Tuesday 31 October 2017

Schwab Charles Opciones De Acciones

Opciones sobre acciones empleado Un opción de acciones es el derecho (opción) para comprar acciones de la compañía durante un período específico de tiempo a un (compra) precio de ejercicio predeterminado. Usted tiene el potencial para hacer un beneficio en sus opciones de acciones si el precio de mercado de su companys acción sube por encima del precio de ejercicio. Estas opciones, habitualmente se dispone para ejercer (chaleco) durante un período de tiempo determinado. De conformidad con un plan de acciones aprobado, su empresa establece los términos de sus opciones sobre acciones, incluyendo el número de opciones concedidas, el precio de ejercicio, el calendario de adquisición, y la fecha de caducidad. Puede ejercer sus opciones en cuanto chaleco o puede esperar. Para decidir cuál es el adecuado para usted, tenga en cuenta: Los términos de su plan de Companys documentos que el precio de mercado de sus companys surtir sus fuentes situación financiera de la ayuda de inversión y asesoramiento Tipos de Opciones no calificados Opciones de Acciones (NQSOs) Acciones adquiridas mediante el ejercicio de NQSOs son pagar impuestos como compensación y sujeto a la retención de impuestos de nómina en el momento del ejercicio. Opciones de acciones (ISO): Con ISO, que no son responsables de los impuestos sobre la renta ordinaria si se mantiene la acción de un año después de la fecha de ejercicio y por lo menos dos años después de la fecha de concesión sin que el ejercicio de una ISO está sujeto a la alternativa impuesto mínimo. Cuando usted vende las acciones, usted es responsable de los impuestos sobre ganancias de capital. Si usted no cumple con los requisitos de retención para el tratamiento de impuestos calificado, una parte de su ganancia será tratada como ingreso ordinario y se pueden reportar a la nómina. Usted puede encontrar artículos, preguntas frecuentes, tutoriales, formularios y un glosario en el Centro de Recursos. Póngase en contacto con nosotros corretaje productos-asegurados por la FDIC no garantiza que no bancaria Pueden perder valor Se proporciona el material en este sitio web con fines informativos. La información de esta página web y la proporcionada por el Equipo de Consulta de adjudicación de acciones no tienen la intención de ser un sustituto del impuesto específico individualizado, legal o asesoramiento sobre la planificación de inversiones. Donde el asesoramiento específico es necesario o apropiado, Schwab recomienda la consulta con un asesor calificado de impuestos, CPA, planificador financiero, asesor legal, o gestor de inversiones. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. y Charles Schwab Banco son empresas independientes, pero afiliadas y subsidiarias de propiedad absoluta de The Charles Schwab Corporation. productos y servicios de corretaje son ofrecidos por SIPC miembros Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc.. Activas y pasivas productos y servicios son ofrecidos por Schwab Bank, Miembro FDIC y un Prestamista de Viviendas. Schwab de Plan de Servicios ofrece servicios de planes de compensación de capital y otros servicios financieros a las empresas y los empleados a través de Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (Schwab). Schwab, un corredor de bolsa registrado, ofrece servicios de corretaje y de custodia a sus clientes. 169 2017 Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. SIPC miembros. CS18801-01 (0714-4027) (01/14) los planes de archivo: La toma de posesión. Schwab de Plan de Servicios ofrece servicios de planes de compensación de capital y otros servicios financieros a empresas y ejecutivos a través de Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (Schwab). Schwab, un corredor de bolsa registrado, ofrece servicios de corretaje y de custodia a sus clientes. CC0007145 (1015-8SZ8) (02/16) Los productos de inversión: No están asegurados por la FDIC garantía bancaria Pueden perder valor Los resultados no están garantizados. Schwab servicios corporativos se refiere a los productos y servicios ofrecidos a través de Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. Schwab de Plan de Servicios Designados Schwab Servicios de broker (DBS) y Tecnologías de cumplimiento Schwab, Inc. (SchwabCT). Schwab Retirement Plan de Servicios, Inc. es una subsidiaria de The Charles Schwab Corporation proporcionando mantenimiento de registros y servicios relacionados con respecto a los planes de jubilación. Schwab Plan de Servicios de corretaje y Schwab Servicios Designados son divisiones de Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. proporcionan respectivamente los servicios del plan de compensación en acciones y soluciones de corretaje para clientes corporativos que supervisan su actividad empleados valores. SchwabCT, una subsidiaria de propiedad total de la Charles Schwab Corporation, ofrece soluciones tecnológicas para clientes corporativos para ayudar a facilitar su aplicación programa de tecnología cumplimiento. A través de sus subsidiarias operativas, el Charles Schwab Corporation ofrece una gama completa de corretaje de valores, banca, administración de dinero, y los servicios de asesoramiento financiero, así como los servicios a la jubilación y otros planes de beneficios. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (miembro de SIPC) y filiales ofrecen servicios y productos de inversión. Charles Schwab Bank (miembro de FDIC y un Prestamista de Viviendas) proporciona confianza, custodia, depósito, y productos y servicios de préstamos. Schwab Retiro Technologies, Inc. (Schwab RT) trabaja en la elaboración de registros y licencias de sistemas plan de retiro de propiedad para los administradores de terceros independientes. 2017 The Charles Schwab Corporation. Todos los derechos reserved. International siguiente anterior quiso decir: También puede intentar: Buscar no está disponible temporalmente. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. No hemos podido encontrar un resultado que coincida con su petición. Por favor, compruebe la ortografía o intente utilizar diferentes términos de búsqueda. Si no puede encontrar lo que usted está buscando, o si tiene alguna pregunta adicional o necesidades de asesoramiento, por favor llame a uno de nuestros consultores de inversión en el 1-415-667-8400. Siguiente Anterior ¿Se refiere a: También puede intentar: Buscar no está disponible temporalmente. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. No hemos podido encontrar un resultado que coincida con su petición. Por favor, compruebe la ortografía o intente utilizar diferentes términos de búsqueda. Si no puede encontrar lo que usted está buscando, o si tiene alguna pregunta adicional o necesidades de asesoramiento, por favor llame a uno de nuestros consultores de inversión en el 1-415-667-8400. Las acciones Opciones de amplificador explorar oportunidades para la equidad Internacional inversores Schwab se ha comprometido a ayudar a obtener el máximo de su experiencia de invertir EE. UU.. Las acciones y opciones presentan potenciales oportunidades para hacer crecer su dinero en el mercado financiero de Estados Unidos. Las existencias obtiene una comisión baja y un servicio superior. las acciones de comercio en línea por sólo 8,95 por operación. 1 Más información sobre nuestros honorarios y comisiones. Schwab puede ayudar a evaluar, seleccionar y controlar las opciones sobre acciones. Como cliente Schwab Internacional, usted tendrá acceso a: cubre aproximadamente 3.000 de los más grandes (por capitalización de mercado) acciones que se negocian en los EE. UU. y con sede o incorporadas en los Mercados en EEUU se han valorado mediante una escala de A, B, C, D y F . mercado Insight que le da acceso a las perspectivas y análisis de nuestro equipo de expertos en mercados financieros de Estados Unidos. Vista previa de la Investigación incluye la investigación de terceros de Argus y más. Cribas de archivo permiten realizar búsquedas y las existencias de pantalla utilizando más de 100 criterios, incluyendo técnicos y fundamentales, y valoraciones. Comparación de múltiples poblaciones y crear búsquedas personalizadas. Opciones Opciones comerciantes también pueden disfrutar de un paquete total de negociación de opciones, incluyendo herramientas avanzadas de negociación, una amplia educación, opciones y especialistas experimentados opciones. Schwab clientes internacionales pueden utilizar: Herramientas Opciones. Obtener las herramientas que desee para ayudarle a tomar decisiones comerciales más inteligentes. la educación opciones. Ya sea que esté comenzando o eres un avezado comerciante, tomar ventaja de una amplia gama de opportunitiesincluding educativa talleres en línea en vivo, seminarios pregrabados, y eventsto especial a afinar sus estrategias. Opciones especialistas. A partir de las preguntas de herramientas y análisis de la estrategia para ayudar con órdenes complejas, nuestros especialistas pueden ayudarle con sus necesidades opciones de comercio. El Charles Schwab Corporation ha adquirido optionXpress, una empresa líder en el comercio de opciones. optionXpress ofrece una gama de capacidades comerciales incluyendo: capacidad de negociar complejo de márgenes estrategias de opciones de lista para una mayor eficiencia cuentas OPTIONSXPRESS no están disponibles en todos los países y están sujetos a restricciones específicas de cada país. Llame 1-888-686-6870 para obtener más información. Opciones conllevan un alto nivel de riesgo y no son adecuados para todos los inversores. Ciertos requisitos se deben cumplir para el comercio de opciones. Múltiples estrategias de opciones de la pierna implicarán varias comisiones. Por favor lea el documento titulado Características y riesgos de opciones normalizadas opciones de divulgación. Las operaciones con margen implica una gran cantidad más riesgo que las cuentas de efectivo. Por favor, tenga en cuenta sus recursos financieros, objetivos de inversión y tolerancia al riesgo para determinar si tiene sentido para sus circunstancias individuales. Por favor, revise la página Declaración de divulgación y Riesgos optionXpress Margen de revelaciones específicas y otra información acerca de Garantía de Cartera. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (miembro de SIPC) (Schwab) y optionXpress, Inc. (miembro de SIPC) (optionXpress) son empresas y subsidiarias de The Charles Schwab Corporation separados pero afiliadas. 1. Las restricciones se aplican: La comisión fija 8.95 no se aplica a las transacciones de valores extranjeras, las transacciones de bloques grandes que requieren manejo especial, los programas de comisiones por el empleador negociado aplicable a las operaciones de compensación de capital o transacciones de acciones restringidas. las acciones ordinarias extranjeras que comercian en línea en el mercado de EE. UU. over-the-counter (OTC) y no se asientan en los EE. UU. tendrán una tarifa de transacción en el extranjero 50 añade al coste de la operación. Todas las operaciones de los agentes asistida están sujetos a cargos por servicio. Un depósito mínimo de 10.000 se requiere para abrir una cuenta de Schwab One International. Se pueden aplicar exenciones. Consulte la Guía de precios de Charles Schwab para más detalles. transacciones de compensación en acciones de los empleados están sujetos a separar los programas de comisiones. Las clasificaciones de Schwab equidad y listas de valores o modelos no son recomendaciones personalizadas para cualquier inversor particular, no tienen en cuenta los recursos financieros, inversiones u otros objetivos y pueden no ser adecuados para un determinado inversor. Antes de comprar, los inversores deben considerar si la inversión es adecuado para sí y su cartera. Además, los inversores deben considerar cualquier mercado reciente o noticias de la compañía. Las acciones pueden ser volátiles y conllevan riesgos, y las acciones individuales pueden no ser adecuados para un inversor. No todos los productos, servicios o inversiones están disponibles en todos los países. Nada en este sitio web es una oferta de venta ni una solicitud de una oferta de compra de valores, productos o servicios, por cualquier persona o entidad en cualquier jurisdicción o país donde dicha distribución o uso sean contrarios a la ley o regulación. La inversión en valores de Estados Unidos no está exenta de riesgos. los retornos de inversión fluctuarán y están sujetos a la volatilidad del mercado, de modo que una inversión Los acciones, al reembolso o la venta, pueden valer más o menos que su original, cost. Charles Schwab, UK Limited Charles Schwab, UK Limited Anterior Siguiente Quiso decir: Usted también puede tratar de: Buscar no está disponible temporalmente. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. No hemos podido encontrar un resultado que coincida con su petición. Por favor, compruebe la ortografía o intente utilizar diferentes términos de búsqueda. Si no puede encontrar lo que usted está buscando, o si tiene alguna pregunta adicional o necesidades de asesoramiento, por favor llame a uno de nuestros consultores de inversión en el 1-415-667-8400. Siguiente Anterior ¿Se refiere a: También puede intentar: Buscar no está disponible temporalmente. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. No hemos podido encontrar un resultado que coincida con su petición. Por favor, compruebe la ortografía o intente utilizar diferentes términos de búsqueda. Si no puede encontrar lo que usted está buscando, o si tiene alguna pregunta adicional o necesidades de asesoramiento, por favor llame a uno de nuestros consultores de inversión en el 1-415-667-8400. La inversión en valores de Estados Unidos no está exenta de riesgos. los retornos de inversión fluctuarán y están sujetos a la volatilidad del mercado, por lo que los inversores de acciones, un momento de su rescate o vendido, puede valer más o menos que su cost. Powerful original, fácil de usar Creemos opciones y futuros herramientas de comercio deben ser de gran alcance (como una demanda profesional) y fácil de usar (como un inversor individual quiere). El equipo de optionXpress estudia los comerciantes y el comercio, el desarrollo de muchas innovaciones en los últimos años para los clientes, incluyendo el Comercio All-in-One de entradas que entrena a los comerciantes a través de órdenes de operaciones que van desde opciones múltiples de la pierna para los contratos de futuros de materias primas. Ahora, como parte de The Charles Schwab Corporation. optionXpress se enorgullece de ofrecerle acceso a la asesoría financiera y servicios de corretaje adicionales a través de Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc., así como los servicios bancarios a través de Schwab Bank. Por favor, vea la página de divulgaciones de información adicional con respecto a esta sección. No encontré lo que necesitaba Sepamos. Corretaje de los productos No FDIC asegurado middot middot Sin garantía bancaria Pueden perder valor optionXpress, Inc. no hace recomendaciones de inversión y no proporciona financiera, fiscal o legal. Contenidos y herramientas se proporcionan para los propósitos educativos e informativos solamente. Cualquier acciones, opciones, futuros o símbolos mostrados son para propósitos ilustrativos solamente y no pretenden representar ninguna recomendación para comprar o vender un valor en particular. Productos y servicios destinados a los clientes de Estados Unidos y pueden no estar disponibles o que se ofrece en otras jurisdicciones. El comercio en línea tiene un riesgo inherente. respuesta del sistema y los tiempos de acceso que pueden variar debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema, el volumen y otros factores. Las opciones y futuros implican riesgos y no son adecuados para todos los inversores. Por favor, lea Características y riesgos de opciones normalizadas y Declaración sobre riesgos de futuros y opciones en nuestra página web, antes de solicitar una cuenta, también disponible llamando al 888.280.8020 o 312.629.5455. El inversor debe entender estos y otros riesgos antes de operar. Múltiples estrategias de opciones de la pierna implicarán varias comisiones. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. optionXpress, Inc. y Charles Schwab Banco son empresas y subsidiarias de The Charles Schwab Corporation separados pero afiliadas. Los productos de corretaje son ofrecidos por Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (miembro de SIPC) (Schwab) y optionXpress, Inc. (miembro de SIPC) (optionXpress). Activas y pasivas productos y servicios son ofrecidos por Charles Schwab Bank, Miembro FDIC y un Prestamista de Viviendas (Schwab Bank). 2017 copia optionXpress, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. SIPC miembros. Productos de bolsa: No FDIC asegurado toro toro garantía bancaria Pueden perder valor

Opciones Binarias Social Trading

comercio social

La plataforma de negociación de Binary Brokerz tiene algunas herramientas de trading muy potentes que han sido elegantemente diseñadas para maximizar el potencial de beneficio de cada comerciante. Una de las más excitantes de estas herramientas se llama Social Trading. El comercio social, también conocido como comercio de multitudes, representa una forma revolucionaria de acceder a los mercados financieros. Esencialmente, hemos desarrollado un nuevo tipo de red social. La base de esta red social se basa en el objetivo común del éxito financiero. Al seguir y copiar los oficios de algunos de los mejores inversores de opciones binarias en el mundo, los comerciantes de Binary Brokerz pueden tomar su comercio a nuevas alturas con el comercio social.

Trading Social en la Plataforma de Negociación Binary Brokerz

La función de comercio social de la plataforma Brokerz binaria es potente y fácil de usar. Hay tres sencillos pasos involucrados en las opciones binarias de comercio social: Observe, Follow y Copy.


Observe los activos más populares y rentables que están en tendencia en un gráfico en vivo-detallando visualmente las mejores operaciones que se están realizando en la plataforma de negociación Binary Brokerz.


Descubra y siga a los comerciantes más exitosos en tiempo real, ya que eligen si realizar una LLAMADA o un PUT en un activo financiero específico.

¿Quién se beneficia más del comercio social?

Cada tipo de comerciante puede beneficiarse de la percepción colectiva de algunos de los principales comerciantes en el comercio de opciones binarias. Siguiendo los movimientos y estrategias de los comerciantes profesionales, los comerciantes de todos los niveles obtendrán una valiosa comprensión de los movimientos del mercado y la toma de decisiones adecuadas. Este excitante y nuevo medio de cooperación entre los comerciantes ha ayudado a muchos novatos y profesionales a desarrollar el tipo de cooperación necesaria no sólo para lograr, sino para mantener el éxito en las opciones binarias.

Dónde encontrar el comercio social en la plataforma binaria Brokerz

Para empezar a utilizar Social Trading, sólo tiene que iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Binary Brokerz trading y buscar el Social Trading News Feed en el panel inferior derecho de la plataforma. Para ver la actividad de Social Trading de cualquier activo específico, simplemente vaya a la sección de gráficos de la plataforma para el activo que desea ver y haga clic en el botón SOCIAL directamente debajo del gráfico.

comercio social

El comercio social permite a los comerciantes para el comercio en línea con la ayuda de los demás. El comercio social acorta la curva de aprendizaje para el comerciante de principiante a experimentado. Usted puede interactuar con otras decisiones, ver otras operaciones de tomar, luego duplicar sus oficios y aprender lo que mas te hizo más ganancias a través de su propio análisis. Mediante la copia de operaciones, los comerciantes pueden aprender qué estrategias están trabajando para ellos y que no, todo eso sin tomar el riesgo total sobre sí mismos!

Uno de los beneficios de la evolución de las redes sociales es la capacidad de aprovechar la sabiduría de la multitud. En GO Binary 24/7 hicimos lo mismo y agregamos una característica muy popular y comúnmente usada que se llama "Trading Social". Esta forma de negociación se puede aplicar a las opciones binarias con nuestra plataforma de negociación que ofrece una clara transparencia en las opciones binarias de comercio con un amplio intercambio de conocimientos.

Los nuevos comerciantes pueden aprender de los comerciantes más experimentados para disfrutar de mayor éxito comercial utilizando el mejor de los métodos de negociación, técnicas y estrategias. Ofrecemos una plataforma para todos nuestros estimados clientes comerciales que tendrían una visión más cercana sobre las actividades comerciales para tener éxito en las opciones binarias de comercio. Técnicas de comercio social incluyen copiar la fórmula exitosa de un comerciante veterano en tiempo real para disfrutar el éxito de sí mismo. Esto reduce la curva de aprendizaje de los operadores que son nuevos en el comercio de opciones binarias. No hay costo involucrado con GO Binary 24/7 social trading. Esto, por supuesto, le permitirá ver lo que la mayoría de los comerciantes elegir y utilizar esta información para sus propios beneficios.

Proceso y activación

GO Binary 24/7 permite a los comerciantes registrados monitorear y seguir a otros operadores que permiten mayores ganancias y beneficios al compartir su riqueza de conocimientos y técnicas comerciales. Los comerciantes nuevos o novatos pueden buscar el consejo de comerciantes experimentados así como observar e imitar las tácticas comerciales de este último para las ganancias potenciales.

Diferentes estrategias comerciales y opciones se pueden recoger fácilmente para disfrutar de las opciones binarias de comercio. GO Binary 24/7 proporciona un ambiente seguro y seguro para todos nuestros comerciantes registrados para compartir el conocimiento comercial y la experiencia en vivo. Siempre hay algo que se puede aprender de otro. Las opiniones pueden ser intercambiadas y se pueden dar sugerencias para obtener mejores resultados comerciales.

Con GO Binary 24/7, el comercio social forma una comunidad de negocios muy unida, donde cada miembro se beneficia de una forma u otra. El aprendizaje práctico con otros para guiar y asesorar mejora una experiencia comercial con un mayor nivel de confianza para todos los participantes. Los aspectos del comercio social con nosotros implican la observación de otros comerciantes en sus actividades de comercio, echa un vistazo a los plazos de negociación y los activos que forman operaciones exitosas, identificar las estrategias comerciales para operaciones exitosas y hacer un comercio similar personalmente.

Instalaciones y ayudas

GO Binary 24/7 ofrece no sólo un entorno comercial seguro y seguro, sino también gráficos actualizados, análisis e informes sobre el comercio de opciones binarias. La información actualizada ofrece más ayuda y consejos a los comerciantes sociales en la toma de decisiones de comercio más sabio en función de su concentración, comprensión y aplicación.

Nuestra facilidad comercial del comercio es una herramienta binaria excelente de las opciones que negocia para nuestros comerciantes registrados que están intentando realzar sus habilidades y experiencia que negocian. Esta opción se conoce como "Aprender haciendo". También tenemos facilitadores amigables y experimentados que están listos para ayudar en la manipulación de nuestra facilidad de comercio social con éxito. Nuestros profesionales de servicio al cliente están en modo de espera para contestar consultas y ofrecer asistencia en las actividades comerciales.

Estamos constantemente actualizando nuestra plataforma de comercio social con más facilidades comerciales y tecnologías avanzadas para hacerlo aún más viable para nuestros miembros registrados. Los comerciantes de diversos fondos y experiencias aprenden juntos a dominar las opciones binarias comerciales. Este es un enfoque emocionante para el comercio de opciones binarias donde el comercio se activa a través de una "multitud de fuentes de inteligencia".

Obtenga la revisión del mercado diario!

EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD Las Opciones Binarias de Negocio pueden resultar en la pérdida de parte o de todos los fondos invertidos mientras se negocia. Tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invierta más dinero del que puede arriesgarse a perder. Debe considerar cuidadosamente si esta actividad se ajusta a sus necesidades, sus recursos financieros y sus circunstancias personales. Los resultados dependen de los precios de los activos en tiempo real, el tiempo de vencimiento de la opción y su inversión inicial, que puede ser perdida si el comercio expira fuera del dinero. Las opciones no son vendidas por nosotros a precio de mercado, pero a un precio que estamos dispuestos a ofrecerle. Go Binary 24/7 no se hace responsable de las pérdidas comerciales que pueda enfrentar como resultado del uso de los datos alojados en este sitio. Los datos y las cotizaciones contenidas en este sitio web no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino más bien por terceros proveedores de servicios. Los servicios que ofrecemos están destinados únicamente a usuarios que no están prohibidos por las leyes de su jurisdicción de adquirir contratos financieros en Internet. Se prohíbe a los clientes estadounidenses comerciar con nosotros.

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comercio social

comercio social

Ofreciendo la red de comercio social más grande y activa disponible, V8Options ofrece a sus Operadores de Opciones Binarias la posibilidad de ver otras posiciones comerciales de Traders, seguir Trades, presumir al mundo de comercios ganados y mantenerse al tanto de lo que otros Traders están haciendo en tiempo real.

Como comerciante de V8Options tendrá la oportunidad de acceder a nuestra Plataforma de Negociación Social y en particular a nuestras Cartas Sociales Exclusivas Mundiales, al Feed de Comercio Social y al Perfil de Negociación Social Personalizable.

gráfico social

Ve y vigila las posiciones y operaciones de otros comerciantes a medida que ocurren. Vea quién está ganando dinero y quién seguir, quién evitar y qué Oficios son populares. Con la inteligencia del mercado social disponible en este feed de gráfico único y exclusivo, nuestros comerciantes tienen la ventaja con infinitas posibilidades.

Social Trading Feed

Al igual que, compartir y ver las posiciones de comercio por los comerciantes reales como suceden. Sea la envidia de sus amigos con sus pagos exitosos y vigile lo que otros comerciantes están haciendo ahora mismo. Obtenga una ventaja competitiva y comparta sus conocimientos como una comunidad comercial.

Perfil de comercio social personalizable

Crea tu propio perfil y deja que el mundo vea lo bueno que eres. Sube tu foto, crea tu perfil, deja que otros gusten y comparta tus Posiciones de Negociación.

Con V8Options usted tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a nuestra diversa piscina Comerciantes en una comunidad de comercio social a diferencia de cualquier otro. Únase a nosotros hoy mismo y vea cómo Social Trading y V8Options revolucionarán sus Oficios.

Sobre nosotros

Este sitio web es el trabajo de mí, Michael Hodges, el perro guardián de opciones binarias y comerciante social. He estado negociando y viendo los mercados desde 2005 y las opciones binarias específicamente desde 2012. Soy un comerciante de swing básicamente técnico y fundamentalmente autodidacta pero admito fácilmente que mis habilidades han sido afiladas y perfeccionadas desde completamente participar en el comercio social. Me di cuenta de las opciones binarias cuando empecé a trabajar con Martin Kay en BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com y desde entonces me he convertido en un verdadero fan. La facilidad de uso es una obviedad en lo que a mí respecta y ayuda a los comerciantes se centran en el análisis y la gestión del dinero, las dos cosas más importantes para dominar en el comercio.

¿Quién es Michael Hodges?

He estado negociando por más de 10 años en total, 3 en binario, y conozco los entresijos de estrategia, análisis y gestión de dinero, así como opciones binarias de comercio, plataformas y corredores. El comercio social es la última tendencia en la industria y uno que está alcanzando rápidamente. Estoy aquí para ayudarle a guiarlo a través del laberinto de corredores y plataformas de comercio social para que pueda sacar el máximo provecho de su experiencia. Soy un comerciante a largo plazo con un enfoque a largo plazo por lo que mi estrategia y estilo de negociación puede no encajar en el estilo de todos, pero lo que beneficiará a todos es mi experiencia con las opciones binarias de comercio. Puedo ayudarle a encontrar la plataforma adecuada, el corredor adecuado y las plataformas de comercio social adecuadas para que pueda aprovechar al máximo su experiencia comercial. Si quieres, puedes unirte a mi red de comercio social y seguir la cuenta de Geek.

Opciones binarias Watchdog

El comercio social es una gran manera de pasar tiempo y quiero que encuentres lo mejor que hay disponible. Este sitio web pretende ser una guía para los nuevos comerciantes y un recurso para los antiguos. Tengo favoritos actuales, pero mi propósito como perro guardián de opciones binarias es estar siempre en busca de las últimas innovaciones, así como cualquier otra noticia, servicios y estafas que puedan aparecer.

Estaré escribiendo reseñas de todas las plataformas de copia y comercio social, así como señales de servicios, indicadores, foros y otras herramientas importantes para su éxito. Mi intención es ayudar a los comerciantes de todos los niveles. Quiero ayudar a los principiantes interesados ​​en el mercado, los intermediarios que sólo necesitan una mano guía y el experto que busca información, conocimiento y discusión experta sobre el mercado. Al final, ustedes son todos mis hermanos y hermanas y forman parte del mayor entorno comercial social. También estaré publicando artículos sobre mis estrategias personales y cuentas de comercio para que pueda seguir junto con mi comercio.

¡Michael Hodges es el friki!

Escribo consejos del Geek cada semana en BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com. Este es mis consejos semanales y la cuenta de comercio social que llamo la cuenta Geek. Estos consejos son totalmente gratuitos, publicados en el sitio principal y apoyados por mí en los foros. Usted puede seguir mis operaciones allí o en su propia cuenta siempre que la expiración adecuada y los activos son compatibles, por lo que es una gran manera de iniciar las opciones binarias de comercio social.

Información del contacto

Soy un escritor prolífico y se puede encontrar en varios lugares alrededor del Internet incluyendo BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com. BinaryOptions. net. BinaryMarketAnalysis. com y otros incluyendo medios sociales.

También ofrezco educaciones sobre opciones binarias. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre el aprendizaje de opciones binarias comerciales con The Geek.

Foros de Negocio Social

Broker And Platform Revisiones

Señales recomendadas / Auto / Copy Trading

Aprenda la negociación de opciones binarias

Palillo de la vela que traza para las opciones binarias

Mensajes recientes


Temas recientes en el foro

Primer corredor ofrecerá opciones binarias

Descargo de responsabilidad: La información proporcionada en este sitio web es la opinión de los autores y no necesariamente se basa en datos de hechos o decisiones legales reales. TradeOpus y sus empleados no aceptan ningún tipo de responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la dependencia de la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Vea nuestra Política de Privacidad aquí

Divulgación del riesgo: El comercio en los mercados financieros viene con diversos niveles de riesgo. Es responsabilidad del comerciante reconocer los riesgos involucrados. Los comerciantes nunca deben arriesgar más dinero que él puede permitirse perder. TradeOpus y sus empleados no retienen ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que los comerciantes puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de los datos o consejos contenidos en este sitio web.

De acuerdo con las directrices de la FTC, TradeOpus. com tiene relaciones financieras con algunos de los productos y servicios mencionados en este sitio web, y TradeOpus. com puede ser compensado si los consumidores optan por hacer clic en estos enlaces en nuestro contenido y, en última instancia, suscribirse a ellos.

TradeOpus es su autoridad para el comercio de opciones binarias. En TradeOpus ofrecemos información actualizada en el mundo de las opciones binarias, incluyendo revisiones exhaustivas de brokers. Google+

Términos y Condiciones

Términos y Condiciones - SpearTrader

Al hacer clic en & # 8220; Acepto & # 8221; A continuación, confirmo que:

He leído los siguientes Términos y Condiciones, incluyendo las Políticas de SpearTrader (incluyendo, sin limitación, Política de Depósito y Retiro, Política de Riesgo y Responsabilidad de Riesgo, Política de Uso Aceptable, Política de Privacidad y Menores de Edad).

Entiendo todos estos términos y que estos Términos y Condiciones, junto con todas las políticas, son una parte inseparable de un acuerdo vinculante entre mí y SpearTrader (el Acuerdo & # 8220;).

Tengo más de 18 años y la información proporcionada en esta solicitud es verdadera y correcta y que notificaré a SpearTrader de cualquier cambio material.

SpearTrader puede no ser capaz de determinar la idoneidad de cualquier producto para mí, incluyendo debido a la falta de experiencia o información no revelada.

He introducido detalles completos, precisos y veraces, incluyendo mi dirección residencial e identidad.

SpearTrader podrá, en cualquier momento y sin limitación, modificar cualquiera de los términos establecidos en este acuerdo mediante la publicación de dicha información en nuestro sitio web.

Confirmo que tengo la oportunidad de operar en una plataforma de demostración y / o leer un tutorial y entiendo como una consecuencia el comercio y los RIESGOS que están involucrados. Además he leído y entendido los riesgos que están involucrados en el comercio de Opciones y / o CFDs (comercio).

Al llenar el Formulario de Suscripción, solicito y acepto abrir una cuenta para mí mismo y confirmar que he leído y entendido todas las políticas y los términos incluyendo la Divulgación de Riesgos y los Términos y Condiciones.

SpearTraderTrader ofrece acceso a su sitio web y servicios a clientes que aceptan los términos y condiciones. Al utilizar el sitio web, confirma explícitamente que ha leído estos Términos y condiciones y acepta los mismos.

Nuestras obligaciones están sujetas a cualquier límite o restricción que podamos acordar por escrito, así como a los requisitos legales, reglamentarios, legales o del mercado.

Los siguientes términos y condiciones se aplican a todos los usuarios y en caso de necesitar información adicional sobre cualquiera de los temas presentados a continuación, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente en cualquier momento. Primero debe leer y luego aceptar estos Términos y Condiciones para beneficiarse de los mejores servicios proporcionados por SpearTrader y el acuerdo es efectivo con la aceptación. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones del presente contrato, asegúrese de informarnos por escrito. Si SpearTrader decide hacer las modificaciones, se publicarán en línea y para poder seguir operando en el sitio web, se le pedirá que acepte los nuevos términos.

Con el fin de ser elegible para operar su comercio con SpearTrader debe ser mayor de 18 años y para comprender plenamente los riesgos involucrados. Por la presente, usted reconoce que tiene el conocimiento y la experiencia para comerciar y comprender los riesgos involucrados. No podemos ser responsables de ningún daño o pérdida y no somos responsables de verificar si usted posee el conocimiento suficiente o si sus opciones comerciales son sabias.

Las mismas condiciones se aplican con respecto a las restricciones legales. Usted debe entender en su totalidad que el comercio, las inversiones y operaciones similares se regulan de una manera diferente, en todo el mundo. El hecho de que pueda acceder a nuestro sitio web y utilizar las herramientas que ofrece SpearTrader no significa necesariamente que sea legal en su país hacerlo.

Los usuarios que acceden a este sitio están obligados a informarse sobre las restricciones de jurisdicción y usted está declarando que los fondos que está utilizando para el comercio no son originarios de ninguna actividad criminal o de otra manera violar cualquier ley.

No abuse de la licencia o de los servicios que se le proporcionan. Al aceptar los Términos y Condiciones, se le otorgará una licencia limitada, pero no podrá enlazar con el sitio web o copiar y revender los materiales que aparecen en SpearTrader. La información proporcionada por nosotros debe utilizarse íntegramente para ejecutar transacciones dentro o dentro de SpearTrader.

Tenga en cuenta que cerrar o suspender su cuenta debido a un incumplimiento de los términos de servicio y explícitamente la Política de Uso Aceptable, puede implicar una pérdida debido al cierre de posiciones.

No proporcione información falsa o inexacta. La licencia otorgada se dará por terminada si observamos que los datos que usted proporciona no son precisos y dejará de tener acceso a los servicios. Usted acepta que SpearTrader puede terminar su acceso a cualquiera de los servicios ofrecidos para el comercio en línea a su entera discreción y con o sin previo aviso y cerrar su transacción. Los presentes términos y condiciones establecen que bajo ninguna circunstancia SpearTrader o sus empleados serán responsables de los beneficios perdidos o cualquier tipo de daño que se produzca durante la negociación, debido a la conexión a nuestro sitio web, incluida la negligencia. En cualquier circunstancia probada, la responsabilidad de SpearTrader se limita a nuestras últimas comisiones mensuales recibidas del dinero que transfirió o depositó en su cuenta de negociación.

Términos y Condiciones

El preámbulo de estos términos de servicio es una parte inseparable del mismo y junto con todas las políticas de la empresa constituyen un Acuerdo vinculante entre el Usuario y SpearTrader.

Usted y cualquier persona que hace uso del Sitio se denominan "Usuario & # 8221; Y / o Cliente.

Al acceder, visitar y / o utilizar este Sitio, cualquier persona que lo haga (de ahora en adelante: & # 8222; Usuario & # 8222;) expresa inequívocamente y sin reservas su acuerdo vinculante a cualquiera de estos Términos y Condiciones, constituyendo un acuerdo vinculante Entre el Usuario y SpearTrader, y se compromete a cumplir plenamente con el mismo. Toda actividad en, con y / o a través de este Sitio se regirá por estos Términos y Condiciones.



Uso permitido: Cualquier usuario debe ser mayor de 18 años y legalmente permitido para participar en el uso de este sitio bajo las leyes aplicables a él / ella. El usuario declara que tiene plena capacidad jurídica para celebrar acuerdos jurídicamente vinculantes. Los usuarios no podrán hacer uso comercial y / o serial y / o automatizado de este Sitio. Este sitio prohíbe estrictamente cualquier uso de minería de datos, recolección de datos, robo de ancho de banda, plug-ins de navegación fuera de línea y software y / o descarga y / o descarga o acceso por lotes y cualquier acceso a través de cualquier software excepto los principales navegadores web comunes y oficiales.

Su cuenta y la cuenta bancaria. Al recibir su solicitud, podremos realizar cheques de crédito u otros que consideremos apropiados de vez en cuando incluyendo sin límite la obtención de referencias de su banco, empleador o agencias de crédito (si corresponde). Las agencias de referencia de crédito registrarán los detalles de la búsqueda independientemente de si su aplicación continúa o no. Nos reservamos el derecho de realizar más verificaciones de crédito en cualquier momento mientras este Acuerdo esté en vigor.

Usted reconoce y acepta que podemos usar métodos de calificación de crédito para evaluar su solicitud. Esto puede afectar nuestra decisión de aceptar la solicitud o de modificar la forma en que funcionará su cuenta.

Debe notificarnos de inmediato cualquier cambio importante en la información que figure en su Formulario de Solicitud.

En el caso de que su solicitud sea aceptada, abriremos una cuenta para usted y le proporcionaremos un ID de usuario y un número de cuenta. Usted no debe revelar estos detalles a ninguna otra persona. En el caso de que usted crea que estos detalles son conocidos por un tercero, entonces nos notificará inmediatamente. Usted nos ayudará a investigar cualquier uso indebido de su Cuenta.

