Monday 30 October 2017

Opciones Binarias Turbo

Binary Turbo Review: ¿Este software va a hacerte rico?

Todos sabemos sobre las retroalimentaciones positivas de los comerciantes que están utilizando actualmente los robots binarios comerciales. Permítanme presentarme, soy Tatiana Hopkins. He estado ejecutando el comercio en el mundo de Forex Trading y créanme, no he probado en ninguno de los Bots automatizados de negociación en el pasado. Y esta es la razón detrás de mi revisión de hoy. Estos bots realmente desencadenó mi interés por la moda de ganar dinero en línea rápido. Por lo tanto, quiero probar si estos robots me si de hecho va a trabajar realmente y para demostrar las retroalimentaciones positivas que he oído de estos robots. Uno de los robots automatizados que encontré en línea es Binary Turbo. Únete a mí como revelar la verdad de este robot automatizado y si realmente podemos hacer una fortuna! ¿Debemos?

Primero: ¿Cómo definimos robots binarios automatizados?

Binary Trading Robot es uno de los robots comerciales automáticos más frescos en el mercado de comercio hoy en día. Basado en mi investigación, descubrí que estos robots pueden intercambiar automáticamente pares de divisas, activos de acciones e índices por medio de plataformas de opciones binarias. Binary Trading Robot acaba de ser muy querido porque los resultados comerciales son en todo momento grandes ganancias y con baja posibilidad de peligro. Robots como éste analizan hechos del mercado y obtienen información de señales y gráficos para hacer oficios sofisticados. Hay un montón de características únicas de Binary Trading Robot, tales como bono de partida en efectivo para la cuenta binaria, no requiere VPS, 100% de comercio automatizado, y una característica que me gustó mucho es incluso funciona cuando su equipo está apagado.

En la actualidad, un gran número de comerciantes han estado utilizando opciones binarias. Te digo, el comercio de opciones binarias son fundamentalmente impresionante! Sin embargo, usted puede encontrar si es difícil de hacer comerciantes rentables más especialmente si usted no es un experto en el mercado financiero. Por lo tanto, este es el momento en que realmente puede tomar buena ventaja si estamos utilizando el binario Trading Robot. Usted no está obligado a ser un experto o experto en hacer uso de estos robots. No hay necesidad de software adicional, un comerciante no necesita tener ninguna experiencia técnica ni para que uno pueda aprender las teorías comerciales complejas, y lo más especialmente no tiene que sentarse delante de su computadora todo el tiempo.

¿Qué es Binary Turbo?

Binary Turbo Robot utiliza estrategias de gestión del riesgo y dinero extremadamente mejoradas que no arriesgan más del 5% de la cuenta en cualquier tipo de comercio. También tiene una característica de conjunto y no importa ajustes que no requieren horas de alteración. La rebaja es sólo 2.83% que se puede considerar ultra-baja. Utiliza una tecnología de pérdida de paro parcial. Esta tecnología inacabada de la pérdida de la parada garantiza que cuando este software binario de Turbo hace un comercio, toma las oportunidades más tempranas de comenzar a cerrar hacia fuera las partes del comercio para guardar su riesgo principal seguro. Entonces sigue tirando de las ganancias del mercado gradualmente dando el máximo potencial de ganancias con sólo una pequeña fracción del riesgo habitual!

Fue creado por Jeff Anderson.

Jeff Anderson también está dando 60 días completos de ninguna pregunta pidió garantía de devolución de dinero para que cualquier persona absorta puede probar su Binary Turbo Software. También ha incluido un pequeño número de bonos de acción rápida:

Bono de Acción Rápida # 1-El Informe de Broker

Los corredores de opciones binarias son notorios para alterar los valores de mercado genuinos entre los precios de compra y venta, por lo que es muy importante que seleccione el corredor adecuado para usted.

Bono de Acción Rápida # 2-Private One on One Coaching

Acerca de Jeff Anderson

Jeff Anderson es un operador de opciones binarias que se consideran entre los 5% superiores de los comerciantes. Le tomó un montón de pruebas y ajustes y pasar horas incalculables delante de la computadora que casi le costó su matrimonio con el fin de encontrar un método que funcionaba en cualquier par de divisas o acciones en cualquier situación del mercado. Esta técnica de negociación ha funcionado para él durante 5 años consecutivos. Entonces finalmente fue capaz de desarrollar una adaptación automatizada de su método de negociación.

Ofrece garantía de devolución de dinero.

¿Cómo empezar?

Aquí es cómo realizar un comercio de opciones binarias. Inicie sesión en la cuenta de su corredor:

Si no tiene uno, cree uno e inicie sesión en él. Puedes crear una cuenta gratuita allí.

Deposite fondos en su cuenta. Seleccione un activo y especifique un tiempo de vencimiento.

Elige tu posición. Puede elegir la posición CALL, si espera que suba el precio, o una posición PUT, si espera que el precio caiga.

Ingrese el monto total que desea invertir.

Haga clic en APLICAR para completar su transacción.

Si usted puede seguir estos sencillos pasos, usted descubrirá que las opciones binarias son el mercado más increíblemente rentable que podría comerciar.

Esta revisión binaria Turbo le inspirará a tomar medidas para cambiar sus finanzas para el mejor. Sugiero altamente binario Turbo a cualquier persona que desee ganar el efectivo efectivo que negocia opciones binarias.

Haga clic aquí para ver el Turbo binario en acción.

¿Estarás haciendo millones de esto?

¡Seguro, indiscutiblemente! He estado usando el software por días ahora y puedo decir que estoy muy contento con el resultado. A pesar de que no tengo ningún conocimiento sobre cómo hacer que funcione, que fue sin esfuerzo capaz de configurar el software (plug and play) empezar y comenzar a operar. Realmente me gusta el hecho de que no necesito sentarme delante de mi computadora todo el tiempo para esperar el programa para hacer el comercio. Eso es totalmente la parte poco interesante. Ahora, sólo tengo que dejarlo en piloto automático y ver lo que se hace al final del día.

Lo que me gusta del software:

Tiene un acceso 100% libre a su sistema de comercio.

Tendrá ganancias diarias de al menos $ 500 a $ 700

También ofrece una guía de usuario completa que explica todas las características del software y la estrategia si desea obtener más información al respecto. Es muy fácil de usar.

Cuenta con acceso Privado VIP al mejor corredor de la industria financiera.

Hay un uno en un coaching con él, ya que quiere seguir con usted y asegurarse de obtener los beneficios.

Binary Turbo es un programa de trabajo. Usted sin duda ganará en este software. Esta es la riqueza que todo ha estado apuntando a tener. Estoy seguro de hacerle saber que Jeff Anderson ha creado algo grande para todos nosotros! ¡Actuar ahora! ¡Visualízate haciendo cientos de millones a partir de hoy!

Binary Turbo Robot - Tecnología en su mejor momento, o Trading nunca se sentía peor?

Última actualización el 16 de marzo de 2017 por Bogdan G

Binary Turbo Robot - Tecnología en su mejor momento?

Últimamente he estado "revisando" un montón de sitios web de Guru binario de opciones y su software - bueno, no puedo llamar a revisar porque no hay mucho que revisar allí, es sólo un montón grande de vapor de * algo * Envuelto en un paquete brillante - y puedo ver claramente la tendencia: todos ellos tienen una historia bastante conmovedora detrás, luego toman un descanso y encontrar lo que los comerciantes llaman el Santo Grial (una estrategia / sistema que sigue vertiendo dinero en su cuenta bancaria ) Y luego finalmente deciden compartirlo con el mundo por unos cuantos dólares o incluso de forma gratuita ... sí, suena legítimo. Bueno adivina qué, hoy tenemos otro fabricante de dinero alineado para su revisión: Robot Turbo de Jeff Anderson ... bzzztt, bzzt ... todos los sistemas van.

¿Qué es el robot binario Turbo y cómo funciona?

Turbo ... ¿qué están pensando estos chicos cuando nombran su software? Pero no nos detengamos en su falta de imaginación; Después de todo, no me importa el nombre si el software me trae dinero. Para responder a la pregunta del título, Binary Turbo Robot es un software que se conecta a su cuenta de opciones binarias y lo engorda automáticamente con "ZERO manual trading". Usted puede preguntarse cómo grasa su cuenta obtener así que aquí está la respuesta a eso también: "Más de $ 1,311,209 al mes ... Cada mes como reloj ...", según su sitio web. Si quieres saber lo que pienso de él, por favor, lea el primer párrafo de nuevo. No hay absolutamente ninguna duda en mi mente que tal software de gran alcance no será dado lejos para un precio miserable (¿necesitan realmente el dinero?) O para libre. Además, no creo por un segundo que Jeff Anderson realmente tiene tal software.

Vamos a centrarnos un poco en cómo funciona y lo que hace que el software sea tan "potente": según Jeff Anderson, su robot explora la "mayor laguna restante en el comercio de opciones". Eso es como decir que se basa en la magia o el polvo de hadas para traerle "más de $ 1,311,209 al mes" y en realidad encuentro este enfoque de laguna un truco barato y patético. Todo está envuelto en misterio y es muy similar a un cuento de hadas, así que lo siento señor Anderson, pero no soy un niño de 3 años que todavía cree que el hada de los dientes se llevará mi diente y me dan un millón de verdes en el regreso O que su software me traerá las cantidades de dinero que usted reclama. Entonces, ¿cómo funciona el robot binario Turbo? Ni idea…

Captura de pantalla del sitio web de binaryturbo. com

Costos - no lo utilizaría incluso si me pagan para hacerlo.

