make the difference between realizing a return and ending up taking a loss. In short, accurately determining the level of volatility, using historical data and projections for the future, protects the investor from making what can be a very costly mistake.

The next time that you hear someone asking the question of option volatility: why is it important, sit down with that individual and point out how understanding the past can pave the way for looking into the future. Using solid reliable data, it is much easier to decide if a given asset is likely to product the benefits that the investor desires. That data and projections can also help an investor decide that securing or hanging on to a certain asset is not a good idea, since the risk level is outside the comfort zone of that investor.


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Alex Nekritin, "Binary Options: Strategies for Directional and Volatility Trading" ISBN: 1118407245 | 2017 | PDF | 268 pages | 3.9 MB

The first comprehensive guide to trading a unique class of options to manage risk and make smarter bets during volatile trading

Providing savvy market players with a way to react quickly to event-driven opportunities and trends, exchange traded binary options are a unique type of derivative instrument offering fixed risk and reward. Available on four asset classes—stock index futures, commodity futures, Spot Forex and economic data releases—they are distinctly different from regular put/call options in that their pay-out structure offers only two potential outcomes, or settlement values: 0 or 100. The first guide focussing exclusively on this fast-growing sector of the options market, Trading Binary Options examines the key differences between regular options trading and binary options trading and describes how binary trading is done. It also gives you the lowdown on the most successful binary trading strategies and how and when they should be deployed.

Outlines a rigorous approach to trading directionally around specific events, such as an earnings release, a shift in currencies, or a release of economic data Provides the first comprehensive coverage of an increasingly popular but poorly understood trading instrument Offers in-depth discussions of the six characteristics that distinguish binaries from other options and that make them such an attractive vehicle for hedging risk and improving returns

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Understanding Binary Options Strategies for Directional and Volatility Trading

A binary option is an asset which can yield only 2 outcomes which are; either the investor will earn a certain amount if the option attains a certain level or nothing if it doesn’t. This investment vehicle is unlike a regular option that offers the investor the right to purchase or sell an asset at a specific price. Instead, it is like a gamble that the asset will reach a given price on a specified date. If the asset attains this price on the said date, the investor gets to earn the amount specified in the agreement but if it doesn’t, he/she earns nothing. Binary option is a rare stock market trading but it generates many investors huge amounts of money.

Binary trading option needs thorough knowledge and the employment of winning strategies to obtain better results in the long run. As a beginning investor, following effective strategies can boost your chances of winning but you must stay realistic and understand that success is always difficult to achieve. In other words, there are moments when sticking to a strategy can still result in failure although the possibilities are much lower than not having binary options strategies for directional and volatility trading at all.

Understanding Volatile Options Trading Strategies

These strategies are designed purposely to yield profits from binary options which are prone to experience a significant price movement, without having to foresee in which direction that price movement will head. Since predicting the direction of the movement can be very tricky, volatile options trading strategies can be quite practical. The underlying principle of using these strategies is that you bring together multiple positions which exhibit profits but minimal losses so you can make profits. Here are a few binary options strategies for directional and volatility trading to consider;

The Long Straddle Strategy

This is a combination of purchasing the same quantity of call options and put options both with the same strike price and expiry. Purchasing call options offers limited losses in regards to the amount one can spend on them, but limitless potential gains as one can make as much as the value of the binary options increases. Acquiring put options also ensures limited losses and nearly boundless gains. The possible gains are controlled only by the amount the price of the given binary options can drop. By integrating these 2 positions into an overall position, you should be able to make an adjustment in whichever direction the security moves in. A good example for Long Strangle Strategy is one touch mechanics that allows the trader to set the position of the barrier, the time of expiration and the payout to be received once the barrier is broken.

The Long Strangle Strategy

The Long Strangle strategy is quite similar to the Long Straddle strategy only that it is characterized by lower upfront costs. Also, it is ideal for novices.

The Long Gut Strategy

This is a neutral approach in binary options trading which involves the simultaneous acquisition of an in-the-money call option and an in-the-money put option with the same underlying stock and expiration. It is a boundless gain, limited risk strategy which can be selected when the investor predicts that the underlying stock will experience volatility in the coming days. The strategy is “debit spread” since a net debit is required to begin the trade. Large profits are made when the price of the underlying stock makes a very dramatic movement either upwards or downwards at expiration. The shift in the stock price must be significant such that either the long call or the long put increases enough in value to counterbalance the loss incurred by the other option expiring valueless.

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Binary option calculator is for advanced options traders. Calculate option prices and Greeks for binary discontinuous payoff functions. Price any combination of call/put, European/American, cash/asset-or-nothing, option value/implied vol. Enter user volatility or calibrate from market data. http://jwdevg1.blogspot. com

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