Usted confirma que no estamos obligados a confirmar o verificar la identidad de cualquier persona usando o citando su Cuenta.

Usted confirma que tendremos el derecho (pero no obligado) de hacer cualquier pago que se le debe a una sola cuenta por todas las sumas. Podemos (pero no estamos obligados) a aceptar transferir dinero a diferentes cuentas bancarias. No obstante el hecho de que aceptemos hacerlo, no seremos responsables de ningún error cometido por nosotros en el importe transferido siempre que la suma total transferida de conformidad con este Acuerdo sea correcta.

Fondos que aparecen en los clientes & # 8217; Puede incluir bonos e incentivos acordados o voluntarios, o cualquier otra suma no depositada directamente por el Cliente o obtenida de la transacción a causa de fondos realmente depositados (fondos no depositados). A menos que se acuerde otra cosa explícitamente, los fondos no depositados no están disponibles para retiro inmediato. Además, debido a limitaciones técnicas, los Fondos No Depositados pueden ser asignados a la cuenta del Cliente en ciertas ocasiones (por ejemplo, con el propósito técnico de permitir el cierre de posiciones o una cuenta deudora). TENGA EN CUENTA QUE LOS FONDOS NO DEPOSITADOS, incluidos los beneficios obtenidos por cuenta o derivados de los mismos, no son fondos del Cliente. Si se ha confirmado la retirada de fondos no depositados, SpearTrader tendrá pleno derecho a reclamar todos y cada uno de esos fondos.

Otros Pactos. Además de lo anterior y sin limitar la generalidad de esta cláusula, usted:

Confirme que los detalles de la cuenta bancaria son completos y exactos y que nos notificará inmediatamente si éstos cambian y nos proporcionarán la documentación que solicitamos con respecto a dicha cuenta bancaria revisada;

Confirme que (a menos que se acuerde lo contrario por nosotros) la Cuenta bancaria se relaciona con una cuenta bancaria abierta en su país de residencia principal;

Reconocer y aceptar que no tenemos ninguna obligación de transferir dinero ni aceptar dinero de ninguna cuenta que no sea la Cuenta Bancaria.

Excepto en el caso de fraude (que no incluya el fraude de un tercero), no aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño sufrido por usted como resultado de su transacción con dinero depositado o acreditado en su Cuenta por error o por Nuestro nombre.

Nos reservamos el derecho de cerrar o suspender su Cuenta en cualquier momento de acuerdo con los términos de este Acuerdo.

Reconocer explícitamente que SpearTrader tiene el derecho de cambiar la cantidad de margen que es permisible por cualquier operación debido a la volatilidad del mercado, sin previo aviso.

Cuentas Múltiples: Salvo que se disponga otra cosa expresamente en este Acuerdo, si tiene más de una Cuenta con nosotros, cada Cuenta será tratada por separado. Por lo tanto, cualquier crédito en una Cuenta (incluyendo el dinero depositado como margen) no descargará su pasivo con respecto a otra Cuenta a menos que ejercitamos nuestros derechos bajo este Acuerdo.

Cuentas conjuntas / beneficiarios: Si una Cuenta pertenece a múltiples usuarios oa una corporación, empresa, sociedad o cualquier otra corporación, todos los beneficiarios o signatarios deberán aprobar una retirada.

Vinculación a este Sitio: Crear o mantener cualquier enlace desde otro Sitio a cualquier página de este Sitio, sin el permiso escrito de SpearTrader está prohibido. Está prohibido ejecutar o mostrar este Sitio o cualquier información o material que se muestre en este Sitio en marcos o por medios similares en otro Sitio sin nuestro previo permiso por escrito. Todos los enlaces permitidos a este Sitio deben cumplir con todas las leyes, reglas y regulaciones aplicables y conducta ética en Internet.

Aviso de IP y derechos de autor: Todos los textos, gráficos, sonidos, información, diseños, aplicaciones, contenido, códigos fuente y archivos de código objeto y otro material que se muestra en o que se puede descargar desde este sitio están protegidos por derechos de autor, marcas registradas y otras leyes y No se puede usar excepto como se permite en estos Términos y Condiciones o con permiso previo por escrito del propietario de dicho material (en adelante: información & # 8222; o & # 8220; datos & # 8220;). La información en este Sitio pertenece a SpearTrader o sus respectivas afiliadas y proveedores y no puede ser copiada ni utilizada sin aprobación previa. Usted no puede modificar la información o los materiales exhibidos en o que se pueden descargar de este Sitio de ninguna manera o reproducir o exhibir públicamente, realizar, distribuir o de otra manera usar tal información o materiales para cualquier propósito público o comercial. Cualquier uso no autorizado de tal información o material puede violar las leyes de derechos de autor, las leyes de marcas registradas, las leyes de privacidad y publicidad y otras leyes y reglamentos.

Fuerza mayor . Si bien nos esforzaremos por cumplir nuestras obligaciones de manera oportuna, no asumiremos responsabilidad alguna por cualquier incumplimiento parcial o inexistente de nuestras obligaciones por cualquier causa fuera de nuestro control razonable, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, comunicaciones, sistemas o fallos de la computadora , El incumplimiento del mercado, la suspensión, el fracaso o el cierre, o la imposición o cambio (incluyendo un cambio de interpretación) de cualquier ley o requerimiento gubernamental o regulatorio y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida que pueda incurrir como resultado de ello.

Sin perjuicio de la generalidad de esta cláusula, se considerarán como un caso de fuerza mayor los siguientes hechos:

Donde somos (en nuestra opinión) incapaces de mantener un mercado ordenado como consecuencia de disturbios civiles, terrorismo, huelgas, disturbios o fallas de poder o comunicación;

Volatilidad excesiva en los mercados financieros;

Suspensión, cierre o liquidación de los mercados subyacentes.

Sin perjuicio de la generalidad de esta cláusula, en caso de fuerza mayor tendremos derecho a:

Alterar los tiempos de negociación;

Modificar el requisito de margen;

Cerrar o cancelar cualquier contrato / posición abierta.

Marcas registradas: Ciertas marcas registradas, nombres comerciales, marcas de servicio y logotipos usados ​​o exhibidos en este Sitio son marcas comerciales registradas y no registradas, nombres comerciales y marcas de servicio de SpearTrader y sus afiliados. Otras marcas comerciales, nombres comerciales y marcas de servicio utilizados o mostrados en este Sitio son las marcas registradas y no registradas, nombres comerciales y marcas de servicio de sus respectivos propietarios. Nada de lo contenido en este Sitio otorga o debe ser interpretado como otorgando, implícitamente, estoppel, o de otra manera, cualquier licencia o derecho de usar marcas registradas, nombres comerciales, marcas de servicio o logotipos mostrados en este Sitio sin el permiso por escrito de

Logins Seguridad. Es su responsabilidad mantener su Cuenta en todos estos momentos. Esto incluye asegurar que el nivel requerido de margen está en su lugar. Si usted tiene más de una cuenta, esta responsabilidad se relacionará con cada cuenta por separado, a menos que hayamos acordado lo contrario por escrito con usted.

Toda persona que utilice un nombre de usuario (ya sea o no de hecho, esa persona es un Cliente debidamente autorizado) se considerará autorizada para entrar en el sistema y / o (según el caso) para dar otras instrucciones o comunicaciones en nombre de Cliente de SpearTrader que está representado por el inicio de sesión según la información de registro proporcionada por SpearTrader. SpearTrader actuará de acuerdo con estas instrucciones sin estar obligado a obtener ninguna confirmación adicional por escrito o de otra índole y, para evitar dudas, los honorarios de transacción pertinentes serán pagaderos.

Uso ilícito: Está prohibido realizar cualquier uso ilegal de este Sitio, y está informado y consciente del hecho de que además de estos términos y condiciones y de todas y cada una de las políticas de uso de este Sitio, usted puede y se espera que sea sujeto A las leyes y regulaciones aplicables en su jurisdicción o cualquier jurisdicción relevante, incluyendo cualquier promulgación relacionada con juegos de azar, valores, impuestos y / o anti-lavado de dinero. SpearTrader no fomenta conductas que se consideren un delito o que den lugar a responsabilidad civil, o que de otro modo violen cualquier ley. Además de cualquier recurso que podamos tener en la ley o en la equidad, si determinamos, a nuestra sola discreción, que ha violado o es probable que violen las prohibiciones anteriores, podemos tomar cualquier acción que consideremos necesaria para curar o prevenir la Incluyendo, sin limitación, la inmediata remoción de los materiales relacionados y / o el Usuario de este Sitio. Cooperaremos plenamente con cualquier autoridad policial, orden judicial o citación que nos solicite o nos dirija a divulgar la identidad de cualquier persona que publique dichos materiales.

El usuario se compromete a que toda y cualquier información proporcionada por él sea verdadera, exacta, completa y actualizada.

El usuario se compromete a indemnizar, defender y mantener a SpearTrader inofensivo, así como a todas sus subsidiarias, agentes, empleados y / o funcionarios, contra o de cualquier responsabilidad, obligaciones, reclamaciones, deudas, gastos, etc. Uso indebido o abuso del sitio, información o servicios proporcionados o contenidos aquí, incluyendo en particular (pero no limitado a) cualquier incumplimiento de estos Términos y Condiciones y / o violación de cualquier ley (incluyendo cualquier violación o infracción de los derechos de terceros ) Y / o cualquier incumplimiento de los términos y condiciones aplicables de terceros;


Debe leer atentamente el aviso de advertencia de riesgos y todos los demás documentos que se le suministran en relación con este Acuerdo. NO envíe el formulario de solicitud en línea si no está seguro de los efectos de este acuerdo o de la naturaleza de los riesgos involucrados. Al hacer clic en el botón & # 8220; Enviar & # 8221; Y enviar el Formulario de Solicitud en Línea a nosotros, entonces usted está reconociendo que ha leído los documentos suministrados y que entiende y acepta los términos de este Acuerdo.

SpearTrader and/or any or all of its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, agents, employees, lawyers, trustees, bankers and/or officers does not regulate and/or oversee and/or verify the information published on this Site, including articles, trading information, quotes, et cetera. SpearTrader’s sole responsibility and endeavor is to facilitate trading and provide information and articles deemed useful. SpearTrader shall not incur any liability, in any way, or otherwise bear any damages and/or expenses to any user or third party, except for return of last monthly fees (to the extent that such fees were actually paid to SpearTrader), and subject to the terms set herein. SpearTrader shall not be liable to denial of service on any grounds, whether general, personal or specific. SpearTrader shall not be liable in any way for information, software, products and/or services provided by third parties.

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Revisions to these Terms and Conditions: Without prejudice to the above, User acknowledges and accepts that SpearTrader and its legal advisors are fully entitled at all times to amend, add to and/or revoke any and all of these Terms and Conditions, at its sole discretion, without giving User any notice thereof. Any such amendment, addition or revocation shall become fully effective and binding upon being posted on Site. You should visit this page to review the then current Terms and Conditions binding on you. Certain provisions of these Terms and Conditions may be added to or superseded by legal notices or terms located on particular pages of this Site.

This means that these Terms and Conditions may be reasonably amended from time to time by SpearTrader, and shall apply to any user immediately. SpearTrader shall maintain a link to these Terms and Conditions on every page on the Site, and state the last date these Terms and Conditions were updated on.

Choice of Law; Jurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions supersede any other agreement between you and SpearTrader to the extent necessary to resolve any inconsistency or ambiguity between them. These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. A printed version of these Terms and Conditions will be admissible in judicial and administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these Terms and Conditions to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. These Terms and Conditions, as well as any dispute arising therefrom or in connection therewith shall be brought before the courts of law of London, UK which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the same.

Dispute Resolution; Arbitration . The parties will attempt in good faith to negotiate a settlement to any claim or dispute between them arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. If the parties fail to agree upon terms of settlement, either side may submit the dispute to confidential arbitration proceedings by a sole arbitrator under the ICC ADR Rules, whose decision shall be final and binding. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English, in London, UK or another place agreed by Parties. Without derogating of the provisions above, this clause explicitly sets exclusive jurisdiction to said arbitration process, and neither Party shall be entitled to submit any dispute to the courts of its domicile which contradicts said arbitration process.

This means that UK law shall apply to the Site and services contemplated herein, and that any claim towards SpearTrader must be submitted to appropriate arbitration in London, UK.

Termination . You or we may suspend or terminate your account or your use of this Site at any time, for any reason or for no reason. Except for the withdrawal of accumulated funds, you will not be entitled to any remedy for discontinuing the services, all subject to our WD policy and applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspect of this Site at any time without notice.

Additional Assistance: If you do not understand any of the foregoing Terms and Conditions or if you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us at any time.

This means you should contact us beforehand if anything of these Terms and Conditions is unclear, unfair or unacceptable to you.

Our Commitment to Security and Privacy: To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place the appropriate and reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.

Assignment to Third Parties: SpearTrader is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, including any rights with regards to information or data, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever.

This means that the agreement between User and SpearTrader on the terms set under the Terms and Conditions may be assigned, in full or in part by SpearTrader, but not by the User. These privileges as well as the limitations of liability are SpearTrader’s one-sided prerogatives under these Terms and Conditions but this Site would not be feasible without them.

No Waiver: SpearTrader’s acquiescence to any breach of These Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to SpearTrader’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same.

Severability: Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein.

This means that if a specific article in these Terms and Conditions is ruled by a competent court as unenforceable for any reason, then such ruling shall only apply to the respective specific articles or provisions and not to this entire agreement.

How to Contact Us: Should you have other questions or concerns, please contact us anytime.

Trading in any investment opportunity that may generate profit requires SpearTrader’s customers to deposit money on their online account. Profits may be withdrawn from the online account.

Deposits and withdrawals are regulated by this WD policy as well as the generally applicable terms and conditions.

You, the Client, have to perform all the deposits from a source (e. g. single bank account). If you want to start trading, you should make sure this account is in your country of residence and in your name. In order to certify that a SWIFT confirmation is authentic, it has to be sent to SpearTrader to confirm the origin of the money which will be used for trading. If you don’t comply with this WD policy . you may be prevented from depositing the money via Bank/Wire Transfer. If you did not login and traded from your account within six (6) months (“ Dormant Account “), your Dormant Account will be subject to a deduction of 10 % each month (the “ Dormant Fee “).

According to generally acceptable AML rules and regulations, withdrawals must be performed only through the same bank account or credit/debit card that you used to deposit the funds.

Unless we agree otherwise, withdrawals from the Account may only be made in the same currency in which the respective deposit was made.

In addition, when you deposit or withdraw money for trading purposes using alternative payment methods, you should be aware that additional fees and restrictions may apply. Withdrawals are subjected to withdrawals processing and handling fees. Those fees will be deducted from the transferred withdrawn amount. (Where can the client see the fees?)

Without derogating of the foregoing, SpearTrader may execute withdrawals to a different facility than the one used for the deposit, subject to Anti Money-Laundering regulations.

Furthermore, when it comes to withdrawals, Client may be required to present additional information and documents.

Funds appearing on Clients’ account may include agreed or voluntary bonuses and incentives, or any other sums not directly deposited by the Client or gained from trading on account of actually deposited funds (“ Non-Deposited Funds “).

SpearTrader offers a number of attractive reward features including welcome bonuses, contests and awards to new and current Clients. Bonuses and onetime trading credits rewarded to clients are part of SpearTrader’s promotions program. Estos bonos son ofertas de tiempo limitado y los términos y condiciones asociados con cualquier recompensa de bono están sujetos a cambios.

By accepting the terms and conditions when registering with SpearTrader, You accepts and understands that these promotions are limited, and have no actual value except while in your account.

In order to redeem bonus credits, you are first obligated to meet a volume requirement on your account, which the payment of bonus credits is conditioned upon.

The volume requirement on your account requires that you trade a total account volume of 30 times your bonus+deposit amount in 120 days. This condition is calculated from the point at which the bonus credit is first given.

**** Turbo trading WILL NOT count as redeemable volume under any circumstances, to clear the issue even farther a redeemable trading volume will be considered any volume done on the following tools: DIGITAL, TOUCH, RANGE, ONE TOUCH.

Any account withdrawals made by you, prior to the redemption of your bonus credits, will result in the waiving of Your entitlement to the bonus credit, and the immediate withdrawal of the credit and profit from Your account, Farther more, Any open trade at the time of the withdrawal confirmation will be determined immediately as “out of the money”.

Ejemplo. Client deposited 500, received 500 bonus and reached a 10,000 trading volume and made 500 in profit.

The bonus is not in line with the volume requirement 500+500*30=30,000.

Balance available for trading Binary Options = 1000.

Balance available for withdrawal = 500.

If the client wishes to withdrawal 500, his/her account balance after this withdrawal will be 0.

SpearTrader, at its sole discretion, will determine if your deposit and trading activity are entitled to a promotional bonus.

Total bonuses or refunds shall not exceed the initial deposit amount.

In addition to the above, certain additional conditions may apply to any specific promotion, as defined in the promotion’s terms and conditions.

Submitting a Withdrawal Request

In order to process your withdrawal request, you must:

Print the [withdrawal. pdf] form . Client will log in to his account through the website, click on withdrawal, fill up the information and fill up the withdrawal form.

Sign the printed form.

Send the form to us via e-mail as a scanned image (JPG, GIF, PNG, non-password protected PDF) to.

All compliance documentation must have been received and approved by SpearTrader’s compliance officer in order to proceed with the withdrawal.

Beneficiary Name must match the name on the trading account. Requests to transfer funds to third party will not be processed.

Please note that a withdrawal request of all the funds invested in the account. regardless of the account balance, will cause the expiration of all the open trade with a result of “Out of the money.

Important . Account holder is required to monitor account regularly, and ensure that available margin exists in the account prior to submitting this request, as such withdrawal may have an impact on existing open positions or trading strategy used.

Typical Withdrawal Processing Time

The time it takes for the money to reach your credit card or bank account that has been used to deposit funds may vary (usually up to five business days). Note that it might take longer for withdrawals to bank accounts due to the additional security procedures in force.

The request will generally be processed by SpearTrader within 2-5 business days of receipt. In order to avoid any delays please review your information carefully before submitting your request. SpearTrader assumes no responsibility for errors or inaccuracies made by the account holder.

Corresponding withdrawals will take 3 to 5 business days to process. SpearTrader cannot monitor and is not responsible in any way for the Client’s Credit Card Company or bank’s internal procedures. Client must follow up with the credit card or respective bank independently.

Funds are released to your credit account once your credit card merchant has debited the funds from our account. This process may take up to 5 business days or more to reflect on your credit card account balance. If you do not have online access to your credit card, it should appear on the next billing statement(s) depending on your card’s billing cycle.

Please note clearly that we are not committed to any time frame and that any additional charges imposed by third parties shall be deducted from the deposit or the withdrawal, as applicable.

Additional Charges . If the receiving bank uses an intermediary bank to send/receive funds, you may incur additional fees charged by the intermediary bank. These charges are usually placed for transmitting the wire for your bank. SpearTrader is not involved with and nor has any control over these additional fees. Please check with your financial institution for more information.

For Credit card deposits, when you choose an account in a different currency than USD (United States Dollar), your credit card will be debited properly in accordance with amount deposited and the applicable exchange rates. In addition to the exchanged sum deposited, additional credit cards fees may apply (as a result, in such cases you may notice discrepancies between the sum of deposit and the sum charged on your credit card). Customers must accept these slight variations that can occur and won’t try to charge this back.

If you have used a credit card to deposit money, performed online trading and decide to cash in on your winnings, the same credit card must be used.

Amount of withdrawal per credit card is only allowable to an equal amount of money deposited per credit card or less. Greater amounts must be wire-transferred to a bank account.

Your Account may comprise of different currencies. These will be subject to the following conditions:

We may accept payments into the account in different currencies and any payments due to or from us and any net balances on the account shall be reported by us in the respective currency; The account is maintained in US Dollars, Euro or GB Pounds (“ Base Currencies “) and any other currency will be converted at the exchange rate existing at the point of conversion (“ Exchange Rate “); if the Client send funds in another currency than his account’s currency, we will apply an exchange rate to our discretion.

We will generally settle trades or perform any required setoffs and deductions in the relevant currency where the account comprises such currency ledger, save that where such currency balance is insufficient, we may settle trades in any currency using the Exchange Rate.

Please note this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering. Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by SpearTrader, at its sole discretion.

For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us anytime.

Risk Disclosure and Risk Disclaimer Policy

SpearTrader strives to provide its customers with the best tools for trading, including introductory guidance for the live trading environment. SpearTrader does not manage or advise on investments.

SpearTrader allows you to trade in highly speculative investments which involve a significant risk of loss. Tales operaciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores por lo que debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos antes de la negociación.

You accept that the transactions you perform with SpearTrader may involve financial instruments that are not:

Traded on any stock or investment exchange;

Readily realizable investments.

Risks associated with the services include:

All investment is subject to risk and the degree of risk is a matter of judgment and cannot be accurately pre-determined.

Trading in Financial Instruments is generally regarded as involving a high degree of risk compared with other common forms of investment such as recognized collective investment schemes and debt and equity securities.

We give no warranty or promise as to the performance or profitability of your Account with us or your investments or any part thereof.

The value of investments and the income derived from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.


Due to the high risk nature of trading, we explicitly do not make any EXPRESS OR IMPLIED warranties or guarantees that you will make any profit or that you will not lose any OR all of your DEPOSITED investmentS. Further, SpearTrader is not responsible for the accuracy of information or content provided by third parties, including site and information linked to or presented in this website.

Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by SpearTrader, at its sole discretion.

There is a possibility that you may sustain a partial or total loss of your investment funds when trading. Even if you make money, you should be aware that the market can quickly turn. Never trade with more than you can afford to lose.

For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us anytime.

Acceptable Use Policy [AUP]

Important . You are hereby advised that any breach of this acceptable use policy or otherwise manipulating, abusing or exploiting SpearTrader’s online trading services offered to the public, may result in significant monetary and other damages to SpearTrader and/or third parties, including other users and traders like yourself . and SpearTrader shall be entitled to seek any remedy available to it hereunder or under law, including an injunctive RELIEF.

Without derogating of the provisions of the following Acceptable Use Policy, any of the following activities are explicitly prohibited and shall be deemed fundamental breach of the Terms of Service Agreement:

Unauthorized automated access to the services and systems.

Latency exploitation in trading.

Coordinated trade through multiple accounts (including trading in tandem).

Any reverse engineering of the software or the services.

1.1. The AUP applies to all systems and services offered by SpearTrader, without exceptions.

1.2. The AUP applies to everyone, including all clients, users and visitors (“User” or “You”).

1.3. The prohibited activities and uses set out in this AUP are not a complete list. If you are unsure about any contemplated action you should contact SpearTrader immediately.

2.1. You may not use, under any circumstances, any software which automatically accesses or operates on SpearTrader’s systems, websites or systems, unless such software is officially provided by SpearTrader.

3.1. SpearTrader shall not use, and will take reasonable actions to ensure that no user or third party shall use its systems in any of the following ways:

3.1.1. Fraudulently or in connection with any criminal offense.

3.1.2. To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, or use any material which is offensive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing, or in breach of copyright, confidence, privacy and/or any other rights.

3.1.3. To cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety.

3.1.4. To spam or to send or provide unsolicited advertising or promotional material or, knowingly to receive responses to any spam, unsolicited advertising or promotional material sent or provided by any third party.

3.1.5. In any way which, in SpearTrader’s reasonable opinion, is or is likely to be detrimental to the provision of the SpearTrader service to the company or any of SpearTrader’s or its shareholders’ and/or affiliates’ and/or directors and/or lawyers and/or trustees and/or bankers and/or customers and/or business and/or reputation.

3.1.6. In contravention of any licenses or third party rights.

3.1.7. To attempt to interfere with any SpearTrader service to any user, host or network this includes without limitation: Flooding of networks; DOS (denial of service) attacks of any sort; Deliberate attempts to overload a service and attempts to crash a host; Any attempt to abuse, manipulate or benefit of an error, software bug, security backdoor or breach, latency differences; Any sort of automated, cooperative or multi-user operation (explicitly including tandem-trading) to circumvent or exploit the services or systems; For transmitting E-mails, code or files which contain computer viruses or corrupted data or Trojan horses or tools which compromise the security of web sites or user data. This explicitly includes spyware and malware of any sort.

3.2. You acknowledge and agree that the list of prohibited activities set out in clause 2.1 is a non-exhaustive list. SpearTrader reserves the right to cancel any deal and/or hold and offset any funds and/or demand any fund or right due to inacceptable use of its services, taking advantage of mistakes or abusing its systems.

3.3. You will not allow use of the System or access to any person who is not a Client and will not copy, distribute, publish, transmit, display, modify, prepare derivative works based on, report or otherwise use the system in whole or in part for the use of any other person.

3.4. The trademarks and logos displayed on the system are registered trademarks of SpearTrader and/or respective persons. Any use of such trademarks may only be allowed after the written consent has been obtained.

4.1.1. Violate or attempt to violate SpearTrader’s security or attempt to interfere or interfere with SpearTrader’s networks, authentication measures, servers or equipment.

4.1.2. Attempt to circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network or account which includes accessing data not intended to the recipient, logging onto a server where access is not authorized or probing the security of other networks.

4.1.3. Attempt to gain access to any account or computer resource not belonging to you through SpearTrader’s System and/or services.

5.1. SpearTrader shall be entitled to take organisational, automated and discretionary measures to ensure compliance with this AUP and all other rules and policies by all users .

5.2. Any right of SpearTrader hereunder, explicitly including the right to impose a sanction, shall not be deemed as to obligate SpearTrader in any way to exercise such right (or impose such sanction).

5.3. Failure to exercise any right of SpearTrader herein shall not be deemed a waiver of such right, including the imposition of a specific sanction.

5.4. SpearTrader may stop any person from accessing the System and may take such adequate measures as SpearTrader deems necessary to prevent such access, if SpearTrader becomes aware of any circumstances which give reason to believe that a login is being misused.

5.5. If you or any other person violate any term of this AUP, SpearTrader may, without notice to SpearTrader and without any liability to SpearTrader and/or its clients and/or any other party:

5.5.1. Require clarifications, authentications, documentations or other proof or details relevant to an investigation.

5.5.2. Prevent Client access to the System for good cause at its discretion.

5.5.3. Repair, rectify and/or rollback Client’s transactions to perform restitution for and by SpearTrader’s or third party.

5.5.4. Offset, deduct and/or confiscate funds and/or information as required at its discretion in accordance with law and/or any court order or instructions from a competent investigative or law enforcement authority.

5.5.5. Suspend or terminate SpearTrader’s use of its systems and/or service; o

5.5.6. Take any action as it considers appropriate.

For the avoidance of doubt, the exercise by SpearTrader of its rights hereunder will not require SpearTrader to compensate the user for loss of access to the SpearTrader’s System and service.

5.6. A violation of this AUP by a person having only indirect access to the SpearTrader service through you, will be considered a violation by you, including whether or not the violation was in with your knowledge or consent. You are responsible for any and all actions of its Clients to whom it directly or indirectly provides its services.

5.7. SpearTrader may cooperate with system administrators or other network or computing services providers to enforce this AUP or a policy of another provider.

5.8. SpearTrader may involve, and will cooperate with, law enforcement if criminal activity is suspected.

Please note this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to technological changes, experience, regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering. This AUP is subject to change at SpearTrader’s sole discretion at any time and any change is effective when posted on SpearTrader’s website or otherwise made known to SpearTrader.

Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by SpearTrader, at its sole discretion.

For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us at anytime.

SpearTrader values your security and privacy. Protecting your privacy is one of our top priorities. This privacy policy sets out how we collect information regarding Website users, what we may do with it, and what you can do to protect your privacy.

We are using security measures and encryption systems, to make sure interaction with our website is smooth and safe. All transactions are performed under secured protocols, using the username and password chosen and guarded by you; the chances of someone else trading in your name are extremely low.

Keeping your password safe: You should make sure that you don’t share the password with anyone and remember that SpearTrader’s personnel will never ask you for the password. If this happens and someone claims to be working for SpearTrader, don’t provide them with any information and make sure you notify our customer service at once . Pick a password that is hard to intercept and change it every couple of months. Also remember to log out as soon as you stop trading with SpearTrader, whenever you leave the computer and after every session.

The first step to start trading is to open an account and this process, simple as it is, requires you to enter some personal data such as your first and last name, email and phone number. Additional details, as well as proof of identity may be required of you at any time. SpearTrader will maintain the privacy of all your personal data we collect, including age, occupation or marital status. You may be required to provide the copies of ID, passport and photograph, in accordance with any policies, laws or regulations that require such documents to be delivered. Furthermore, in some jurisdiction you may also need to submit financial information, investment experience and risk tolerance, all as may be required under law.

In order to have unrestricted access to the trading account and be able to trade with ease, these documents and information may be required. There is no obligation on your part to submit them, but if you don’t, you won’t be able to open the account and trade online. Additionally, it is important to keep us informed about your personal data as soon as something important changes, so your profile will always be up to date, and as required under any law.

We collect this information to administer and operate services, prevent fraud, defend our legal rights and for the purpose of compliance with regulations regarding the services we provide. SpearTrader’s privacy policy guarantees that your personal information will not be sold, rented or traded, and won’t be disclosed unless the following conditions occur or for the purposes set out above. We share information with the associated firms and other persons processing your personal information or with banks and clearing houses in order to deliver the products and services you need for trading.

When there is any suspicion of fraud or breach regarding the trading performed by the user, the privacy policy allows us to disclose your private data as needed, including to credit reference and fraud prevention agencies. The same applies for the national an international enforcement bodies and courts when they require this kind of information, as laws and regulations demand. Except for these situations, while you are trading with SpearTrader, your personal information is reasonably safe from unauthorized use, damage, modification or disclosure, by all reasonable measures.

Underage and Child Privacy

By using this website you state and represent that you are over the age of 18 or any agree restriction applicable in your jurisdiction in order to participate in trading, as any laws applicable to your may dictate. If you are under aged and entered the site by mistake, you should stop using the website and inform us promptly and we will conform with the applicable laws and regulations that apply to you and your personal information.

Regardless of the foregoing, in order to protect child privacy, we never knowingly collect or maintain information from users under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under the age of 13. Should Website ever collect or maintain any such information, it will comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and any other applicable law, under the appropriate jurisdiction.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed from time to time, as we see fit. The binding version is the most updated version posted on the site. We may, at our discretion, inform you via e-mail regarding any material changes.

Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by SpearTrader, at its sole discretion.

For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us at anytime.

SpearTerader does not tolerate money laundering and supports the fight against money launderers. SpearTerader follows the guidelines set by the UK’s Joint Money Laundering Steering Group. The UK is a full member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the intergovernmental body whose purpose is to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

SpearTerader now has policies in place to deter people from laundering money. These policies include:

ensuring clients have valid proof of identification

maintaining records of identification information

determining that clients are not known or suspected terrorists by checking their names against lists of known or suspected terrorists

informing clients that the information they provide may be used to verify their identity

closely following clients’ money transactions

Not accepting cash, money orders, third party transactions, exchange houses transfers or Western Union transfers.

Money laundering occurs when funds from an illegal/criminal activity are moved through the financial system in such a way as to make it appear that the funds have come from legitimate sources.

Money Laundering usually follows three stages:

firstly, cash or cash equivalents are placed into the financial system

secondly, money is transferred or moved to other accounts (e. g. futures accounts) through a series of financial transactions designed to obscure the origin of the money (e. g. executing trades with little or no financial risk or transferring account balances to other accounts)

And finally, the funds are re-introduced into the economy so that the funds appear to have come from legitimate sources (e. g. closing a futures account and transferring the funds to a bank account).

Trading accounts are one vehicle that can be used to launder illicit funds or to hide the true owner of the funds. In particular, a trading account can be used to execute financial transactions that help obscure the origins of the funds.

SpearTerader directs funds withdrawals back to the original source of remittance, as a preventative measure.

International Anti-Money Laundering requires financial services institutions to be aware of potential money laundering abuses that could occur in a customer account and implement a compliance program to deter, detect and report potential suspicious activity.

These guidelines have been implemented to protect SpearTerader and its clients.

For questions/comments regarding these guidelines, please contact us at: [email protected]

KYC (Know Your Customer) Policy

Know your customer policies have become increasingly important worldwide lately, especially among banks and other financial institutions, in order to prevent identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud and terrorist activity.

SpearTerader holds a zero tolerance fraud policy, and is taking all measures possible to prevent it. Any fraudulent activity will be documented and all related accounts to it will be immediately closed. All funds in these accounts will be forfeited.

SpearTerader aims to ensure the integrity of any sensitive data it obtains, such as your account information and the transactions you make, using a variety of security measures and fraud controls. Securing your electronic transactions requires us to be provided with certain data from you, including your preferred deposit method.

When you deposit funds we will require the following documents

A copy of your valid passport with the signature page

Copies of your credit cards, used to make the deposit (Front side with only the 4 last digits visible, back side with the CVV covered).

A copy of a recent utility bill in your name and address

A signed purchase history of your online transactions

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support: [email protected]

When do I need to provide these documents?

We highly appreciate you taking the time to provide us with all the necessary documents as soon as you can, in order to avoid any delays in processing your transactions. We require the receipt of all the necessary documents prior to making any cash transactions to your benefit.

Some circumstances may require us to request these documents before allowing any other activities in your account, such as deposits or trades.

Please note that if we will not receive the required documents on file, your pending withdrawals will be cancelled and credited back to your trading account. We will notify you on such event via our system.

How can I send you these documents?

Please scan your documents, or take a high quality digital camera picture, save the images as jpegs, then send it to us via mail to [email protected]

How do I know my documents are safe with you?

SpearTerader holds the security of documentation at highest priority, and treats all documents it receives with utmost respect and confidentiality. All files we obtain are fully protected using the highest level possible of encryption at every step of the review process.

We thank you for your cooperation in helping us make SpearTerader a safer place to trade.

Política de privacidad

1.By accessing, visiting and/or using this Website or any other webpage thereon, you unequivocally and unreservedly express your binding agreement to any and all of these terms.

2. Protecting your privacy is one of our top priorities. This privacy policy sets out how we collect information regarding Website users, what we may do with it, and what you can do to protect your privacy.

3. This policy applies to all information collected to or submitted on Website. You may be able to execute financial transactions, make requests, submit data, register to receive materials, etc. Types of personal information that may be collected on Website include user’s name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number, bank account, credit card number, etc. whether pertaining to yourself, or to third parties, where you act on behalf of any such party. Information from various sources may be combined by Website. You may update part of your personal information from time to time by accessing your Site account and act according to the “updating your information” instructions therein. You hereby confirm that you aware to the fact that due to legal requirements some of your information detailed cannot be changed.

4. Website may also collect other types of information, as logged by Website’s servers, including your IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your visit, in order to infer certain user trends or to block certain users from accessing Website. Thus, Website may assign your computer one or more cookies which may collect information in order to facilitate access to Website and to personalize your online experience, and/or use standard or non-standard internet tools, such as web beacons or monitoring programs, which collect information that tracks your use of Website and enables it to customize our services and promotions.

5. Personal information given to us by you shall not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent, unless such information: (i) is required to be disclosed to related companies of ours; (ii) was publicly known to us and/or made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by you; (iii) becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by you to us through no action or inaction of us; (iv) is required to be disclosed by law or regulation, in which case we shall give the you as much advance notice of the proposed disclosure as is practical (including a copy of any written request or order)in order to allow you to limit or restrict such disclosure; (v) is furnished or made known to us by a third party otherwise than in breach of any of our confidentiality obligation hereunder; is independently developed by us without reference to the information disclosed by you or was known to us, without restriction, at the time of disclosure by you, as shall be shown and evidenced by written documents; or (vii) is required to be disclosed in order for us to protect our rights.

6. In order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

7. In order to protect child privacy, we never knowingly collect or maintain information from users under 18; no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 18.

8. If you so wish, you may choose and ask not to receive emails and/or newsletters from the Website, and/or delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings.

9. This privacy policy may be changed from time to time. We reserve the right, at any time, to amend, alter, modify or change, as we see fit, any term of this Privacy Policy our without any prior notice, and you hereby agree to conform to the current version as published in this site.