El robot está libre. Sorprendentemente, alguien está regalando de forma gratuita el secreto a millones de dólares & # 8230; Sin embargo, en el pasado este robot tenía un precio de $ 47 dólares y no puedo pensar en una razón por la que lo ofrecería gratis ahora ... oh, espera, lo tengo: nadie lo estaba comprando! Pero hay otro tipo de precio que tienes que pagar si quieres usar el robot binario Turbo: tendrás que abrir una cuenta con TradeRush (el nombre no se menciona en la carta de ventas, pero una vez que llegue a la zona de miembros que se dirigen A este corredor). ¿Ves el patrón aquí? Todos los proveedores de software mágico te hacen inscribirse con corredores de sombra si desea utilizar su maravilla tecnológica. Este individuo Anderson va todo hacia fuera y dice que "este corredor NO toma apenas cualquier persona. De hecho, normalmente tiene que ser un comerciante experimentado con algunas buenas referencias para entrar en la puerta. "¿Qué? Por favor no me hagas reír ... un corredor que no aceptará mi dinero a menos que tengas referencias. Soy tan afortunado de haber conocido al Sr. Anderson o de lo contrario no habría sido capaz de abrir una cuenta con ... TradeRush.

Rendimiento - ¿Qué rendimiento?

Toda prueba de rendimiento se limita a un par de fotos que muestran algunas operaciones ganadoras y también videos muy cortos de sus cuentas con enormes sumas de dinero en ellos. Todo esto significa absolutamente cero para mí. Un tiempo muy largo (por favor lee "nunca") va a pasar hasta que confiaré en algunos cuadros lanzados en mí por un individuo con un Web site del tipo de la carta de las ventas que demanda ganar millones un mes y tiene tal nombre americano que suena , Por cierto, creo que está hecho) ... al igual que todos los "gurús" por ahí.

¿Es un robot binario Turbo una estafa?

Permítanme preguntarles: ¿qué es una estafa? Si un Scam se considera algo que no funciona como se prometió, entonces "Sí", creo que esto es una estafa, porque no creo que voy a hacer millones con él como dice el tipo. Además, aquí está lo que algunas personas que utilizaron Robot Binario Turbo de Jeff Anderson tienen que decir sobre ello en ForexPeaceArmy. com:

"Esto es asqueroso en el extremo y los estafadores deben estar expuestos y acusados ​​de fraude ... Si estuviera negociando manualmente, habría detenido mis pérdidas mucho antes que este robot sin sentido y / o sistema de estafa"

"Producto típico. Debería haberlo sabido mejor ... "

"Total cr ***, don & # 8217; t malgastar su dinero ..."

Hay más clientes insatisfechos (por decir lo menos) en el foro de ForexPeaceArmy y ahora pienso que debería haber escrito esta revisión antes ... tal vez de esa manera algunos chicos todavía tendrían su dinero.

Mi conclusión clara: ¡Camina lejos!

Términos & # 038; Condiciones

Tenga en cuenta que la forma en inglés de la T & amp; C de este sitio web se traduce a otros idiomas, sólo por conveniencia. En caso de cualquier contradicción entre la forma inglesa del T & C y cualquier forma traducida del T & amp; C, los términos de la forma inglesa regirán cualquier forma traducida.

1. Estos términos de uso rigen la relación entre usted, el Cliente ( "usted" o el "Cliente") y nosotros, abcOptions ( "nosotros", "nosotros" o la "Compañía").

2. Mediante el uso de los servicios ofrecidos por la Sociedad, el Cliente reconoce por la presente su irrevocable aceptación y cumplimiento de todos los términos y condiciones aquí establecidos y su capacidad plena, ilimitada e irrestricta para ejecutar transacciones ofrecidas por esta sitio. El cliente declara que sus datos personales, en su caso, son completos, actualizados y correctos.

3. La Sociedad se reserva el derecho, en cualquier momento, de modificar, modificar, modificar o cambiar, según su conveniencia, cualquier término de estos términos sin previo aviso, y el Cliente por la presente acuerda cumplir con la versión actual publicada en este sitio. El Cliente por el presente acuerda que la Compañía se reserva el derecho exclusivo en cualquier momento ya su entera discreción de elegir los activos sobre los cuales se negociarán las opciones en el Sitio, la manera en que se calcularán y también tendrán derecho a cambiarlas en cualquier momento.

4. Las palabras y expresiones que aquí se usan en el género masculino también se refieren al género femenino, y las palabras y expresiones que usan personas, incluirán también cuerpos incorporados.

5. El tiempo que se presenta en este sitio y / o en relación con cualquier actividad se basará en el huso horario GMT.

6. Toda la propiedad intelectual, incluyendo pero no limitado a, contenido, información, patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor, módulos, técnicas, know-how, algoritmos, métodos de hacer negocios, interfaces de usuario, diseño gráfico, Y software; Y todos los desarrollos, derivados y mejoras, ya sean registrados o no (el "IP" o "Propiedad Intelectual"), son propiedad de la Compañía y / o de terceros que han otorgado la licencia de la Compañía para utilizar dicho IP . Todos los derechos reservados.

7. Al Cliente se le otorga un derecho limitado y no exclusivo de usar la IP incluida en este sitio para su uso personal, no comercial, intransferible, con respecto a los servicios ofrecidos en este sitio solamente. A menos que se indique expresamente en este documento, la Compañía no otorga ningún otro derecho o licencia de PI al Cliente. El Cliente se compromete por este medio a no duplicar ni transferir ninguno de sus derechos sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de la Compañía, ni para cambiar, editar o eliminar cualquier material del Sitio. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, el Cliente está autorizado a imprimir solo una copia impresa del sitio para su uso personal.

8. La Empresa podrá incluir en el sitio información, datos, enlaces, ofertas promocionales o cualquier otro contenido de cualquier forma, incluyendo contenido financiero de terceros. Dicho contenido se proporciona sólo para la conveniencia del Cliente y como un servicio adicional, y no se considerará como asesoramiento. En ningún caso, la Compañía será responsable de, o deberá considerar, dar ninguna representación con respecto a dicho contenido.

9. Usted entiende que mientras Internet y la World Wide Web generalmente son confiables, problemas técnicos u otras condiciones pueden retrasar o impedir que usted acceda al Sitio Web. Nosotros no seremos responsables por, y usted acepta no mantener o tratar de mantener a nosotros oa cualquiera de nuestros agentes o proveedores de servicios responsables de, problemas técnicos, fallos del sistema y fallos en el sistema, fallas en la línea de comunicación, fallas del equipo o software o fallos en el sistema. Problemas de acceso, problemas de capacidad del sistema, alta demanda de tráfico de Internet, brechas de seguridad y acceso no autorizado, y otros problemas y defectos similares de la computadora. No representamos, garantizamos ni garantizamos que podrá acceder o utilizar el Sitio en momentos o ubicaciones de su elección, o que tendremos capacidad adecuada para el Sitio en su totalidad o en cualquier ubicación geográfica. No representamos, garantizamos o garantizamos que el Sitio proporcionará servicio ininterrumpido y sin errores. No hacemos ninguna garantía o garantía con respecto al Sitio y su contenido, incluyendo, sin limitación, garantías de comerciabilidad o adecuación a un propósito particular.

10. El cliente acepta que no hay manera de cancelar cualquier orden o transacción una vez que se ha ejecutado. Sin perjuicio de la citada declaración, el cliente entiende tales limitaciones presionando el icono de Comercio.

11. Usted declara y garantiza (cuyas declaraciones y garantías se considerarán repetidas por usted en cada fecha en la que se haya celebrado una transacción a través del Sitio) que: a. Usted tiene todo el poder y la autoridad para obligarse por estos Términos y Condiciones, cada transacción y cualquier otra documentación relacionada con el mismo, y para cumplir con sus obligaciones en virtud del mismo y cada transacción y ha tomado todas las medidas necesarias para autorizar tal ejecución, entrega y desempeño; segundo. Cualquier ejecución, entrega y desempeño no violará ni entrará en conflicto con ninguna ley aplicable a usted, cualquier disposición de cualquier documento constitucional o cualquier cargo, escritura fiduciaria, contrato u otro instrumento o cualquier restricción contractual aplicable a, De sus activos o obligarle a crear cualquier derecho de retención, garantía o gravamen; do. Toda la información proporcionada por usted es verdadera y precisa en todos los aspectos. re. Todos los consentimientos gubernamentales, reglamentarios y de otro tipo que se requieran que hayan sido obtenidos por usted en relación con el Sitio hayan sido obtenidos de esta manera y estén en pleno vigor y efecto y se hayan cumplido todas las condiciones de tales consentimientos; mi. Sus obligaciones bajo estos Términos y Condiciones constituyen sus obligaciones legales, válidas y vinculantes, ejecutables de acuerdo con sus respectivos términos; F. Usted cumplirá con todas las leyes, reglas, regulaciones y requisitos de divulgación de cualquier jurisdicción relevante, intercambio, mercado o autoridad reguladora que se apliquen con respecto a nosotros, usted o sus inversiones de vez en cuando; F. Usted dará prontamente (o procurará darnos) la información y asistencia que podamos razonablemente requerir para permitirnos asistir o lograr el cumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones mencionadas en relación con su Cuenta o el Sitio; gramo. Donde le proporcionamos un servicio de ejecución única, usted tiene la capacidad de evaluar y comprender los términos, condiciones y riesgos de cada transacción (ya sea recomendada o no por nosotros) firmada bajo este acuerdo y usted está dispuesto y puede aceptar dichos términos y condiciones Y asumir (financieramente o de otro modo) esos riesgos; marido. Usted está actuando como principal en cualquier transacción en el Sitio y en cada transacción bajo el mismo; yo. Si usted está en el incumplimiento de cualquiera de estos términos y condiciones usted nos dará aviso tan pronto como usted se da cuenta de tal ocurrencia.

12. La Compañía estará limitada solamente a información y / o órdenes suministradas por cualquiera de las partes a la otra parte por escrito. El Cliente es consciente de que nuestro sitio ofrece inversiones especulativas de alto riesgo que podrían ser ilegales en su jurisdicción. Por lo tanto, el Cliente asume toda responsabilidad de validez y legalidad de sus acciones con respecto a este Sitio Web. La negociación de Opciones Binarias y / o cualquier otra Opción, como puede ofrecer nuestro Sitio Web, podría considerarse como una inversión altamente especulativa. Este tipo de inversión conlleva el riesgo de perder el capital del Cliente en un período corto, por lo tanto el Cliente declara que entiende completamente los riesgos subyacentes involucrados y debe buscar asesoramiento independiente

13. Antes de realizar una transacción de responsabilidad limitada, debe obtener de nosotros una declaración formal por escrito confirmando que el alcance de su responsabilidad por pérdidas en cada transacción se limitará a una cantidad acordada por usted antes de entrar en la transacción. La cantidad que usted puede perder en transacciones de responsabilidad limitada será menor que en otras transacciones marginadas, que no tienen un límite predeterminado de pérdidas. Sin embargo, aunque el alcance de la pérdida estará sujeto al límite acordado, usted reconoce que puede sufrir la pérdida en un tiempo relativamente corto. Su pérdida puede ser limitada, pero el riesgo de sostener una pérdida total a la cantidad acordada es sustancial.

14. La responsabilidad de la Compañía, para compensar los daños y perjuicios sufridos por el cliente, se limitará a los daños directos que el cliente pueda probar por una sentencia firme en la que haya incurrido, hasta un monto máximo igual a los fondos que el cliente haya depositado en su cuenta en la Compañía . En ningún caso, la Compañía será responsable por daños consecuentes o especiales (incluyendo pérdida de beneficios), ya sea por contrato, agravio o cualquier otra teoría legal, causada al Cliente oa terceros. El Cliente indemnizará y mantendrá inofensivos a la Compañía ya cualquiera de sus compañías relacionadas, empleados, agentes y / o funcionarios ( "Representantes") sobre cualquier responsabilidad y / o reclamo, en conexión con el uso de este Sitio por parte del Cliente, Incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier incumplimiento del requisito legal o de estos Términos por el Cliente.

15. No seremos responsables de ningún incumplimiento de obligaciones o incumplimientos de cualquier contraparte, corredor intermedio, banco, custodio, sub custodio, operador de mercado o de mercado, cambio, cámara de compensación, depositario u otro tercero con el que haga negocios. No seremos responsables de las pérdidas sufridas por usted en relación con el Sitio, a menos que dicha pérdida se derive directamente de nuestra negligencia, defecto deliberado o fraude. Usted nos pagará a la vista todas las comisiones y otros cargos debidos a nosotros, las primas de cualquier opción adquirida en sus instrucciones, las sumas que podamos en cualquier momento requerir en o hacia la satisfacción de cualquier saldo de débito en su Cuenta o cualquier cuenta comprendida en ella, Y el monto de cualquier pérdida comercial que pueda resultar de cualquier transacción bajo el presente, intereses y cargos de servicio que nos sean debidos en la Cuenta y nuestros costos razonables y honorarios legales incurridos en la recolección de dichos montos. Todos los pagos se harán en el mismo día y los fondos libremente transferibles en dicha moneda y al banco que podamos especificar de vez en cuando. Además, usted se compromete a mantenernos a nosotros ya nuestros agentes y empleados totalmente y efectivamente indemnizados contra todos los costos, cargos, responsabilidades y gastos incurridos por nosotros y ellos de acuerdo con o en conexión con el Sitio a menos que se deban a nuestra negligencia, fraude. Esta cláusula sobrevivirá a la terminación de cualquier Acuerdo entre usted y nosotros.

16. No seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida, gasto, costo o responsabilidad (conjuntamente "Pérdida") sufrido o incurrido por usted a menos y en la medida en que dicha Pérdida sea sufrida o incurrida como resultado de nuestra negligencia o defau intencional o indirecta Pérdidas o daños consecuentes (ya sea por lucro cesante, pérdidas de negocio o de otra índole), costos, gastos u otras reclamaciones por daños y perjuicios consecuentes (cualquiera que sea su causa) que surjan de o en relación con este Acuerdo; O pérdida sufrida o incurrida por usted como resultado de cualquier error en cualquier orden, instrucción o información dada por usted, el Cliente, o como resultado de nosotros actuando en cualquier orden o instrucción que es, o parece ser de usted.

Usted nos indemniza de cualquier reclamo, costo o gasto incurrido por nosotros como consecuencia de cualquier reclamo hecho por cualquiera de ustedes contra nosotros como consecuencia de cualquier acto u omisión de cualquiera de ustedes.

17. La Compañía no será responsable de ningún daño en caso de fuerza mayor que no esté bajo el control de la Compañía.

18. Usted reconoce que el comercio de divisas con márgenes es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión disponible en los mercados financieros y sólo es adecuado para personas e instituciones sofisticadas. Los precios en el comercio de divisas marginadas son altamente volátiles. Los fondos en una cuenta que negocia en el apalancamiento máximo pueden ser perdidos completamente, si la posición (s) se sostuvo en la cuenta tiene una oscilación de dos por ciento en valor. Dada la posibilidad de perder toda una inversión, la especulación en el mercado de divisas sólo debe llevarse a cabo con fondos de capital de riesgo que si se pierde no afectará significativamente su bienestar personal o institución financiera. Usted confirma que los fondos que usará en el Sitio son puramente capital de riesgo y la pérdida de su inversión no pondrá en peligro su estilo de vida ni le afectará su futuro programa de jubilación. Además, entiende completamente la naturaleza y los riesgos de las inversiones en opciones de divisas y divisas, y sus obligaciones con los demás no serán descuidadas si experimenta pérdidas de inversión.

19. Las órdenes de retiro del cliente de la cuenta serán ejecutadas por: (a) el reembolso de su tarjeta de crédito (solamente la tarjeta por la cual los depósitos fueron hechos y exactamente en y no menos que el monto del depósito); Y el resto (b) transferencia bancaria de su cuenta bancaria (sólo la cuenta desde la cual se hicieron los depósitos), sujeto a los documentos de identificación a entregar por él y únicamente a discreción de la Compañía que hará todo lo posible para ejecutar dichos pedidos por La forma en que el Cliente ha pedido. Los retiros se realizarán de acuerdo con los procedimientos del sitio y tomarán hasta catorce (14) días bancarios o según lo determinado por el proveedor de servicios de facturación del sitio, el más largo entre los dos. En el caso de que el cliente desee cancelar una solicitud de retirada sólo puede hacerlo con respecto a la solicitud de retirada que aún no se había completado ya la que no se había enviado todavía una confirmación de retiro) y no una solicitud ya ejecutada. En caso de que más de una solicitud de retiro haya sido enviada por el Cliente, y posteriormente solicite la cancelación parcial o total de las órdenes de retiro, se anulará la orden de retirada anterior, etc.

20. Se harán ajustes a los precios de las opciones, de acuerdo con los ajustes realizados con respecto a los activos base, en caso de que el Cliente tenga una operación abierta en dicha opción mientras que dicho ajuste se realice a los activos base. El Cliente por el presente acuerda que la Compañía tiene el derecho exclusivo de redondear el último dígito de cualquier activo.

21. La Sociedad, a su entera discreción, podrá decidir (pero no estar obligada) a ofrecer bonos, ofertas promocionales o cualquier otra clase de beneficios al Cliente, fijar sus condiciones y / o modificarlas sin previo aviso al cliente. La Sociedad no estará sujeta a la razón de su decisión ni se verá obligada a hacer lo mismo en futuras transacciones del Cliente. Una vez que un bono ha sido otorgado / acreditado a una cuenta de clientes, estará sujeto a ejecutar transacciones por un monto de al menos diez (10) veces el monto del depósito y también podría estar sujeto a un depósito mínimo y / o volumen mínimo de negociación y / O un cierto límite de tiempo. Además, la Compañía puede, a su entera discreción, abonar al Cliente una bonificación de hasta el treinta y cinco (35%) por cada depósito efectuado por el Cliente hasta un máximo de mil quinientos ($ 1500). Los bonos financieros también estarán sujetos al pleno cumplimiento de estos Términos por parte del Cliente.

22. El Cliente declara que entiende que debido a regulaciones legales la Compañía puede retener o deducir los pagos de cualquier tipo de impuestos, limitar los servicios proporcionados en este documento, congelar cuentas de acuerdo con cualquier orden legal o acción legal o cualquier otra acción o restricción Según lo requieran las autoridades legales u otras autoridades según lo determinado por las regulaciones pertinentes. El Cliente indemnizará y mantendrá a la Compañía y sus empleados y Representantes inofensivos ante tal acción y no tendrá derecho a impedir tal acción, como la Compañía considere adecuada, para cumplir con tal orden legal o acción.

23. El Cliente por la presente declara que mantiene su nombre de usuario y contraseña a salvo de cualquier tercero, y se compromete a notificar a la Compañía de cualquier uso sospechoso de su cuenta o información personal. Para la protección del Cliente, toda la información de inicio de sesión debe mantenerse confidencial. En caso de que el Cliente proporcione información de inicio de sesión a un tercero, la Compañía ya no podrá aceptar la responsabilidad por los fondos en la cuenta del Cliente.