Spear Trader views its customers’ information security as being of the utmost importance, and therefore invests considerable resources for protecting customers’ information securely while enabling interaction with the site and utilizing the most advanced and powerful security procedures and encryption systems available worldwide.

Recommendations and guidelines for the use of this site Encrypted Communications

You should verify that either a closed lock is shown in the upper or lower section of the window, or a complete key (depending upon which browser version is installed on your computer). This symbol will appear when you execute transactions in your account. Double-clicking on the lock or key symbol will display the digital certificate issued to this site. Verify that the issuing organization is “GoDaddy” and that the certificate was issued to Spear Trader.

You access the system by entering a username and password. This data is personal and must not be divulged to others. While logging into the system using your personal identifying details, it is recommended that no unauthorized persons are in your vicinity who can view this information.

Your personal password must never be divulged to others, not even to service personnel. If anyone requests your password, do not disclose it and immediately notify customer service.

Never save your username or password on or near a computer.

Selection of password – You should choose a password that cannot be easily deciphered. Furthermore, your password should consist of random characters and digits.

Password replacement – You should change your password every three months. In the event that your password may have been revealed to others – immediately change the password.

End of Activity in the System

Exit the system by a press on “Logout”.

Information Security Resources in the Spear Trader System

Access to the site system is secured and controlled by a firewall that enables access only to those services that are required by the system.

Information transmitted between the site and your personal computer is encrypted using a 128 bit ssl encryption certificate that has been provided for the site by “GoDaddy”.

Spear Trader supervises and controls the systems’ communications, and records all activities taking place in the system.

Routine information security checks are carried out by our information security experts.


Revision completa

CopyOp is an innovative social trading platform offering an easier and more accessible binary options trading experience to both professionals and novices. By joining the CopyOp community traders of all levels of proficiency are able to connect with experts in the field, watch their activity in real time, follow their strategies and copy their trades. This enables even absolute beginners, who are interested in profiting from the binary options market but have little or no prior experience, to achieve great results with the money they invest without spending long hours trying to make sense of complicated charts and graphs and analyzing market trends. CopyOp’s social trading platform makes it possible to minimize the risk of losses and trade successfully in a relaxed and enjoyable manner.

In addition to that, the CopyOp website and mobile app are available in several different languages, which makes the trading experience more convenient and comprehensive for many diverse groups of traders. Furthermore, the real-time data about pricing and expiry rates acquired from a highly reputable source as Thomson Reuters allows traders to base their decisions on the latest and most accurate information available thus increasing their chances for better profits.

Another very useful option you can take advantage of is to connect your CopyOp account with Facebook or just register for CopyOp with your Facebook profile. This will enable you to stay up to date with your trading activities, copy trades and share knowledge and strategies while socializing with friends.

CopyOp Scam

The CopyOp social trading network is owned by Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd, a company authorized and regulated by CySEC under license number 187/12 and as such it operates in compliance with all applicable European Union laws and regulations and follows a strict security policy. To add to that, CopyOp utilizes advanced and stable technologies to ensure the safety of its clients and all transactions are protected through SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection. Taking all of this into account as well as the fact that the company has years of experience on the binary options market, it is safe to conclude that CopyOp is not a scam but a reliable and trustworthy social trading platform.

How does CopyOp work?

CopyOp provides a high-end innovative social trading platform offering a wide range of assets from leading stock exchanges around the world, including currency pairs, stocks, commodities and indices. After registering you can start monitoring other traders’ activities in the live social feed and in their profiles you will find detailed information about their results, trading history and most profitable assets. Once you choose a trader you would like to follow you have the option to just “watch” them and observe their trading activities or to immediately start copying them.

This means that whenever they open a position the system will automatically replicate it into your account according to your preferences. When setting up the preferences, you can choose to copy all of the investor’s trades or select only the trades of specific assets. Of course, you can change the settings or stop copying traders any time you want. This is especially suitable for beginners and hesitant traders because it reduces the risks associated with inexperience and boosts their confidence.

Once you gain some experience and feel confident enough you can proceed to trading on your own. To make investments independently you have to go to the “Trade” tab on the main menu. Then others can start copying you and the more successful trades you have, the more frequently you will appear in other traders’ social feeds. This brings you additional benefits since for every investment made by you and copied by other traders you will get CopyOp Coins, which can be converted to real money.

CopyOp Minimum Investment

While the registration for CopyOp is free, in order to trade you will have to deposit money into your account. The minimum required deposit you can start with is 200 USD, EUR or GBP, depending on the currency you choose during the registration process. Just keep in mind that once you select a currency, you can’t change it later. You can deposit funds into your account via a wide range of payment methods, including various credit and debit cards or bank transfers. For more details about deposits and managing your funds you can go to the Banking section in the “My Account” menú.

CopyOp Expected Results

The CopyOp social trading platform provides traders with all the tools and up-to-the-minute information needed to achieve good results. Following the top investors enables even less experienced traders to easily spot profit-making opportunities and minimize the risk of losses. The auto trading feature allows for great flexibility because once you set your preferences trades will be executed automatically on your behalf and you don’t need to monitor the markets all the time.

In addition, you can choose from a huge variety of genuine active traders’ profiles and pick those with the highest winning ratios, which increases the chances for successful trades. Considering how difficult it is to predict market changes and the fact that no one can guarantee you a 100% accuracy, the up to 80% return on investments offered by CopyOp is excellent and fully realistic. All of this allows traders to get the best possible results with the money they have invested.


Along with the rapid growth of online binary brokers has also advanced the technology that makes trading binary options more successful and easier even for the inexperienced traders.

As a result to the independent scam inspection the professional team at Top10BinaryRobots can conclude that CopyOp is an effective binary options autotrading robot. It can offer you one of the highest results and can give you the trading strategy you need.

We can guarantee that CopyOp will help you to maximize your binary options trading profit and will definitely lower the risk level of your trades.

RENUNCIA DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Toda la información tal como las proporciones que ganan, los resultados y los testimonios deben ser considerados como simulados o hipotéticos. Toda la información de este sitio web no pretende producir ni garantizar resultados futuros. There's no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary. RENUNCIA DE RIESGO: Opciones binarias de negociación es altamente especulativa, conlleva un nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Puede perder parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido; Por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse perder. Es posible que tenga que buscar asesoramiento financiero de terceros antes de participar en el comercio de opciones binarias.

Binary Options Social Trading

In this article we will discuss and test binary options social trading.

Nowadays there are many types of binary options trading that will help you increase your income. This may be short-term trading or binary options auto-trade that’s available with some brokers (be careful with this type of trading and study the broker patiently so that you don’t get yourself into fraud). We’ve already talked about trading using signals, it was profitable for us, but it doesn’t always guarantee you a 100% success. We won’t even consider receiving signals by SMS or e-mail, as, from our point of view, it’s a losing kind of trade. You won’t be able to catch the declared value, since it takes too much time for the signal to arrive and the value of the asset is far from the one indicated in the signal.

Well, if you don’t have time to learn the basics of fundamental analysis and be in front of your computer at certain times to be able to use signals, we will discuss such type of binary options trading as binary options social trading.

Who are these people?

Some platforms offer the opportunity to subscribe to another trader’s transactions (basically, copy them into your account). But whose trades will we copy automatically using the methods of social trading in binary options? It’s company’s customers whose percentage of successful trades is more than 80%. If a trader has been trading successfully for a long time, the broker may offer him to become their partner. For this, he will receive a small percentage for every single successful trade made for the customers who are subscribed to him. If traders have a lot of subscribers, it brings income 3-4 times bigger than trading on their own. In binary options social trading its normal.

How to become a social trader in binary options social trading?

If your broker hasn’t noticed your progress yet, but you want to offer your services to fellow traders, you can contact your broker and after reviewing your proposal you may receive a positive answer. If everything goes well, in the next few days you will see your name in the statistics table among traders with the best results.

How do they do it? Binary options social trading.

Only they know it. They can use signals, basics of chart analysis, reverse trading or the obvious rise or fall in assets. In this case, what we care about is result so let’s check it out. We have chosen OK-OPTIONS. COM as an example. There were many reasons for this, but in this article we don’t compare binary options brokers – we just review one of the types of binary options social trading.

We use binary options social trading.

First of all, we choose a trader from the list. Take your time and don’t choose the one who’s at the top of the social trading list for binary options right away. He may trade less than the one lower on the list. We have chosen mr. Goff

Then we choose the duration of our subscription, a period during which we will have another trader’s transactions copied. Keep in mind that a trader can trade whenever he pleases, for example today he goes for 10 trades and tomorrow – only for 2. It’s up to him.

Then we select amount per trade and investment amount. This means that our account will be charged a certain amount in the range of our investment. We recommend that you choose at least 1:10 to fully copy the trades and income. You can choose 2 trades and lose them, which means that even if the trader has 8 winning ones after that, you won’t see the result. So, if you choose to trade $50 then you should choose at least $500 worth of investment.

Now we have to wait. And here is the result. Thank you mr. Goff and OK-OPTIONS. COM

We got the profit of $587. Of course, our winnings will be charged a certain fee, but it’s not very big for the pleasure that we experienced from seeing our balance grow. If we get $85 profit from a $100 trade, management fee will be just 20%, which is $17 and the rest is ours. And if there are 10 trades like this per day? That’s $680 of daily profit, and don’t forget that we didn’t have to do anything for it! How much is it in a week? $3400! Of course, that’s just averagecalculations since you may get less than 10 trades a day and not all of them may be winning ones. BUT! Even if that’s half of the amount which we can count on, it’s just incredible.

We hope that with this review we have helped you with getting closer to your financial independence and made it clear for you how you can make money on the binary options social trading.

what is social trading ?

What is social trading?

The financial market can be an extremely confusing beast. It’s hard to figure out when it is going to turnout bearish, and when it is going to go bullish. We’ve all heard how some key market movers and figures have made a fortune investing in the stock market. At the end of the day the flow of the world’s money runs through the veins of the financial market. It really doesn’t matter which financial tool you like the most. Identifying the trend, and making the right decision on what to buy or sell is not an easy thing to do. If its stocks, foreign exchange, binary options, etc. it’s all a matter of following the trends, keeping your finger on the pulse, digesting related news, current world events, and plenty of technical analysis to produce one solid positive trade.

With the introduction of social media, and the storm it has taken us all by, a new amazing tool has evolved in helping us properly gain collective wisdom. Social Trading is now available. What is social trading? Well, if we each add a piece of information and share that knowledge all in one place then we have a huge resource of collective knowledge. Much like a screen is a combinations of thousands of pixels, the collective ”pixels” of knowledge we each poses can be joined to give us a clearer image of where the trend is going.

Using up to date social trading signals from members around the world, different methods to technically analyze the market, upload images, tutorials, videos, and overall a constant exchange of ideas can generate the big picture. For example, if one member used a system that works, then there is no reason it wouldn’t work for you right? But that’s just one opinion! What about 10,000 people who have used that same method and confirmed its working? Now that’s a much more solid indicator something is working. Collective knowledge is a powerful and wonderful thing. With today’s technology and media the ease of tapping into that resource of knowledge is just that easy.

This is our mission. We wish to create a place where members can cooperate, collaborate, follow, upload, share, exchange methods, and knowledge about the stock market. We want to create a place where millions of members will confirm that a system is working. Like a democracy, we want the collective votes and signals from our trading society to accumulate to one rock-hard decision. Creating a social signal system that will generate collective data, which will confirm a technique that works.

Take the knowledge you need out of this network and trade stocks, foreign exchange, binary options, or any other method that can generate profits. This is a confirmed organization that will sprout your confidence. Rely on many members signaling a method that is working for them. This is social trading, sharing knowledge, using our accumulative wisdom towards positive and profitable trading. Social trading is what will produce public indicators for trading the stock market. This is social trading.

Binary options Social trading

As one of the phenomena taking place in the financial world . binary options trading has become one of the most popular choices of different investors and traders around the globe. It is quite logical to ask what do they actually represent. Well, a simple binary option is generally a kind of option in which the payoff is structured to be a set amount of compensation if the option expires in the money, or absolutely nothing at all if the option expires out of the money respectively. As the matter of fact, the success of a binary option is based on yes-no proposition, that is why the name of such option is “binary”. We should also admit that a binary option exercises automatically, and this implies that the option holder does not actually have the choice to buy or sell the underlying asset.

Well, if you ever dreamt of a decent way of analyzing financial data by providing an actual ground to compare and copy trades, strategies and techniques – then social trading is definitely your choice. It enables traders to trade online with the assistance of others. Therefore, traders can interact with others, watch others take various trades and so on.

Hence, we would like to present you our article, which will explain all the aspects of Binary options Social trading .

Different types of social trading

In fact, social trading with binary options encompasses a variety of forms, among them are – signals, tips, copy trading and social trading itself. While copy trading is simple copying, social trading is copying at a higher and more advanced level. What this means is that it includes forums, blogs, profiles, brokers, signal services. and also copy platforms. Moreover, the practice of copying started with spot forex but has actually existed since the very beginning of trading. Mainly, it occurs anytime one traders asks another one a question or gets insight from a larger group or follows in the footsteps of another more proficient trader. To tell the truth, your trading can improve when you bring together the diverse aspects of binary options social trading and the assemble them into a fully functioning network for making profits accordingly. Thus, it is important to understand all the facets of social trading and its platforms.

Binary options Social trading: Copy Trading

Indeed, when we talk about the meaning of copy trading, the truth lies within the word “copy”. Well, this is a practice of copying other traders. There are some platforms, which enable you to copy another trader and mirror his success. In addition, when you choose a trader from the leader board each trade this person makes is made into your account accordingly. Moreover, there are usually controls accessible to manage your account so you are not blindly following but not much than this. Frankly, copying is magnificent for those who would like to enrich their knowledge and experience of trading without any hassle and fuss.

Binary Options Social trading: Platforms

Well, one of the most popular features introduced on Forex and other trading platforms recently is social trading networks. Probably on of the most popular ones is E-Toro. As we have specified above, with social trading you can not only follow the world’s best traders but also automatically copy their trades into your trading system. We should also mention that in early 2017 the SpotOption binary platform came out with the first BO social trading platform. Being the leader among platform providers, SpotOption frequently leads the way with the latest binary options trading innovations and improvements. There is no doubt that soon the majority of options brands will follow the example and start offering social trading to their traders.

Binary Options Social trading: SpotFollow or iFollow

To begin with, SpotOption (read review about this paltformon our website > ) is indisputably the most popular BO trading platform with more than 200 white label brands utilizing their software. They always have new ideas to implement in life.

More than one year ago, SpotOption announced that they had finished the development of the first binary options social trading platform named SpotFollow. It is also known that the feature has been then renamed iFollow. To prove its worthiness, Finpari, who is one of the first binary options brokers, has installed iFollow.

As the matter of fact, the iFollow options platform permits you to follow any number of the best binary options traders. You can decide to choose a mix of trading assets or specific assets. Furthermore, the traders’ actual performance just as well as number of followers is displayed. Additionally, you can select the investment amount per trade and also the overall investment amount.

As soon as you select the traders you wish to follow their trades are automatically copied directly into your trading platform. Thereby, your trading results respond the results of the best binary options traders.

Binary options Social trading: CopyOp binary social trading platform

SpotOption is not the only warrior on battlefield. If you aspire to find the one of the most innovative approaches to trading, then this new brokers deserves your attention.

Well, CopyOp is specialized in social trading that allows traders to keep track of and exploit the trading practices of leading traders around the globe for their personal benefit. In fact, CopyOp offers its BO traders the ability to observe how proficient traders operate and then simply copy their successful trades.

To our mind, the site is designed exceptionally with an outstanding and intuitive interface, enabling novices to get a handle on binary options social trading. CopyOp platform is also available on your mobile devices, not merely impressing all us online.

You can definitely learn trading options very quickly with this platform.


Well, as you can see, binary options social trading can be superb if your aspiration is to acquire experience in trading BO by following pro traders and see how they do their job. Social trading is growing in popularity daily, being introduced with many binary brands alongside with the veterans like SpotOption.

You can find Best Binary broker in our BOB Rating (with advanced search filter)

Social trading

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BinaryOptionsPost. com ha tomado medidas razonables para garantizar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web, sin embargo, no lo garantiza. Los datos expuestos en este sitio web no necesariamente son siempre en tiempo real o completamente exactos; Esto incluye análisis de mercado, pronósticos, señales, cotizaciones de precios de activos y gráficos. Los lectores no deben tratar ninguna opinión expresada por los autores de BinaryOptionsPost. com como un incentivo específico para hacer un determinado comercio o seguir una estrategia en particular, sino sólo como una expresión de su opinión actual. Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por miembros del foro y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptionsPost. com.

Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los comerciantes. BinaryOptionsPost. com no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que los lectores puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información presentada en este sitio web.

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Social Trading

The world of social trading is definitely on the rise and is the new buzz word when new trading and investment opportunities are talked about. Traders who are new to the market can enhance their learning curve by drawing on knowledge from more experienced traders and professionals, it is even possible to copy the trades of the more experienced and professional traders. New Social Trading companies are joining the market place and well established forex companies and brokers are including these new features into their offering while new companies are concentrating their effort just on explaining how to become a profitable social trading trader.

So as a new trader who can you put to good use this new form of trading.

1) Choose a Social Trading company

Use the internet to search for and make a list the major Social and Copy Trading companies. Once you have your list you will need to start reading reviews to ensure that they are as good as they claim and to make sure that nobody has had any issues. Traders are very good at voicing their displeasures in forums etc.

Understand which market any one company specialise in, if Forex only or binary options or CFDs.

Evaluate all your findings on each company and select the one that best fits the requirements of your investing plan.

2) Understand how the social trading company works and how the traders’ performance figures are reported to its users.

Look at how much data is reported about the traders’ who contribute to the system and look if the trader has a set trading strategy, their historical trades are published and their win/lose ratio. The more data about each contributing trader the better.

Ensure you understand how the data is calculated. Different companies may calculate the same data in different ways. You have to be sure about what you are actually looking at.

3) Take time to study the traders

Ensure that an adequate amount of time is spent studying and understanding the traders’ operational strategy. Don’t focus just on one type, have a varied watch list and ensure that you understand pros and cons of each category and differentiate between long, medium and short term trades, and the instruments they invest in

When studying the traders’ strategy, first concentrate on Risk-Reward, drawdown and how many trades they keep open simultaneously. Then move to details.

Don’t just study, demo test them too.

4) Managing your account

When first creating your social trading based portfolio, assign capital and leverage to the different traders always assuming the worst scenario.

Perform a couple of very quick daily checks on your portfolio to see if nothing strange is happening. Remember, you don’t have to trade by your own, so you don’t have to stay all the day in front of the platform. Then, perform longer weekly, monthly and yearly checks to evaluate the status of your investment.

Keep a diary of your investment and take notes of your decisions and the reasons behind them. This way you will really learn from your experiences and you won’t lose yourself and your goal down the road.

Social trading is a quick and easy way of getting into the market place and learning about trading, however you will not learn anything if you just blindly follow other traders and copy what they are doing. To become successful in trading takes hard work, a lot of time and patience, if you are copying other traders you need to try and understand why they placed the particular trade at the time they did. If you take the time to learn and understand you may become as good as the traders you are copying.

Written by Barry Jenkins

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How Social Trading Will Impact the Forex Market

One of the newest phenomenon to hit Forex Trading is the introduction of Forex Social Networks . Traders are now finding numerous options on how to interact and trade with other traders around the world.

Since 2008 there it been numerous social trading networks that have appeared. It seems that this is not just some passing fad that will go away anytime soon. Some brokers have even established their own social network that only falls within their own brokerage. Other brokers have seen it more beneficial of partnering up with companies like ZuluTrade or SignalTrader .

The concept behind social Trading is quite simple. The end-user will sign up for a service through the social networking website. He will then have access to see the trading activities of other traders within that network. He can then review the Traders Performance and many of these sites will actually rank the users as far as their performance goes. End-users can then decide if they want to copy trades from a particular user. Most of the social trading networks offer both the manual and an automated version of the copy Trade feature.

Some networks like SignalTrader or more selective in who they allowed to be followed. SignalTrader also filters out traders that exhibits careful risk management as well as having positive returns. For a trader to be featured within SignalTrader they must have less than 15% drawdown and show profits in excess of 3%.

One are the issues with these social trading networks is that many of them do not have this criteria in place. On many networks a Trader might be on a hot streak but exhibit poor missed risk management and still be displayed to the masses. This could be a very bad combination for someone who starts to follow someone when they’ve hit their peak and are on the way down.

Some of these social trading networks are really Software Trading platforms with a social trading piece attached. Tradency offers a product called Mirror Trader. This platform allows users to create and develop systems which offer out trading signals. Other users can then decide whether they want to follow these signals and trade them manually for automatically.

One of the most pure of the social trading networks is Myfxbook. Here traders can showcase their trading results and subscribers can be assured that the results are authenticated with their MetaTrader account.

More choices for Forex Traders as far is social Trading goes to the only lead to more positive results in the Forex market.

To learn more please visit www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives tiene un alto nivel de riesgo, incluyendo el riesgo de perder mucho más que su inversión inicial. Además, no posee ni tiene derechos sobre los activos subyacentes. El efecto del apalancamiento es que tanto las ganancias como las pérdidas se magnifican. Sólo debe negociar si puede permitirse el lujo de llevar estos riesgos. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Alexa Rank

Binary Options Social Trading

A binary options social trading platform might seem like an odd thing, but more and more traders are making use of online communities to expand their market reach. While the term “social trading” might bring to mind Facebook and other social networks, social trading in the financial world encompasses a number of platforms – from forums to auto-bots to signal services.

What Exactly is Social Trading?

Just like the name suggests, social trading refers to the use of online communities to connect with other options traders. These communities provide an excellent source of information for beginner traders, but they also allow traders to discuss tactics and to learn about market changes and newcomers to the binary options market.

Binary options forums are communities dedicated exclusively to the social trading of binary options. They are often frequented by a mix of beginner and experienced traders who exchange tips and strategies, as well as share forecasts regarding promising options and how to grow your investment.

Beyond the Basic Strategies

Aside from the “social” side of social trading, this new trend also has additional benefits for investors. For example, a newcomer to the world of binary options investment are auto-bots. These are automated trading systems set over social platforms that allow you to keep track of certain changes in the market (or specific assets). They automatically monitor changes, then access your account and buy/sell based on preset records.

Another useful social trading tool is copy trading or mirror trading. This allows traders to copy or follow other traders to see how they’re building their portfolio and what transactions they’re pushing through. Copy trading is an excellent tool for beginner investors who want to learn from more experienced traders. Some trading accounts allow you to automate this process, so you are immediately notified when changes are made to the original portfolio you’re following. More advanced mirroring platforms might also allow you set things so your account automatically buys/sells assets if the person you’re following does the same.

Social trading is still in its infancy. If you’re interested and want to learn more about it, platforms like Communitraders are a good place to start – they offer a chance to connect with other traders in addition to a number of demo tools for those still learning their way around binary options.

BinaryOptions. com - El sitio de opciones binarias más informado, conocedor y educativo

Reasons to Get Involved with CommuniTraders Social Trading Community

What is CommuniTraders?

CommuniTraders Binary Options Social Trading Platform is a trading platform that enables you to trade binary options, share your moves and discuss others tips, or follows the PROS signals to success. The idea behind CommuniTraders is the developer’s Martin Kay belief that the wisdom of the crowd is the key to successful trading. BinaryOptionsthatSuck. com team is happy to finally launch CommuniTraders and offer traders from all over the world a free chance to learn trade and discuss Binary Options. Read More about CommuniTraders at Crunchbase. com .

Join Those Who Share Your Goals

People have always found strength in numbers and binary options traders are not the odd exception. They have better chances of staying profitable and extract the most from their lucrative activities if they work together with people who share their vision, goals and ambitions. This brings us to the next question: is it worth joining a Binary Options Trading community?

The answer for this question is self-evident, because this is the most straightforward way of getting to meet and interact with your peers. Progress comes faster if you are a part of a dynamic group of people and regardless of the stage you’re at with binary options trading, a community can help you push your venture into overdrive.

I’m a Newbie, Should I Join?

One of the leading advantages associated with being a part of a trading community is that you get to know what more experienced people are thinking about important issues. You can ask questions to clarify doubts and very often experts will shed some light on sensitive issues without even waiting for a rookie to ask.

There are very few shortcomings to joining a trading community and perhaps the only downside is that some rookies might be tempted to rely solely on the advice of others. Accepting limitations are important, but you shouldn’t put trading on auto-pilot and follow recommendations blindly, even if they are right.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

There are always things that traders are tempted to overlook when presented with the opportunity to make a quick buck, but the risks of joining a trading community are few. There are some scam-artists who run such organizations with the sole purpose of convincing members to buy allegedly miraculous items. Whether they sell books, software or other products, they aggressively promote them and hope to take advantage of the naivety of others.

It’s Important to distinguish between good and bad Trading Communities. A little research goes a long way and if you want to make sure that the community you end up joining is a legitimate one, you should investigate matters a bit. Go over the articles and news posted by existing members before joining, to determine whether they have something interesting and useful to share. Don’t settle for the first trading community you stumble upon, because the goal is to develop a mutually beneficial partnership. You need to learn from the best, so always choose a group of people that are highly experienced in this line of work and whose words are weighing heavier than the ones of rookies.

Want to read more about communiTraders? Click here .

Binary Options Social Trading

Social trading is a recent concept in the world of binary options but it is quickly becoming one of the hottest trends. Since trading is often a lonely activity, social trading allows you to interact virtually with traders of all experience levels.

What is social trading?

In order to be successful at binary options trading, you must rely heavily on your strong understanding of the markets and excellent analytical skills in order to predict the direction of various assets. The learning curve for beginners is quite steep. However, with binary options social trading, traders have the opportunity to connect with other traders and see live trades. Similar to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, these social communities allow traders of various backgrounds and expertise to openly discuss binary options strategies and mimic each other’s trades. Traders are welcome to give advice, study the actions of other traders, and comment live trades. Social trading is a large collaborative effort between traders.

Advantages of social trading

Binary options social trading provides beginner traders with a competitive edge. With access to a large knowledge database, traders feel less isolated and quickly cut through the learning curve. With social trading, traders are able to increase their profit margins more efficiently while reducing the degree of risk associated with inexperience. Learning alongside expert traders allows anyone to step up their game and gain a valuable set of skills that would otherwise take months of practice to achieve.

Trading platforms are in constant evolution; with the added component of social trading, it opens up a world of opportunities to beginners who wish to learn the ropes quickly from some of the best traders around the world.

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Opciones binarias

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La siguiente terminología se aplica a estos Términos y condiciones, Declaración de privacidad y Aviso de responsabilidad y cualquiera o todos los acuerdos: "Cliente", "Usted" y "Su" se refiere a usted, la persona que accede a este sitio web y acepta los términos y condiciones de la Compañía. "La Compañía", "Nosotros mismos", "Nosotros" y "Nosotros", se refiere a nuestra Compañía. "Parte", "Partes" o "Nosotros", se refiere tanto al Cliente como a nosotros mismos, o bien al Cliente oa nosotros mismos. Todos los términos se refieren a la oferta, aceptación y consideración del pago necesario para llevar a cabo el proceso de nuestra asistencia al Cliente de la manera más apropiada, ya sea mediante reuniones formales de duración fija o por cualquier otro medio, Las necesidades del cliente con respecto a la provisión de los servicios / productos declarados de la Compañía, de acuerdo con y sujeto a la Ley Inglesa vigente. Cualquier uso de la terminología anterior u otras palabras en singular, plural, mayúsculas y / o he / she o ellos, se toman como intercambiables y por lo tanto como referentes a la misma.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de procesar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y por lo tanto no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Magnates de Finanzas. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

Utilizamos direcciones IP para analizar tendencias, administrar el sitio, rastrear el movimiento del usuario y recopilar información demográfica amplia para uso agregado. Las direcciones IP no están vinculadas a información de identificación personal. Además, para la administración de sistemas, detección de patrones de uso y resolución de problemas, nuestros servidores web registran automáticamente la información de acceso estándar, incluyendo el tipo de navegador, tiempos de acceso / correo abierto, URL solicitada y URL de referencia. Esta información no se comparte con terceros y se utiliza sólo dentro de esta empresa en una base de necesidad de saber. Cualquier información individualmente identificable relacionada con estos datos nunca será usada de ninguna manera diferente a la indicada arriba sin su permiso explícito.

Al igual que la mayoría de los sitios web interactivos, el sitio web de esta empresa [o ISP] utiliza cookies para permitirnos recuperar los detalles del usuario de cada visita. Las cookies se utilizan en algunas áreas de nuestro sitio para permitir la funcionalidad de esta área y la facilidad de uso para aquellas personas que visitan.

Enlaces a este sitio web

No puede crear un enlace a ninguna página de este sitio web sin nuestro previo consentimiento por escrito. Si crea un enlace a una página de este sitio web, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo y las exclusiones y limitaciones establecidas anteriormente se aplicarán a su uso de este sitio web enlazándolo.

Enlaces desde este sitio web

No supervisamos ni revisamos el contenido de los sitios web de otras partes que están vinculados desde este sitio web. Las opiniones expresadas o material que aparecen en dichos sitios web no son necesariamente compartidas o endosadas por nosotros y no deben considerarse como el editor de tales opiniones o material. Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de las prácticas de privacidad ni del contenido de estos sitios. Animamos a nuestros usuarios a ser conscientes cuando salen de nuestro sitio & amp; Para leer las declaraciones de privacidad de estos sitios. Debe evaluar la seguridad y confiabilidad de cualquier otro sitio conectado a este sitio o acceder a través de este sitio usted mismo, antes de revelar cualquier información personal a ellos. Esta Compañía no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño de cualquier manera, sea cual fuere su causa, que resulte de su divulgación a terceros de información personal.

Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual pertinentes existen en todo el texto relacionado con los servicios de la Compañía y el contenido completo de este sitio web.

Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de derechos de autor de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de Finanzas Magnates. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Las opiniones expresadas en los Magnates de Finanzas son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de la empresa o de su dirección. Finanzas Magnates no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y omisiones pueden ocurrir. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por parte de Finanzas Magnates, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Finanzas Magnates no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

Ninguna de las partes será responsable frente a la otra por cualquier incumplimiento de cualquier obligación bajo cualquier Acuerdo que se deba a un evento fuera del control de dicha parte, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier acto de Dios, terrorismo, guerra, insurgencia política, insurrección, disturbios , Disturbios civiles, actos de autoridad civil o militar, levantamiento, terremoto, inundación o cualquier otra eventualidad natural o causada por el hombre fuera de nuestro control, lo que causa la terminación de un acuerdo o contrato celebrado, ni que podría haber sido razonablemente previsto. Cualquier Parte afectada por tal evento deberá informar inmediatamente a la otra Parte de la misma y deberá usar todos los esfuerzos razonables para cumplir con los términos y condiciones de cualquier Acuerdo contenido aquí.

El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las Partes en exigir el estricto cumplimiento de cualquier disposición de este o de cualquier Acuerdo, o el incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de las Partes de cualquier derecho o recurso que le corresponda, no constituirá una renuncia del mismo y no causará una Disminución de las obligaciones bajo este o cualquier Acuerdo. Ninguna renuncia a ninguna de las disposiciones de este o de cualquier Acuerdo será efectiva a menos que se exprese expresamente que sea tal y firmado por ambas Partes.

Notificación de cambios

La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

Estos términos y condiciones forman parte del Acuerdo entre el Cliente y nosotros mismos. Su acceso a este sitio web y / o empresa de una reserva o Acuerdo indica su comprensión, acuerdo y aceptación de la Notificación de Negación y los Términos y Condiciones completos contenidos en este documento. Sus derechos legales a los consumidores no se ven afectados.

© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

ZuluTrade Goes Live with Binary Options Social Trading

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

La siguiente terminología se aplica a estos Términos y condiciones, Declaración de privacidad y Aviso de responsabilidad y cualquiera o todos los acuerdos: "Cliente", "Usted" y "Su" se refiere a usted, la persona que accede a este sitio web y acepta los términos y condiciones de la Compañía. "La Compañía", "Nosotros mismos", "Nosotros" y "Nosotros", se refiere a nuestra Compañía. "Parte", "Partes" o "Nosotros", se refiere tanto al Cliente como a nosotros mismos, o bien al Cliente oa nosotros mismos. Todos los términos se refieren a la oferta, aceptación y consideración del pago necesario para llevar a cabo el proceso de nuestra asistencia al Cliente de la manera más apropiada, ya sea mediante reuniones formales de duración fija o por cualquier otro medio, Las necesidades del cliente con respecto a la provisión de los servicios / productos declarados de la Compañía, de acuerdo con y sujeto a la Ley Inglesa vigente. Cualquier uso de la terminología anterior u otras palabras en singular, plural, mayúsculas y / o he / she o ellos, se toman como intercambiables y por lo tanto como referentes a la misma.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de procesar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y por lo tanto no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Magnates de Finanzas. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

Utilizamos direcciones IP para analizar tendencias, administrar el sitio, rastrear el movimiento del usuario y recopilar información demográfica amplia para uso agregado. Las direcciones IP no están vinculadas a información de identificación personal. Además, para la administración de sistemas, detección de patrones de uso y resolución de problemas, nuestros servidores web registran automáticamente la información de acceso estándar, incluyendo el tipo de navegador, tiempos de acceso / correo abierto, URL solicitada y URL de referencia. Esta información no se comparte con terceros y se utiliza sólo dentro de esta empresa en una base de necesidad de saber. Cualquier información individualmente identificable relacionada con estos datos nunca será usada de ninguna manera diferente a la indicada arriba sin su permiso explícito.

Al igual que la mayoría de los sitios web interactivos, el sitio web de esta empresa [o ISP] utiliza cookies para permitirnos recuperar los detalles del usuario de cada visita. Las cookies se utilizan en algunas áreas de nuestro sitio para permitir la funcionalidad de esta área y la facilidad de uso para aquellas personas que visitan.

Enlaces a este sitio web

No puede crear un enlace a ninguna página de este sitio web sin nuestro previo consentimiento por escrito. Si crea un enlace a una página de este sitio web, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo y las exclusiones y limitaciones establecidas anteriormente se aplicarán a su uso de este sitio web enlazándolo.

Enlaces desde este sitio web

No supervisamos ni revisamos el contenido de los sitios web de otras partes que están vinculados desde este sitio web. Las opiniones expresadas o material que aparecen en dichos sitios web no son necesariamente compartidas o endosadas por nosotros y no deben considerarse como el editor de tales opiniones o material. Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de las prácticas de privacidad ni del contenido de estos sitios. Animamos a nuestros usuarios a ser conscientes cuando salen de nuestro sitio & amp; Para leer las declaraciones de privacidad de estos sitios. Debe evaluar la seguridad y confiabilidad de cualquier otro sitio conectado a este sitio o acceder a través de este sitio usted mismo, antes de revelar cualquier información personal a ellos. Esta Compañía no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño de cualquier manera, sea cual fuere su causa, que resulte de su divulgación a terceros de información personal.

Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual pertinentes existen en todo el texto relacionado con los servicios de la Compañía y el contenido completo de este sitio web.

Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de derechos de autor de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de Finanzas Magnates. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Las opiniones expresadas en los Magnates de Finanzas son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de la empresa o de su dirección. Finanzas Magnates no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y omisiones pueden ocurrir. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por parte de Finanzas Magnates, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Finanzas Magnates no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

Ninguna de las partes será responsable frente a la otra por cualquier incumplimiento de cualquier obligación bajo cualquier Acuerdo que se deba a un evento fuera del control de dicha parte, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier acto de Dios, terrorismo, guerra, insurgencia política, insurrección, disturbios , Disturbios civiles, actos de autoridad civil o militar, levantamiento, terremoto, inundación o cualquier otra eventualidad natural o causada por el hombre fuera de nuestro control, lo que causa la terminación de un acuerdo o contrato celebrado, ni que podría haber sido razonablemente previsto. Cualquier Parte afectada por tal evento deberá informar inmediatamente a la otra Parte de la misma y deberá usar todos los esfuerzos razonables para cumplir con los términos y condiciones de cualquier Acuerdo contenido aquí.