24. El Cliente por la presente declara que es consciente del hecho de que dificultades técnicas pueden impedir que el Cliente acceda al Sitio Web o su capacidad de ejecutar determinadas acciones en este Sitio Web. La Compañía no asume ninguna responsabilidad por tales eventos, que puedan ocurrir de vez en cuando. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, la Compañía será responsable por problemas en servidores, ancho de banda o sistemas de software.

25. El Cliente reconoce que hay riesgos asociados con la utilización de un sistema de comercio de ejecución de transacciones basado en Internet incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el fallo de hardware, software y conexión a Internet. Dado que no controlamos la potencia de la señal, su recepción o enrutamiento a través de Internet, la configuración de su equipo o la confiabilidad de su conexión, no seremos responsables de fallas de comunicación, distorsiones o retrasos al operar a través del Sitio.

26. El Cliente por el presente acuerda cumplir con todas las regulaciones de Anti-Lavado de Dinero (AML) y los procedimientos de "Conozca su Cliente" (KYC) relevantes para su jurisdicción, incluyendo el suministro de cartas oficiales de referencia bancaria, facturas de servicios públicos y cualquier otro tipo de funcionario Documentación de identificación que pueda ser requerida por la Compañía. Esta es una condición previa al uso del Sitio.

27. Todos los márgenes de efectivo y otros pagos que usted nos adeuda en virtud del presente Acuerdo se realizarán en fondos libremente transferibles en dicha moneda y en la (s) cuenta (s) bancaria (s) que podamos especificar oportunamente. Si usted está obligado por ley a hacer cualquier deducción o retención con respecto a los impuestos o de otra manera, entonces usted será responsable de pagar dicha cantidad a nosotros, lo que resultará en nuestra recepción de una cantidad neta igual a la cantidad total que se habría recibido había No se requiere tal deducción o retención. Cualquier suma que nos sea debida en virtud del presente Acuerdo (más cualquier IVA aplicable) podrá ser deducida sin previo aviso a usted desde cualquier Cuenta con el fin de obtener beneficios que puedan ser aplicados en la descarga de dichas sumas. Usted será responsable del pago de cualquier comisión, honorarios de transferencia, tasas de registro, impuestos, derechos y otros pasivos fiscales y todos los demás pasivos y costos debidamente pagados o incurridos por nosotros bajo estos Términos y Condiciones.

28. Estos Términos son por un período de tiempo ilimitado, pero la Compañía tiene derecho a terminarla por medio de un aviso escrito. En tal caso, se prohíbe al Cliente abrir nuevas cuentas o ejecutar nuevas transacciones sin previa aprobación por escrito de la Compañía.

29. En caso de que el Cliente cometan cualquiera de los siguientes: i. Viola cualquiera de sus obligaciones bajo estos Términos;

Ii. Quiebra, insolvencia o en procedimientos de insolvencia, reorganización, quiebra o cualquier procedimiento similar; O por su sola discreción, la Compañía considera necesario para protegerse contra los daños y perjuicios que pudieran producirse debido a las acciones u omisiones del Cliente. A su sola discreción, y en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso al Cliente, la Sociedad podrá:

(1) transferir, prometer o vender el saldo y / o valores en la (s) cuenta (s);

(2) cancelar, terminar y / o cerrar cualquiera o todas las transacciones abiertas;

(3) compensar cualquier daño causado al mismo; o

(4) tomar cualquier acción que considere conveniente para curar cualquier violación del Cliente.

En caso de que no haya una transacción en la cuenta durante un período de 12 meses, la Compañía tendrá derecho a cerrar la cuenta después de dar al Cliente un aviso por escrito de 5 días. La Compañía puede cesar o limitar cualquier o todas las actividades comerciales en el Sitio sin previo aviso. Client hereby waives any and all claims or rights of indemnification for any allegedly damages caused by such rescission, whether for executed transactions or for transactions supposed to be executed.

30. In the event that suspected fraudulent trading activity, system arbitrage, some other form of exploitation has taken place, The Company reserves the right to lanuch an investigation that can take up to 45 days. The Company reserves the right to permanently ban any trader who has knowingly committed any of the aforementioned activities and possibly also report it to any relevant parties.

31. The Company is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever. By no means shall the Client be entitled to do any of the above in respect of Client’s rights provided for herein, whether to other Site’s Clients or to others

32. Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein. The Company’s acquiescence to any breach of these Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to The Company’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same.

33. These Terms of Use, as well as any dispute arising therefrom, or in connection therewith, are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Bulgaria, and any dispute between the parties hereto with respect to these Terms and the services offered herein shall be brought to the competent court in Bulgaria and the parties agree not to claim that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum or that such court does not have jurisdiction over it.

34. You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations with you without the use of a warning tone, and may use the recordings as evidence in the event of a dispute. We will destroy any recordings or transcripts in accordance with our normal destruction policy in place at that time (currently 3 years).

35. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder to be given to a party to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices to the Client are to be given to the contact details given by him during account opening process, and which may be amended by him by a written notice to the Company. All correspondence and notices that will be sent to the Client shall be deemed delivered: (1) at their time of delivery if sent (a) by hand delivery; (b) to Client’s e-mail address, or (c) by facsimile; or (2) within five business days if delivered by posted mail. All correspondence and notices that will be sent by the Client to the Company shall be deemed delivered only upon actual receipt by the Company and subject to its written confirmation as such.

36. Expiry rate is computed from the Bid & Ask prices ((Bid + Ask)/2) which are the closest price offers to the expiry time. The last digit of the calculated price is rounded up if 5 and above, and down if otherwise.

37. Clients are not allowed to have more than one funded account. Clients who have multiple accounts registered under the same name may have one or all of the accounts closed, subject to management decision. Furthermore, clients with multiple accounts in which multiple investments are made with varying names and/or sources may have all the accounts closed, and investments returned per management decision. It is most advisable to open only one account, and to invest using your own funds

Terms And Conditions





You shall bear in mind, that the English form of the T&C of this website is translated to other languages, only for convenience. In case of any contradiction between the English form of the T&C and any translated form of the T&C, the terms of English form will govern any translated form.

Changes to the Terms of Service:

The Company can freely change the Terms and is not required to, nor shall be required to seek any trader’s consent to gain acceptance of any new version of the Terms. If the trader does not accept changes to the General Conditions, The Company may, after a period of thirty (30) days from the date on which the trader may have access to the modification, close the account.

Governing Jurisdiction:

The Terms are subject to TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS laws.

1. These terms of use hereby governs the relationship between you, the Client (“you” or the “Client”), and us, BlueBitBanc (“us”, “we”, or the “Company”).

2. By use of the services offered by the Company, the Client hereby acknowledge his irrevocable acceptance of, and compliance with, all the terms and conditions stated herein, and his being of full, unlimited, unrestricted legal capacity to execute transactions offered by this site. El cliente declara que sus datos personales, en su caso, son completos, actualizados y correctos.

3. The Company reserves the right at any time, to amend, alter, modify or change, as it sees fit, any term of these terms without any prior notice, and the Client hereby agrees to conform to the current version as published in this site. The Client hereby agrees that the Company reserves the sole right at any time, and in its sole discretion, to choose the assets on which options will be traded on the Site, the way they will be calculated and shall also have the right to change them at any time.

4. Words and expressions herein using the masculine gender shall also refer to the feminine gender, and words and expressions using persons, shall include also incorporated bodies.

5. The time presented on this site and/or concerning any activity shall be based on the GMT time zone.

6. All intellectual property, including but not limited to, content, information, patents, trademarks, copyrights, modules, techniques, know-how, algorithms, methods of doing business, user interfaces (UIs), graphic design, look and feel, and software; and all developments, derivatives, and improvements thereto, whether registered or not (the “IP” or “Intellectual Property”), are owned in their entirety by the Company and/or by third parties who has granted the Company license to use such IP. Todos los derechos reservados.

7. The Client is hereby given a limited non-exclusive right to use the IP included in this site for his personal, non-commercial, non-transferable use, with regards to the services offered on this site only. Unless expressly stated herein, the Company grants no other IP right or license to the Client. The Client hereby undertakes not to duplicate or transfer any of his rights without prior written consent of the Company, nor to change, edit or remove any material from the Site. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the Client is authorized to print only one copy printout from the site for his personal use.

8. The Company may include in the site information, data, links, promotional offers or any other content in any form, including financial content of third parties. Such content is provided only for the Client’s convenience and as an extra service, and will not be considered as advising. In no case, shall the Company be responsible for, or shall it deem to give any representation with regard to such content.

9. You understand that while the Internet and the World Wide Web generally are dependable, technical problems or other conditions may delay or prevent you from accessing the Website. We shall not be liable for, and you agree not to hold or seek to hold us or any of our agents or service providers liable for, any technical problems, system failures and malfunctions, communication line failures, equipment or software failures or malfunctions, system access issues, system capacity issues, high Internet traffic demand, security breaches and unauthorized access, and other similar computer problems and defects. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that you will be able to access or use the Site at times or locations of your choosing, or that we will have adequate capacity for the Site as a whole or in any geographic location. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that the Site will provide uninterrupted and error-free service. We do not make any warranties or guarantees with respect to the Site and its content, including without limitation, warranties for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The Client hereby declares that he keeps his username and password safe from any third party, and undertakes to notify the Company of any suspected misuse of his account or personal information. For the Client’s protection, all login information must be kept confidential. In the event that the Client provides login information to a third party, the Company will no longer be able to accept liability for the funds in the Client’s account.

Accuracy of Information:

The Company will check the veracity of the data provided by the trader. It may, at any time, ask traders to send one or more additional supporting documents to confirm his identity, his age of majority or any other information about him. If the documents submitted by the trader indicate the trader is under the age of eighteen (18), his account will be automatically deactivated and closed. If the data sent is incorrect, the account will be automatically deactivated and closed. If the trader has an account balance, the closing of an account will automatically freeze the available assets. The trader can obtain payment of his available assets by providing the required documentation. If The Company suspects that the use of the trading account is linked to money laundering or terrorist financing, the account will be disabled and closed.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy:

The Company is aware of money laundering issues related to online financial activity and as such, The Company maintains complete transparency for our traders to be granted a totally irreproachable trading activity. That is why, from the moment of processing a withdrawal, we can, upon specific request of the concerned trader, credit a bank account different from the one the investment was originally made from. However, such changes may only be made if bank accounts are located within the same country.

Additional checks

The Company may be required to perform identity checks and request additional documentation from the trader in the event of a significant demand for repayment.

Changes to Personal Information:

Through the use of the interface of his account, the trader can modify his personal data, excluding certain details. When a change relates to information on marital status, the trader shall provide The Company the new information within one (1) month. When a change relates to information regarding a trader’s account, the trader shall provide The Company with the new information prior to making any withdrawal request.

10. The client hereby accepts that there is no way to cancel any order or transaction once it has been executed. Without derogating from the aforementioned statement, the client understands such limitations by pressing on the Trade icon.

11. You hereby represent and warrant (which representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated by you on each date on which a transaction is entered into via the Site) that: a) you have full power and authority to bind yourself by these Terms and Conditions, each transaction and any other documentation relating thereto, and to perform your obligations thereunder and each transaction and have taken all necessary action to authorize such execution, delivery and performance; b) any such execution, delivery and performance will not violate or conflict with any law applicable to you, any provision of any constitutional documents or any charge, trust deed, contract or other instrument or any contractual restrictions applicable to, binding on or affecting you or any of your assets or oblige you to create any lien, security interest or encumbrance; c) all information provided by you is true and accurate in all respects; d) all governmental, regulatory and other consents that are required to have been obtained by you in relation to the Site have been so obtained and are in full force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been complied with; e) your obligations under these Terms and Conditions constitute your legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms; f) You will comply with all laws, rules, regulations and disclosure requirements of any relevant jurisdiction, exchange, market or regulatory authority which apply in respect of us, you or your investments from time to time; f) You will promptly give (or procure to be given) to us such information and assistance as we may reasonably require to enable us to assist or achieve compliance with any of the obligations mentioned in relation to your Account or the Site; g) where we provide you with an execution-only service you have the capacity to evaluate and understand the terms, condition and risks of each transaction (whether or not recommended by us) entered into hereunder and you are willing and able to accept those terms and conditions and to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks; h) you are acting as principal in any transactions on the Site and each transaction thereunder and; i) if you are in default of any of these Terms and Conditions you will give us notice as soon as you become aware of such occurrence.

12. The Company will be bounded only to information and/or orders supplied by either party to the other party in writing. The Client is aware that our site offers high-risk speculative investments that might be illegal in his jurisdiction. Therefore, the Client assumes all responsibility of validity and legality of his actions with respect to this Website. Trading in Binary Options and/or any other Options, as may be offered by our Website, could be regarded as a highly speculative investment. This kind of investment carries the risk of losing the Client’s capital in a short period, therefore the Client declares that he fully understands the underlying risks involved and should seek independent advice

13. Before entering into a limited liability transaction, you should obtain from us a formal written statement confirming that the extent of your loss liability on each transaction will be limited to an amount agreed by you before you enter into the transaction. The amount you can lose in limited liability transactions will be less than in other margined transactions, which have no predetermined loss limit. Nevertheless, even though the extent of loss will be subject to the agreed limit, you acknowledge that you may sustain the loss in a relatively short time. Your loss may be limited, but the risk of sustaining a total loss to the amount agreed is substantial.

Deposits & Withdrawals:

Regardless of the payment method used, traders must initially fund their account with an amount no less than €/$/£200. If funding an account by credit card, traders may only fund their

account up to a maximum of €/$/£25,000 per each twenty-four (24) hour period, and up to a maximum of €/$/£75,000 every thirty (30) days. Traders cannot make more than five (5) deposits per day per credit card. Additionally, traders may from time to time be informed that other restrictions and limitations may be applied and that some payment methods may include funding limits that The Company does not control and is not responsible for. For traders who wish to fund their accounts using alternative payment methods, further deposits may be allowed above and beyond those listed above.

Clients are not allowed to have more than one funded account. Clients who have multiple accounts registered under the same name may have one or all of their accounts closed, subject to The Company’s decision. Furthermore, clients with multiple accounts in which multiple investments are made with varying names and/or sources may have all their accounts closed, and investments returned. The Company advises clients to only open one account, and to invest using only their personal funds.

Traders are able to make their first withdrawals at no cost (wire transfers excluded), and handling charges or commissions will not be deducted from the first withdrawal amount of each month.

At any time, except in instances where a trader’s account is blocked or closed, the trader may request, via the management interface of his trading account, the repayment of all or part of his available assets. After online confirmation by the trader, The Company will forward to the trader’s bank account the requested amount to the benefit of the beneficiary within seven (7) to ten (10) business days following the withdrawal request. Each repayment cannot be less than €/$/£100.

*Please note that some transfers may incur additional charges which will be borne by the trader.

Client’s withdrawal orders from their accounts shall be executed by either: (a) refund of the credit card by which deposits were made and for exactly the amount of the deposit and no less (please note that the minimum withdrawal amount is €/$/£100); and the remainder via (b) bank wire transfer to his bank account (only the account from which deposits were made), subject to identification documents to be delivered by him, and solely pursuant to Company’s discretion which shall make its best efforts to execute such orders by the way the Client has asked. Withdrawals shall be made according to the site procedures and will take up to fourteen (14) banking days or as determined by the billing services provider of the site, the longer between the two. In the Case Client wishes to cancel a withdrawal request he can do so only with respect to withdrawal request that was not completed yet and to which a withdrawal confirmation was not sent yet) and not a request already executed. In case more than one withdrawal request were sent by the Client, and afterwards he requests to cancel part/all of the withdrawal orders, the earlier withdrawal order will be cancelled, and so on.

Traders requesting withdrawals will be subjected to an identification process. Withdrawal requests will only be honored after the trader supplies The Company with the proof of account ownership and proof that the trader is the owner of the payment method to be used for the withdrawal.

14. The Company’s liability, to compensate for damages incurred by client, shall be limited to direct damages that the Client can prove by a final judgment to have incurred, up to a maximum amount equal to the funds the Client has deposited in his account with the Company. In no case, shall the Company be liable for consequential or special damages (including loss of profits) whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory, caused to the Client or to third parties. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and any and all of its related companies, employees, agents and/or officers (“Representatives”) harmless upon any liability and/or claim, in connection with the use of these Site by the Client, including but not limited to any breach of legal requirement or of these Terms by the Client.

15. We shall not be liable for any breach of obligation or default of any counterparty, intermediate broker, bank, custodian, and sub-custodian, market or market operator, exchange, clearing house, depositary or other third party with whom you do business. We will not be liable for loss suffered by you in connection with the Site unless such loss directly arises from our negligence, willful default or fraud. You will pay us on demand all commissions and other charges due to us, premiums on any option purchased on your instructions, such sums as we may at any time require in or towards satisfaction of any debit balance on your Account or any account comprised therein, and the amount of any trading loss that may result from any transaction hereunder, interest and service charges due to us on the Account and our reasonable costs and legal fees incurred in collecting any such amounts. All payments shall be made on the same day and funds freely transferable in such currency and to such bank as we may from time to time specify. Further, you undertake to keep us and our agents and employees fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, charges, liabilities and expenses whatsoever incurred by us and them pursuant to or in connection with the Site unless due to our or their negligence, willful default or fraud. This clause will survive termination of any Agreement between you and us.

16. We shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability (together “Loss”) suffered or incurred by you unless and to the extent that such Loss is suffered or incurred as a result of our negligence or willful default or indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in relation to this Agreement; or loss suffered or incurred by you as a result of any error in any order, instruction or information given by you, the Client, or as a result of us acting on any order or instruction which is, or appears to be from you.

You indemnify us against any claim, cost or expense incurred by us as a consequence of any claim made by you against us as a consequence of any acts or omissions by you.

Without prejudice to any other limitation of liability provisions of the agreement, neither The Company nor the supplier of the platform, nor any of our or their affiliates and related parties, will be responsible for any loss, cost or damage (occurring in any way) tied to or arising from alleged or actual causation by any of the following:

Any error due to transmission of incorrect information from you;

Any fraud, deception or distortion on your part;

Any transaction conducted on your trader account;

Any unauthorized interception or use of data related to you or your account;

An inability to use or access the Site, whatever the reason;

Any action or transaction of an individual trader who is using your account without your expressed consent;

Any cause over which we have no direct control, including problems attributable to hardware or software of the computer (including computer and platform viruses) systems, data transmission, telephone or other communications, or Internet service providers;

Loss of any transactions caused by loss or malfunction of any communications device used by you or any entity relaying information between you, us or any other company for payment.

17. The Company shall not be liable or responsible for any damage, in case of a force majeure event not in the Company’s control.

18. The funds in an account trading at maximum leverage can be completely lost, if the position(s) held in the account has a two percent swing in value. Given the possibility of losing an entire investment, speculation in the foreign exchange market should only be conducted with risk capital funds that if lost will not significantly affect your personal or institution’s financial wellbeing. You confirm that the funds you will use on the Site are purely risk capital and loss of your investment will not jeopardize your style of living nor will it detract from your future retirement program. Additionally, you fully understand the nature and risks of currency and currency options investments, and your obligations to others will not be neglected should you suffer investment losses.