El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las Partes en exigir el estricto cumplimiento de cualquier disposición de este o de cualquier Acuerdo, o el incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de las Partes de cualquier derecho o recurso que le corresponda, no constituirá una renuncia del mismo y no causará una Disminución de las obligaciones bajo este o cualquier Acuerdo. Ninguna renuncia a ninguna de las disposiciones de este o de cualquier Acuerdo será efectiva a menos que se exprese expresamente que sea tal y firmado por ambas Partes.

Notificación de cambios

La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

Estos términos y condiciones forman parte del Acuerdo entre el Cliente y nosotros mismos. Su acceso a este sitio web y / o empresa de una reserva o Acuerdo indica su comprensión, acuerdo y aceptación de la Notificación de Negación y los Términos y Condiciones completos contenidos en este documento. Sus derechos legales a los consumidores no se ven afectados.

© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

ZuluTrade Launches its Binary Options Social Trading Using SpotOption’s Platform

Social Trading Platforms

Trade Equal is the first binary options market place connecting people directly. People build their own option and look for a counterpart to the contract they want to create. This effectively turns the broker into a facilitator, and the act of opening positions into a tech-mediated negotiation between buyers and sellers. Click here to Trade with TradEqual now .

Social trading platforms allow for a trader to take advantage of the trading expertise of a community of successful traders. E-toro is the most popular of this type of system. It allows you to choose to follow a single trader that best fills your trading requirements. You can even choose to follow a portfolio of traders based your parameters. It has a built in trading platform that will copy and auto trade for your account. You can adjust the risk level so that you trade less per trade than those you follow, but maintain the proportion of the trades that they execute.

Origins of Social Trading Networks

Social trading is not a new phenomenon. About 15 years ago when I began my career in day trading I stepped into an office with about 20 traders. I sat down next to one particular trader and watched him trade for several days. I learned how to trade by observing a particular trading method. I soon began to trade on my own and followed the specific rules that I was taught. For me this was the origins of social trading. From following my mentors trades and copying his suggestions based on my own risk level I learned how to trade. It was common on the floor for different traders to call out the trades they would make. We built a room of successful traders by following each others trades and learning from one another on a constant basis.

In later years as the technology improved social trading took the form of subscription packages to services where expert traders would message their tips and trades to subscribers on the network. These systems were expensive and could cost from $100’s - $1000’s per month.

Trading Signals

For several years now in Forex and Binary Options traders could subscribe to signals services. Signals are also a form of social trading as expert traders would send trading tips by email or text to customers who would then enter the trades into their trading platforms. Many Forex platforms allow for auto trading where these tips are automatically executed in the traders platform.

These signals packages have become much more affordable as they can be purchased for under $100 per month.

The advent of the new Social trading platforms, such as e-toro, allow you to select from dozens of traders from around the world. They are ranked based on their success rate and categorized based on the type of trading they do as well as risk level and the amount of followers they have.

Binary Options Social Trading

In January 2017 SpotOption, the leading Binary Options platform provider, announced the release of SpotFollow. This new feature is the a Binary Options version of social trading. Also known as iFollow the feature allows you to Copy Trade the top traders. Choose from a selection of traders listed based on their success rate. You can select to copy trade a specific asset or a collection of assets. You can also limit your investment level per trade and overall. The first two brokers to install the new feature are LBinary and Bloombex Options .

It has been quite some time since I became so exited with binary options trading. I started my journey for improving my financial situation about two years ago, back then I had to calculate each and every day my spending’s. Having a family and three kinds motivated me to find that “holy grail” of extra cash, and I am sure that some of you guys who are reading this article are in the same situation right now.

Today I stand in a much better position then I was two years ago, and I am using moderate words to describable my financial situation. I managed to finish all my bank loans, with out taking new ones. I cant remember the last time when I didn’t owe money to the bank during the past 20 years. Finally I have much more extra cash with little effort, what I mean little compared to the reward, and all thanks to option trading.

Those people who followed me during the past two years, even before establishing my web site, also became successful, some of them much more then me, I made it easier from them because I was always one step a head and warned them about obstacles before they had to confront them, putting a flag on every land mine, so they were ready and less surprised. I am proud of what binary options guide web site has done to many of my followers… excuse me for the nostalgia…

In any case, a week a go a friend of main has introduced me to a new exiting concept called Social Trading, I have been familiar with the term before and also social traded myself, but this thing is much more exiting. Copyop is a trading platform that is dedicated to social trading, and offers features that have never before been introduced in any binary options trade platforms.

Finally there is no need to really understand what binary options is, and its great. Many people who join the trade, just need that extra cash to finance their passion and do those things that really make them happy, unfortunately making money does not really make you happy, it just makes things more easy to reach that goal. That is what makes copyop so cool, if you want nothing to do with binary trading, you don’t really want to learn the stuff needed to be successful, then this is the perfect place for you.

Copyop founders understood the formula to become a successful trading platform, and that is to convince more potential traders to join their trading platform and also convince existing traders to commit more traders, simple isn’t it. they make money if you buy options, the more you and others buy. the higher their earning, caz they make their money from the commission they receive on any option you buy through them, regardless if you win or loss. The founders had an idea to make existing traders successful, and it’s by following professional successful traders. This is the win win situation/combination that creates growth and wealth for all. There was once a wise man that said that a good deal is a deal that both sides are happy, try putting things in the articles context.

Copyop has attracted all the pro’s in one trading platform by giving them large bonuses and a commission for committing traders on their platform, on every successful trade you make by following them, they receive a commission. They also receive a payment for each person that follows them. So they are quite stimulated to do their best, and they are also quite keen that you will copy their actions and win, caz that means more money for them. the trading platform is also happy caz they sell more options - That is triple win win win situation, perfect, isn’t it?

Now you are able to copy all the professionals binary options traders actions on auto pilot, see how successful they are, how much they invested on trades and so one. You do not need to be on the alert and make that important trade on 2:00 am, there is a professional binary traders that works for you even when you are fast a sleep! Isn’t that wonderful. to wake up in the morning to find out you made hundreds of dollars before you even started your working day. These people are doing option trading for living, they are rewarded for any person who copies their trades, and they are doing their best to gain more and more followers by working for people like you.

So if you are in the same position I was two years ago, and you see no way out of that vicious circle you are in, try copyop. Do the right thing for you and your family and try it, copyop could be your gate way to financial sucess. For further assistance and about binary options, please link to this binary options guide that describes the types of binary options.

Social Trading


There are a lot of investment methods out there these days, but one that has been grabbing the attention and capturing the imagination of both fresh and experienced investors alike is the concept of social trading. Social trading, if you aren’t familiar with the method, is when you trade based on information that others are providing.

The Biggest Concept since the Stock Market itself

It works best obviously when you are using someone who knows what they are doing as your example, and some companies have taken it to the next level and have been signing up investors in short, invitation-only membership drives, and giving them the tools to follow some of the best investors in the market today. One of the companies that is leading this industry thus far is iWatchStock. a company that shows investors exactly what they need to do to invest like some of the people making millions on Wall Street.

Watch their video here -

Let Millionaires Show You Exactly How They Make Millions – Every Single Trade

Social trading is so innovative and so simple that it’s a wonder it has only recently been thought of. Of course, a decade ago, the information wasn’t available to follow the trading habits of stock market millionaires and there is the added benefit of the dotcom startup that can begin with a simple website and shoot to prominence and market share in no time.

Take the Plunge and Make More Money with Less Risk

Sometimes an idea comes along that is so brilliant – so incredibly easy to understand and implement – that it changes our world. That is what social trading is going to do for the investing world and there are going to soon be a lot more wealthy people making serious money with the stock market once the program gets rolling. But you can even sign up now with advance companies like iWatchStock. which have recently opened their membership to anyone for a very short time.

EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Advertimos a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de los peligros de comerciar con tales entidades y les aconsejamos encarecidamente que tomen asesoría legal sobre esto en los Estados Unidos.

Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptions. net.

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Social trading ?

What about social trading platform like ( Etoro, Zulutrade, ayondo. )


zulutrade connects with spotoption platforms, which already have iFollow copy trading anyway so you don't really need to go to Zulu to get that.

Is anyone actually using any of these social trading platforms successfully? I'm on CTOption and have a hard time trusting their "replicator." Note that I haven't used it yet, so I can't say that I have any reason to distrust it expect that I have a hard time trusting any broker in general. I can just picture a nightmare situation of waking up the next morning and seeing that my entire account has been blown on bad trades. How do we know that these social trading platforms are real?

Hello, they do not work. Social trading can function in FX, in theory, as the broker has access to liquidity providers to hedge their net balance sheet exposure. Binary brokers do not; you are betting against the house. The house's first line of defence against you is other traders (i. e "volume") and when that goes, its you vs. them. This is also why CT Options binary replicator started off to a flying start then the financial engineers noted they had created a machine that was causing the firm to haemorrhage cash to depositors. They then had to resort to the usual tactics in order to make the replicator useless.

SpotOption brings social trading to binary options

SpotFollow enables social binary trading.

One of the top players in the binary options platform space, SpotOption. has announced its latest platform addition that is about to revolutionize the industry with a ground breaking feature. Have you ever thought about binary options social trading? Well thanks to the company, it is about to become a reality – SpotFollow aims at connecting traders and allowing them to copy from the best.

Functionality will be ample, with the top traders categorized by certain assets, or across those. Followers will be able to delicately select their leaders by exploring a summary that includes the number of good trades, the winnings made, the number of transactions and trading success rates. The social trading addition will permit traders to stay in complete control of their positions by setting certain limits per transaction or manually selecting the amount they put into play.

The company’s CEO Pini Peter believes that with the addition of the feature, there will be a brand new method to convert demo clients into real accounts and maintain a bigger number of active traders at the same time. The clients that have been having doubts about what market direction to take will have the ability to rely on a consistent tool to optimize their performance and generate more trading volume for the binary options brokerage.

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Tag Archives: social trading network

Occupy Wall Street Software Is A Scam? An Occupation Review!

When I just heard the name of it I thought to myself, probably I made a mistake and opened a news report on an Israeli – Palestinian Conflict again. But, yet it was the correct video about a new service in the binary options industry that will be launched tomorrow at 10/19/15. The name of the new product is Occupy Wall Street, generally it’s a social trading network for free and we’re going to review it right away. So, stay with us and find some extra details that might help you to make some extra money at the end of the month!

The Occupy Wall Street (occupywallst. co ) video has been reported by a news reporter of MSNBC Sarah Lockley which reviewed the Occupy Wall Street movement since it raised up. The slogan of the Occupy Wall Street is “We are the 99” which means that there is a huge difference between the income of the Upper Decile and the middle class which is the 99%.

For your better understanding the Occupy Wall Street is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in New York City's Wall Street financial district, receiving global attention and spawning the Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide. It was inspired by anti-austerity protests in Spain coming from the 15-M movement. The main issues raised by Occupy Wall Street were social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the perceived undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector. The Occupy Wall Street slogan, "We are the 99%", refers to income inequality and wealth distribution in the U. S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. To achieve their goals, protesters acted on consensus-based decisions made in general assemblies which emphasized direct action over petitioning authorities for redress.

Okay, so after we have understood more or less about the Occupy Wall Street movement, we are available to review its binary options service. The Occupy Wall Street is a social trading network, by the head of traders Blake Thompson and Erika Hines it’s a loophole at the Wall Street software that allows them to re-connect their social network to the binary options systems and brokers.

My opinion is that this Occupy Wall Street video is very nice production about binary options social network, a new thing to the binary traders but not more then that. I mean, it’s very nice mind of thinking but it’s only a social network that takes the Occupy Wall Street since September 17, 2011 as their main idea.

The head traders that provide the signals for their trader’s subscribers are reporting on a great success rate of them and their subscribers that they’re both enjoy the profit. If to say the troth, in the binary options we have much better opportunities to trade legitimately then social trading network, sorry I’m not buying the Occupy Wall Street and "We are the 99%" story. But still, it’s quite convincing product for the binary options industry not like the other scams as you can find at our Blacklist page .

Our Conclusion:

This time we will let the Occupy Wall Street ( occupywallst. co ) service to enjoy the benefit of doubt and we will not blacklist it. We cannot determined that it’s the century’s product but yet we most give it a chance. The traders who will give it the chance are requested to report on their results.

In the binary options industry, we have a lot of great services without any little doubt, the services with the best reviews, testimonials and with a mass of binary traders. Here are some examples to show you:

1. XE Trader – A new and brilliant signals service for any binary options trader (newbie/professional)

2. Mike’s AutoTrader – The most famous AutoTrader in the industry by a real person, not a fake one!

3. Traders Club Live Trading - A Live Trading Webinar with a lot of qualified signals all over the financial market.

Binary traders have so much opportunities to succeed at their trading methods. Binary options trading is a big and serious thing and you must take it seriously before you invest your money, so, I hope you will take our advises seriously and use it.

Thank you for reading our review, this time on Occupy Wall Street (occupywallst. co ). If you’re new to binary options you must trade with an EU regulated broker like OptionRally and start making legit money today OR you can visit us at our Top10 Brokers page!

Have a question? Have a problem with your current broker? Contact us immediately or leave a reply below and we would love to assist you ASAP! And don’t forget to subscribe our blog!

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Signal VS Social Trading – A Strategic Analysis for Forex Binary Options

Tag Archives: binary options social trading

Woke up the other day at Monday morning at 5 AM to get a feel for the markets and try to identify a few potential entry signals on the EUR/USD. I decided to give Optimarkets a try since they were the only ones kind enough to answer my continuously badgering questions without slamming the phone in my face. The coffee was fresh and so were the formations on the candlesticks on my MT4 account, so here we go. Chart A represents a Bear Trap formation on today’s EUR/USD signals, or is it the beginning of a cup & handle pattern? …

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What is binary options social trading?

In binary options social trading, online investors rely on signals sent from user-generated applications regarding the status of a stock, commodity or currency. The information provided helps the investor to determine whether to purchase into a market or sell their part of a market. Trading takes place in a similar fashion to the New York Stock Exchange in that buying low and selling high are the right ways to play the market game.

Social trading encourages using the assistance of others to make smart trades and purchases. This newer form of trading requires less time to learn and helps investors to learn what is ideal and which markets to avoid.


When you are first getting started in binary options trading, it is important to work with a seasoned trader for your first few transactions. This learning curve helps you determine which markets to buy into and which to avoid. One of the first lessons you will learn is to stay away from new markets. New markets are unstable and often lead to losses.

Make a small purchase in a common market such as currency. This is one of the more stable markets to start with. Watch the market go back and forth for a few days. Once your money has significantly increased, take a portion of your profits and branch off into a commodity with a small purchase there. Slowly introduce yourself to a variety of markets with small investments.

Building a Trading Profile

You need a strong trading profile. Once you get your feet wet, work with a designated broker or broker service. The guidance from there will help you to enter the right social circles for your experience in the binary options trading sector. The most important thing is to think before you leap, even in a social trading situation. Others may be using premature excitement when jumping onto a hot trading option.

Smart trading and learning the ropes of social binary options trading is important. Your financial future and security are all based upon how well you watch and study the markets. It is also based upon your willingness to be patient and move your money around wisely. Only withdraw on a trading option when the timing is perfect. The signals that you receive will be good gauges as to how the markets are moving that day. Use the advice that your brokers give you, they are quite experienced.

Our Recommended Brokers

Social Trading and Binary Options: New Risks or Perfect Partners?

Social trading has rapidly become the new norm, an upstart disrupter that threatens to replace still existing 20th. Century-old models. Based on the web, it allows anybody with a reasonable deposit to mimic what star investors are doing and to piggy-back their trading. All they have to do is sign up and behave prudently – that is, follow the rules. EToro’s OpenBook is a typical example. It runs a live stream showing which traders are winning and which losing in real time, how often, even how much they’ve put up for the trade. The software won’t guarantee profitable investment of course, but it does open a door into some of the most successful retail investors in the world.

The name derives from the fact that ‘social trading’, harnesses burgeoning social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. More recently, a number of specialist investment platforms have sprung up such as eToro, ZuluTrade, Zecco. com, Currensee, FXStat, IBFXConnect and Covestor – to spread user-generated knowledge for investment purposes. Main stream non-startup players have also joined the party, for example Oanda and FXCM.

Social trading can also be explained in terms of social financial analysis. As one definition puts it: “Unencumbered access to information is held to be of premium importance in financial trading, and that makes the free exchange of information of interest to small scale as well as individual investors.” Social trading could hardly be more democratic. “We want to give our users a better position to succeed by transforming the lonely art of investing into an exciting collaborative activity,” says eToro chief executive, Johnathan Assia.

O-Systems is a leading binary options platforms and software provider company that have brought together high end experts in the financial arena to exploit the collaborative opportunities that Social Trading can offer. O-Systems. have released a statement regarding successful completion of beta-testing of a new feature: Social Binary Trading. The idea behind the development is to incorporate the popular Social Trading concept, which gained hundreds of thousands of followers since its introduction into Forex trading a few years ago, into another quickly developing trading niche, Binary Options.

Binary Options was once considered as the next big thing in trading. That time has long gone – Binary Options trading is now established. Millions of people all over the world have chosen to become binary traders and billions of transactions are completed every day. The simplicity of the system, the excitement of trading and quick turnaround time have all contributed to Binary Options becoming one of the major trading instruments among amateurs and professional traders.

A recent Forbes article paints a slightly different picture however, as Gordon Pape writes “ There are lots of ways to lose your money in this world but here’s one I hadn’t encountered before: binary option Web sites. They have become popular over the past few years with new ones appearing all the time: anyoption. com, bulloption. com, spotoption. com, binaryoption. com, etc. etc. The sites appeal to the same type of people who play poker online. But they somehow have an aura of being more respectable because they represent themselves as offering a form of investing. Don’t kid yourself. These are gambling sites, pure and simple. It’s probably just a matter of time before regulators move in on them. Until that happens, they seem to be doing great business”.

According to O-Systems Founder and General Manager Haim Lagziel, the ground-breaking social media feature will allow the binary options industry to grow even faster than before. With the ability to follow other traders, entering the world of Binary is even easier than before. Social Binary will allow the user to see the transactions of other traders, including the option to immediately “copy” it, i. e. close to the same deal. This option will be available for both “live orders” and for “limit orders” that trade become active only once the asset reaches certain predefined price level. The system will store and present a comprehensive data analysis for each trader, including his gains, profit/loss ratio and followers. In addition 10 top traders will be highlighted, based on their performance, which is determined by a complex formula that includes a large number of variables.

The O-Systems Social Binary in definitely a major breakthrough and represents an edge over existing competition. But it is obviously only a matter of time for other players come up with their “Social Trading” product for their customers. Binary options are an alternative for speculating or hedging but come with advantages and disadvantages. Los aspectos positivos incluyen un riesgo y recompensa conocidos, sin comisiones, innumerables precios de ejercicio y fechas de vencimiento, acceso a múltiples clases de activos en mercados globales y cantidades de inversión personalizables.

The negatives include non-ownership of any asset, little regulatory oversight and a winning payout which is always less than the loss on losing trades. Traders who use these instruments need to pay close attention to their individual broker’s rules, especially regarding payouts and risks, how expiry prices are calculated and what happens if the option expires directly on the strike price. Traders should read through all the brokers’ information, and be aware of all risks before making trades.

Perhaps the ability to copy trades from established players is not a bad thing, but as the old saying goes, tread carefully and ‘let the buyer beware’.

Social trading – Make Money by Copy Trade effectively

In today’s contemporary society social media plays a pivotal role and dominates the lives of most people who connect to each other on social networks, or through the most traditional methods of mobile phones, texts and emails. Financial investment could not escape this dominant trend and it is also becoming social, thanks to the development of platforms which allow everyone to enjoy the benefits and advantages that social and copy trading have to offer. It is expected that the future of trading in general will be shaped largely by the growth of social trading in particular as its functionality is instrumental and allows all users of social trading networks to trade with the help, knowledge and collective wisdom of the more seasoned and experienced traders. If you are already trading online or thinking of starting to do so, then you stand to benefit hugely by learning all about social trading through our compact guide that follows below:

Socializing through Trading or copying that brings a profit and no punishment?

In the concise guide that follows our aim is to give you a brief overview of the basic concepts and notions pertaining to social and copy trading and introduce you to the wonders of the social aspect of trading. Being an advanced form and a potentially much more lucrative aspect of the broader social networking, social trading allows the free flow of information, expertise, insights, skills and trading decisions from one trader to another and acts as a solid bridge that diminishes the gap that has long existed between the novice and experienced traders.

Our guide collects and presents the basic, core concepts that you need to be aware of and is packed with useful links to more detailed and analytical content. Moreover, the guide takes a closer look at what we consider to be an effective and successful social trading platform and network to best illustrate how your own personal trading stands to benefit if you decide to go it social or trade socially and discusses some implications and future trends pertaining to social trading.

What Is Social Trading/ Copy Trading?

Copy trading is all about automation and the direct linking of one’s trading account and investment portfolio to those of another trader or other traders. The most important aspect of copy trading then lies in choosing the right traders to copy because once you decide to copy them your fate is tied to theirs. Since you chose to mimic one’s trading decisions, then you win when they win but also lose when they lose. Find out more about the wonders and prospects of copy trading here.

The evolution of social media and their establishment as a mainstream method of information sharing over the internet was what rendered the booming of social trading as a popular trend possible and feasible. Social trading is a broader term that encompasses multiple capabilities and it is primarily based on the interaction between traders, the generation of information and the exchange of it through a dedicated social trading network/platform. In a nutshell, social trading takes away the stress and burden off the shoulders of novice, newbie traders who can trade the markets without having to know or to learn how to perform complex analyses, but rely on their fellow traders to do it for them.

Social trading and copy trading are two similar terms and this is why they are often used interchangeably. However, in reality they are not identical and most views converge that copy trading is part of the broader notion of social trading or a practical, tangible way in which social trading is employed. To benefit the most from the added capabilities put at your disposal through social trading and copy trading it is best that you read our dedicated piece juxtaposing the two because when their similarities and differences become clear to you it will be easier to decide which of the two will best serve and fit and eventually improve your own trading experience and performance.

What can social trading do for me?

Through a series of dedicated articles and posts covering different aspects of the social trading phenomenon, we showcase how the social trading community is packed with benefits and opportunities for traders of all experience and skill levels. Read the ones that look the more interesting to you or better yet, read them all and acquire a complete perspective of the world of social trading:

Can you earn a living by taking advantage of the upsurge in social trading networks? Is their existence and the mimicking of other successful traders a guarantee for success and financial gains? These and other similar questions are raised when trying to analyze the increased penetration and appeal of social trading networks and the ease with which they make copy trading available to all traders. To learn all about the theory that underpins the appeal of social trading and to have some poorly understood realities further explained, read this very interesting piece.

One of the best attributes of social trading is that it can have a hugely beneficial impact on the personal development of each individual trader. In fact the range is so broad that you can enter the world of social trading completely ignorant and oblivious about trading and simply copy others like a school boy, or you can be inspired and encourage to use the wisdom of others to learn and educate yourself and end up having others copy your trading moves instead, which also makes the lucrative potential even greater. Get all the details through this insightful article.

Concerns raised by social trading

Wanting to portray a picture that is as truthful and realistic as possible we cannot claim that all is rosy in the world of social and copy trading. Instead, to best benefit from its advantages you should also learn to avoid or effectively handle the various risks, loopholes, dangers and threats that may arise, such as not being over exposed to the risks that a lead trader you choose to follow may be taking unnecessarily or deciding to eliminate a lead trader from your portfolio if they lose their edge and become unprofitable. Read the articles below to learn the whole truth and nothing but it:

This piece attempts to shed light on the question whether the establishment of social trading and copy trading capabilities is a panacea for all traders or better yet a bullet-proof way to success. Explaining why it sure is a strong candidate, since it is both very convenient for new traders and potentially very lucrative for all traders, new and old, big and small, alike the article points out that irrespective of all these, it is no magic wand nor the super cure for all ailments and it does require caution, since loopholes also exist and are better to be avoided.

Having established that copying the trades of other traders could be potentially very beneficial and lucrative, especially for a new trader and it could also be a didactic, valuable, learning experience, this article moves a step further in order to illustrate that if you want to stand a chance to really become a successful trader, simply copying from the best or even learning from them is not enough and it will not always do the trick. It highlights that dangers do lurk especially when it comes to choosing which trader to copy and points out that such a decision should not be based on their past performance or number of copiers alone.

Top Social Trading Networks and Platforms

A social trading network can be said to be any website or platform which has developed a dedicated venue and the mechanism necessary to enable traders to share their trading ideas and even their actual trades with other traders. The top and most effective of such networks are those that do not simply cater for the community networking aspect of social trading, but are also offering automated trading features and automatically mirroring the trading decisions of the traders of one’s choice in their own trading account at the click of a button. Mainly used in Forex trading, but also containing opportunities for the trading of other asset classes such as stocks, indices and commodities, resorting to such social trading networks and platforms can be particularly beneficial especially for the less seasoned traders. Read below to find out why here at binaryoptionswire. com we have singled out and have a preferred social trading network and how joining it can help make you a better and more well off trader.

eToro Case Study: Your Social Investment Network

Read this article to find out why the team here at binaryoptionswire. com believes that the eToro network is our venue of choice when it comes to social trading. This piece explores the possibilities and potential that is being opened up through joining eToro and focuses mostly on the revamped version of the eToro platform that was aired in November 2017. Read about the platform’s speed, ease of use and other innovative features and see for yourselves whether its aspiration to become a real game changer and revolutionize the industry as well as the way millions of traders manage their portfolios, is valid and well-founded.

This piece presents the compelling argument that copy trading and especially copy trading through eToro works well and could bring some cash your way because in many ways it is like having a managed investment account but without having to dish out the high fees typically associated with such a service, because the actual copying of the trades comes to you at no charge whatsoever. Find out more about the benefits of copy trading and more particularly how it does away with middlemen and fees and overcomes the problem of trading with the help of others whose interests do not always coincide with your own.

Your trading experience through the social trading network and platform of EToro, which is not a typical broker but a broker and a social trading services provider in one parcel, is also greatly enhanced thanks to the multiple of special trading tools that have been purposely developed and put at the disposal of all users. Find out what these tools are and how they can help you trade better and more successfully.

Living proof that copy trading can be equated to significant profits even for the average by-stander, is the real life story of Bob as he submitted it to our site. Read how he managed to meet with trading success and be intrigued and inspired by his example. “Profits are now usually a few hundreds per week, but I would have never imagined that an instant lottery and some effective copying would have changed my life so much!” – Bob Brown

Binary options Social trading – Copy Trading for Binary Options

The ability to emulate the trades of those who are more experienced, i. e. the notion of copy trading, has evolved greatly over the recent years in the online retail forex trading industry, bringing with it many benefits both for the copiers and those being copied. For the former an added important benefit is that they can enjoy a learning curve that is greatly shortened. Although not all forex brokers offer copy trading solutions, most of them do, will social trading as a broader concept (i. e. without the automated part of copy trading) is compatible with all individual trading platforms.

If you do want to take advantage of social trading then you can, irrespective of the forex broker or platform provider you are currently using, while in order to benefit from the automation that comes with copy trading then you may need to sign up with a specialized copy trading service provider or copy and paste trades into your account manually. Always check with your existing broker to know what applies in each case.

In the case of binary options trading, mainly because this is a newer field, automated copy trading solutions are not in abundance just yet although at the pace that things are moving it could well become reality soon. Irrespective however, social trading per se, in terms of the exchange of views and information and the harnessing of the wisdom, skills and expertise of other fellow traders can easily be and it actually is used in binary options trading as well. One very popular manifestation of how the notion of social trading operates in the current binary options trading landscape is the popularity of the iFollow (previously known as SpotFollow), a tool that is integrated in the popular binary options platform provided by SpotOption which is used by a great number of brokers, acting mostly as white labels. This tool allows binary options traders to trace, monitor and copy the performance and trading decisions of other traders and benefit from them.

It is expected that sooner or later social and copy trading will become more widespread and mainstream in the field of binary options trading as well, so all interested binary options traders are encouraged to have their eyes and ears open to new and exciting developments in this regard.

So what to do until the future comes?

Traders show a strong preference for brokers who offer or facilitate social and copy trading services. As this trend consolidates in the retail forex world and in the trading of other investment types and instruments as well it is almost certain that the future of binary options trading will be marked and shaped by social and copy trading capabilities as well.

Besides, binary options trading is all about making trading accessible to all and it achieves this due to its simplicity as an instrument. With the extra help of social and copy trading it is anticipated that binary options trading will become even more appealing for the inexperienced, novice traders who are just embarking on their trading ventures.

However, until the social trading platforms and networks properly expand their offering to fully encompass and cater for the needs of binary options traders as well, binary options traders can still benefit from the wisdom generated by the knowledge and expertise of others, be they humans or clever automated programs, by subscribing to a credible and trusted binary options signals generating service and place their trades according to the signals they receive. Access our table of such trusted signals providers to find out more:

Top 3 Trading Signal Providers Ranking For 2017

Copyop Review: Social Trading!

Watch, copy and trade! This is basically what Copyop, a recently launched social trading platform proposes to all traders. The system it is believed to be the most innovative of its type in the business, which says a lot. It was developed by the creators of AnyOption, which guarantees its reliability. Even though it was just launched on the market, it gained a lot of appreciations, especially due to its unique feature of making it possible for traders to socialize.

What is Copyop?

Basically, this platform is just like any other signal providing system, only with a different approach. You do not receive signals, but you watch other professional traders perform and you copy them. This way, you are profitable all the time! You will not have to engage in thorough analysis of the market anymore. You will just stay relaxed and wait for the profits to come, which is so much better.

Registration details

Things are simple right from the beginning. There is no fee for signing up. Moreover, if you do not trust the platform and just want to see how it looks like, you can easily sign up, without depositing a cent. However, if you do not make use of it, it is your loss. Registration is possible through a Facebook or an AnyOption account, so it should not take more than 2 minutes. What is important at this step is choosing the currency for the account. The possible options are Euros, US dollars or British pounds. Be careful when you choose one, because you cannot change it later on.


Copyop can be completely trusted, as it is fully registered and licensed by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license no. 187/12. Also, all the data is encrypted with a SSL connection, so rest assured that it is a safe environment for trading.


First of all, you need to make a deposit, so that you have money to invest intro trades. Then, the recommended thing to do is to spend some time watching the investors, in order to spot the best performing ones and copy only those. This, of course, if you want to copy. If not, you can make your own research and base your predictions on that. After you select the best investors, you can start copying them, which involves their trades being automatically placed on your behalf, saving a lot of time. Also, every time the traders you watch or copy will be making moves, you will be notified and these notifications will appear in your news feed, so that to can take advantage of them immediately and not miss anything. You should check Andrew’s Copyop blog for new strategies and tips about how to use the program more efficiently.

Mobile trading

The social trading application is available also on tablets, Android or iOS devices. You just have to download it from Google Play and then, you can easily trade on the go, no matter where you are. The application offers the same things the online platform offers, so you actually will not miss anything.

Social trading

Maybe the best part of this platform is the possibility of interacting with other traders. No other trading system offers this feature, which is very appreciated by a lot of traders, especially by the beginners. It is useful to have someone to talk to, to share opinions or ask or give advice when it is needed. Novices will love this features very much, as it will allow them to gain more insights on trading and to learn from the best performers in the trading business.

Asset range

At Copyop, you can trade any asset, from all the four categories, comprising stocks, commodities, indices or currency pairs. So, if you have a favorite, you will most likely find it on the platform and you will be able to trade it.


When it comes to returns, the story is a little bit more complicated. The payout ratio will depend a lot on different aspects. To start with, the rates are different in case of copied trades and in case of not copied ones. So, if you choose to copy the trades from other investors, the maximum return percentage you will get will be of only 60%. If you manage to predict the positions on your own, then the payout rate will be a little bit higher, depending on the asset that is traded. Actually, you will be able to see exactly the return rate displayed next to your investment, so you know right from the start how much money you can make, if the trade is successful. If it is not, then a refund rate is also offered. For copied trades, it is of only 10% and for the independent ones, it is between 5% and 25%. This refund is very convenient, because you know that even if you lose, you still end up with some money, even if it is a little sum. However, if you do decide to only copy the trade, you will get a lower profit, but you will enjoy more successful trades, as those will be guaranteed. Anyway, it is up to you how you get involved into trades, but it is important to know that you have both options.

More money

Copyop allows traders to make even more money through different ways. One of them is by getting your trades copied by another investor. So, basically, if you perform a trade and that trade is copied by someone, you will automatically receive 2 Copyop points. If an independent trade is copied, then you receive 1 Copyop point. And also, if you recommend the platform to someone else and they sign up, you will get 5 points, so a kind of referral program is offered an a way of giving out bonuses.

After gathering at least 100 points, these can be converted to real cash and used in your investments. 60 Copyop coins equal 10 Euros, 250 of them equal 50 Euros and 600 of them equal 150 Euros. This is a very good opportunity of making money, without any effort!


Withdrawing does not imply any minimum requirement, so you are free to take as much as you want from your account. One withdrawal will be offered for free every month, but besides that one, every withdrawal will charge 30 Euros. However, it is enough to withdraw only once a month, once you gather more money.

Atención al cliente

The platform overall is very easy to use, but in case you encounter problems, either technical or trading-related, you can always contact the customer support service, which is available at any time, ready to provide you with the most efficient solutions.

Final word

As you can see, Copyop made its appearance just recently, but it is already highly seen by the trading world. This is due to all the wonderful services it provides in all respects, with the main goal of satisfying every need an investor may have related to trading. And they succeed in offering a beautiful trading experience, without any doubts. How can you say no to free registration, automated trading, higher profits, more money, social activity all wrapped into one? This is exactly what Copyop has to offer, with dedication towards its customer. Sign up right now and do not miss this excellent opportunity! Good luck!

Binary Options Social Trading 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Binary options’ trading success calls for more than trading. The relationship you have with other traders can also play a vital role in your overall success. Social trading takes various forms when it comes to binary options trading.

What is social trading ?

Social trading is a feature which allows a trader to access the properties of other traders’ trades. Social trading can also involve interaction with other traders in chat rooms and trading forums. Typically, by placing a trade on a platform with the social trading feature, your trade is automatically shared with other traders. If they wish, they can even follow your trade as it progresses or replicate it.

Some brokers have even gone a step further to allow traders to copy trades displayed on a social trading wall. That is, a trader can place a trade that is similar in all aspects to your trade including the underlying asset, expiry duration and the option being traded.

Apart from social trading walls, social trading can also take other forms as discussed below.

Signal trading – By subscribing to a signal delivery service, it is the same thing as paying visits to your broker’s social trading wall. A binary options signal usually comprises of the asset to be traded, the expiry duration and the direction of your prediction which is exactly the same information as with a social trading wall. The only difference is that signals usually come at a fee while access to a social trading wall is usually free of charge.

Auto Trading

The fact that an automatic trading system generates an exit and an entry point makes it a form of social trading as well. Auto trading allows a trader to concentrate on other activities leaving trading to the trading software and the specified parameters. Depending on the settings, an auto trader can generate quite a number of trades per day. However, auto trading is very risky since trader’s participation is greatly reduced. The best way to use an automatic trading system is by connecting it with a signal delivery service.

Group trading

Group trading is achieved by using binary options related forums or chat rooms. On binary options forums, you can get information on the most traded assets as well as information on the most profitable assets. By using forums and chat rooms, you can decide to copy the trade as posted or use the forums to build on your trading methods. By participating in forums, you are also able to ask questions and get several answers from which you can pick the most articulate. While all this information is extremely beneficial, it is important to remember that trading information obtained from social trading groups should be treated with a lot of caution since not everything is entirely accurate or true.

Last Word

From the above forms of social trading, group trading takes the upper hand since a trader has a real chance to converse with other traders on how they actually made specific trading decisions. By laying hands on such information, you will be able to make informed decisions in the future.

Anyoption Releases New Binary Options Social trading App

As one of the leading Binary options trading platforms in the world, Anyoption. com has served many customers since its beginning in 2008. By offering safe and easy ways of trading binary options, people have come to trust it as a leader in the field.

That being said, Anyoption has gone a step further and created a new binary options trading app. As a platform, this app is very user friendly and it is no wonder that it is gaining in popularity. The Copyop app is optimized for more than one phone OS with Apple iOS, Google Andorid and your web browser as options, the opportunities are endless.

Since the app is already available in the various online app stores, this gives it a bigger advantage over some of the others that are only optimized for one kind of operating system.