19. Adjustments shall be made to the options’ prices, according to the adjustments made with respect to the base assets, in case Client has an open transaction in such option whilst such adjustment made to the base assets. Client hereby agrees that the Company has the exclusive right to round the last digit of any asset.

20. The Company, at its sole discretion, may decide (but is not obliged) to offer bonuses, promotional offers or any other kind of benefits to the Client, to set its conditions, and/or change them without prior notice to the Client. The Company shall not be subject to reason its decision, nor to be forced to do the same in future transactions of the Client.

Once a bonus has been credited to a client’s account, they will be required to execute transactions for an amount at least thirty (30) times the amount of the Trading Bonus.

Furthermore, the Company may, at its sole discretion, credit the Client bonuses for each deposit made by the Client up to a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500). Financial bonuses awarded to traders are dependent on the account type chosen upon registration, and are subject to Client’s full compliance with these Terms and Conditions:

Each bonus offer is provided on a “one time only” basis for each registered user.

The trading bonus will be automatically credited to the trading account after it has been approved.

It is the client’s responsibility to contact customer support should they wish to be excluded from receiving trading bonuses; by accepting the bonus, the trader agrees to the trading bonus terms and conditions.

Trading bonuses cannot be redeemed for the cash value. Trading bonuses are automatically withdrawn from the account after a withdrawal request has been made.

In the event that the entire or partial amount of the deposit on which the bonus is given is withdrawn before the bonus amount has been traded 30 times, the following shall apply:

The bonus shall be canceled

Withdrawal requests will be declined if trading requirements have not been met and further withdrawal requests will not be honored. The balance will be returned to the trader’s account but will not be available for withdrawal until all trading requirements have been met (please see “Wagering Requirements for First Trading Bonus” below).

The Trading Bonus cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer and cannot be exchanged for any cash equivalent. The Trading Bonus can only be used once and is non-transferable.

This First Trading Bonus is only available to newly registered customers who make a first deposit to their Trading Account. Only one First Trading Bonus is awarded per person, household, shared computer and shared IP address.

The amount given as the first Trading Bonus is non-redeemable for cash.

Wagering Requirements for First Trading Bonus are as follows:

Traders must trade thirty (30) times the amount of the Trading Bonus.

“Risk Free Trading” Bonus:

For purposes of the “Risk Free Trading” promotion, the term “Risk Free” refers to a special limited time promotion, whereby first time traders are eligible to receive a certain percentage (depending on the specific promotion) on any combined losses from a certain number of their first (depending on the specific promotion) trades in the form of additional trading funds.

21. Traders are only permitted to open one trade per every five (5) minutes on any specific contract that goes on the same asset, direction, and expiry time. Also, closing a contract is allowed once per contract. In the case whereby a trader violates this rule, either intentionally or unintentionally, The Company reserves the complete and full right to cancel the trade and return the contract premium at its own discretion. The Company may take action against any trader who has knowingly exploited technical issues and ban them permanently from the Company.

22. The Client declares that he understands that due to legal regulations the Company may withhold or deduct payments of any taxes of any kind, limit the services provided herein, freeze accounts pursuant to any official legal order or action, or any other action or restriction as be required by legal authorities or other authorities as determined by relevant regulations. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and its employees and Representatives harmless upon such action and will not have any right to prevent such action, as Company sees fit, in order to fulfill any such legal order or action.

After registering with The Company, the trader may ask for his exclusion and a temporary or permanent block of his account. It is solely the decision of The Company whether or not to close the account. Once the account is disabled, no other transaction will be accepted and, in accordance with trader’s request, the account will be closed.

The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to block or close the trader’s account and to not offer the available assets if The Company believes that the trader has an addiction to trading and that the continuous use of its services prejudices the trader’s health and welfare.

23. The Client hereby declares that he is aware of the fact that technical difficulties might prevent the Client access to the Website or his ability to execute certain actions on this Website. The Company assumes no responsibility for such events, as may occur from time to time. Under no circumstances, shall the Company be responsible for problems in servers, bandwidth or software systems.

24. The Client acknowledges that there are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based deal execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software and Internet connection. Since we do not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we will not be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the Site.

25. The Client hereby agrees to conform to all Anti Money-Laundering (AML) regulations and “Know Your Client” (KYC) procedures relevant to his jurisdiction, including the supplying of official bank reference letters, utility bills and any other sort of official identification documentation as may be required by the Company. This is a condition precedent to use of the Site.

26. All cash margin and other payments due by you to us pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank account(s) as we may from time to time specify. If you are by law required to make any deduction or withholding in respect of taxes or otherwise, then you will be liable to pay such amount to us as will result in our receiving a net amount equal to the full amount which would have been received had no such deduction or withholding been required. Any sums due to us from you pursuant to this Agreement (plus any applicable VAT) may be deducted without prior notice to you from any Account in order to realize proceeds which may be applied in the discharge of such sums. You will be responsible for the payment of any commissions, transfer fees, registration fees, taxes, duties and other fiscal liabilities and all other liabilities and costs properly payable or incurred by us under these Terms and Conditions.

27. These Terms are for an unlimited period of time, but the Company shall be entitled to terminate it by a written notice. In such case, Client shall be prohibited from opening new accounts or executing new transactions without prior written approval from the Company.

28. In the event that a Client commits any of the following: i. violates any of his obligations under these Terms; or ii. becomes bankrupt, insolvent or in procedure of insolvency, reorganization, bankruptcy, or any similar procedure; or by its sole discretion, the Company finds it necessary in order to protect itself against any damages might occur to it due to Client’s actions or omissions. At its sole discretion, and at any time and with no prior notice to the Client, the Company may:

(1) Transfer, pledge, or sell the balance and/or securities in the account(s);

(2) Cancel, terminate, and/or close any or all of the open transactions;

(3) Set off any damages caused to it; o

(4) Take any action which its sees fit to cure any violation of the Client.

In case there is no transaction in the account during a 12 months period, the Company shall be entitled to close the account after giving the Client five (5) days written notice. The Company may cease or limit any or all trade activities on the Site with no prior notice. The Client hereby waives any and all claims or rights of indemnification for any alleged damages caused by such rescission, whether for executed transactions or for transactions supposed to be executed.

29. In the event that suspected fraudulent trading activity, system arbitrage or some other form of exploitation has taken place, The Company reserves the right to launch an investigation that can take up to 45 days. The Company reserves the right to permanently ban any trader who has knowingly committed any of the aforementioned activities and possibly also report it to any relevant parties.

30. The Company is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever. By no means shall the Client be entitled to do any of the above in respect of Client’s rights provided for herein, whether to other Site’s Clients or to others

31. Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein. The Company’s acquiescence to any breach of these Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to The Company’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same.

32. These Terms of Use, as well as any dispute arising therefrom, or in connection therewith, are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, and any dispute between the parties hereto with respect to these Terms and the services offered herein shall be brought to the competent court in TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS and the parties agree not to claim that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum or that such court does not have jurisdiction over it.

33. You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations with you without the use of a warning tone, and may use the recordings as evidence in the event of a dispute. We will destroy any recordings or transcripts in accordance with our normal destruction policy in place at that time (currently 3 years).

34. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder to be given to a party to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices to the Client are to be given to the contact details given by him during account opening process, and which may be amended by him by a written notice to the Company. All correspondence and notices that will be sent to the Client shall be deemed delivered: (1) at their time of delivery if sent (a) by hand delivery; (b) to Client’s e-mail address, or (c) by facsimile; or (2) within five (5) business days if delivered by posted mail. All correspondence and notices that will be sent by the Client to the Company shall be deemed delivered only upon actual receipt by the Company and subject to its written confirmation as such.

35. Expiry rate is computed from the Bid & Ask prices ((Bid + Ask)/2) which are the closest price offers to the expiry time. The last digit of the calculated price is rounded up or down depending on the computing result.

36. Inactive and Dormant Account

The Customer acknowledges and confirms that any trading account(s), where the Customer has not:

placed a trade;

opened or closed positions; and/or

made a deposit into the Customers trading account;

for a period of 90 days and more, shall be classified as an Inactive Account.

Where the Customer has and continues to:

place a trade;

open or close positions; and/or

make a deposit into the Customers trading account;

the account shall be classified as an Active Account.

The Client further acknowledges and confirms that such Inactive Accounts will be subject to a monthly charge of $5 (or equivalent in other currencies), relating to the maintenance/administration of such Inactive Accounts. The Customer further agrees that any Inactive Accounts, holding zero balance/equity, shall be turned to Dormant. For re-activation of Dormant Accounts, the Customer must contact Customer Support Department *protected email* and inform them of the Customer’s wish to reactivate the Dormant Account. The Customer’s Dormant Account will then be reactivated (subject to, if required, up-to-date Know Your Customer documentation provided by Customer) and become an Active Account. However, where the Customer has subsequently not done the following with the Active Account:

place a trade;

open or close positions; and/or

made a deposit into the Customers trading account;

for a period of 90 days and more, then this account it will once again become a Dormant Account.

Know your customer policies have become increasingly important worldwide lately, especially among banks and other financial institutions, in order to prevent identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud and terrorist activity.

BlueBitBanc holds a zero tolerance fraud policy, and is taking all measures possible to prevent it. Any fraudulent activity will be documented and all related accounts to it will be immediately closed. All funds in these accounts will be forfeited.


BlueBitBanc aims to ensure the integrity of any sensitive data it obtains, such as your account information and the transactions you make, using a variety of security measures and fraud controls. Securing your electronic transactions requires us to be provided with certain data from you, including your preferred deposit method.

When you deposit funds we will require the following documents

• A copy of your valid passport with the signature page

• Copies of your credit cards, used to make the deposit (Front side with only the 4 last digits visible, back side with the CVV covered).

• A copy of a recent utility bill in your name and address

• A signed purchase history of your online transactions

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support: [email protected]

When do I need to provide these documents?

We highly appreciate you taking the time to provide us with all the necessary documents as soon as you can, in order to avoid any delays in processing your transactions. We require the receipt of all the necessary documents prior to making any cash transactions to your benefit.

Some circumstances may require us to request these documents before allowing any other activities in your account, such as deposits or trades.

Please note that if we will not receive the required documents on file, your pending withdrawals will be cancelled and credited back to your trading account. We will notify you on such event via our system.

How can I send you these documents?

Please scan your documents, or take a high quality digital camera picture, save the images as jpegs, then send it to us via mail to [email protected]

How do I know my documents are safe with you?

BlueBitBanc holds the security of documentation at highest priority, and treats all documents it receives with utmost respect and confidentiality. All files we obtain are fully protected using the highest level possible of encryption at every step of the review process.

We thank you for your cooperation in helping us make BlueBitBanc a safer place to trade.

Terms And Conditions

You shall bear in mind, that the English form of the T&C of this website is translated to other languages, only for convenience. In case of any contradiction between the English form of the T&C and any translated form of the T&C, the terms of English form will govern any translated form. Governing Law and Exclusive Courts” & # 8211; This Agreement will be governed by in accordance with the laws of Seychelles without regard to its choice of law principles. Any legal action or proceeding arising in connection with this Agreement will be brought exclusively in courts of Seychelles, and the parties irrevocably consent to such personal jurisdiction and venue. 1. This Agre ement is executed by and between Value Option Ltd, (the “Company”), Address: P. O.Box 1239 Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria. Mahe, Seychelles and the Client, a physical or legal person, (the “Client”). 1a. Trading Risks Binary options trading involves significant risk. Although the risk when trading binary options is fixed for each individual Trade, the trades are live and it is possible to lose an initial investment, particularly if a trader chooses to place his entire investment to a single live trade. Se recomienda altamente que los comerciantes elijan una estrategia apropiada de la gerencia del dinero que limite las operaciones totales consecutivas o la inversión total excepcional. In the case that the client loses all or part of the invested funds there is no refund of lost funds under any circumstances and the company will not be held responsible for any losses due to trading by the investor or anyone else trading on behalf of the investor including any 3rd party or any company employee /Broker. 2. Clearing and billing services are done by DVI Services LTD. , Address: DEPT 966, 43 OWSTON ROAD, CARCROFT, DONCASTER, DN6 8DA, UK 3. The Company reserves the right at any time, to amend, alter, modify or change, as it sees fit, any term of these terms without any prior notice, and the Client hereby agrees to conform to the current version as published in this site. Client hereby agrees that the Company reserves the sole right at any time, and in its sole discretion, to choose the assets on which options will be to traded on the Site, the way they will be calculated and shall also have the right to change them at any time. 4. Words and expressions herein using the masculine gender shall also refer to the feminine gender, and words and expressions using persons, shall include also incorporated bodies. 5. The time presented on this site and/or concerning any activity shall be based on the GMT time zone. 6. All intellectual property, including but not limited to, content, information, patents, trademarks, copyrights, modules, techniques, know-how, algorithms, methods of doing business, user interfaces (UIs), graphic design, look and feel, and software; and all developments, derivatives, and improvements thereto, whether registered or not (the “IP” or “Intellectual Property”), are owned in their entirety by the Company and/or by third parties who has granted the Company license to use such IP. Todos los derechos reservados. 7. The Client is hereby given a limited non-exclusive right to use the IP included in this site for his personal, non-commercial, non-transferable use, with regards to the services offered on this site only. Unless expressly stated herein Company grants no other IP right or license to the Client. The Client hereby undertakes not to duplicate or transfer any of his rights without prior written consent of the Company, nor to change, edit or remove any material from the Site. Without derogating from the aforesaid, Client is authorized to print only one copy printout from the site for his personal use. 8. The Company may include in the site information, data, links, promotional offers or any other content in any form, including financial content of third parties. Such content is provided only for the Client’s convenience and as an extra service, and will not be considered as advising. In no case, Company shall be responsible for, or shall it deem to give any representation with regard to such content. 9. You understand that while the Internet and the World Wide Web generally are dependable, technical problems or other conditions may delay or prevent you from accessing the Website. We shall not be liable for, and you agree not to hold or seek to hold us or any of our agents or service providers liable for, any technical problems, system failures and malfunctions, communication line failures, equipment or software failures or malfunctions, system access issues, system capacity issues, high Internet traffic demand, security breaches and unauthorized access, and other similar computer problems and defects. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that you will be able to access or use the Site at times or locations of your choosing, or that we will have adequate capacity for the Site as a whole or in any geographic location. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that the Site will provide uninterrupted and error-free service. We do not make any warranties or guarantees with respect to the Site and its content, including without limitation, warranties for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 10. The client hereby accepts that there is no way to cancel any order or transaction once it has been executed. Without derogating from the aforementioned statement, the client understands such limitations by pressing on the Trade icon. 11. You hereby represent and warrant (which representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated by you on each date on which a transaction is entered into via the Site) that: a. you have full power and authority to bind yourself by these Terms and Conditions, each transaction and any other documentation relating thereto, and to perform your obligations thereunder and each transaction and have taken all necessary action to authorize such execution, delivery and performance; segundo. any such execution, delivery and performance will not violate or conflict with any law applicable to you, any provision of any constitutional documents or any charge, trust deed, contract or other instrument or any contractual restrictions applicable to, binding on or affecting you or any of your assets or oblige you to create any lien, security interest or encumbrance; do. all information provided by you is true and accurate in all respects. re. all governmental, regulatory and other consents that are required to have been obtained by you in relation to the Site have been so obtained and are in full force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been complied with; mi. your obligations under these Terms and Conditions constitute your legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms; F. You will comply with all laws, rules, regulations and disclosure requirements of any relevant jurisdiction, exchange, market or regulatory authority which apply in respect of us, you or your investments from time to time; F. You will promptly give (or procure to be given) to us such information and assistance as we may reasonably require to enable us to assist or achieve compliance with any of the obligations mentioned in relation to your Account or the Site; gramo. where we provide you with an execution-only service you have the capacity to evaluate and understand the terms, condition and risks of each transaction (whether or not recommended by us) entered into hereunder and you are willing and able to accept those terms and conditions and to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks; marido. you are acting as principal in any transactions on the Site and each transaction thereunder; yo. if you are in default of any of these Terms and Conditions you will give us notice as soon as you become aware of such occurrence. 12. The Company will be bounded only to information and/or orders supplied by either party to the other party in writing. The Client is aware that our site offers high-risk speculative investments that might be illegal in his jurisdiction. Therefore, the Client assumes all responsibility of validity and legality of his actions with respect to this Website. Trading in Binary Options and/or any other Options, as may offered by our Website, could be regarded as a highly speculative investment. This kind of investment carries the risk of losing the Client’s capital in a short period, therefore the Client declares that he fully understands the underlying risks involved and should seek for independent advice 13. Before entering into a limited liability transaction, you should obtain from us a formal written statement confirming that the extent of your loss liability on each transaction will be limited to an amount agreed by you before you enter into the transaction. The amount you can lose in limited liability transactions will be less than in other margined transactions, which have no predetermined loss limit. Nevertheless, even though the extent of loss will be subject to the agreed limit, you acknowledge that you may sustain the loss in a relatively short time. Your loss may be limited, but the risk of sustaining a total loss to the amount agreed is substantial. 14. The Company’s liability, to compensate for damages incurred by client, shall be limited to direct damages that client can prove by a final judgment to have incurred, up to a maximum amount equal to the funds client has deposited in his account with the Company. In no case, shall the Company be liable for consequential or special damages (including loss of profits) whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory, caused to the Client or to third parties. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and any and all of its related companies, employees, agents and/or officers (“Representatives”) harmless upon any liability and/or claim, in connection with the use of these Site by the Client, including but not limited to any breach of legal requirement or of these Terms by the Client. 15. We shall not be liable for any breach of obligation or default of any counterparty, intermediate broker, bank, custodian, sub-custodian, market or market operator, exchange, clearing house, depositary or other third party with whom you do business. We will not be liable for loss suffered by you in connection with the Site unless such loss directly arises from our negligence, willful default or fraud. You will pay us on demand all commissions and other charges due to us, premiums on any option purchased on your instructions, such sums as we may at any time require in or towards satisfaction of any debit balance on your Account or any account comprised therein, and the amount of any trading loss that may result from any transaction hereunder, interest and service charges due to us on the Account and our reasonable costs and legal fees incurred in collecting any such amounts. All payments shall be made in same day and freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank as we may from time to time specify. Further, you undertake to keep us and our agents and employees fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, charges, liabilities and expenses whatsoever incurred by us and them pursuant to or in connection with the Site unless due to our or their negligence, willful default or fraud. This clause will survive termination of any Agreement between you and us. 16. We shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability (together “Loss”) suffered or incurred by you unless and to the extent that such Loss is suffered or incurred as a result of our negligence or willful defau or indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in relation to this Agreement; or loss suffered or incurred by you as a result of any error in any order, instruction or information given by you, the Client, or as a result of us acting on any order or instruction which is, or appears to be from you. You indemnify us against any claim, cost or expense incurred by us as a consequence of any claim made by any of you against us as a consequence of any acts or omissions by any of you. 17. The Company shall not be liable or responsible for any damage, in case of a force majeure event not in Company’s control. 18. You acknowledge that margined currency trading is one of the riskiest forms of investment available in the financial markets and is only suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions. Prices in margined currency trading are highly volatile. The funds in an account trading at maximum leverage can be completely lost, if the position(s) held in the account has a two percent swing in value. Given the possibility of losing an entire investment, speculation in the foreign exchange market should only be conducted with risk capital funds that if lost will not significantly affect your personal or institution’s financial wellbeing. You confirm that the funds you will use on the Site are purely risk capital and loss of your investment will not jeopardize your style of living nor will it detract from your future retirement program. Additionally, you fully understand the nature and risks of currency and currency options investments, and your obligations to others will not be neglected should you suffer investment losses. 19. Prior to the initial withdrawal the client must execute five trades, there is no minimum trading requirement for withdrawals after the initial withdrawal. Client’s withdrawal orders from the account shall be executed by either: (a) refund of his credit card (only the card by which deposits were made and exactly in and no less than the amount of the deposit); and the rest (b) bank wire transfer his bank account (only the account from which deposits were made), subject to identification documents to be delivered by him, and solely pursuant to Company’s discretion which shall make its best efforts to execute such orders by the way the Client has asked. Withdrawals shall be made according to the site procedures and will take up to fourteen (14) banking days or as determined by the billing services provider of the site, the longer between the two. In the Case Client wishes to cancel a withdrawal request he can do so only with respect to withdrawal request that was not completed yet and to which a withdrawal confirmation was not sent yet) and not a request already executed. In case more than one withdrawal request were sent by the Client, and afterwards he requests to cancel part/all of the withdrawal orders, the earlier withdrawal order will be cancelled, and so on. 20. Adjustments shall be made to the options’ prices, according to the adjustments made with respect to the base assets, in case Client has an open transaction in such option whilst such adjustment made to the base assets. Client hereby agrees that the Company has the exclusive right to round the last digit of any asset. 21. The Company, at its sole discretion, may decide (but not be obliged to do so) to offer bonuses, promotional offers or any other kind of benefits to the Client, to set its conditions, and/or change them without prior notice to the Client. The Company shall not be subject to reason its decision nor to be forced to do the same in future transactions of the Client. Once a bonus has been awarded/accredited to a clients account, they will be subject to execute transactions in an amount of at least ten (10) times the deposit amount and might also subject to minimum deposit and/or minimum volume of trading and/or a certain time limit. Furthermore, the Company may, at its sole discretion, credit the Client with up to Thirty five Percent (35%) bonus for each deposit made by the Client up to a maximum of one thousand five Hundred ( $1500). Financial bonuses will be also subject to Client’s full compliance with these Terms. 22. Traders are only permitted to open one trade per 2 minutes on any specific contract that goes on the same asset, direction, and expiry time. Also, closing a contract is allowed once per contract. In the case whereby a trader violates this rule, either intentionally or unintentionally, The Company reseveres the complete and full right to cancel the trade and return the contract premuim. At it’s own disgression, The Company may take action against any tader who has knowingly exploited technical issues and ban them permanently from the Company. 23. The Client declares that he understands that due to legal regulations the Company may withhold or deduct payments of any taxes of any kind, limit the services provided herein, freeze accounts pursuant to any official legal order or action, or any other action or restriction as be required by legal authorities or other authorities as determined by relevant regulations. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and its employees and Representatives harmless upon such action and will not have any right to prevent such action, as Company sees fit, in order to fulfill any such legal order or action. 24. The Client hereby declares that he keeps his username and password safe from any third party, and undertakes to notify the Company of any suspected misuse of his account or personal information. For the Client’s protection, all login information must be kept confidential. In the event that the Client provides login information to a third party, the Company will no longer be able to accept liability for the funds in the Client’s account. 25. The Client hereby declares that he is aware to the fact, that technical difficulties might prevent the Client access to the Website or his ability to execute certain actions on this Website. The Company assumes no responsibility for such events, as may occur from time to time. Under no circumstances, shall the Company be responsible for problems in servers, bandwidth or software systems. 26. The Client acknowledges that there are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based deal execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software and Internet connection. Since we do not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we will not be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the Site. 27. The Client hereby agrees to conform to all Anti Money-Laundering (AML) regulations and “Know Your Client” (KYC) procedures relevant to his jurisdiction, including the supplying of official bank reference letters, utility bills and any other sort of official identification documentation as may be required by the Company. This is a condition precedent to use of the Site. 28. All cash margin and other payments due by you to us pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank account(s) as we may from time to time specify. If you are by law required to make any deduction or withholding in respect of taxes or otherwise, then you will be liable to pay such amount to us as will result in our receiving a net amount equal to the full amount which would have been received had no such deduction or withholding been required. Any sums due to us from you pursuant to this Agreement (plus any applicable VAT) may be deducted without prior notice to you from any Account in order to realize proceeds which may be applied in the discharge of such sums. You will be responsible for the payment of any commissions, transfer fees, registration fees, taxes, duties and other fiscal liabilities and all other liabilities and costs properly payable or incurred by us under these Terms and Conditions. 29. These Terms are for an unlimited period of time, but the Company shall be entitled to terminate it by a written notice. In such case, Client shall be prohibited from opening new accounts or executing new transactions without prior written approval from the Company. 30. In case Client commits any of the following: i. violates any of his obligations under these Terms;