Mobile marketing has been popular ever since the smart phone came up. The smart phone brought a new way of getting information more efficiently; basically having access to any information you would like. Branching into this market is a revolution in their favor.

With the Copyop App, binary options traders can now keep track of their trades more effectively. They do not need to be on their computer unless they have to. Wherever they are, as long as they have this app, trading is as easy as opening the app and starting out.

This is perhaps not even the most exciting thing about this app. Experienced traders are given recognition as opposed to traditional trading methods. Moreover, new traders can learn how to trade directly from these experts. The app allows social interaction between users so they can share ideas with each other and therefore improve their trading methods.

New traders may be wondering how to get into binary options trading. It is difficult to understand especially if you have never done anything like this before. The app has been created in such a way that beginner users can learn how to use it easily and can access the trading options in a few easy steps.

Even better, since the app is linked to Facebook, sign-up doesn’t require a lot of steps. It is literally as easy as pushing a button. Announced merely this week, the app is expected to become a popular binary options trading platform with all the advantages it offers its users.

It has been predicted that up to 40% of all binary options trading will take place via mobile and Copyop has successfully found a way to stay ahead of the game. Many more people can use it despite their past experience and the device they are using.

While Binary Options Trading is ultimately a gamble, if you have the right strategy, you may be able to get results in real time. One of the reasons that this form of investment has been so popular in the past is that the returns come almost instantly. With a ten-minute time limit on the decisions you make, you can make money faster than most other trading assets.

CopyOp Review

Revision completa

CopyOp is a social trading(where you can copy the traders of other experienced brokers in real time in automated manner) platform by AnyOption.(which is one of the oldest broker in Binary options industry)

Price : FREE Account($100 minimum investment). They make money from brokerage/spread

Experience Level: Newbie friendly*

Special Feature: Able to follow other traders

Demo: No dummy currency account but free signup to get basic access

Regulation . CySEC license number: 187/12

Copyop operates under Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd. Copyop is also licensed to operate like anyoption(parent broker) under the same Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CYSEC)

Open Free Demo Account

Get $125 bonus in your Paypal or Skrill.

As a special limited time offer, you can get $125 cashback in your Paypal/Skrill if you signup and deposit from this url.

How to claim this offer

1.Signup here and make a deposit.

2.Copy any trader for at least 3 days.

3.Email nuant007@gmail. com with your Name, Country and date of deposit, Your Paypal /Skrill/Bank details. All payments are made biweekly.

Though CopyOp platform is relatively new, it is fully owned by Anyoption. So, the credibility of Copyop is same as Anyoption(CySEC regulated),which is outstanding. So, it is NOT a scam.

But, you must remember trading binary options without trading knowledge is risky. Actually, social trading addresses that problem by letting people follow experienced traders. When you ask for withdrawal, do not hesitate to give verification proof of identity as it is mandated by Anti-laundering law.

Though, I have Anyoption account, I created a separate account for Copyop to see if the customer service and support is any different from plain vanilla AnyOption account. I did not notice any significant difference apart from the fact that the customer service was bit more responsive(May be because the platform is new).

How to make money with CopyOp

If you are new to trading and do not have time to learn binary option trading yourself, Copyop is a good choice to start with. But, here you have to put all your effort to find best traders to follow. I know at least 2 experienced traders who provide signals on Copyop and have decent(more than 70% hit rate) success rate. Here are the few tips you must use while choosing traders to follow.

Check the performance of the trader over last 1 to 3 months.

Inspect both the hit rate and profit amount to filter out successful traders. You should then give more importance to the hit rate as it is most important factor for profitability of trades you follow. Ideally, you should look for a trader who has made more that at least $2000 in last 3 months and have strike rate over 65-70%.Currently, there are at least 3 traders who are quite profitable(last 3 months performance) on the platform whom you can follow.

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What We liked about CopyOp

1) Real money . All trades and traders you see on CopyOp are real money trades. No virtual money. It makes sure everyone on the platform is at least serious and has money on line.

2) Easy Signups and neat interface . No lengthy forms are required just to get a look at the platform. Interface was quite intuitive without a lot of distractions.

3) OK support staff . I signed up for the platform on weekend and did not deposit money. I got a call from support staff on Tuesday and surprisingly, the guy was not very pushy towards sales or made any unreasonable claims (typically, which most brokers do).

4) Limited Risk . There is a lot of flexibility in assigning money you want to put per trade/time period. It helps traders to control the risk.

5) Live 3rd party price feed: Real Time Thomson Reuters Price Feed. Lot of time traders complain of broker manipulating price feed especially when in binary options it makes a lot of difference. Live 3rd party feed avoids this issue and make price 100% transparent.

The CopyOp, binary options social trading platform, has a lot of way to go to match the sophistication of forex industry. Following are some of the features which need to be worked upon.

1)Trader search capability needs to be improved. I think they have not focused on this aspect assuming there will not be a lot of successful traders who are worthy of following but I think that should be left to customers to choose with more transparent trading history of even losing traders.

2)Trader incentive structure: Now, traders whose trades are copied the most are paid as a part of their brokerage commissions via coin system. It should also be linked to profitability of traders overall too. For example, leaders should not receive any commission for a losing week/month.

3)They should invite reputed traders via profit splitting or more attractive commissions to make the platform even more popular.

4) They should offer fully functional demo account. Though, no demo account makes sure everyone on the platform is serious(which is good),they should offer demo account for followers so that newbie traders are not required to deposit real money.

Overall, CopyOp is a welcome change in over crowded “me-too-bonus” brokers in binary options market. It is one of the pioneer in social trading in binary options though it has a long way to go before it achieves the level of established forex trading platforms. Limited stats on performance of traders and live traders are provided but you can watch all traders live. But, all the traders on CopyOp trade with their real money and there are few traders who are making significant money with their trades over the period of months.

If you are new to trading world or just started learning the basics of binary options, Copyop is a better option as it allows you to follow other experienced traders. I will suggest to watch the performance manually of successful traders and follow accordingly rather than set and forget approach.

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Binary options brokers new social trading

Binary options are financial instruments which are offered by different trading companies’ also known as binary options brokers. Most brokers base their services on a software which is supplied by a third party company. There are 2-3 companies which dominate this field, one of which is SpotOption.

SpotOption is the software provider to many of the leading brands in the binary and Forex industry. Banc de binary. OptionRally. Topoption. OneTWoTrade. CapitalOption. GTOptions and GOptions are just a small example of the brokers who use SpotOption as their software provider.

Well, SpotOption has just launched a brand new feature which will surely be available with most brokers using their software. The new feature which is called “Spotfollow” allows binary options traders to fellow trader’s binaries i. e. detect a successful trader and follow his or her actions.

The new feature is taking trading to the next level of social trading. Companies who will adopt this feature will create their own social community of binary traders. By doing so traders are able to connect and see what other investors are doing on the platform, the feature also shows which trades are successful i. e. end in-the-money and who are the best traders you should follow. Traders can decide to follow and copy ones trades.

Traders will be able to add this feature to help them base their binary options strategy and help them detect whether they are on the right track to success. Traders can set certain limitations to their account; invested amount per action, number of investments and more.

Let us add that this advanced invention is not new to the financial world and was first presented by the successful team of Etoro. com which is a financial startup which has created a worldwide social platform for financial investments. Traders can follow the world leading investors and copy their financial decisions. The innovative trading platform basically offers its services as a broker and has more the 2.5 million users you can follow. The platform offers traditional investing on an innovative social platform.

Back to our world of binaries where besides having an innovative platform traders can enjoy high profits with in moments. The SpotFollow offers a similar social solution which can help traders leverage their profits. All you need to do is to find a successful trader and copy his action, our advice of cores is to always backup your decisions with your own analysis, this will help you learn and adopt your own trading strategy which might make you a leader to be followed.

Signal VS Social Trading – A Strategic Analysis for Forex Binary Options

Binary Options Analyst » Forex, Strategy » Signal VS Social Trading – A Strategic Analysis for Forex Binary Options

Signal VS Social Trading – A Strategic Analysis for Forex Binary Options

Woke up the other day at Monday morning at 5 AM to get a feel for the markets and try to identify a few potential entry signals on the EUR/USD. I decided to give Optimarkets a try since they were the only ones kind enough to answer my continuously badgering questions without slamming the phone in my face.

The coffee was fresh and so were the formations on the candlesticks on my MT4 account, so here we go. Chart A represents a Bear Trap formation on today’s EUR/USD signals, or is it the beginning of a cup & handle pattern? Well, after executing some mirror trades earlier it came to my understanding that the euro must receive some type of a catalyst in order to pass through the tough confluence zone, otherwise my contract would expire out of the money. So I had my eyes and ears glued to the Bloomberg financial feed waiting for a much anticipated news briefing of the ECB’s Mario Draghi concerning possible bailout plan and the negative impact of the austerity measures in taken in Greece and the banking crisis in Cyprus.

Then I saw the latest Eurozone Unemploymnt report for Youth under 25 years is looking bad also in part due to the QE (quantitative easing) policies (See Chart B).

Eventually I cut my losses short and sold my contract back by using a special plan Jason whipped up for me. Anyoption calls it Option+ (see below).

He cut me a special deal specifically on currency pairs trading since I bought in at around $6,000 with 14 open positions and a balance of

15,000 (down from $24,000). I was advised by a few of my colleagues to steer away from excessive bonuses because unlike the traditional brokers, the CySec incentive structure is designed to do two things. First, to get you coming back and trading, and secondly to lock you into trades due to trading requirements needed in order to cash out winnings.

While this may be true, these perks enabled me to extend my trading sessions significantly at in many cases bounce back with a few winning trades. I have an account with MT4 and 5, Ninja Trader, and Oanda. All three software signaling platforms were aligned on a “sell”, and I had to do some serious technical analysis on my trades and go with the charts, despite my interpretation of the candlesticks (which was exactly the opposite). Luckily I was extra careful and my broker was kind enough to offer me a bailout package.

My secondary position was a a tight formation on another EUR/USD I had an open contract on, and it was about to expire in 24 hours. It was a classic scenario to use a Chuvashov’s Fork pattern for a mechanical trading system (See Below).

The fractals indicator is used to draw the “Chuvashov’s Fork” pattern. Fractals are used to dissect larger trends into simplified, but more importantly predictable reversal patterns. The fractals are represented numerically in the image above. The dominant trend line is connected by fractals 1 and 2 as shown in the price chart on the left side. The significant uptrend line connects the two lower fractals, while the main downtrend line connects the upper fractals.

I waited for an additional fractal (3) to be formed after the main trend line started breaking out exactly in the opposite direction (reversal trend). You can clearly see a lateral line connecting fractals 2 as well as 3 with the main trend line formations.

Eventually in this contract I was able to cut through the clutter using fractals and the Fork System and made a killing. When my contract expired I was left with $4,540 on that single position, but I had originally invested over 1K and had a growing bankroll that was about to get even bigger.

To sum up, I used a variety of strategies and managed my risk in a way that eventually made me money. Furthermore, due to Optimarkets being such a considerate broker I was able to partially recoup and eventually cash out my winnings less the bonus. To be specific, the mirror trading is actually a very social method that’s commonly used in a way to decide the community sentiment. Sentiment charts show the percentages breakdown according to bearish and bullish sentiment shared by traders over time. The fork method is a more technical strategy used to break down large formations into smaller and more simpler ones (fractals) in order to understand them better, and of course my ability to get a good deal from my broker and leverage their bonuses eventually helped me make significant gains.

ZuluTrade brings binary options to social trading

ZuluTrade can arguably be said to hold the top spot in social trading and now they have taken another step in cementing that lead by introducing binary options to their auto trading platform. This is a first for the world of social trading and will no doubt be a very interesting addition to the fantastic ZuluTrade platform.

Binary options requires trader to agree to a trade price in the future, or in layman’s terms, agree to buy/sell at x price in say 2 weeks time.

This new addition to ZuluTrade will be integrated with the platform of SpotOptions in an exclusive partnership. This team effort will result in letting users both follow top traders as well as build automated trading scripts via ZuluTrade’s relatively new ZuluScripts tool.

Leon Yohai, the Chief Executive Officer and the founder of ZuluTrade made a statement saying that this tie-up is a great opportunity for all the white labels of SpotOptions, by allowing them to benefit from the unique trading solutions of ZuluTrade’s platform. He also further added that this synergy between ZuluTrade’s social trading platform and the binary options platform of SpotOptions would bring further mutual benefits to the individual users of both the platforms.

As the trend of social trading continues to gain a foothold in the market, the new deal ensures that the existing demand of traders is being fulfilled and will certainly bring some new talent to the leading social trading network.

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Investment in financial markets carry significant risk and BestSocialTrading. com can not be held responsible for the outcome of such investment. On occasion, BestSocialTrading. com will receive a fee for referring users to certain brokers or social trading platforms, however this does not influence our reviews and we remain 100% impartial. All the information on this site provided free of charge and does not constitute investment advise. Any opinions expressed in reviews on this site is purely the opinion of the author.

Copyop Review (Our Opinion)

Launched in January 2017, copyop was the first social binary options trading network . It is operated by the same company who operate anyoption, the world’s largest binary options trading website. Copyop’s social trading platform allows you to watch and automatically copy other “binary option traders” who trade on either the copyop or anyoption platforms.

For the purpose of this review we only focus on copyop and its social trading & trade copying functionality and not on anyoption itself. Click here to jump straight to the review summary below.

In order to use the social trading platform you can either register direct with copyop or via the anyoption website. We chose the second option because there was a bonus deposit offer available and any money you deposit on anyoption, can be used on copyop as well. Please note though that we actually had to request for the bonus to be added since it didn’t automatically appear in my account. You also need to complete lots of trades for the bonus to be unlocked (similar to most other broker bonus offers).

Accounts can be opened in 3 different currencies (EUR, GBP and USD). Once you’ve registered you cannot change the base currency though. Deposits can be made with Visa, MasterCard and Amex cards, several debit cards or by a bank transfer. You can open an account without depositing money if you just like to see the platform features and traders you can copy. However, the anyoption/copyop sales team will be quick to contact you on the telephone number you provided to try and convince you to make a first deposit (they sounded very keen on the telephone to get you to deposit, which almost leaves me to assume they’re paid on commission).

Who are the traders you can copy?

Basically you can copy anyone who trades on copyop or anyoption . and anyone can also copy you, even if you only copy others. The only restriction is that any trader can have a maximum of 100 copiers. Obviously this may become an issue when the service becomes more popular, but we only saw 1 trader like that so far. Alternatively you can also “watch” a trader, which means their trading actions are displayed in your “social feed” real-time.

While many other trade copier services focus on Forex only, the binary option traders on copyop can trade on forex pairs, indices, commodities and a selection of US, European and Asian stocks.

Any binary option traders who get copied by others also get rewarded. They receive copyop coins which can be converted to real money. For each copied trade by another trader they get 2 coins and each followed trade 1 coin. 60 coins is worth €10, 250 coins worth €50 and 600 coins worth €150. The payment is independent of the trade’s success, so traders are not specifically rewarded more for better results (though obviously they get more copiers if they trade better and vice versa).

Letting anyone copy anyone is obviously very “social” and open, though also means that there’s no pre-selection and vetting of traders, something which is offered by some other social trading networks and trade copying services. However it is worth noting that every binary option trader on their platform trades with “real” money (the value of which is displayed for their last trades). Es decir. you won’t be copying people who trade with demo accounts, and everyone you copy risks their own money as well (which is obviously a positive factor).

In terms of trader performance it’s worth explaining first how much you make when you automatically copy someone. Copyop pays you 60% profit if the option you copied was successful and returns 15% refund if it lost (their FAQs actually mention a 10% refund but we tried and it’s actually 5% more). These levels are a little bit less than your potential returns when you trade yourself, in which case copyop offers you a 60%-81% payout when the option expires in-the-money, and a 5%-25% return if the option expires out-of-the-money.

So what this means is that to make a profit you need to copy someone with a success rate (called “hit %” on copyop) of more than 58.62% . For those of you interested in the maths, the way to calculate this % value is by working out the value of X in the following formula: X * 16 + (1 – X) * 1.5 = 10 –> 14.5 X = 8.5 –>X = 8.5/14.5 –>0.5862 or 58.62% I. e. if you invest $10 per trade and 58.62% copied trades are successful (receiving $16) and 41.38% unsuccessful (receiving $1.5), then you’ll break-even over time.

Arguably your returns would be slightly better if instead of “automatically” copying a trader, you would “watch” them and manually copy their trades when you see them in your copyop social feed or when you get a mobile alert on their activity. However this would mean you have to be online all day and highly likely you will miss some of their trades.

Because copyop is still a very new service and we’ve only invested over a short period of time it’s not possible to make a final judgement on the overall performance of the traders as part of the current review (so far break-even). My initial impression is that I don’t find many traders who’ve been on the service from before 2017, but again, this may be because it’s still new. It’s also our first experience with binary option trading and hence we’re even more cautious than otherwise when trying a new service.

Just like with any of our other social trading and trade copier platform reviews we will keep this review updated over time. Particularly we’re interested in the longevity of the traders on the platform and potential for sustained results.

Reviewing and Selecting the Traders to Copy

copyop social explore feed and hot list (click to enlarge)

Here we discuss and review the features copyop offers to look for top traders to copy and evaluate their past performance. As mentioned above, you can actually copy anyone who trades binary options on copyop or anyoption. However you won’t see all available traders because there’s no full list or search functionality. You can only discover other traders either via the “explore feed” or “hot list” (see image):

The “explore feed” is a real-time feed with the most interesting and popular trading actions from around their trading network.

The “hot list” displays 3 tables with the “10 best traders” in terms of total monetary gains, “best trades” in value and “best copiers” in terms of gain over 12 hour, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months timeframes.

Hence Copyop’s functionality to look for other traders to copy is very basic . There’s no real search capability and a severe limitation of the “hot lists” is that they’re based on total monetary gains and not on overall hit %. If you want to copy other traders your main decision factor is normally hit %. However someone who has 1 winning trade of $10,000 and 9 losing ones of -$100 may actually make the hot list. However for copying purposes they may not be very useful since when you copy them, all your copied trades will be executed at the same value. Increasing the size of the ‘hot lists’ from 10 to 50 or more traders would also be useful, because it would give you a larger pool of traders to consider and evaluate.

copyop trader overview (click to enlarge)

Once you see a trader you may like in the “hot list” or “explore feed”, you can click on them for more details. This will show (see both images):

trader nickname, country of residence, joining date and copyop risk profile

number of people copying and watching them

overall hit %, i. e. the number of profitable investments out of all investments the trader made themselves (i. e. not copied from others)

best asset traded to date (in terms of total profit made)

best winning streak

average number of trades per day

copyop trader stats (click to enlarge)

last 3 trades made (open or closed)

hit % for the past 1-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91-120 trades

asset breakdown over last 120 trades

It’s clear that only a small subset of the trader’s trading history is shared by copyop . Es decir. you can only see the last 3 trades and not all historical and current open trades, something which is shared by some other social trading networks. The hit % breakdown over the past 120 trades is useful since it at least gives some impression of the performance over time of the trader. However overall we would like to see more historical information to allow for more detailed trader evaluation.

So overall, looking for traders to copy is not easy since you may need to follow the “explore feed” for a while to discover other traders (i. e. outside the limited hot lists). However when you “watch” them you can easily find them back in the future.

Copyop risk and money management features

In terms of risk management, a clear general benefit of binary options trading is that you exactly know how much you’ll lose on each trade (i. e. the amount you invest in the option + any potential refund if the option expires out-of-the-money). With normal Forex trading your risks are normally unlimited, or at least up to your stop levels.

copyop copy trader options (click to enlarge)

In addition, when you copy other traders with copyop it’s very easy to manage your risk and you can know in advance the maximum you might lose . When you start to copy a trader you are asked (see image):

How many trades you want to copy? All or a limited number (e. g. 5 or 10)

Amount per trade. Which is either 10, 25, 50 or 100 in your base currency.

Assets to copy. Which is either all or you can limit and for example only copy specific ones (e. g. EUR/USD or gold).

So if you limit the trades you copy you can easily work out the maximum loss you can endure if the trader you copy would get all trades wrong. You’ll also notice that copyop both has a minimum and maximum limit on the amount you can invest per copied trade. The maximum limit does not apply when you trade yourself, though the minimum limit is actually more on your own trades (25 instead of 10 in your base currency).

Once you’ve started copying a trader you can at any stage stop copying them. You can also follow and review your performance within your copyop account interface by clicking on ‘My Options’. This displays the “Open Options” and “Settled Options”. However there’s no easy way to view the performance per trader you copy. In case you copy more than one, you’d need to look at each individual settled option and work the performance per trader out yourself.

While the copyop money and risk management features are easy and straight forward, one important limitation you need to consider when copying other traders is the fixed amount per trade . Es decir. every trade you copy from one trader will be executed at the same amount (10, 25, 50 or 100), while this trader may actually risk more or less on some trades depending on their confidence. Es decir. your trades are not copied proportionally in comparison with the trader you copy.

While some traders always use the same amount themselves, the majority don’t, meaning your performance results would not be the same if you just copy them. We’ve noticed some of the top traders risking $2,000 on one trade and $200 on the next. Needless to say that their confidence on winning is much higher on the first trade than on the second (this is why you may see traders with large financial gains but hit ratios below 50%). Hence better results would highly likely be achieved by manually watching the top traders in your feed and either proportionally copying their trades or only taking the ones on which they risk the most money. However this requires you to watch your copyop feed for many hours, something which is obviously not possible for everyone.

Costs and fees

Opening an account with copyop (or anyoption) is totally free and there are no other fees or costs to pay. You can make one free withdrawal per month as well.

In addition, unlike with the Forex social trading networks, you don’t have to worry about slippage . Fyi, slippage is the difference in price between what the trader you copied got and what you got. While slippage can be positive or negative, due to the nature of trade copying it’s normally negative and will therefore impact your overall results. Because you get exactly the same option as the trader you copy with copyop, slippage is therefore not an issue.

However as we mentioned before, when you use the copy service you receive slightly smaller returns than if you would make the same trades yourself. Hence this should be considered as a cost for using the service. Part of this difference is used by copyop to reward the traders you copy, and part no doubt for managing the service and generating additional revenues.


You can contact copyop via email or contact form only. There’s no contact telephone number. While basic, the FAQs on the website are clear. However because copyop is part of the same company as anyoption (and we actually registered via anyoption) we should include their support options and experience as part of this review too.

Anyoption can be contacted via email, contact form, online chat, call back and telephone (local numbers provided for various countries). As mentioned above, we received quickly a call from their sales team after registering.

In terms of support experience, I did use the online contact form (chat was unavailable at that time) to ask why my deposit bonus was not visible yet. It took 4 days before I received a reply (!), i. e. not the most speedy response times.

The anyoption website does however provide a wide selection of guides, tutorials, eBooks, articles and educational videos on binary options trading. Useful if you’re new to binary option trading.


Copyop allows you to connect your Facebook account, which would mean your trades are shared with your friends and you can view their copyop activity too. Personally I wouldn’t want my friends to know my trading activity but maybe some people may find this useful (?).

There are no other social capabilities though, and there’s no way to communicate with the other traders or to rate them.


There’s no demo offered by copyop . though you can always register for a free anyoption or copyop account if you want to have a look at the full social trading interface. This also allows you to look at the social feed and hot list with the traders you can watch and potentially copy (if you fund your account with real money). As I mentioned above though, you can expect a callback from their sales team on the number you enter when registering for the account


Both ZuluTrade and Porter Finance currently offer a similar service as copyop allowing investors to copy other binary options traders. ZuluTrade is the largest Forex social trading network and added binary options in 2017, while Porter Finance is a binary options broker who also offer social trading, allowing you to copy the trades of their best binary option traders).

Every trader you copy risks their own money

Easy intuitive interface

Risk can be clearly limited/managed

No slippage (because type of service)

Open – i. e. you can copy anyone

Still fairly new service with some interface glitches

Trader search/discovery capability very limited

Full trade history is not shared

No proportional trade copying (fixed amount per trade only)

No fully functioning demo account

Trader rewards not linked to their performance

Very few traders with hit % > 58.62%

In summary, where binary options trading is (in my opinion) a simplistic form of “real trading” (i. e. you only have 1 decision to make buy/sell), copyop also trims down social trading to a simplistic level. It’s very much catering for investors with no trading experience and the interface is very intuitive, more resembling a game than an investor platform. The performance stats provided on the traders you can copy is very limited, with only partial trade history available. On the other hand , all traders on copyop’s platform risk their own money and some seem to be making significant profits over a longer time horizon. However, a limitation is the fact that trades cannot be copied proportionally . means that your results don’t necessarily match those of the traders you copy. Better results may be achieved by manually watching and copying their best performing traders (though that would be a time consuming exercise).

As always, we’ll keep this review updated when new features are introduced or if our view changes. Your own comments are always welcome below too.

Last updated: January 29, 2017 This review is written based on our experience with a real money copyop/anyoption account. The images included are from our live account. Please also note that t rading in Binary Options carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of your investment. As such, Binary Option trading may not be appropriate for you. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Before deciding to trade, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, risk appetite and level of experience.

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AUD/USD 0.75893 04:15 22.03 AUD/JPY 84.931 04:15 22.03 EUR/JPY 125.930 04:15 22.03 USD/JPY 111.905 04:15 22.03 EUR/USD 1.12530 04:15 22.03 NZD/USD 0.67701 04:00 22.03 AUD/NZD 1.12092 04:00 22.03 EUR/AUD 1.48369 04:00 22.03 CAD/JPY 85.561 04:00 22.03 NZD/JPY 75.726 04:00 22.03 AUD/USD 0.75888 04:00 22.03 AUD/JPY 84.882 04:00 22.03 RIO-AU VS BHP-AU 2.44534 04:00 22.03 CK HUTCHISON 101.150 04:00 22.03 KOSPI 1988.41 04:00 22.03 GOLD 1246.510 04:00 22.03 HSBC-HK 50.125 04:00 22.03 EUR/JPY 125.940 04:00 22.03 USD/JPY 111.854 04:00 22.03 EUR/USD 1.12592 04:00 22.03 HANG SENG F-APR16 20595.000 04:00 22.03 HANG SENG 20609.840 04:00 22.03 RIO-AU 43.955 04:00 22.03 BHP-AU 17.975 04:00 22.03 ANZ BANK 25.435 04:00 22.03 ASX F-JUN16 5149.500 04:00 22.03 OIL-MAY16 (WTI CRUDE) 41.465 04:00 22.03 JAKARTA SE 4858.825 04:00 22.03 NASDAQ F-JUN16 4407.500 04:00 22.03 USD/SGD 1.36088 04:00 22.03


Select the asset you want to trade

Click on “ CALL ” if you think the price will rise above the current rate at the time of expiry, or click “ PUT ” if you think the price will fall below the current rate at the time of expiry

Enter the amount you would like to invest and " Apply "

ProFollow Social Trading

Zulutrade Rumors: Binary Options Social Trading

October 20th, 2017

There are rumors that largest social investment network Zulutrade is going to introduce a brand new platform for binary options trading. In couple of weeks, investors and followers should be able to copy best binary options traders. Till now, they were able to follow and copy only forex social traders.

If this information is true, Zulutrade could take a big step forward and introduce a brand new market in social trading industry. This would probably attract tons of new customers as binary options market is these days very popular.

New customers for Zulutrade could also come from existing base of its main social trading rival eToro Openbook as they do not offer binary options social trading to their clients.

Come back to our website for more updates about this topic and meanwhile you can share this information with your friends on facebook or twitter. Also watch Zulutrade´s performance page for new binary option social traders to appear.

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Anyoption Releases New Binary Options Social trading App

As one of the leading Binary options trading platforms in the world, Anyoption. com has served many customers since its beginning in 2008. By offering safe and easy ways of trading binary options, people have come to trust it as a leader in the field.

That being said, Anyoption has gone a step further and created a new binary options trading app. As a platform, this app is very user friendly and it is no wonder that it is gaining in popularity. The Copyop app is optimized for more than one phone OS with Apple iOS, Google Andorid and your web browser as options, the opportunities are endless.

Since the app is already available in the various online app stores, this gives it a bigger advantage over some of the others that are only optimized for one kind of operating system.

Mobile marketing has been popular ever since the smart phone came up. The smart phone brought a new way of getting information more efficiently; basically having access to any information you would like. Branching into this market is a revolution in their favor.

With the Copyop App, binary options traders can now keep track of their trades more effectively. They do not need to be on their computer unless they have to. Wherever they are, as long as they have this app, trading is as easy as opening the app and starting out.

This is perhaps not even the most exciting thing about this app. Experienced traders are given recognition as opposed to traditional trading methods. Moreover, new traders can learn how to trade directly from these experts. The app allows social interaction between users so they can share ideas with each other and therefore improve their trading methods.

New traders may be wondering how to get into binary options trading. It is difficult to understand especially if you have never done anything like this before. The app has been created in such a way that beginner users can learn how to use it easily and can access the trading options in a few easy steps.

Even better, since the app is linked to Facebook, sign-up doesn’t require a lot of steps. It is literally as easy as pushing a button. Announced merely this week, the app is expected to become a popular binary options trading platform with all the advantages it offers its users.

It has been predicted that up to 40% of all binary options trading will take place via mobile and Copyop has successfully found a way to stay ahead of the game. Many more people can use it despite their past experience and the device they are using.

While Binary Options Trading is ultimately a gamble, if you have the right strategy, you may be able to get results in real time. One of the reasons that this form of investment has been so popular in the past is that the returns come almost instantly. With a ten-minute time limit on the decisions you make, you can make money faster than most other trading assets.

More and more binary options traders were awaiting the arrival of Social Trading. The ability to follow the best traders, try to understand each of their trades, and possibly follow and copy these trades were part of the current trend.

We have tested the Social Trading proposed by OptionSmarter

Once again, it is OptionSmarter. com that innovates itself at the end of July by launching this option. As confirmed to us by Sebastian, one of our loyal readers: “social trading via OptionSmarter completely changed my way of trading. Before, I have often doubted my decisions prior to placing a trade, which restricted me tremendously. Hence, I was unable to trade 1 time out of 2. But, since the onset of the Social trading option, I noticed that many traders supported my view and confirmed my analysis of graphs. Since then, I have been trading a lot more, and positive results were immediately recorded in my balance”.

Therefore, we have tried to learn more from OptionSmarter. Julien, their Marketing Director explains, “We decided to launch this option in late 2012. We are only at the first stage and further developments are under way concerning the Social Trading. We were able to notice that 87% of our traders use our Social Trading tools on a daily basis. At the same time, some traders have become ‘Star Traders’ and their selections are being followed and copied by a number of traders”.

Axel, another trader on the platform, confirms that for him, “the Social Trading has been a driving force in my inscription on OptionSmarter. Before, I used to trade on another platform, but when I became aware that I could social trade … I jumped at the opportunity! And I am not disappointed; not only because it allows me to measure myself against other traders (I like the competition), but also because it indicates real-time trading trends on the platform. This is really a great tool!”.

But, is Social Trading a simple fad or a real optimization tool? According to Julien, “social trading is an important tool but it perfectly integrates with all the other options that we offer. The ability to follow the trades of other traders is a real plus, but OptionSmarter features among other things the SELL BACK option, which allows traders to sell back their positions before expiration. The SELL BACK is used by 95% of the traders of the platform, and thus minimizes their risks”.

We did not need more to test the Social Trading via OptionSmarter:

The first observation is that everyone is free to either use it or not. However, it is clear that the use of Social Trading offers a wide range of information about what is happening live on the platform:

The trades placed by all traders

Advanced graphics

An interaction with other traders

Besides, this gives a strong image to the OptionSmarter brand. In fact, we can see that there are hundreds of trades per minute. This indicates that thousands of traders trust this platform, and consequently, this proves the seriousness of OptionSmarter around the world, because I have in fact come across French-speaking, English-speaking, Arabic-speaking and even Chinese-speaking traders!

In conclusion, I believe that the Social Trading has a future. This is reassuring as it is an important and fun trading support, and above all it is only the beginning “of many surprises to arrive on the OptionSmarter platform in social trading,” says Julien.

There is no doubt that OptionSmarter will be copied by other platforms in the near future…


Stay responsible

Bonusoptionsbinaires. net would like to remind you that the online trading is not permitted to minors under the age of 18. In addition, we assume no liability with respect to any incurred losses related to the speculation that you could implement. La negociación en el mercado de opciones binarias implica riesgos sustanciales. You must know and accept these risks which are detailed in the "warning" section prior to performing stock transactions.

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Binary Options Watchdogs on High Alert: Don't Mess with a Man’s Money

The Forex market: $5.3 trillion daily turnover (reached in April 2017, according to BIS), millions of traders, thousands of banks, hundreds of brokers and… too many scammers. The task of ForexFraud. com is to take care of the “too many scammers” part and they’re doing a praiseworthy job. If you think “praiseworthy” is too big, let me assure you it’s not, because being scammed is one of the worst money-related feelings you could experience. On top of losing your money, you will also have a gut-wrenching feeling of being laughed at by a scammer who puts an evil smirk on his face while counting your money. Unfortunately I was in that situation a long time ago and let me tell you: if someone helps you avoid that feeling… they are praiseworthy.

When Forex online trading hit the mainstream retail sector, a regulated brokerage was rather hard to come by and scams were a big part of the industry. But fortunately for traders, there were and still are guys willing to put in the hard work of exposing and bashing scammers or unprofessional brokers. History repeats itself and almost the same scenario is now developing with the new prodigy of online trading: Binary Options. Just how ForexFraud. com takes care of the Forex traders’ well being, BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com does the same for binaries and, believe me, we have our work cut out for us. Regulation in the Binary Options industry is harder to come by than water in the Sahara desert and an honest brokerage company is a rare bird. Sure, there are honest and reliable brokers out there and it is our job to separate the good from the bad and steer traders towards professional brokers.

Wanted: Binary Options Brokers That Don’t Suck

A long time scam and fraud fighter is ForexPeaceArmy. com. They are considered one of the best website when it comes to digging deep to find all the trash that some brokers try to hide under the rug. Moreover, they are among the first to offer traders a place to make their voices heard and read real reviews written by other traders before depositing with a broker. We all know that avoiding a scam is better and easier than getting your money back afterwards so it’s a good idea to visit the websites mentioned and get informed about the broker you want to do business with.

Websites like ForexFraud. com, BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com and ForexPeaceArmy. com are too few these days. Did you notice how many review websites are out there? The number is huge but most of them don’t actually have an opinion: according to their reviews, almost all brokers are “very good” and they offer you the possibility to “maximize your profits”. Yea, that’s not very helpful for a trader… might as well go on the broker’s website and read the same thing, no need for a review. And that’s where we come in: we bring you straightforward answers to your questions, informative articles and most importantly, honest, opinionated reviews.

Of course, just finding a good broker doesn’t guarantee your trading success – although it’s a big part of it – so we also take care of educating traders and making them understand that Binary Options trading is more than just what brokers teach: “Trading is easy: choose direction and press Call or Put”. We bring you a very complex trading School, which was built with focus towards the new trader who doesn’t know how to “choose direction” and it’s our job at BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com to teach you. Battle-hardened veterans will also find expert strategies and tools to suit their more advanced needs and on top of that, everybody can share their experience and knowledge on our constantly growing Forum. Furthermore, once you’ve “graduated” from our School, you can test your newly acquired skills on our social trading platform, CommuniTraders.

Frauds And Scammers, Beware!

As you see, we offer you the complete package: you can find a trusted, reliable broker, report scams or learn how to avoid them, educate yourselves in the art of trading and interact with other traders. I really don’t want this article to turn into a sales pitch, but I am sure you see the need for honesty in this industry and the best place to find it is on ForexFraud. com, BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com and ForexPeaceArmy. com. I just hope that someday we will be able to focus completely on sharpening our trading skills, without having to worry about dodging scammers and money-hunting brokers.

BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com community was created to find and track down Binary Options scammers and crooks, whether they are brokers or other product providers. Our dedicated team's main goal is to provide a safe environment for all Binary Options traders, Educate traders for successful trading, and to maintain a live forum for discussions, ideas sharing and Anti Scam purposes. BOTS - because even the best brokers suck sometimes.

Start Smart with BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com Anti Scam Community

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Tag Archives: Binary Options Social Trading

News Comments Off on Binary Options Social Trading with CTOption Binary Replicator

Social Trading with CTOption Binary Replicator© Social Binary Options trading with Binary Replicator CTOption’s innovative Binary Replicator© provides traders with advanced social trading technology which allows you to follow professional traders easily and safely. You can select which trader you wish to follow and can follow up to 10 professionals.

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The many forms of Social Trading

Three brokers show their definition of Social Trading

Social Trading is becoming more and more popular among binary options traders. Three binary options brokers have spotted this trend and have successfully managed to develop a product that meets this increasing demand among traders. These three brokers are anyoption, WeOption, and Interactive Option. They are the innovators among the brokers, and are expected to be followed soon by their competitors in the race for the best Social Trading tool.

Social Trading according to anyoption

The Social Trading tool by anyoption is not so much a platform that allows traders to seek interaction, but more a social information source for traders that are in doubt as to which trades to make. When clicking the Live button, the trader sees an interactive globe that shows trades being made real time. You can see the geographical position, the trading data and the trader’s name. An example of anyoption’s Social Trading tool is shown below.

For more information on anyoption and the Social Trading tool, please read our anyoption review .

Social Trading according to WeOption

WeOption uses a Social Trading tool similar to anyoption when looking at the functionality. This Social Trading tool also shows what other traders have chosen and are choosing as their investments. The big difference, however, lies in how the data is presented. Instead of watching random trades on a globe, you can watch the actions by other traders regarding the underlying asset you want to trade (as shown in the image below). This makes the information more relevant. That’s why we prefer WeOption’s Social Trading tool to anyoption’s Social Trading tool.

Read more about WeOption in our WeOption review .

Social Trading according to Interactive Option

But the best Social Trading tool by far is the one developed for the SpotOption platform Interactive Option is based on. This Social Trading tool can be found in the trading room, and is called Follow Me (see image below). Follow Me allows traders to pick out successful traders, and follow them as they trade, making money off their trading success. Every time the successful trader makes a new trade, you can get in on it and profit with this ingenious Social Trading tool.

Read more about this Social Trading tool in our Interactive Option review .

Facebook gives you friends. Twitter gives you followers. iFollow gives you friends, followers and money.

iFollow gives you friends, followers and money.

Why iFollow?

Last Blog Post

While vacationing in the Maldives I met some cool and interesting people who suggested I try scuba diving. Being the extreme sports junkie that I am and having spent the previous few months behind the desk trading on the iFollow platform, an activity that allowed me to afford such an extravagant vacation, I decided to spoil myself and follow their advice. The next morning I rented a luxury 31 meter motor yacht along with a crew and a sea captain. Next I hired a professional scuba diving instructor who provided me with diving equipment. Finally, after all the arrangements for the trip had been made, I decided to invite my new friends along for the experience. We set sail for the Manta diving site, located off the shores of the luxurious Baros resort. What I initially thought would be just another fun activity turned out to be an experience of a life time. The sights were simply breathtaking, and since words cannot describe what I had witnessed on that glorious day, I created a picture collage illustrating my experience, ENJOY.

In recent years purchasing a home in the Boston area has become a luxury few can afford. My wife and I saved up for years before being able to afford to buy a modest house in South Boston. The house wasn't luxurious and the neighborhood wasn't great, but at that time that was all that we could afford. For years we've been dreaming of an opportunity to move to a better neighborhood with better schools and a lower crime rate. However, while working construction jobs for a living and my wife holding an administrative job in the Boston public school system, we figured an opportunity like that may never arrive. A few months back a guy I worked with introduced me to the iFollow social trading platform, in four months I made enough money to put a down payment on a beautiful house in Newton, Mass. The pics below show our old house and our beautiful new one. Thanks iFollow

Grande Prairie, Alberta

Growing up poor on the outskirts of Dallas I never wished for luxury items, I just never felt the need to have fancy and luxurious things. However, there was one thing that I did wish for, a nice car. I guess my love for fine automobiles can be attributed to the fact that my dad was a great car enthusiast as well. So when I was a teenager I made a promise to my dad that once I am capable of it I will purchase us both the fine cars we have always desired. Right after college I purchased my first car, a 1998 Honda Accord. At that time my father was still driving his 1993 Toyota Corolla. With the way things were going at work I thought that my teenage dream would remain just that, a dream. However a few months back I discovered iFollow, and well, I’ll let the images do the talking.

Every young girl grows up fantasizing about her wedding day. Obviously for that dream to become a reality a marriage proposal must first occur. I have met many men who told me that the delay of a marriage proposal in their respective relationships occurred because monetary issues. Certain men told me that they could not afford to have a wedding, a few said that the idea of marriage was unfathomable because they were mired in a state of financial uncertainty, and others much like my future husband, admitted that they could not afford to buy their future wife the engagement ring they thought she deserved. However, after two months of investing in iFollow my fiance was able to resolve the issue. He proposed to me with a 3 carat diamond ring, I accepted (I was going to say yes even if he proposed without a ring at all :)) To my astonishment, our story wasn't so unique, in the last seven months nine new couples were able to get engaged with the help of this amazing social platform. I asked all the lucky girls to send me pics of their engagement rings.

Twitter Feed

Social Tech Trader Scam Review

Social Tech Trader is a new binary options trading SCAM that is becoming really viral. I have actually heard about Social Tech Trader even before it was launched, but was planning to ignore it. Little did I know that it will become so popular, so fast. Since its launch, I’ve received dozens of questions and reports about this software from my subscribers. I therefore decided to write this objective review in order to determine if the Social Tech Trader software is a SCAM or a legit system. So is it true that it’s “possible to make $6,440 a week with this unique social technology trading” or is it another SCAM? DON’T risk your money by signing up, instead please check out my objective review to find out.

Social Tech Trader detailed review

With the Social Tech Trader system, you are guaranteed to make $920 in daily profits. They claim that “Since the beginning of the year, the smallest amount of net daily profits any of our members have made was $926.23.” It doesn’t cost anything to sign up, but you will be required to create a new broker account with one of their recommended brokers and fund it with a minimum of $250. As I explain on my Binary Options ATM review (in the strategy video), brokers do not allow the use of trading robots officially. The only reason that they do let people sign up via software like Social Tech Trader is that they try to convince people to make large deposits and offer them managed accounts (Read why you should never get a managed binary options account .) Also, many trading robots are designed by the brokers themselves to help people lose money on 100% autopilot. With the few legit robots that do exist, if you start making a lot of money, you are at risk that the broker will shut down your account (because they formally do not allow using robots.) Therefore, I instruct my subscribers to aim for a target daily profit of no more than $100-300. So even if the guarantee of making $920 in daily profits with the Social Tech Trader was true (But it’s not), the brokers would never allow you to make such profits on a daily basis.

The Social Tech Trader software has two settings: 100% autopilot and manual. If you are complete newbie, you would obviously need to use the fully automated setting. No downloads are necessary as this is a web based system and can be used with any type of computer or mobile device. They claim that their algorithm generates signals with a success rate of over 90%. This is very unlikely. Even with the best software, such as BinaryATM, I was never able to reach more than 80% ITM. Heck, even professional traders (such as our manual signals providers ), rarely finish the day with more than 85% winning trades. Support is available 24/7 via chat, phone or email (support@socialtechtrader. co). If when you finish reading this review, you’re still not convinced that Social Tech Trader is a scam, I urge you to contact them and make sure that there is really someone providing support.

How to sign up with Social Tech Trader

Visit SocialTechTrader. co and sign up by clicking on the Instant Access or Free Registration buttons. Then, enter your name and email address.

On the members page, create your broker account by entering your full name, email and telephone number and choose a password.

You will then be able to make a deposit with your assigned broker. Mininum deposit is usually $250 but different brokers may have different requirements.

Start making money right away!

The Review of Reviews for Social Tech Trader

Due to political reasons, none of my trusted review sites have uploaded a review on the Social Tech Trader. Most of the reviews that can be found via a Google search aren’t useful. The positive ones are obviously fake and the negative ones belong to people who always blacklist every software that comes out in order to divert the traffic to their own recommended offers. I will definitely update this section if I will find a real review.

BinaryOptionsGorilla. com. “The Social Tech Trader software is nothing but a piece of junk that has been released in the binary options industry last week and since then traders are getting scammed! If you read those lines, we are asking you to refrain from being connected with this service unless you don’t mind to lose whole of your deposit.”

BinaryOptionsOpportunity. com. “whilst typing this Social Tech Trader Review have we received two more emails from traders who have deposited and lost their money to the software. This we of course find the most damning evidence of all that an auto trader is a scam, and that is reports from our followers with their personal experience with the system. & # 8230; after going through everything the software stands for, we confirm that we do not believe one bit of it, and have no other option than to label the Social Tech Trader as a scam.”

PrestigeBinaryOptions. com. “don’t recommend anyone waste money into a trading software with numerous scamming attributes and questionable history. Insisting that bringing in more traders “optimizes the trading software’s performance levels and increases its power” is a ridiculous notion which doesn’t effect ones ability to properly analyze financial markets. Final Verdict: Social Tech Trader is a SCAM!”

Is Social Tech Trader a scam?

If the Social Tech Trader is a legit binary options broker and not a scam, then how come they offer this free service? According to their website, the software is free for 30 days. They write that they are “confident that you will become a member right after the trial period based on seeing your account grow by in huge profits!” This is a lie. The software will remain free forever because this is not the real reason why it’s given for free.

Here’s some more information that I found that might help you reach a decision regarding the Social Tech Trader:

The domain SocialTechTrader. co was created on February 3, 2017 so they’ve been around for just 1 week. This explains their poor popularity (Alexa global rank: 5,355,119) and nonexistant social media presence.

El sitio web no está en la lista negra de Google SafeBrowsing, ThreatLog o MalwareDomainList, lo que significa que es seguro para visitar y no se utiliza para distribuir malware o troyanos.

The SocialTechTrader channel on YouTube was created around 6 days ago and it currently contains at least 6 videos and has 23 subscribers at the moment.

Testimonials from real traders

“signed up yesterday with a deposit of $250, my balance is already down to $100. disappointed!”

“Well I just wanted to let you know my experience with Social Tech Trading. First of all I was assigned the Broker Tradodax and they demanded a minimum of 350.00 initial deposit which i did not want to initially go that much so i just signed up w/o making a deposit. two days ago. then today someone gave me a phone call from Tradodax and talked me into depositing the 350.00 when i did tell him that i was not very comfortable with doing that but he most assurred me that i would not loose any funds with the auto trader. so i gave him my info over the phone and he then activated my account and afterwards i did sign in to my account to find that the auto trader had been already swiched on and had lost 4 out of 5 trades and i was then down to 270.00 and i immediately switched it off and shut it down”

Please let me know if you have any experience with Social Tech Trader and I’ll include your testimonial in this review.

To sum up this review

Social Tech Trader is a scam! I say this with absolute certainty based on the lies propagated on the SocialTechTrader website and on affiliated marketing websites (such as the promises of a minimum of $900 in daily profits and the lie about the software being free for just 30 days) AND also based on inside information I have. The fact that the review websites I trust did not blacklist this system doesn’t prove that it is not a scam, because if it was a legit software, they would have recommended it! Finally, the testimonials I received from traders were the last proof I needed in order to reach my conclusion. If you are looking for a legit signal service, please check out my recommended signals page. I invite you to get in touch with my on Facebook or email (ObjectiveBO@gmail. com) in order to receive real, personal trading instruction from me. I will show you how social trading can also be done legitimately. Finally, please subscribe to my website to receive my scam reviews directly to your email.

Social Tech Trader FAQ

Got any questions about Social Tech Trader? You’re welcome to contact me .

Barra lateral principal

Social and Copy Trading

Read Review

Social trading combines traditional binary options trading with the power of social networks and gives traders exciting new possibilities like being part of a community, share knowledge, learn from other traders’ expertise and experience as well as communicate with like minded individuals. In the modern day dynamic environment financial trading is no longer limited exclusively to high-profile professionals and financial institutions. With the development of social and copy trading networks binary options trading is going to the next level and opening up many new possibilities for better results and higher profits.

What is Social and Copy Trading?

The basic idea of social and copy trading is that people can join a trading community and follow other traders. Many traditional binary options trading platforms have lately started offering social and copy trading features in addition to the standard tools, however there are a growing number of trading networks that specialize strictly in social and copy trading. When you sign up for an account, you get access to a list of traders − usually those with the best performance and results − whose activities you can follow and emulate.

Every trader has a profile, which includes information about what assets they invest in, what their success rate is as well as other useful details about their trading history. Based on that information you can select the traders you want to follow and it is advisable to take into account how consistent their performance has been in the long run before making your choice.

Many social trading platforms also offer chat rooms and forums where members of the community can discuss market conditions and trends with their peers. This not only can give you helpful tips and a better insight into the market, but also makes for a fun and exciting trading experience. The nature of social trading opens the binary options market to everyone interested in profiting from trades even if they don’t have any prior experience in the field. As being a successful trader requires time and commitment to studying and educating yourself, up to now financial trading has been a privilege for people with degrees in finance and economics.

With social and copy trading, however, you can just follow the example of professionals and start placing trades immediately. This is one of the main reasons why this innovative trading solution has been gaining such a large following. It enables novices to minimize the risk of suffering losses by learning from the best and allows seasoned traders to get in touch with their peers, exchange tips and strategies or just discuss the current market trends.

Differences Between Social Trading and Copy Trading

After selecting your preferred traders, you can start executing the same trades they do. This is the point where social trading copy trading diverge. While many people thing that social and copy trading are the same thing, this is not actually the case. Although up until a certain moment in the trading process social and copy trading involve the same steps, after you choose who to follow things start to differ. With social trading you follow your preferred traders’ activities and manually open the positions you think will bring you profits.

Read Top Trading Software Review HERE .

Copy trading, on the other hand, means that once you choose traders to follow, all the positions they open will automatically be copied to your account. While copy trading is a very time-saving solution, keep in mind that even the best traders make mistakes and there is a chance that along with successful trades they will also have unsuccessful ones. Therefore it is essential to choose carefully who you follow and select traders based on their overall results and trading approach.

Social and Copy trading are a great way to improve your profitability, but make no mistake − they will not resolve everything for you. You still need to pay attention, learn and work on your trading skills. However, with social and copy trading you have the opportunity to minimize the risks and improve your results significantly.

Bottom Line

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Social Tech Trader Review - Social Technology Trader Software By albert and dan Best Binary Options Trading System 2017

Social Tech Trader Review socialtechtraderreviews. com/ Social Tech Trader Review - Social Technology Trader Software By albert and dan Best Binary Options Trading System 2017

Find out the Secrets about Social Tech Trader in this Social Tech Trader review! So What is Social Tech Trader Software all about? Does Social Tech Trader Software really work?

To discover answers to these concerns continue reading my in depth and truthful Social Tech Trader Review below.

Social Tech Trader Description:

Name: Social Tech Trader

Niche: Binary Options.

What is Social Tech Trader?

Social Tech Trader is essentially a binary options trading software application that is developed to help traders win and forecast the market trends with binary options. The software application likewise offers analyses of the market conditions so that traders can understand exactly what should be your next step. It gives different secret methods that eventually assists. traders without using any complicated trading indications

Social Tech Trader Binary Options Trading Strategy

Base the Social Tech Trader trading method. After you see it working, you can start to your technique with routine sized lots. This method will certainly settle gradually. Every Forex binary options trader must pick an account type that is in accordance with their requirements and expectations. A bigger account does not suggest a bigger earnings potential so it is a terrific concept to begin small and gradually add to your account as yourreturns increase based on the trading choices you make.

Negociación de opciones binarias

To help you trade binary options properly, it is very important to have an understanding behind the principles of Binary Options Trading. Currency Trading, or foreign exchange, is based on the perceived value of 2 currencies pairs to one another, and is influenced by the political stability of the country, inflation and interest rates among other things. Keep this in mind as you trade and find out more about binary options to maximize your learning experience.

Social Tech Trader Summary

In summary, there are some evident ideas that have actually been checked over time, in addition to some more recent techniques. that you may not have actually thought about. Hopefully, as long as you follow what we suggest in this article you can either get going with trading with Social Tech Trader or improve on what you have already done.

Social Tech Trader Social Tech Trader Review, Social Tech Trader Reviews, Social Tech Trader System, Social Tech Trader System Review, Social Tech Trader Software, Social Tech Trader Software Review..

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Social Trading Networks

"TradingFloor. com is an online community for traders who want to engage in Social Trading. TradingFloor. com hosts streaming news, expert commentary research and analysis, as well as tools to help develop your trading skills. Many new great features are yet to come and we look forward to sharing these with you in the near future. Trading Floor aims to inform, inspire and provide an entertaining read for the contemporary Trader."

ZuluTrade was founded by Leon Yohai from an idea that would make forex trading accessible and easy to the common user. Esta. idea lead to a unique online and mobile social auto - trading platform with a global reach and more than half a million users. Its exceptional network enables users to locate successful traders from around the world via its unique ZuluRank, a proprietary performance evaluation algorithm, and follow their trading signals. These trades can be either copied into real trades in their own broker accounts or even adjusted to their own expectations. Therefore users can fully manage their accounts through our fully customized account management suite, but also feel protected as they are also equipped with advanced risk management safeguards such as ZuluGuard, a shield against volatile trading strategies and a margin call-o-meter that will signify the risk level.

"Trade4.me is the first binary options social trading network. Connect with the best traders and copy their trades automatically!"

Social Trading Platforms

How Can Forex Social Trading Benefit You?

Forex social trading can be of immense benefit to both providers and followers in a symbiotic relationship.

Providers: Lead traders who are followed by others are compensated according to a model that is usually agreed on between brokers on whose platform the social trading activity is carried out and the traders themselves. This can be a great way to earn from forex for those who are masters in the game.

Followers: Those who follow other traders are charged for the service. The charges are not so high, and are usually incorporate into the trading spreads that they incur when they engage in social trading. We have already mentioned the benefits of being in a social trading network. They are immense.

What are the different forms of Social Trading?

Social trading is broadly discussed as one subject but when we get down to the nitty-gritties, it has sub-categories.

The word social comes into play in the aspect of interaction between traders either via a forum, comments and blogs. However, over the last few years, the social trading platforms have now added the various forms of trading including Copy Trading and Mirror Trading.

Copy Trading

In most cases, the term copy trading is used interchangeably with social trading with the reference to the same thing, thus making it the most popular form of social trading both in theory and numbers.

Copy trading is whereby traders are allowed to automatically copy positions opened and managed by a selected investor normally in the context of a social trading network.

It links the amount invested by the copy trader to the account of the copied trader, which leaves virtually every trading decision from allocation of stop loss, take profit limits or closing of orders at the mercy of the copied trader.

What are some of the top providers of copy trading platforms?

Copy trading has been growing in popularity over the last few years with the two leading platforms E-Toro and ZuluTrade heading the campaign.

E-Toro: This is one of the pioneers of social trading. At e-Toro, traders can follow expert traders’ traders in turn replicating their success for the period followed. They can choose the traders to follow based on certain preferences such as highest profits per week etc.

E-Toro is primarily a Forex Trading only platform featuring various currency pairs including the Majors, Minors and Exotic pairs among others, as well as, commodities and indices.

However, traders can also choose to follow traders who predominantly invest in stocks or those who have achieved success by following others.

E-Toro’s platform also allows traders to see the bias in the market in the form of the percentage of traders buying or selling a particular instrument.

ZuluTrade is yet another copy trading platform with multiple copying functionalities. The platform features two major markets; Forex and Binary options.

It is widely used by binary options brokers to add to their portfolio of option types. With ZuluTrade, a trader can follow another trader’s portfolio or a select portfolio of trades all at once and also close the positions at once or individually as they deem fit.

Trader can also open individual trades personally but those are displayed separately from the select portfolio of copied trades.

Challenges of Copy Trading

One of the biggest flows in copy trading is the timing differential between when the copied trader’s trade executes and when the copying traders order goes through. In most cases it takes only a few seconds and as such no much damage in terms of profit/loss outcome.

However, in some cases this differential can be huge and as such resulting into a big gap between the return made by the copied trader and the return the copied trader receives.

Mirror Trading

The main difference between mirror trading and copy trading is the process involved in identifying targets. With mirror trading, traders assess various investments strategies and historical returns, and then select the strategy that they wish to follow.

After that, they can then replicate the trades of the strategy developers to their trading accounts, in what now draws similar comparisons with copy trading.

However, as discussed, with copy trading traders simply select a trader whom they wish to follow based on success while in mirror trading, it has more to do with the strategy including (whether the copied trader is a swing trader, day trader or a position trader etc), as well as, risk levels, leverage, and asset types among others.

Advantages of Social Trading

Social trading has been welcomed by many especially novice traders over the last couple of years. It is a form of trading that has enabled some traders to improve their trading profits by significant levels especially those that copied trades of recommended traders.

One of the biggest benefits of social trading is that traders do not require any trading experience to do it. Take for instance ZuluTrade which auto selects a portfolio of trades for traders. All that is required is to identify a trader with a good win-rate ratio and you are most likely to profit.

Social trading has the potential of shortening a trader’s learning curve. A trader can be transformed from novice to experienced trader. Rather than attend courses and seminars which do not deliver all the trader needs to learn in the few hours that such interaction takes place, social trading provides an opportunity for novice traders to follow the lead traders, copy their trades, and interact with the lead traders to understand why certain positions have been taken. It is simply a question of watch, copy, ask questions and learn. It is far better than autotrading, which is the precursor to social trading.

Unlike trade alert services where the subscriber to the service simply follows the trade alerts like a robot with very little personal interaction between the trade alert provider and the subscriber, social trading is a more personalized approach to the concept of trading in a community.

Additionally, Social Trading takes emotion out of the equation thereby reducing trading risk associated with psychological inclinations.

Social Trading also helps traders share experiences via the various social platforms, such as forums, community websites and blogs, as well as, via comments sections.

Disadvantages of Social Trading

Social Trading makes the game easy for new and novice traders. As such, it almost certainly curtails their efforts towards learning how to trade, which means they can only trade by copying others.

Therefore, while trading can be an intense and high emotion activity, social trading takes out some of the fun that traders who trade manually experience.


The bottom line is that social trading has brought in a new lease on life for new and novice traders especially given the rate at which most traders blow up their accounts shortly after funding them. Metaquotes Inc, makers of the popular MT4 and MT5 softwar e, have begun to incorporate functions on these platforms that will allow traders the ability to follow other traders in a social trading capacity.

We are now seeing mergers, acquisitions and innovations in the area of social trading. New demographics of measuring the performance of lead traders are being introduced so as to enable followers better gauge the performance of traders they are following.

Social trading has established means for beginner traders to turn profits despite their lack of trading experience by capitalizing on the experience of others.

Social trading has also contributed to a great deal in helping various traders overcome difficult situations as the platforms encourage engagement between traders thereby sharing experiences that can be a source comfort for others.

Some platforms also encourage continuous learning by providing educational resources to traders to capitalize as they engage in trading.



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Binary Options Social Trading – Why Copy? Share!

Category: News Binary Options

11 December 2017 00:00 Views: 1283 Comments: 0 Discuss Print

From the dawn of man, people learned from each other and tried to copy what others did. If some guy possessed great hunting skills, the others wanted to learn from him and adopt his way of doing things. Fast forward a few thousand years, and you see people touching the screens of their computers or phones to input commands, electric cars are not sci-fi any more and we’ll probably soon see the first real Jedi light sabre; in other words, the future is here. But humans still follow leaders, still want to learn from them and do what the few, elite leaders are doing. However, there’s a difference between just copying and really learning from others or sharing in order to let others learn from you. Blindly copying will not turn you into a trader and will only be profitable as long as the guy you are following keeps winning so maybe just copying is not the best thing, but it is definitely something that many traders tend to do, especially in the beginning.

Copy Trading – Be the Flea on the Back of the Elephant…?

Ok, enough history for one article; after all, we are interested in binary options, not human evolution. Copying or following others is possible in trading as well with the help of social trading services like Currensee, Zulutrade or Etoro. These are all established social platforms where traders can see the performance of others and decide if they want to follow their actions and copy their trades. Most of these services have been around for several years and are focused on Forex trading which as you know, is more complex and involves careful position sizing and risk management. But lately, binary options trading has been moving in the same direction and we see that more and more brokers start to incorporate social trading on their platforms.

OSystems and TradeSmarter are good examples of binary platforms which allow you to copy what others do. But is copying what you really want to do? You can’t learn just by copying and after all, isn’t that what we want – to learn? Sure, you might say: ”Nah, I’m here to make money… couldn’t care less about learning.” But what are you going to do once the copying service disappears or the guy who you were copying stops trading. I’m sure that you’d wish you learned and not just copied.

I must admit that copying has some value though and even if binary options are easy to trade, they can still look complicated to a total newbie who had no previous contact with the financial market. That’s when copy trading really comes in handy by helping people get acquainted with trading. Following a more experienced trader is definitely more profitable than jumping right in the market with no experience. Of course, the goal is to learn and then rely on your own trading, but that takes some time.

Share your Trading – Be The Elephant!

Copying the winning signals of others has its benefits, but when you’ve reached a certain level of success and experience, it’s time to give back to the community; it’s time for you to become the skilled “hunter” who everybody wants to follow. And you can do that on another social platform which I didn’t mention yet: CommuniTraders. That one you will find at BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com, totally free and easy to use.

You can still copy others, don’t worry, but more important, you can learn from them and understand the analysis behind their trades. CommuniTraders is all about sharing and working together to achieve the same goal and of course, you can be the one who gives others a helping hand. More than that, once you share one of your trade ideas or your strategy, maybe some other guy will come with a great idea for a filter to avoid bad trades or will help you fine tune your entries. CommuniTraders is more than just a platform where you can copy and blindly follow and its “fueled” by the old saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Sharing, learning and moving together towards the same goal will never be a bad call and neither is joining CommuniTraders.

Martin Kay is the Co-Founder and Chief Editor of BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com Community that fights binary options scams. He has an experience of over 8 years in Forex, both as a portfolio manager, trader, blogger and guest writer. Martin is proud to be a contributor for binary options trading education and scam fighting, always looking to share his knowledge and experience with others, and to be taught by the traders community.

Materials of this resource belong to users and are for guidance only. All of the files on our site are found freely distributed on the Internet and are for informational purposes only. If you copy material from the website, you must put a link back to this site.

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Risk Disclaimer . BinBinary will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website including market news, analysis, trading signals and Forex broker reviews. The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author and do not represent the recommendations of BinBinary or its employees. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Processing. Por favor espera.

CommuniTraders Social Trading Plaftform Launches v2.0!

Last updated on October 15, 2017 by Martin K

Social Trading Binary Options has Arrived!

OK, OK, I know you may have heard of social and copy trading before. It’s nothing new and has been growing in popularity amongst Forex traders for years. Now those same companies are coming after us, binary options traders. The thing is, social trading networks like Etoro, Zulutrade, Currensee and others are nothing more than copy trading websites, for good or for bad. Sure, you get to follow traders who post great results but when the day is over and the accounts are settled what are you left with? Nothing really, profits and losses are fleeting, they come and go like the tide itself. When you copy trade you are relying on someone else and not learning how and why to trade for yourself. Blindly following another trader, even one with a great long term record of success, will only lead to failure if you then try to move out on your own. Of course, if you just want to be a copier that’s fine too but I don’t recommend it. There is no way to know that the trader you are following is really legit, or if they won’t have a bad losing streak, or simply decide they are rich enough and stop trading. It is always better to learn to trade for yourself. If not then you may as well hire a financial manager with proper accreditation.

There is, however, an answer to the dilemma posed by the current social trading environment. An answer specifically for binary options traders. CommuniTraders Binary Options Social Trading Network. This is a social and copy trading platform designed by binary traders for binary traders. You can simply choose to copy trade but we prefer you to learn trading through our social network. This way you can, as a newbie, enjoy the benefits of learning from a great trader, not just their record of success. Or, as a more experienced trader, help the community while making some extra money.

So, What Exactly Is CommuniTraders?

What makes CommuniTraders different from other social trading networks? Focus on education. This is a learning platform where traders can learn to implement trading tools or teach others how to use them. The platform is truly social, traders of all levels are encouraged to join in the discussions, share and follow trades. Newbies can learn, experienced traders can lead and popular traders can earn money when others choose to follow them.

CommuniTraders is a totally free, let me say that again, totally free binary options forum, demo account and copy trading platform. It’s been up and running since 2012 and now the real thing has been unleashed. The whole thing is built on the V-Bulletin Forum platform because we know just how important connecting with other traders is to social trading. I mean seriously, without connections it’s just not social is it. Membership is free, all you have to do is sign up to CommuniTraders and create a profile as following. This is how the Pros, Popular Traders and Members are able to meet and interact with each other. The forum itself is pretty good. There are always hundreds of users online at any given time chatting about different brokers, strategies, analysis, the economy and my favorite, exposing scams and scammers.

The real meat and potatoes of the platform though is the demo/social trading account. It is included in your membership and allows you to make and post trades or follow others posted trades. The trading is very simple, it is binary options after all. Click on the Trade&Share button and be taken to a world devoted to binary trading. Your profile includes a history of your trades, live and demo. It also includes a record of your success so that you can keep track of which trades or traders are working and which ones are not. When you become popular enough on a social and trading basis you can become a Popular Trader, build a following and make money when other traders copy you. Anytime you use the platform to make a trade you will be able to keep it to yourself, not recommended, or share it with others. When you share other traders will be able to ask you questions about your strategy, make comments on your analysis and copy them if they think it’s a good one. This feature is called AutoCopy and if you haven’t noticed something entirely different from the average run of “social trading” today let me spell it out for you.

So Why CommuniTraders Does Not Suck?

CommuniTraders does not suck because you do not have to copy all of trader’s trades. You can pick and choose which trades you copy. Most copy trading today is more like trading baseball cards. You pick a trader, if they are good you copy them. Your account makes all of their trades, losers and winners. You build a portfolio of traders, when one performs well you keep him and when one performs badly you dump them. This is not how CommuniTraders works. All trades are posted individually, listed individually and copied individually. If you find a trader who is good at face value but discover they are really good at the EURO and totally sucky at the Yen you can choose to follow only the EURO trades, pretty freaking cool.

How To Choose a Binary Options Social Trader to Follow

Copy Trading? Learn to Pick your Social Trader

A guide to picking and choosing traders to copy. Not all are the same, don’t judge a book by its cover and don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Copy and social trading is a growing segment of the electronic trading market. It extends from forex, to mainstream investing and now to binary options. First and foremost, not all social/copy trading platforms are the same. but that is an entirely different article. This article is focused on how to choose a trader to follow and why social traders are better than plain Jane copy traders. Why is this? It is because of the level of interaction you get. Copy trading platforms barely provide the minimum information you need to choose a good trader. There is hardly any depth to the profiles, usually no forum in which to meet your trader and you have to copy all of their trades. In a truly social environment, such as the one we are trying to build with CT 2.0, you are able to gain a much deeper knowledge of your trader, can meet them and talk to them and other traders in a forum and best of all, pick and choose the trades you actually want to copy. Pretty cool but now back to the subject at hand.

There are a few things that you should when picking and choosing a trader to follow.

The first thing you have to do is to pick a likely candidate. In order to save yourself time, and to build a good comparison, I would start with picking a couple of likely candidates. After all, you will probably have to sift through a few before you find one you really like, and then you are going to want to find more than one trader in order to get diversification so starting with big list is not only OK, it is recommended. Good place to start include the leader board, the forum and the live trading arena. The leader board will provide a list of top traders by basic stats; how many trades, how many wins, account growth and etc. Sometimes you can filter the leader board by asset, style and other criteria as is the case with CT 2.0. After that I’d go to the forum, see who is active or not and maybe even find a few more traders for your list. The last place will be the live trading arena. Here you will find recently made trades, possibly by a trader on your list. You can get a quick peek at what people are doing, and also maybe find another trader for your list.

The very next thing to do is the check the profile. The very next thing to do will be to check the profile. This will give you information on the traders background, their style, how long they have been trading, what they like to trade and other useful bits of information. One thing I like to look at is how much info is on the profile? Do they take it seriously and provide the details important that potential followers need to know? It’s also good to see how many people visit the profile, how many friends they have made and even how many followers they have. You can then use that information to follow up later on.

Trading style is important. You want to be sure what kind of trader you have. One that follows a strict routine, trades only certain assets and uses a proven technique is better than one uses fly by night, seat of the pants, high risk trading to get results. Not only that you want to be sure the trader is trading the way you are comfortable with. Someone who trades news events is not suitable for someone who prefers a technical approach to the market but may be perfect for another trader.

Performance and history is the meat and potatoes of copy trading. You definitely want to be sure that your trader has a good performance record. And, on top of that you want to check the trade history to make sure the trader is trading the way they say they are. You don’t want to see repeated 1 hour expiry in an account that is supposed to be using one day or one week expiry, got it. Now, an advantage that CT 2.0 has over other copy trading platforms is that you can choose to follow only the trades you want, and they provide information on which assets each pro is best at. You can then choose to follow, in my case, only trades on the S&P500 and Gold, thereby maximizing your returns.

LBinary Review

LBinary is one of the newer SpotOption brands having been introduced in early 2017. They have positioned themselves as a full service broker for serious Binary Options traders. They are the first broker to implement the new Social Trading platform allowing you to copy the trades of the best traders.

LBinary is distinguishing themselves with their high level of customer service and support. They provide 24/7 Live Chat and Phone Support in 4 languages. Training materials include free eBook, videos and personal trading guidance. Open an account and get a 30% bonus as well as 3 insured trades .

LBinary Screen Shots

LBinary Home Page

LBinary Minimum Deposit

LBinary has recently reduced their minimum deposit requirement to $250. For a long time they had positioned themselves as one of the elite full service Binary Options brokers providing high level customer support as well as expensive training. Most services were standard, bu they required a $500 minimum deposit. They have maintained the level of services and support and reduced the minimum to $250.

Languages at LBinary

English / , Arabic , French , Italian

English / , Arabic , French , Italian


LBinary is a professional full service Binary Options broker offering high level customer service. They also have an extensive education center that provides training videos as well as a free eBook. They offer the new iFollow feature which allows you to copy the trades of the top traders. We recommend LBinary and give them a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. Visit LBinary Now.


All information provided on Binary Options Bonus Guide is the opinion of the author. Como tal Binary Options Bonus Guide no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño que pueda resultar de dicha información. Le sugerimos que consulte con el corredor con respecto a los términos y condiciones específicos de la bonificación.

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Opteck © All Rights Reserved. Opteck is a trading name of Centralspot Trading (Cyprus) Ltd. Authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under the license No.238/14. Lophitis Business Centre, Office 102, 249, 28th October Street, Limassol, 3035 Cyprus


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SEO Manager at OneTwoTrade


21 окт. 2017 г.

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When it comes to trading binary options and the foreign exchange (forex) market, the right information at the right time makes the difference between a losing or winning trade. Most traders around the globe rely on technical analyses by market analysts and brokerages and often trade around key economic events. While some investors know how to source such information on their own and have the time to do so, many other traders rely on trusted news sources and business sites to gather key economic data. Although most of this information is posted directly to company and brokerage websites, time sensitive data is often published directly to social media channels. As it stands, most internet users are mobile browsers, which means that social media updates from Facebook, Google+ or Linkedin are most likely received directly on mobile devices.

For instance, if you’re a trader with a strategy that relies on economic calendar updates, but don’t possess the time or energy to constantly be following up on releases, then receiving updates directly to your mobile device in real time just might be what you’re looking for. Many binary options companies understand this and have developed mobile apps to meet the demand. Leading companies have built-in mobile market feeds and also regularly update their social media channels so that clients can receive up to the minute developments on the go, no matter where they’re located around the globe.

The economic calendar, for instance, consists of key announcements and trends that help to predict the direction of the market so investors can plan trades accordingly. Nonfarm payrolls, gross domestic product (GDP), consumer price index (CPI), consumer confidence index (CCI) and existing home sales are just some events that have a mainstay on the economic calendar. Other key events include housing starts, factory order reports, jobless claims, money supply and producer price index (PPI). The economic calendar also enables traders to identify new opportunities, evaluate open positions and decide whether to stay in the market or not. Market analyst ratings are also significant and have the possibility to move the markets quickly following their release. For instance, Marketbeat. com’s equities research coverage enables its user base to register to its newsletter, MarketBeat Daily Premium, in order to receive the latest analyst ratings, although it does come at charge. Many large companies already have subscriptions to such services and provide reports based on such data to their user base through social media. Analyst ratings usually cover leading stocks such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple and most analyst firms are well known, such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Piper Jaffray. Such updates usually prove quite useful for traders that specialize in equities markets trading and require the latest analyst ratings.

Many forex and binary options companies use their Linkedin pages or private groups to share time sensitive market updates with their client base. If you’re keen on business and economic developments and would like to limit the number of social media accounts you’re following while saving on time, then following companies on social media could be worth your while. Be sure to follow OneTwoTrade on Linkedin’s mobile app and join the conversation while receiving push notifications on the run.

Social trading binary options. Binary Options Trading Platform – cemento-cruzazul. com

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Hot News: Binary Options Go Social AutoTrading On Zulutrade

December 6th, 2017

ZuluTrade pioneered autotrading in Forex and is now ready to transform Binary Options! Get ready for a new trading experience as ZuluTrade introduces social trading into Binary Options.

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What is binary options social trading – Binary Options. entertyres. com

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O-Systems, a worldwide Binary Options Platform provider, has completed beta-testing of a new and exciting feature: Social/Copy Trading. Official launch is due on Feb 15.

London, Tel Aviv, Limassol (PRWEB) February 02, 2017

O-Systems. a binary options platform provider, made an announcement today regarding a successful completion of beta-testing of an exciting new feature: Social Binary Trading. The idea behind the development is to incorporate the popular Social Trading concept, which gained hundreds of thousands of followers since its introduction into Forex trading a few years ago, into another quickly developing trading niche, the Binary Options.

Binary Options was once considered as the next big thing in trading. That time has long gone – Binary Options trading is not a future anymore, it is a present. Millions of people all over the world have chosen to become binary traders and billions of transactions are completed every day. The simplicity of the system, the excitement of trading and quick turnaround time have all contributed to Binary Options becoming one of the major trading instruments among amateurs and professional traders.

According to O-Systems Founder and General Manager Haim Lagziel, the ground-breaking feature will allow the binary options industry to grow even faster than before. With the ability to follow other traders, entering the world of Binary is even easier than before. Social Binary will allow the user to see the transactions of other traders, including the option to immediately “copy” it, i. e. close to the same deal. This option will be available for both “live orders” and for “limit orders” that trade become active only once the asset reaches certain predefined price level. The system will store and present a comprehensive data analysis for each trader, including his gains, profit/loss ratio and followers. In addition 10 top traders will be highlighted, based on their performance, which is determined by a complex formula that includes a large number of variables.

The O-Systems Social Binary in definitely a major breakthrough and represents an edge over tense competition. But it is obviously only a matter of time for other players in to pick up the challenge and come up with there “Social Trading” product for their customer. Either way, Binary Options market is sure to benefit largely form the new feature.

O-Systems is a leading binary options platforms and software provider company that have brought together high end experts in the financial arena. The company staff consists of professional traders and dealers, trading room managers and distinguished management and technology specialists. O-systems offers a variety of products serving as a gateway for brokers and affiliates that wish to exploit the benefits of presenting the binary options trading to their customers.

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Forex Social Trading | Forex Social Networks

Forex social trading networks - what are they?

The general purpose of a Forex Social Trading Network is to gather collective wisdom about Forex trading; and in order to do that, Social Trading allows each member to post his/her trading activity on the network (such as Buy/Sell/Stop/Exit orders etc.). Thus each member can become a signal provider, while other members can "follow" him/her just like in Twitter, but with an extra feature - the ability to copy everything that the signal provider does on your own account - immediately and automatically. Besides Forex Social Trading networks offer some other useful information to traders, such as: pip counters, calculators, chart analysis tools, and even own trading platforms.

The idea of Forex Social Networks initially was to help out beginner traders and those who haven't yet developed good trading skills, also to aid investors who don't know/want to learn how to trade at all, or have no time to analyze the market; while on the contrary, it's also useful for experienced traders who want to monitor the market sentiment and utilize the knowledge for own more complex strategies. Overall, Social Trading could be useful for everyone in one or another way.

However, before you get too excited and run straight to connect your live trading account to a Social Trading Network account, you may want to know that Social Trading could become a frustrating experience as well. Traders are known to complain about Social Trading Networks having the same outcome as classic Forex: some users think the network is manipulated or feel that they are drawn into loses on purpose (e. g. either finishing with no funds or with a negative balance).

The concept of all Forex Social Networks is almost identical, with some small differences: some networks monitor their "Gurus", "Leaders" or "Signal Providers", so that clients can feel more secure about following them; other networks offer a flexibility of connecting a platform to almost every single MT4 or MT5 broker; and others provide their own proprietary Social trading Network plus brokerage services, which could be considered as additional security and stability to ones trading.

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ZuluTrade Partners Exclusively with SpotOption to Bring Social Trading and Automated Strategies to Binary Options

May 23, 2017 01:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--( BUSINESS WIRE )-- ZuluTrade the world’s leading online and mobile social trading platform, which enables users to follow algorithmically ranked experts’ performance from a vast network of traders, today announced their collaboration with SpotOption the leading Binary Options platform provider.

SpotOption is today’s largest binary options platform provider. SpotOption prides itself on innovation, with unique features that give binary options a dynamic twist (such as One Touch, Simple Forex, SpotWiz algo trading, Ladder, etc.) and a mobile app that is unrivaled with state-of-the-art graphics and features. SpotOption’s solution can be provided as a complete, stand alone operation, or can be easily integrated with full API into an existing operation. SpotOption’s clientele stands at 200 labels, and they hold about 70% of the market share.

ZuluTrade’s social autotrading service will be integrated with the SpotOption platform. This partnership will allow users to select traders to follow, as well as trading experts to build automated strategies on Binary Options, by using ZuluTrade’s unique feature Zulu Scripts . By following ZuluTrade's ranked traders, users can take advantage of expert-level transactions without having to study indices or markets, and it eliminates the need to always be online. Trading Binary Options through ZuluTrade’s server-based platform removes the influence of emotion on trading, and ensures a calm mind as decisions are taken by experts who are not only ranked by a patented algorithm, but who are also reviewed by ZuluTrade’s widespread and experienced community of traders. Users will have the security of keeping their funds with a Binary Options broker of their preference.

Leon Yohai, Founder and CEO of ZuluTrade comments, “ We are very excited to introduce binary options to the ZuluTrade community, by collaborating with the industry’s top platform provider, SpotOption .” He continued: “ This is a great opportunity for all SpotOption white labels, as they can easily integrate with ZuluTrade and take advantage of the various benefits of ZuluTrade’s unique trading technology. There is a tremendous interest by most white labels and the final product will fulfill all expectations. ”

Tammy Levy, Director of Marketing at SpotOption. “ ZuluTrade is one of the most advanced and innovative social trading providers world-wide. Having ZuluTrade integrated with our platform is a breakthrough for the market of Binary Options. The unique social trading expertise of ZuluTrade with the simple and easy to understand nature of Binary Options, is a powerful combination that is expected to be extremely beneficial for everyone, especially the traders .”

With a network of over half a million members from 192 countries, and partnering with 70 brokers world-wide, ZuluTrade has earned the title as the world’s leading online and mobile Forex auto-trading platform, with a dedicated site in 26 languages, a desktop widget and native applications for iOS, Windows and Android environments.

Founded in 2007 by Leon Yohai, ZuluTrade is headquartered in Athens, Greece, and has a young and progressive team of 120 people and growing. ZuluTrade’s online network lists over half a million registered users from 192 countries, and has an executed trading volume record of over 650 billion USD globally. For additional information, visit www. zulutrade. com .

SpotOption was established in 2009, and is officially today’s leading binary options platform provider. With a staff of over 130 employees, including top programmers, developers, and designers, SpotOption’s technology platform was awarded “Best Binary Options Platform Provider” by Forex Magnates.2. SpotOption has expanded globally with clients in, Europe, Asia, Middle East, South America, and Australia.


For media information: ZuluTrade Jenny Popkarmezova Tel: +302130176342 jpopkarmezova@zulutrade. com

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30 czerwca 2017

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Tag Archives: social

The Italian financial regulator CONSOB just issued a warning against binary option trading signal provider Bestocopy. In an official statement released two days ago on the CONSOB website, the regulator informed European investors that Bestocopy is not authorised to operate in Italy. The binary trading social platform was even added to the warning list of the regulator that includes all. Read More »

Anyoption is one more time taking the binary options industry to another level with the official release of the first binary options social trading application. Anyoption is one of the pioneers of the innovative binary options financial industry, as such the broker is currently contemplating the first initial public offering (IPO) of a binary option broker on the AIM segment. Read More »

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Binary Brokerz Review

Binary Brokerz was established as a way for expert traders to invest in binary options on a platform that is user-friendly and with many binary options trading tools. However, this broker is for all types of traders. Their goal is to make the process of trading as simple and profitable as possible for any kind of trader. Binary Brokerz was found in 2017 but it already been recognized as a reliable broker in the industry of Binary Options trading.

While many Binary Option brokers return amounts vary, Binary Brokerz offers some of the most lucrative return amounts available: 70%- 85% return when the selected options expires ‘in the money‘.

On a variety of trading, Binary Brokerz will refund a small percentage of the invested amount even though the option expires ‘out of the money’. Binary Brokerz has a truly unique feature called “Social Trading” an innovative way for binary option traders to access the financial markets by allowing investors and traders to trade online with the help of others. Traders can watch and contact other traders and duplicate their trades and performances.

With Binary Brokerz minimum amount per option that a trader can invest is 25 USD, EUR, or GBP. The maximum amount, however, is 15,00 USD, EUR, or GBP. The broker also offers a wide range of bonuses, and often stands out higher than to other binary brokers.

Binary Brokerz offers its customers with a selection of 4 different types of account; Basic, Silver, Gold and Platinum. In order to set up an account, traders need to make a particular minimum deposit. An investment of $250 is required for the most basic account to kick start trading with this amazing broker.

The number of options you can purchase at a particular time is unlimited. Binary Brokerz offers an aggregated data feed based on data supplied by the leading data providers in the financial industry. Binary Brokerz is free of hidden fees or extra commissions, so you don’t have to worry about hidden tricks that various brokers use.

There are almost 160 assets you can trade with Binary Brokerz in multiple ways. The broker also offers a free real-time chart to simply follow and explore your favorite assets using different strategies that you can learn in their education center. Assets include all the major commodities, including gold, crude oil, copper and indices Dow Jones; NASDAQ. S&P 500, Bombay 30 and many others. The broker also has a widespread list of forex majors, such as EUR/USD, AUD/USD, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, EUR/GBP etc

· Minimum deposit: 250 USD, 250 EUR, 250 GBP

· Maximum bonus: Up to 85% of investment

· Risk Free Trades: 15%

· Currencies: AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR and USD.

· Minimum investment: $25

· Maximum investment: $1,500

· Deposit methods available: Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Maestro, Wire Transfer

· Withdrawal methods available: Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Maestro, Wire Transfer

Social Tech Trader Review

How does Social Tech Trader software work? Is Social Tech Trader Scam? Learn the real truth about this system in my honest Social Tech Trader Review below:

Binary options trading is one of the fastest growing industry’s on the web today, so partner with a site that wants you to succeed. If you are new at Binary Trading and wondering how to take the investment decision, If you’ve never traded binary options this is a great way to jump into the market and start earning with very little knowledge. Social Tech Trader is the ideal one for you to start off with Social Tech Trader is a downloadable piece of software that allegedly allows you to make money, entirely on auto pilot. It is a software that provides signal on when and where to trade and make some real money in zero seconds.

Social Tech Trader Review:

Social Tech Trader is a state-of-the-art cash generating system that legally taps into a 50 Billion dollar global market and leverages it to make millions for its users. It is beta tested and has been developed by Albert and Gilbert Hanson. This app is so easy and fun. If you are not in a rush to make money come with this app and it will walk you through it step-by-step. This software will continue to compound your profits with each trade won. It is a “automated mode”which will trade for you, perfect for people like you who can’t sit at the computer all the time. This app does all the work for you. All you need to do is push a few buttons to make on average, $10,000 a day. That’s why it is work from home at comfortable and You just sit back and relax as the money rolls in at the push of a button.

How Does Social Tech Trader Works ?

Social Tech Trader is very simple. You fill out the registration form while it is still available, make your initial investment. The initial investment amount is just $250.And your account will be automatically linked to their system. All you need to do is put in your most accurate contact details in the form and hit button. It will allow us to link our account to yours and start to make huge daily profits for you. All the work will be 100% done for you in autopilot and you just need to click once to activate it. Afterwords you collect your winnings at your convenient time. This app uses existing infrastructure with quantitative algorithms their team developed altogether with extremely fast computers to buy and sell assets focused chiefly on commodities and futures trading in the financial markets. If you can follow simple instructions and push a couple of buttons, you can make on average, $10,000 a day. This means that the system, and the “success rates” are based on real users’ trades.

What Will You Get From Social Tech Trader ?

Social Tech Trader is well trained and automated to trade for you, and if you like to learn, you can follow the trades that it shows or ask our team of professionals. It’s that simple!

It is the very best ones and execute the right trade at the perfect time to ensure 94.3% accuracy and maximum profit potential.

You will be able to sit back, relax and do nothing, safe in the knowledge that a team of professional investors and a market maker are making you profits.

You just have to follow the instructions provided, apply what you have learned, and place your trades.

This App don’t ask for it, but you might want to check the tax authorities policies in your country of residence.

You can contact with customer support team anytime. It is available 24/7 and will be happy to assist you.

Social Tech Trader is a free software that is supposed to help you make money trading binary options

It eradicates any human error, doesn’t take up any extra time and makes trading stress-free than it has ever been before.

This App is web based, no need for downloads, also works on phones, tablets.

It comes with professional and clear members Area and provide a friendly interactive service.

This App is a worldwide capabilities and user-friendly platform.

It offers updated version with new features and tools that will increase the accuracy to your daily trading experience.

It is available in online only, Without internet connection it cannot be accessible.

You have to carefully follow the given instructions in this software, Unless you may not gain any money.

Social Tech Trader is a recommended software for people looking to invest in binary options and how it can effectively help you to generate 5 figure profits. It teaches you with the full core of binary dealing in a very simple manner. This app will works in successful binary option business, it provides you with free instant benefit system, binary dealing equipment and constant assistance. This app come up with a dedicated support so that the users of this software can get help on any issues related to usage or operation of this software. You will be winning approximately 8 out of every 10 trades suggested by this app. In this software, you will see remarkable improvements every time since the last time you did your trade. It is 100% legitimate product and may not be scam.

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Auto Binary Signals Review

Who I Am

Hi! I am Sonia Lewis, creator of this site.

Welcome to my review website for Auto Binary Signals.

I created this website to express my opinion on Auto Binary Signal and help people make an informed decision before they join Auto Binary Signal.

Because there are so many scams on the internet nowadays, its really difficult to know what actually works. In fact when I came across Auto Binary Signal, I was skeptical myself.

I’ve cut through all the hype and revealed the facts that will help you decide whether Auto Binary Signal is right for you or not.

Feel free to go through my website and get to know more about Auto Binary Signal. If you have any questions, please go to the contact page.

Thanks for visiting my website!

Blog Detail

Are You Really Social Trading Binary Options?

There is a huge difference between copy trading and social trading. This difference can be summed up by two letters, E and A and I don't mean an expert adviser. The E is for education, the A is for approach. Copy trading is not a bad thing but it is fundamentally different from social trading because it does not focus or care about education and the approach is making easy money. Of course making easy money is great and without doubt it is a good idea for a newbie trader to follow in the footsteps of those who are more knowledgeable. What is not good is trying to get rich quick through copy trading because you will have just as many problems with it, or more, as you have already had trying to trade on your own.

The thing today is that many of the brokers who now support copy trading are calling it social trading. Their platforms are great, there is nothing wrong with the services but there is one notable difference between what you get using iFollow, the Binary Replicator or the Tradesmarter social trading features and true social trading; there is no interaction between the traders, the leaders or the followers. What you tend to get is a leader board or feed listing the top traders, a great tool don't get me wrong, but no real way to learn from those traders are doing.

This is where social trading comes into play. Social trading encompasses the idea of copy trading but adds many layers to it. First and foremost it is about education and furthering the body of trading knowledge. The best part of social trading is forums and blogs like this very one you are reading today. Through forums and blogs traders, leaders and followers can get to know each other and exchange knowledge. The newbie can learn not only what a leader is doing but why, can ask questions and can learn. This way the newbie can become the master, can learn to trade for themselves and not have to rely on others.

Keep on copy trading binary options. its a great way to enjoy the markets and a stepping stone to greater things!

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The First Social Binary Options Trading Platform, copyop is Released

LONDON. January 13, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

copyop, a new and innovative social trading platform, offering traders automated binary options trading based on human decisions, making trading more intuitive for new investors. copyop's technology is powered by one of the internet's largest communities of binary options traders. The social trading platform was developed for traders of all levels offering added value. New traders can profit with little experience in trading. Knowledge sharing and insights from the community drive users to make the best decisions to increase their return. The copyop platform is fully integrated with Facebook, allowing quick sign up and sharing trading insights with one's Facebook friends.

Traders choose copyop over traditional binary option trading platforms because of the ability to learn from the experts. Stock charts, profitable trades and market insight are all delivered in real time directly to the user on both mobile and web platforms. Decision making is simplified for new traders as they learn and profit from the investments of experienced traders. Developing a strong trading profile becomes a key element for experienced traders in order to enhance their presence in the copyop community.

The binary options market has been waiting for a change, one that can enhance the trading experience of beginners, intermediate and advanced traders alike. Those who are familiar and successful with binary option trading will be seen as the leaders and beginners can profit from their experience. copyop's spokesman stated earlier this month: "Since 2010 we have seen the Forex community become more socially involved, investments are made as a result of trust in authorities and less as a result of market trends. The binary options industry is ready to follow suit and copyop aims to take online trading to the next level." In 2017 over 40% of all trades will be made from a mobile device. copyop is compatible with all platforms enabling traders to stay connected from their PCs, tablets and mobile device at all times.

copyop meets the highest standards of financial stability and works in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, especially in relation to investor protection.

About copyop  

copyop (https://www. copyop. com ) is the world's newest and most intuitive financial trading network. copyop aims to open the financial markets to every individual by making them accessible on all devices and platforms. By tapping into the knowledge of the crowd, copyop offers trading solutions to all its investors.

copyop is available to download from Google Play and iTunes.  

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The Social Bookmark Submitting Binary Options Trading

In Binary Options trading, there is really a contract between buyer and seller rrn which payoffs are made within particular time span where money is there to or out. Trader purchases a contract of an asset and predicts regardless of if the value of that asset will increase or decrease during the time period of contract. At the end of contract, if value of asset will increase, then it is considered as in-the-money and if for example the value of assets has decreased, this will be deemed as out-of-money.

In binary option trading strategies that work, the traders feel often unwilling to take part in trading due towards fear of loss. Losing in binary options trading strategies that work effort means to get rid of everything. No doubt, the net income level there's success is comparatively high simply put i. e. 85% of profit over worth it but fall to the failure, the trader will become nothing. There aren't many chances as provided through brokers to get 15% reimbursement over the invested amount when the prediction arrives to be false. Right here is the main factor that restricts the trader to participate in doing business.

The reaction to binary option trading strategies that work won't ever surprise everyone. You will know beforehand how much profit down the road. make that you just much you can lose. You will need off a lot of the pressure and you're able to trade calmly.

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For starters, trading C. O is significantly simpler than binary option trading strategies that work Forex. You decide if you think the asset is going up or down which happens to be all. No charts, no analysis, no Fibonacci, simply no retracements.

Now it is well known all of this strategies and tactics to earn as much money because of this strategy. However, you should be patient ahead of time to trade options, because sometimes observing earn a little amount money or even losses. Should keep on trying rather not give up earning money and taking your freedom!

This is buying both a put and call that are in the. What happens here may be that when the trade expires and the price is one of the two prices you still make money.

But may not rely of your online broker to make all decisions for individuals. You need to base your decisions on extensive researches and knowledge that an individual gathered from expert investors. One needs take care of the themselves updated with all the changes happening in a. They always be aware for this market conditions at year 'round. By closely observing the trends of this market, one can learn of lot newest things that others wouldn't tell most people. Remember, everyone is here to earn money and they not risk it by sharing their secret with you. Binary trading options can be described as a lucrative career if you get your basics right and also take much risks at the beginning.

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Christopher Mitchell, 46 years old, Software Developer from Boston. Pastimes: Playing guitar, fishing, goldBinary trading options are just like much about risks mostly is because of the potential to generate income. Available will lose a good fortune. A few hundred a day would change many people's lives.

I get asked all the time about giving out Binary Options Trading Signals.

Well for me, I don't need the commitment of that undertaking. What I love about trading is the Total Freedom to "work" when I want. All I need is an internet connection and I am good to go.

If I did decide to give Binary Options Trading Signals, then I would have to make sure that I am giving them daily, so in effect creating a "job"for myself with hourly start and finish times, if you follow me.

Then if I felt that I had a job, I would want to get paid for it and so I would then charge for giving out my Binary Option Signals and next minute you know, I have a "job".

Which defeats the whole purpose of having a trading lifestyle for me. If you see what I mean.

I am not saying that I will never do it, as there is some really cool software coming onto the market that makes it all automated.

Of course I do have the Binary Options Forums but that is where I help with explaining things and we do look at live trading and what are the good trades, but it is a Trading community chat room and NOT a signal service.

Now, I know some people like to have signals for whatever reasons and some just don't have the time to trade or watch the markets, so I have researched a few that seem to be doing fairly well and have decent feed back, but at the end of the day not one of them stood out as worth the investment.

Just remember Binary Options by their very nature are time sensitive, so bear that in mind when considering a signal provider and how the signals are delivered.

Friday 6th November 2017

Well fast forward a couple of years to today from when I wrote that bit above and I never was able to find a signal service that was worth the money paid for it and so I never did get around to recommending a binary options signal service provider.

The point is that I still get asked continually about providing a binary options signal service and the fact is that there is finally a service/software on the market that will make the whole binary options signals trading service a worthwhile reality for all concerned and so I have decided, with some of my trading buddies to finally start a Binary Options Signals Trading service.

I am talking about 80%+ ITM consistently here and the way we have it planned, you are going to love me long time. lol

So, keep checking back here and if you have not yet signed up for my newsletter, be sure to do that as the announcements will come from there first.

We will only be letting a certain number of people join per week in the beginning, so that we can be right on top of everything and give the best service possible. Later on we will see how we are going along and hopefully have space for many more as we progress. Time will tell.

Watch this space.

Unity Is Strength

Renuncia. Utilice los enlaces proporcionados para registrarse en las cuentas de los corredores recomendados. Recibo un bono de referencia (gracias), pero lo más importante, son los que uso y tienen una buena relación de trabajo. Así que si alguna vez tienes algún problema con un corredor que he recomendado y te has registrado con, a través de uno de mis enlaces o banners, entonces estaré hombro con hombro con usted para solucionar cualquier problema que pueda estar experimentando.

Con la comunidad que estamos construyendo sobre cómo negociar opciones binarias rentable, esto nos da colectivamente un fuerte frente unificado si alguna vez se topa con cualquier problema o mal trato de los corredores. By using my website http://www. howtotradebinaryoptionsprofitably. com/ and recommended broker(s), you do agree that I can not be held responsible for the behavior of recommended brokers. Los recomiendo de buena fe, pero por supuesto no tengo ningún control sobre su comportamiento.

Risk Disclosure

U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Esto no es una solicitud ni una oferta para comprar / vender futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. CFTC REGLA 4.41 - LOS RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO HIPOTÉTICOS O SIMULADOS TIENEN CIERTAS LIMITACIONES. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, SI CUALQUIERA, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO, COMO LA FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS.

Binary Options Social Trading

What is Social Trading?

Investors have always wondered how other investors are investing. Social media allows users to read and follow what other people are doing at all times with up to the minute updates posted by the users. Social trading is the result of the combination of both phenomena, powered by web 2.0 technology. Social trading platforms are at the forefront of trading technology and allow investors to see what others are doing. Investors can then chose to mimic their counterparts or come up with a different strategy.

Every investor follows social trading in a different manner, just like every person follows social media differently. Since technology allows companies to set up different features and design unique tools within trading platforms, every broker and every platform offer different social trading tools. We have tried a few of these social trading platforms to understand how they work. We want investors to understand which of these features, tools and platforms are better suited to their needs. This compilation of social trading platform reviews, will help you gain a better understanding of the brokers, the platforms in the market, and which offer the best tools for your trading needs.

TradEqual’s Social Trading Platform: Peer 2 Peer

Trading Equal has revolutionized binary options trading. Its system, based on the simple market place principles of demand, supply and direct interaction between buyers and sellers, will make binary options trading more simple and fairer. Buyers and sellers can now design their own positions and open a contract that will be picked up by a trader on the other side. Trade Equal has effectively turned into a facilitator, guaranteeing an exchange that is free from broker influence at any level.

Read the full TradEqual Review

CTOption’s Social Trading Platform: Binary Replicator

CTOption is an industry leader in terms of social trading. Their platform is one of the first in the industry and has proven to be one of the most successful. It has unique features that are especially advantageous to the trader. These include automated trading and healthy distribution of risk through the system’s automated social trading picks. CTOption’s social trading platform also has very positive reviews among traders. Investor forums have made their platform stand out within the binary options investor community. CTOption is benefitting from additional social network feedstock from these forums, which will in turn strengthen its platform. Here is a full review of their Binary Replicator.

Read the full CTOption Replicator Review

CopyOp’s Binary Social Trading Platform

With one of the most innovative approaches to trading, new binary options broker CopyOp should definitely be on your radar. CopyOp specializes in social trading allowing traders to keep track of and utilize the trading practices of top traders around the world for their own benefit. CopyOp offers its binary options traders the ability to watch how top traders operate and then to copy their successful trades. The site is very well built with an excellent and easy to use interface, allowing new traders to a handle on social binary options trading. Not only does CopyOp impress online, but its platform is available on your mobile devices. CopyOp’s social trading is fun and simple to use, and should help new traders learn binary options trading very quickly.

SpotOption Introduces SpotFollow for Binary Copy Trading

SpotOption is the most popular binary options trading platforms with over 200 white label brands using their software. They are generally an innovator when it comes to introducing the newest trading features.

In January of 2017 SpotOption announced they had completed development of the first Binary Options social trading platform called SpotFollow. The feature has been renamed iFollow and has recently been installed on the first binary options broker, Finpari .

The iFollow platform allows you to follow any number of the best binary options traders. Puede elegir seleccionar una mezcla de activos de negociación o activos específicos. The traders performance as well as number of followers is displayed. You can select the investment amount per trade as well as overall investment amount.

Once you select the traders you would like to follow their trades are automatically copied into your trading platform. Your trading results with mirror the results of the best traders.

Broker del mes

Binary Options Trading Tools

There are numerous types of binary options trading tools that you can utilize for more accurate trading.

Live Signals This is a tool commonly used by both beginners and experienced traders. You can either use signals for giving you more confidence about a specific trade after you have been doing the research before, or you can this tool to actually determine your trades. They are offered by many independent services and even offered by some brokers that have their own team of analysts dedicated to making signals. Whether you use them or not you have to make sure you execute the signal on the right time, otherwise it would become worthless. On top of that, would only help to read reviews about the different signals providers before using them.

This is a pretty new and developing trading tool. The difference from signals is that this tool actually executes the trades for you by integrating with your account and broker of choice. It is a very advanced tool. It is suitable mainly for traders who don’t have the time/energy to invest into trading and want to go down the easy path. Make sure to test out a few systems to find out the ones best suites you.

This is a trading tool that is indeed gaining popularity among traders, to help everyone get better results and make profits on the brokers. Some brokers offer this tool on the platform itself, where they show you what other traders are trading on and give you the option to copy their trades. Other websites offer this is as an external service where you pay a certain fee to be within the social circle and trade with others. Doesn’t always work, but I’d recommend checking it out and see if it is for you. You may also use forums and other trading groups on social media to debate with other traders and look for good trades together.

This is one of the more helpful trading tools that is offered completely for free usually on every broker, as well as major informative trading sites. The economic calendars indicate the major financial events happening every day around the globe and affect the markets trends. Working closely with this calendar, learning what affects what and with what intensity and you can definitely use this tool to improve your accuracy or trade in high pace trading like 60 seconds when you recognize a steep trend following an event.

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BigOption Review

BigOption is a new binary options broker founded in 2008. It is headquartered in Gibraltar, UK. It is owned and operated by a company called Silver Services Ltd. It offers more than 180 assets to choose from. FX Empire named BigOption as the most reliable broker in 2017.

Plataforma de negociación

Big Option offers a web based trading platform that allows traders to trade without having to download a software. The trading platform is powered by SpotOption. Some of the features of the trading platform include double up, roll over, sell early, and color charts.

The ProFollow feature enables the traders to copy transactions of the leading traders. You can use the search feature to easily look for traders with the highest performance. You will be able to set the follow period and the amount you want to invest. The Ladder feature allows you to carry out a trading strategy conveniently.

Big Option also offers automated trading. You can set the automated trading robot to trade on your behalf so that you can save time. The automated trading robot features a large range of assets, risk level, and investment amount. Besides, BigOption also offers a user friendly mobile trading platform. The user mobile trading platform features live charts, and instant trading.

It offers several types of trading contracts including classic binary, speed options, long term options, one touch options and pairs trading. In classic binary trading, you will decide whether the price will end up higher or lower than the current price. The classic binary feature offers up to 85% ROI per trade.

In speed and long term options, you must decide the expiry times. There are several types of speed options including 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 2minutes. Long term options has a longer expiry period that last up to 1 year. In one touch options, you will have to decide whether the price of the asset will reach a certain level before it gets expired. In pair options, you will be decide which of the two asset will perform better.

Types of Accounts

They offer a number of accounts including micro, basic, gold, platinum and VIP. Micro account requires a minimum deposit of $250. BigOption is offering a 20% welcome bonus for traders who sign up for a micro account. Traders who sign up for the micro account will have access to the daily market reviews and BigOption Academy. Basic account has a minimum deposit requirement of $501. You will get a 50% welcome bonus and 10 risk free trades when you sign up for the basic account.

Gold account is the most popular account. Gold account has a minimum deposit of $2,501. If you sign up for a Gold account, you can get 15 risk free trades, and 75% of welcome bonus. Gold account users will have access to the auto trading robot. Platinum account has a minimum deposit of $10,001. Platinum account features 100% welcome bonus, 20 risk free trades and advanced auto trading robot. The VIP account has a minimum deposit of $50,000. The VIP account offers exclusive bonuses for traders. The personal account manager is available for basic, gold, platinum and VIP accounts.

Atención al cliente

BigOption has a large collection of videos that provide tutorials on binary options trading for both beginners and advanced traders. They are offering free binary options ebooks for traders. There is a search box at the bottom of the website which you can use to search for information on the site. The FAQ page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the platform, opening an account, deposit, trading and support. It offers international customer support through telephone, and email. The website supports 5 languages including English, Dutch, France, Arab and Turkey. There are 6 international customer support telephone numbers.

Deposit and Withdrawals

Traders can deposit the funds into their account via credit card, wire transfer, CashU, WebMoney, and PaySafe. The funds can be withdrawn through credit card and wire transfer. Before you can deposit or withdraw, make sure you submit your photo ID, proof of address and credit card. You will be charged a fee of $50 when you withdraw via wire transfer. The fee for withdrawing through the credit card is $35 including a $10 processing fee.

This broker has a minimum withdrawal requirement of $100. The minimum withdrawal requirement is based on your local currency. For example, if you sign up for a UK based account, the minimum withdrawal amount is $100 pounds.


Overall, BigOption is a reliable binary options broker that offers an easy to use platform that is packed with all kinds of features. BigOption Academy offers a comprehensive education resources. It supports social media trading. The trading platform is secure and protected with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. It offers binary option trading that is in compliance with the best practices in international standards.

Welcome to Binary Options Software

Thanks for visiting. I will show you how you can make better trading decisions by reviewing and recommending different software. I’m actively trading myself, so from time to time I provide actual images from inside some of the best software on the market. By following this site and my associated social media pages, you will get the most up-to-date information in the industry.

If you have any questions about trading strategy, charts, brokers, etc… Please don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments on the bottom of each post. I will do my best to respond as quick as possible. Also, be sure to signup for my newsletter. I receive free bonus offers regularly from different brokers and trading platforms that I will share whenever I get them.

This is the full review of my favorite online platform. I'm not saying that this is the best, but I think it's a great start for anyone looking to get their feet wet. There are great bonuses and solid indicators that take a lot of risk out of your first few trades. In this article, I list the pros and cons of this platform as well as my best tips to make sure yogurt the most out of it.

December 24, 2017

Any professional trader will tell you that these auto traders are scams. But then why has the auto trading trend been raising ever since 2010? The answer is obvious: the trend is raising because people are making money and they're telling their friends and families. This article discusses why it's not a scam and how people everywhere are making real money.

December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017 Shane

If you're looking for an online trading platform, then you should give this one a try. This was the first that I tried and I still recommend this one after trying dozens of others. It's quite simple - I had significantly less bad trades and my profits went way up. This post is just an introduction into one of my all time favorite programs in the industry. If you're new and want to know what it is, then you should read this first.

December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017 Shane

You may have heard about options trading and wanted to start right away, but a quick search will show you how cluttered this industry is. I was looking for information when i first started and found nothing but spam site after another. I wanted to create something to help other newcomers since I couldn't find any good resource. Here's my introduction to help you find the best software on the net and avoid the scams out there.

Hello, there. Shane, here.

Thanks for visiting my website. My goal is to provide a comprehensive review of options trading platforms and to help reduce risk while investing. Stay tuned and be sure to comment or send an email and say hello!

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Home » Brokers » Anyoption releases the first binary options social trading Network

Anyoption releases the first binary options social trading Network

Anyoption is one more time taking the binary options industry to another level with the official release of the first binary options social trading application . Anyoption is one of the pioneers of the innovative binary options financial industry, as such the broker is currently contemplating the first initial public offering (IPO) of a binary option broker on the AIM segment of the London Stock Exchange. The company, which would be valued at £150millions, is looking to raise £30millions on the public market to fund its continued innovation that got it to the top of most binary options brokers’ rankings. With a reported market share of 20% of the online binary options industry, Anyoption is the most important broker worldwide in terms of volume traded.

The first social trading network for binary options

The new social trading network, named copyop, is a multi-device platform that will allow traders to copy and imitate the binary options trading strategies of the most successful traders on the network. Like on social forex trading networks, traders who generate the biggest and steadiest returns with binary options trading will be rewarded, as other traders and especially beginners can gain from their experience by analyzing and copying their trading strategies. Indeed, Anyoption deliberately developed this social tool in order to improve the trading experience of beginners and traders who would like to learn new strategies.

A multi-device social platform

The copyop application will remain separate from Anyoption’s platform but Anoption’s clients will be granted full access to the social platform with the same logins. According to several market and consumer studies, over 40% of all trades will be made from a mobile device in 2017. This is why Anyoption put a special emphasis on the development of the mobile version of the social trading network . Copyop will be available on Apple iOS, Google Android and web browsers.

Decision making and the selection of strategies is extremely simplified for beginner. New traders will easily be able to learn from the investments of experienced traders. Knowledge sharing and insights from the community drive users to make decisions based on their returns. Charts, profitable trades, successful traders and real time financial news are nicely highlighted on the application, enabling users to easily navigate through the different strategies and opportunities.

You could take advantage of this new social platform to let the AnyOption support team members guide you through the opening your personalized trading account and help you execute your first binary options trades. Don’t hesitate to have a look at our detailed review of AnyOption for further information.

Artículos Relacionados:

Binary Options Trading Software, every traders dream come true.

There are plenty of automatic trading software for binary options trading that will promise you huge profits and safe trades that will make you money every time.

Although these are based on very complicated mathematical calculations and algorithms they are not always accurate and most willВ give a trader the right signal only 50% of the time, the same odds as flipping a coin.

Educate Yourself

Most online brokers will supply you with free trading tutorials and trading tools, educate yourself and familiarize yourself with the market you are trading.

The binary options trading market is a very profitable one and is easy to understand. Don’t rely on Binary Options Trading Software to do the work for you, make your own decisions.

For our free binary options trading tutorials visit our Education Centre.

Binary Options Trading Strategy

The lack of knowledge while developing a binary options trading strategy can be a serious obstacle on the way to success. That’s why you should be practicing your method for a while and overtime cover all possible faults it has. There are several tips you can use developing a strategy. First of all try and learn as much as it’s possible about the markets you want to trade in. Then choose the asset you want to trade and learn about those factors that can cause the change of its price.

Is it difficult to create a winning binary options trading strategy? No, but it takes a lot of dedication. You may spend hours trying to make a method that will bring you profit in 9 cases out of 10. Don’t get discouraged if your very first attempt was a failure. After a while, you will learn the markets so well, that a hidden gem may pop up and save you. Keep trying to find your strategy, but mind that there is no the holy grail for binaries. The chances to find one are minimal. Plus no one will guarantee you profit. All you need is to win more then you lose. We’ll break down some of the things to help you with your strategy for binary options.

Creating your own method with binary options trading strategy

If you feel like there is a need to make your own strategy to be a successful trader this is where you want to start. After you watched the markets for sometime and noticed some tendencies there you have to think about things that might work to win some profit. Don’t waste your time trying to learn more about details. Look though and analyze your previous trades. It will help you to understand whether you are you a short term or long term trader. Do you prefer 60 seconds trades or it feel comfortable to trade daily. Gather all the information and then go from there. As soon as you are ready with it you may pick the assets you want to trade. Watch the charts and you may notice some patterns that can be helpful in future or may use different indicators to decide whether it’s OK to place the trade. After a while everything should come together for you to start testing your strategy. If you find something that potentially can bring you profit, you should test it. It’s crucial to check everything before real money is at stake.

Copy other traders

Don’t be ashamed of it because copying another person’s trades is a typical practice and it really works. Take the binary options trading strategy you found surfing the Internet or while reading a book and do your own testing. Make sure it works in the way the book or web-site says it does. Again, proof of the trading is in the testing. After several tests you will see if the strategy is successful or not. Again, don’t get upset if it doesn’t work in the way you wanted.

Create your own method using another strategy

If you are confident about your skills you can try out someone else’s binary options trading strategy and frame it up to yourself. You can use a moving average or any trading indicator to help you. As always there are many things you can do to improve an existing strategy. But it doesn’t mean you should reinvent the wheel. History knows some examples when people took a good idea and made it worse. As an outcome you can start to think that the original strategy isn’t good. You can always switch between strategies.

Testing a binary options trading strategy

Never ever skip this step, because testing a binary options trading strategy can save you tons of money. How do I test the strategy? Just open a binary trading demo account and get started. The only tiny recommendation is to download a charting software to see the price action. Bring the two together and start your testing.

The truth is, that there is no one-box strategy. However, there is a variety of strategies are available now or just waiting to be created. While developing a strategy take into consideration what type of trader you are and frame that strategy in accordance with your needs. For testing use your demo account and don’t force any real money into the creation process. Once you get a promising tendency, run with it and see whether it’s going to be profitable. After a while when you see that the strategy you developed works, then be sure you are in a great shape.

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1. These terms of use hereby governs the relationship between you, the Client (“you” or the “Client”), and us, Atlas Options (“us”, “we”, or the “Company”).

2. Mediante el uso de los servicios ofrecidos por la Sociedad, el Cliente reconoce por la presente su irrevocable aceptación y cumplimiento de todos los términos y condiciones aquí establecidos y su capacidad plena, ilimitada y sin restricciones para ejecutar transacciones ofrecidas por esta sitio. El cliente declara que sus datos personales, en su caso, son completos, actualizados y correctos.

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9. Usted entiende que mientras Internet y la World Wide Web generalmente son confiables, problemas técnicos u otras condiciones pueden retrasar o impedir que usted acceda al Sitio Web. Nosotros no seremos responsables por, y usted acepta no mantener o tratar de mantener a nosotros oa cualquiera de nuestros agentes o proveedores de servicios responsables de, problemas técnicos, fallos del sistema y fallos en el sistema, fallas en la línea de comunicación, fallas del equipo o software o fallos en el sistema. Problemas de acceso, problemas de capacidad del sistema, alta demanda de tráfico de Internet, brechas de seguridad y acceso no autorizado, y otros problemas y defectos similares de la computadora. No representamos, garantizamos ni garantizamos que podrá acceder o utilizar el Sitio en momentos o ubicaciones de su elección, o que tendremos capacidad adecuada para el Sitio en su totalidad o en cualquier ubicación geográfica. No representamos, garantizamos o garantizamos que el Sitio proporcionará servicio ininterrumpido y sin errores. No hacemos ninguna garantía o garantía con respecto al Sitio y su contenido, incluyendo, sin limitación, garantías de comerciabilidad o adecuación a un propósito particular.

10. El cliente acepta que no hay manera de cancelar cualquier orden o transacción una vez que se ha ejecutado. Sin perjuicio de la citada declaración, el cliente entiende tales limitaciones presionando el icono de Comercio.

11. Usted declara y garantiza (cuyas declaraciones y garantías se considerarán repetidas por usted en cada fecha en la que se haya celebrado una transacción a través del Sitio) que: a. Usted tiene todo el poder y la autoridad para obligarse por estos Términos y Condiciones, cada transacción y cualquier otra documentación relacionada con el mismo, y para cumplir con sus obligaciones en virtud del mismo y cada transacción y ha tomado todas las medidas necesarias para autorizar dicha ejecución, entrega y desempeño; segundo. Cualquier ejecución, entrega y desempeño no violará ni entrará en conflicto con ninguna ley aplicable a usted, cualquier disposición de cualquier documento constitucional o cualquier cargo, escritura fiduciaria, contrato u otro instrumento o cualquier restricción contractual aplicable a, De sus activos o obligarle a crear cualquier derecho de retención, garantía o gravamen; do. Toda la información proporcionada por usted es verdadera y precisa en todos los aspectos. re. Todos los consentimientos gubernamentales, reglamentarios y de otro tipo que se requieran que hayan sido obtenidos por usted en relación con el Sitio hayan sido obtenidos de esta manera y estén en pleno vigor y efecto y se hayan cumplido todas las condiciones de tales consentimientos; mi. Sus obligaciones bajo estos Términos y Condiciones constituyen sus obligaciones legales, válidas y obligatorias, ejecutables de acuerdo con sus respectivos términos; F. Usted cumplirá con todas las leyes, reglas, regulaciones y requisitos de divulgación de cualquier jurisdicción relevante, intercambio, mercado o autoridad reguladora que se apliquen con respecto a nosotros, usted o sus inversiones de vez en cuando; F. Usted dará prontamente (o procurará darnos) la información y asistencia que podamos razonablemente requerir para permitirnos asistir o lograr el cumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones mencionadas en relación con su Cuenta o el Sitio; gramo. Donde le proporcionamos un servicio de ejecución única, usted tiene la capacidad de evaluar y comprender los términos, condiciones y riesgos de cada transacción (ya sea recomendada o no por nosotros) que se establece a continuación y está dispuesto a aceptar dichos términos y condiciones Y asumir (financieramente o de otro modo) esos riesgos; marido. Usted está actuando como principal en cualquier transacción en el Sitio y en cada transacción bajo el mismo; yo. Si usted está en el incumplimiento de cualquiera de estos términos y condiciones usted nos dará aviso tan pronto como usted sea enterado de tal ocurrencia.

12. La Compañía estará limitada solamente a información y / o órdenes suministradas por cualquiera de las partes a la otra parte por escrito. El Cliente es consciente de que nuestro sitio ofrece inversiones especulativas de alto riesgo que podrían ser ilegales en su jurisdicción. Por lo tanto, el Cliente asume toda responsabilidad de validez y legalidad de sus acciones con respecto a este Sitio Web. Trading in Binary Options and/or any other Options, as may offered by our Website, could be regarded as a highly speculative investment. Este tipo de inversión conlleva el riesgo de perder el capital del Cliente en un período corto, por lo tanto el Cliente declara que entiende completamente los riesgos subyacentes involucrados y debe buscar consejo independiente

13. Antes de realizar una transacción de responsabilidad limitada, debe obtener de nosotros una declaración formal por escrito confirmando que el alcance de su responsabilidad por pérdidas en cada transacción se limitará a una cantidad acordada por usted antes de entrar en la transacción. La cantidad que usted puede perder en transacciones de responsabilidad limitada será menor que en otras transacciones marginadas, que no tienen un límite predeterminado de pérdidas. Sin embargo, aunque el alcance de la pérdida estará sujeto al límite acordado, usted reconoce que puede sufrir la pérdida en un tiempo relativamente corto. Su pérdida puede ser limitada, pero el riesgo de sostener una pérdida total a la cantidad acordada es sustancial.

14. La responsabilidad de la Compañía, para compensar los daños y perjuicios sufridos por el cliente, se limitará a los daños directos que el cliente pueda probar mediante una sentencia definitiva en la que haya incurrido, hasta un monto máximo igual a los fondos que el cliente haya depositado en su Cuenta con la Compañía. En ningún caso, la Compañía será responsable por daños consecuentes o especiales (incluyendo pérdida de beneficios), ya sea por contrato, agravio o cualquier otra teoría legal, causada al Cliente oa terceros. El Cliente indemnizará y mantendrá inofensivos a la Compañía ya cualquiera de sus compañías, empleados, agentes y / o funcionarios relacionados (& # 8220; Representantes & # 8221;) sobre cualquier responsabilidad y / o reclamo, en relación con el uso de estos Sitio por el Cliente, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier incumplimiento de los requisitos legales o de estos Términos por el Cliente.

15. No seremos responsables de ningún incumplimiento de obligaciones o incumplimientos de cualquier contraparte, corredor intermedio, banco, custodio, sub custodio, operador de mercado o de mercado, cambio, cámara de compensación, depositario u otro tercero con el que haga negocios. No seremos responsables de las pérdidas sufridas por usted en relación con el Sitio a menos que dicha pérdida se derive directamente de nuestra negligencia, defecto intencional o fraude. Usted nos pagará a la vista todas las comisiones y otros cargos debidos a nosotros, las primas de cualquier opción adquirida en sus instrucciones, las sumas que podamos en cualquier momento requerir en o hacia la satisfacción de cualquier saldo de débito en su Cuenta o cualquier cuenta comprendida en ella, Y el monto de cualquier pérdida comercial que pueda resultar de cualquier transacción bajo el presente, intereses y cargos de servicio que nos sean debidos en la Cuenta y nuestros costos razonables y honorarios legales incurridos en la recolección de dichos montos. Todos los pagos se harán en el mismo día y los fondos libremente transferibles en dicha moneda y al banco que podamos especificar de vez en cuando. Además, usted se compromete a mantener a nosotros ya nuestros agentes y empleados totalmente y efectivamente indemnizados contra todos los costos, cargos, responsabilidades y gastos incurridos por nosotros y ellos de acuerdo con o en conexión con el Sitio a menos que se deban a nuestra negligencia, fraude. Esta cláusula sobrevivirá a la terminación de cualquier Acuerdo entre usted y nosotros.

16. No seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida, gasto, costo o responsabilidad (conjuntamente Pérdida o pérdida sufrida o incurrida por usted a menos y en la medida en que dicha Pérdida sea sufrida o incurrida como resultado de nuestra negligencia O daños intencionales o indirectos o consecuentes (ya sea por lucro cesante, pérdidas de negocio o de otro tipo), costos, gastos u otras reclamaciones por cualquier tipo de compensación (cualquiera que sea su causa) que surjan de o en relación con este Acuerdo; O pérdida sufrida o incurrida por usted como resultado de cualquier error en cualquier orden, instrucción o información dada por usted, el Cliente, o como resultado de nosotros actuando en cualquier orden o instrucción que es, o parece ser de usted.

Usted nos indemniza de cualquier reclamo, costo o gasto incurrido por nosotros como consecuencia de cualquier reclamo hecho por cualquiera de ustedes contra nosotros como consecuencia de cualquier acto u omisión de cualquiera de ustedes.

17. La Compañía no será responsable de ningún daño en caso de fuerza mayor que no esté bajo el control de la Compañía.

18. Usted reconoce que el comercio de divisas con márgenes es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión disponible en los mercados financieros y sólo es adecuado para personas e instituciones sofisticadas. Los precios en el comercio de divisas marginadas son altamente volátiles. Los fondos en una cuenta que negocia en el apalancamiento máximo pueden ser perdidos completamente, si la posición (s) se sostuvo en la cuenta tiene una oscilación de dos por ciento en valor. Dada la posibilidad de perder toda una inversión, la especulación en el mercado de divisas sólo debe llevarse a cabo con fondos de capital de riesgo que si se pierde no afectará significativamente su bienestar personal o institucional. Usted confirma que los fondos que usará en el Sitio son puramente capital de riesgo y la pérdida de su inversión no pondrá en peligro su estilo de vida ni le afectará su futuro programa de jubilación. Además, entiende completamente la naturaleza y los riesgos de las inversiones en opciones de divisas y divisas, y sus obligaciones con los demás no serán descuidadas si experimenta pérdidas de inversión.

19. Las órdenes de retiro del cliente de la cuenta serán ejecutadas por: (a) el reembolso de su tarjeta de crédito (solamente la tarjeta por la cual se hicieron los depósitos y exactamente y no menos que el monto del depósito); Y el resto (b) transferencia bancaria de su cuenta bancaria (sólo la cuenta de la cual se hicieron los depósitos), sujeto a los documentos de identificación que debe entregar, y únicamente de acuerdo con la discreción de la Compañía, que hará todo lo posible para Ejecutar tales órdenes por la forma en que el Cliente ha pedido. Los retiros se realizarán de acuerdo con los procedimientos del sitio y tomarán hasta catorce (14) días bancarios o según lo determinado por el proveedor de servicios de facturación del sitio, el más largo entre los dos. En el caso de que el cliente desee cancelar una solicitud de retirada sólo puede hacerlo con respecto a una solicitud de retirada que aún no se había completado ya la que no se había enviado todavía una confirmación de retiro) y no una solicitud ya ejecutada. En caso de que más de una solicitud de retiro haya sido enviada por el Cliente, y posteriormente solicite la cancelación parcial o total de las órdenes de retiro, se anulará la orden de retirada anterior, etc.

20. Se harán ajustes a las opciones & # 8217; De acuerdo con los ajustes realizados con respecto a los activos base, en caso de que el Cliente tenga una operación abierta en dicha opción mientras dicho ajuste se realice a los activos base. El Cliente por el presente acuerda que la Compañía tiene el derecho exclusivo de redondear el último dígito de cualquier activo.

21. La Sociedad, a su entera discreción, podrá decidir (pero no estar obligada) a ofrecer bonos, ofertas promocionales o cualquier otra clase de beneficios al Cliente, fijar sus condiciones y / o modificarlas sin previo aviso al cliente. La Sociedad no estará sujeta a la razón de su decisión ni se verá obligada a hacer lo mismo en futuras transacciones del Cliente. Una vez que un bono ha sido otorgado / acreditado a una cuenta de clientes, estará sujeto a ejecutar transacciones por un monto de al menos diez (10) veces el monto del depósito y también podría estar sujeto a un depósito mínimo y / o volumen mínimo de negociación y / O un cierto límite de tiempo. Además, la Compañía puede, a su entera discreción, abonar al Cliente una bonificación de hasta el treinta y cinco (35%) por cada depósito efectuado por el Cliente hasta un máximo de mil quinientos ($ 1500). Los bonos financieros también estarán sujetos al cumplimiento total de estos Términos por parte del Cliente.

22. Los comerciantes sólo están autorizados a abrir un comercio por 2 minutos en cualquier contrato específico que vaya en el mismo activo, la dirección y el tiempo de vencimiento. Además, el cierre de un contrato se permite una vez por contrato. En el caso en que un comerciante viola esta regla, ya sea intencionalmente o no, la Compañía resiste el pleno y pleno derecho a cancelar el comercio y devolver el premuim del contrato. Ante su propia desviación, la Compañía puede tomar medidas contra cualquier tader que haya explotado a sabiendas cuestiones técnicas y las haya prohibido permanentemente de la Compañía.

23. El Cliente declara que entiende que debido a regulaciones legales la Compañía puede retener o deducir los pagos de cualquier tipo de impuestos, limitar los servicios proporcionados en este documento, congelar cuentas de acuerdo con cualquier orden o acción legal oficial o cualquier otra acción o restricción Según lo requieran las autoridades legales u otras autoridades según lo determinado por las regulaciones pertinentes. El Cliente indemnizará y mantendrá a la Compañía y sus empleados y Representantes inofensivos ante tal acción y no tendrá derecho a impedir tal acción, como la Compañía considere adecuada, para cumplir con tal orden legal o acción.

24. El Cliente por la presente declara que mantiene su nombre de usuario y contraseña a salvo de cualquier tercero y se compromete a notificar a la Compañía de cualquier sospecha de uso indebido de su cuenta o información personal. Para la protección del Cliente, toda la información de inicio de sesión debe mantenerse confidencial. En caso de que el Cliente proporcione información de inicio de sesión a un tercero, la Compañía ya no podrá aceptar la responsabilidad por los fondos en la cuenta del Cliente.

25. El Cliente por la presente declara que es consciente del hecho de que las dificultades técnicas pueden impedir que el Cliente acceda al Sitio Web o su capacidad de ejecutar determinadas acciones en este Sitio Web. La Compañía no asume ninguna responsabilidad por tales eventos, que puedan ocurrir de vez en cuando. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, la Compañía será responsable por problemas en servidores, ancho de banda o sistemas de software.

26. El Cliente reconoce que hay riesgos asociados con la utilización de un sistema de comercio de ejecución de transacciones basado en Internet incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el fallo de hardware, software y conexión a Internet. Dado que no controlamos la potencia de la señal, su recepción o enrutamiento a través de Internet, la configuración de su equipo o la confiabilidad de su conexión, no seremos responsables de fallas de comunicación, distorsiones o retrasos al operar a través del Sitio.

27. El Cliente por el presente acuerda cumplir con todas las regulaciones de Anti-Lavado de Dinero (AML) y "Conozca a Su Cliente & # 8221; (KYC) relevantes para su jurisdicción, incluyendo el suministro de cartas de referencia bancarias oficiales, facturas de servicios públicos y cualquier otro tipo de documentación de identificación oficial que pueda requerir la Compañía. Esta es una condición previa al uso del Sitio.

28. Todos los márgenes de efectivo y otros pagos que Usted adeuda a usted de conformidad con este Acuerdo se realizarán en fondos libremente transferibles en dicha moneda y en la (s) cuenta (s) bancaria (s) que podamos especificar de vez en cuando. Si usted está obligado por ley a hacer cualquier deducción o retención con respecto a los impuestos o de otra manera, entonces usted será responsable de pagar dicha cantidad a nosotros, lo que resultará en nuestra recepción de un importe neto igual a la cantidad total que se habría recibido había No se requiere tal deducción o retención. Cualquier suma que nos sea debida en virtud del presente Acuerdo (más cualquier IVA aplicable) podrá ser deducida sin previo aviso a usted desde cualquier Cuenta con el fin de obtener beneficios que puedan ser aplicados en la descarga de dichas sumas. Usted será responsable del pago de cualquier comisión, honorarios de transferencia, tasas de registro, impuestos, derechos y otros pasivos fiscales y todos los demás pasivos y costos debidamente pagados o incurridos por nosotros bajo estos Términos y Condiciones.

29. Estos Términos son por un período de tiempo ilimitado, pero la Compañía tiene derecho a darle fin por medio de una notificación por escrito. En tal caso, se prohíbe al Cliente abrir nuevas cuentas o ejecutar nuevas transacciones sin previa aprobación por escrito de la Compañía.

30. En caso de que el Cliente cometan cualquiera de los siguientes: i. Viola cualquiera de sus obligaciones bajo estos Términos; Ii. Quiebra, insolvencia o en procedimientos de insolvencia, reorganización, quiebra o cualquier procedimiento similar; O por su sola discreción, la Compañía considera necesario para protegerse contra los daños y perjuicios que pudieran producirse a causa de las acciones u omisiones del Cliente. A su entera discreción y en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso al Cliente, la Sociedad podrá: (1) transferir, comprometer o vender el saldo y / o valores en la (s) cuenta (s); (2) cancelar, terminar y / o cerrar cualquiera o todas las transacciones abiertas; (3) compensar cualquier daño causado al mismo; O (4) tomar cualquier acción que considere conveniente para curar cualquier violación del Cliente. En caso de que no haya una transacción en la cuenta durante un período de 12 meses, la Compañía tendrá derecho a cerrar la cuenta después de dar al Cliente un aviso por escrito de 5 días. La Compañía puede cesar o limitar cualquier o todas las actividades comerciales en el Sitio sin previo aviso. El cliente renuncia a todas las reclamaciones o derechos de indemnización por los daños presuntamente causados ​​por dicha rescisión, ya sea para transacciones ejecutadas o para transacciones que se supone ejecutadas.

31. En caso de sospecha de actividad comercial fraudulenta, arbitraje de sistemas, alguna otra forma de explotación, la Compañía se reserva el derecho de iniciar una investigación que puede durar hasta 45 días. La Compañía se reserva el derecho de prohibir permanentemente a cualquier comerciante que haya cometido conscientemente alguna de las actividades antes mencionadas y, posiblemente, también deberá informar a cualquier parte relevante.

32. La Compañía tiene pleno derecho a ceder, otorgar, transferir o sublicenciar todos y cada uno de sus derechos previstos en el presente, total o parcialmente, a cualquier tercero cualquiera que sea. De ninguna manera el Cliente tendrá derecho a hacer cualquiera de los anteriores con respecto a los derechos del Cliente aquí estipulados, ya sea a otros Clientes del Sitio oa otros

33. En caso de que cualquier disposición en el presente documento sea considerada nula o inválida por cualquier tribunal de jurisdicción competente, dicha disposición será cortada y no invalidará ni privará en modo alguno del efecto y / o validez de cualquiera de las disposiciones restantes. La aquiescencia de la Compañía a cualquier incumplimiento de estos Términos y / o el incumplimiento de cualquier derecho previsto en este documento se entenderá sin perjuicio de los derechos y recursos legales de la Compañía, y no se considerará que impida y / o Prohibirlo de ejercitar o buscar cualquiera de los mismos.

34. You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations with you without the use of a warning tone, and may use the recordings as evidence in the event of a dispute. Destruiremos cualquier grabación o transcripción de acuerdo con nuestra política de destrucción normal en vigor en ese momento (actualmente 3 años).

35. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder to be given to a party to this Agreement shall be in writing. Los avisos al Cliente serán entregados a los datos de contacto proporcionados por él durante el proceso de apertura de la cuenta, y que podrán ser enmendados por él mediante notificación por escrito a la Compañía. Toda correspondencia y notificación que se envíe al Cliente se considerará entregada: (1) en su momento de entrega si se envía (a) por entrega en mano; (B) a la dirección de correo electrónico del Cliente, o (c) por facsímil; O (2) dentro de cinco días hábiles si se entrega por correo postal. Toda la correspondencia y notificaciones que envíe el Cliente a la Compañía se considerarán entregadas sólo con la recepción real por parte de la Compañía y con sujeción a su confirmación por escrito como tal.

36. Expiry rate is computed from the Bid & Pregunte los precios ((Bid + Ask) / 2) que son las ofertas de precio más cercano a la hora de vencimiento. El último dígito del precio calculado se redondea arriba si es 5 y arriba, y abajo si no es así.

37. Clients are not allowed to have more than one funded account. Los clientes que tienen varias cuentas registradas bajo el mismo nombre pueden tener una o todas las cuentas cerradas, sujeto a la decisión de la gerencia. Además, los clientes con múltiples cuentas en las que se realizan múltiples inversiones con distintos nombres y / o fuentes pueden tener todas las cuentas cerradas y las inversiones devueltas por decisión de la administración. It is most advisable to open only one account, and to invest using your own funds.

38.TRADENTRY LIMITED (Registration:09558177) (Address: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England (N1 7GU))

Política de privacidad


Social trading: An added value in binary options trading

Fri, 30 Aug 2017 | Published in Advice

The services offered by binary options brokers are in constant evolution. Examples are demo accounts, which are now available on most of the primary binary options brokers’ trading platforms, and trading simulators . Social trading might become an essential binary options trading tool in the future. In fact, it is already found in Forex trading, and it is a safe bet that social trading will soon be present on binary options brokers’ trading platforms.

What social trading . Social trading, also known as “ copy trading ”, is a way for you to interact with other traders speculating online. This tool enables you to share traders’ strategies and analyses of the financial markets and to copy their positions, with the goal to improve profits on each trade. This system proves to be very useful for beginners and allows you to break the isolation during your first trades. It is always better to start trading with milestones and to be able to refer to experienced traders.

An interactive service: Social trading would truly be an added value in the world of binary options trading . It allows you to follow, in real time, other traders’ positions which then strengthens the community for traders on binary options broker platforms. At the same time, social trading such as is done on the Forex, enables you to interact via social networks like Facebook, which provides more visibility to the trading community. This would give online trading a more user-friendly and less impersonal character.

Social trading with binary options brokers . Rumors abound as to whether or not certain brokers will soon implement this innovative and interactive trading tool. Of course, we encourage brokers to offer this service, as it will enable binary options to progress at a higher speed in terms of allowing beginners to gain knowledge and strategies and to take part in exchanges with experienced traders.

Of course, we believe that social trading will make its’ appearance very soon. We will be the first in line to help you to master this trading tool, which enables you to improve your positions and allows everyone to exchange different tricks and trading strategies in the best conditions. At the same time, we work daily to strengthen our trading community through our discussion forum, so that you can be confident that you can interact with experienced traders. This will strengthen our binary options trading community for the greater good!

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February 13, 2017 by Admin

Social Tech Trader Review By Albert is Social Tech Trader Software Scam Or Legit? Is Social Tech Trader System Real? Find Out The Real Truth About Social Tech Trader APP in My Honest Social Tech Trader Review Until Think To Invest in SocialTechTrader. co APP Software

Social Tech Trader Binary options trading system announced the availability of their new binary options trading software with high quality education content to learn trading beginning 13th Feb 2017. More information About Social Tech Trader Software can be found here…

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Social Tech Trader Review

Binary Options Trading with Social Tech Trader Binary Options Software System have long been an excellent way to earning money online and make a Perfect profit. Millions of binary options traders around the world aim to go down this route to make a significant amount of profits. Yet, they come across a range of hurdles that leave them gasping for air in a world that is ruthless. Albert have come up with a Binary Options Trading System called “ Social Tech Trader “, which is designed to make binary options that much easier to succeed with. They have cracked the Binary Options Trading Software Secret code, but does Social Tech Trader live up to the promise? This Social Tech Trader Review will take a glance at the pros and cons of Social Tech Trader to see whether it lives up to the hype.

What is Social Tech Trader ? Let’s begin by trying to understand what Social Tech Trader App is before looking at the pros and cons. Social Tech Trader is a binary options software product created by Albert to exploit the Binary Options Trading With binary options system in place at the moment. They have found a loophole that reduces your risks and increases your rewards.

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Social Tech Trader Pros What are the pros with this Social Tech Trader system? To begin, it works and that is what matters. If a product doesn’t do what it is saying, it is not worth your time. Simple como eso.

Social Tech Trader is a fantastic Binary Options Trading APP because it is able to provide results and I have found it to be tremendously helpful. After using it for a month or so, I have generated quite a bit of money that would otherwise not have been possible. The 24 hour support is splendid. It is one of those pros that simply gets overlooked but should not. The Social Tech Trader support is amazing whenever you have a question to ask. I have had a few hurdles to cross and their support team has always been there to assist me.

Social Tech Trader Cons Are there any cons with this Social Tech Trader Software product? Yes, it is near impossible to find a product that does not have cons. The only con with this product would be you won’t be finding 100% success. It is simply impossible to win every option and that is the way it is.

You will still have to sit down and study your options from time to time before moving forward to get the type of Social Tech Trader results you are craving. This is a minor problem and only needed if you want 100% results.

Social Tech Trader Concluding Opinion

Is Social Tech Trader worth it? Yes, I have been using Social Tech Trader for over a month and it does the trick. The Social Tech Trader software is easy to use and I cannot imagine investing money without it.

This SocialTechTrader. co is as simple as it gets and anyone can use it. These type of products are rare and to have it released now is quite amazing. I would definitely recommend Social Tech Trader for those individuals who want to make money now and make a lot of it.

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Published by honest review on Saturday, March 28, 2017 |  No comments

This is my review of the Binary Options Trading Signals service by Franco Binary Options Trading Signals. Voy a darle alguna información importante que usted no puede encontrar en el sitio web oficial. No se ofrece ningún período de prueba. So you should read carefully this whole binary options signals review. This one is a lot different from any other binary options signals provider outHe describes several market conditions. Whether you should place a trade, whether there are any news and you should stop trading and many more. Además, sabes desde el principio si un día no es muy bueno para trading. You no puede tener esto con un servicio de opciones binarias de comercio de señal que envía las alertas por correo electrónico o sms. Usted no puede tener esto con un software binario de las operaciones de las opciones, también. there. It is live and it is not for everyone. You connect to a live trading room. On your screen you get the screen of a professional binary options trader, Franco. What you see is the charts of various assets like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, Google stocks etc. But the real deal is that you get live binary options trading signals on that charts with the form of an arrow pointing up for “call or buy” and down for “put or sell”.You get the sound, as well, and you can listen live what Franco says.

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Learn Binary Options Trading through examples

What Does Binary Options Trading Look Like?

Binary Options Trading is very easy to understand because it has only two possible outcomes and a fixed payoff: you either are right and you win a predefined amount or you are wrong and get zero payoff.

In this last case, your total loss is the amount paid for the option in the first place. Can you see the binary nature of Binary Options ?

Binary Options Trading Example #1

It’s 9.00 a. m. and the current EUR/USD rate is 1.2500. You purchase the binary call for 1.2550 with a payoff of 100$, due to expire at 3.00 p. m. Now, only two things can happen:

& # 8211; if at the expiration time (3.00 pm in our case) price is at or above 1.2550, you receive 100$ – if price is below 1.2550, you don’t receive anything and you lost the cost paid for the option in the first place (this cost varies from broker to broker).

Of course, your profit in case of a win is not 100$, because you already paid the option cost. So the profit is payout (100) minus the cost of the option.

Binaries are designed to be easy to use and that’s why the possible answer is “ yes ” or “ no ”. If you think price will touch 1.2550 in our case, your answer is “yes” and you buy the call for 1.2550.

You can Trade Binaries on Forex, Indices or Commodities . They are derivative by nature because the value of an option is derived and strongly related to the underlying stock, commodity or currency pair.

Just like any kind of online trading, Binary Options Trading is risky . but it has its advantages.

The Advantages of Binary Options Trading

Binary options give you a high level of protection .

If a currency pair moves against you, by trading options you can take a smaller loss than if you traded Forex. This is because with binary options trading, you only lose the amount you paid for the option.

Binary Options vs Forex Example

It’s 9.00 a. m. EUR/USD is now 1.2500. Let’s say you bought the call for 1.2550 EUR/USD and you paid for it 30$ and you receive 100$ if at the expiration date (3.00 p. m.) price is at or above 1.2550. But the market disagrees and at 3.00 p. m. EUR/USD is at 1.2410. If you traded Forex, your potential loss at the time is 90$ (assuming you are trading 1$/pip), but if you traded options, your loss is just the cost of the option – 30$.

This is how options can actually protect your capital . Another great advantage of trading binary options is their flexibility .

When you trade Forex and use a stop-loss, if that is hit, you are no longer in the trade and you take the loss. Generally the worst trade is the one that comes against you, reaches the stop-loss to take you out of the trade and 5-10 pips after that, price reverses and goes in your original direction. That’s really annoying.

But with binary options trading, that can never happen because there is no stop-loss. You already paid the option cost and you don’t care how low the price goes before finally going your way.

Of course, there are several other factors to take into consideration . if price goes against you 100-150 pips, it will be hard to reverse and close above your option level. Also, the time factor is an important one: it’s possible that the option will expire within a few pips of your targeted price, on the bad side.

Binary Options are much easier to understand than Forex for a new trader. When you first enter the Forex world, you are overwhelmed by all the new terms, strategies and indicators, but binary options are simple . you only have two possible outcomes.

For more information about Binary Options, Trading, Bonuses, Promotions, and more please visit our Education Center .

If you’re interested in finding out about trading platforms for binary options, we advise you to visit this page .

Would you trade Binary Options but You scared beacause of loss your money? Copy the best Binary Options Traders. Social Trading Network.

On the Binary Options Social Trading Network you don’t need any experience, any Binary Options Signals . indeed. You can find out the best traders’s score, check average of success and automatically copy their trades but with your own budget and bid.

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eToro Social Stock and Financial Trading

Earlier this summer eToro social trading platform was given a serious update with the launch of OpenBook Portfolio. This is their proprietary online trading portfolio software that has been rolled out across mobile, tablets as well the standard web based site.

The redesign comes with other benefits that were lacking or outdated in the previous version like fast, simple and easy access/view to the markets and traders that you follow.

OpenBook Portfolio traders can now view much easier the vital stats and information that is relevant to their accounts. So being able to quickly access and view the markets most lucrative for investing and the eToro traders to follow that have made you some coin already is as easy and can be done from virtually anywhere with an internet signal.

They have managed to add a social element that many users find appealing and with the user base consistently climbing it is clear that eToro and OpenBook are a suitable way for all profiles of traders to gain experience, profits and new online friends.

Etoro stock trading is all about being social and interaction within the highly active online trading community. Now users have a direct method of also interacting with the customer service at eToro with certain parts of this support being updated to a social platform too.

This is a clever way for both the user and platform employees to post routinely asked questions, technical issues experienced by many and other group focused solutions so individuals do not have to wait for the sometimes lengthy times it takes to receive email support.

For more about social trading and how to benefit from joining the eToro Online Trading Community

binary matrix pro

Binary Matrix Pro is the most advanced and profitable 1-minute Binary Options trading software. Click Here Binary Matrix Pro Official Website

It’s also the first trading software in the world that allows its users to SHARE their paricipation and trading results with the whole user community – in REAL-TIME!

How good is the system? Our 600+ BETA testers have traded with Binary Matrix Pro for 3 months and 8 out of 10 trades reported through our Social Performance Reporting feature have been winners. Some highlights of the software/product/service:

Provides signals on 60-second Binary Options

Has an in-built Social Performance Reporting feature – traders SHARE their performance with the community

3 options for access: Windows download, web-version (perfect for Mac users and tablet/smartphone users), App (downloaded from the Google Play Store)

Over 700 signals per day

Over 81% accuracy (VERIFIED REAL Account)

$75 bonus to traders who join (no credit card required)

Personal Account Representative for traders who join ($190/month value, provided free if joining through March 2017)

Users can contact their account reps by TELEPHONE (never been done before in this industry)

Free SMS notifications (users subscribing to this service will receive 1-2 key notifications per week via SMS)

…and SO much more Binary Matrix Pro !

Binary Matrix Pro is in a league of its own… as you can see.

It’s the first trading software on the planet that combines so many great features in a single product.

For the first time EVER, Binary Options trading software (actually, ANY trading software for that matter) goes SOCIAL!

This alone is going to be responsible for a shock within the market and start a brand new trend – one that’ll make more money for the smart affiliates who commit to Binary Matrix Pro than they’ll make promoting 10 competing products combined .

We live in a world where people want (demand!) social proof and social interaction. This is SPECIALLY applicable to trading, where money’s on the line.

And we’ve given it to them, BIG TIME!

So, here’s how it works:

Binary Matrix Pro is signals software so, once traders fire it up (Windows Desktop, Android or web-version), the software starts relaying signals from our server.

For each signal, users have the option of reporting whether they traded it.

After reporting taking the trade, the user is taken to the Social Performance Reporting panel for that signal (even if they decide against reporting, they’re eventually taken to the Social Performance Reporting panel, but without the ability to report the outcome for the obvious reason that they didn’t report taking a trade).

The reporting panel allows the user to:

View the REAL-TIME trade confirmations and outcomes reported by other members of the community, and

Share their own trade outcomes (profitable or not) with the rest of the community

This is how the panels appear within the Binary Matrix Pro software:

Monitoring panel . this is the first panel users see – it’s where signals are displayed and where users report trading the signal.

Reporting panel . after reporting trading the signal, users are taken to the Social Reporting Panel:

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