Ii. becomes bankrupt, insolvent or in procedure of insolvency, reorganization, bankruptcy, or any similar procedure; or by its sole discretion, the Company finds it necessary in order to protect itself against any damages might occur to it due to Client’s actions or omissions. at its sole discretion, and at any time and with no prior notice to the Client, the Company may:

(4) take any action which its sees fit to cure any violation of the Client.

In case there is no transaction in the account during a 12 months period, the Company shall be entitled to close the account by after giving Client a 5 days written notice. The Company may cease or limit any or all trade activities on the Site with no prior notice. Client hereby waives any and all claims or rights of indemnification for any allegedly damages caused by such rescission, whether for executed transactions or for transactions supposed to be executed. 31. In the event that suspected fraudulent trading activity, system arbitrage, some other form of exploitation has taken place, The Company reserves the right to lanuch an investigation that can take up to 45 days. The Company reserves the right to permanently ban any trader who has knowingly committed any of the aforementioned activities and possibly also report it to any relevant parties. 32. The Company is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever. By no means shall the Client be entitled to do any of the above in respect of Client’s rights provided for herein, whether to other Site’s Clients or to others 33. Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein. The Company’s acquiescence to any breach of these Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to The Company’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same. 34. These Terms of Use, as well as any dispute arising therefrom, or in connection therewith, are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Cyprus, and any dispute between the parties hereto with respect to these Terms and the services offered herein shall be brought to the competent court in Cyprus and the parties agree not to claim that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum or that such court does not have jurisdiction over it. 35. You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations with you without the use of a warning tone, and may use the recordings as evidence in the event of a dispute. We will destroy any recordings or transcripts in accordance with our normal destruction policy in place at that time (currently 3 years). 36. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder to be given to a party to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices to the Client are to be given to the contact details given by him during account opening process, and which may be amended by him by a written notice to the Company. All correspondence and notices that will be sent to the Client shall be deemed delivered: (1) at their time of delivery if sent (a) by hand delivery; (b) to Client’s e-mail address, or (c) by facsimile; or (2) within five business days if delivered by posted mail. All correspondence and notices that will be sent by the Client to the Company shall be deemed delivered only upon actual receipt by the Company and subject to its written confirmation as such. 37. Expiry rate is computed from the Bid & Ask prices ((Bid + Ask)/2) which are the closest price offers to the expiry time. The last digit of the calculated price is rounded up if 5 and above, and down if otherwise. 38. Clients are not allowed to have more than one funded account. Clients who have multiple accounts registered under the same name may have one or all of the accounts closed, subject to management decision. Furthermore, clients with multiple accounts in which multiple investments are made with varying names and/or sources may have all the accounts closed, and investments returned per management decision. It is most advisable to open only one account, and to invest using your own funds 39. Withdrawal Policy – The client is entitled to a full withdrawal of the unused funds left in the account as long as there is no bonus that has not completed the required trading volume. Any single withdrawal must be equal to or greater than 50.00 If there is a bonus present that has not completed the required trading volume please refer to term number 40. In order to receive the withdrawal the client needs to have traded a minimum of ten trades with a value of 25.00 or more per trade . and provide the company with full KYC documents. After receiving the required documents, and as long as they are correct and complete we will process the withdrawal request. The company will process the funds for return to the same deposit method used by the client when the investment was made. The withdrawal will be processed within 4 business days. Please note that for money being returned to credit cards it can take up to 21 days after we send the money for your card company or bank to credit your account. We have no control over this part of the transaction. 40. Special offers Benefits and Bonuses 40.1 Bonuses and benefits shall be credited to the client’s account subject to compliance with the terms of the offer made to the client, e. g. making minimum deposits and/or purchasing a minimum amount of options within a specified time period. 40.2 Unless stated otherwise in the terms of the offer, a precondition for making withdrawals after using the bonus/benefit is to buy options of 30 times the amount of the bonus/benefit. 40.3 The Company urges its clients to take part in the offers, but to refrain from abusing them. Abusing any of the offers could lead to cancellation of the bonus/benefit and closure of the client’s account on the Company’s website. 40.4 The bonuses/benefits must be used within the period defined in the details of the special offer. Should the bonus/benefit fail to be used within this time frame, the bonus/benefit will be withdrawn from the client’s account. 40.5 Once receiving the bonuses/benefits, the client has 3 (three) calendar months to complete the total amount of investments required as a precondition for withdrawal. If the required total amount of investments is not reached during this time period, the company will withdraw the bonuses/benefits funds from the client’s account according to its discretion. 40.6 In order to earn the full bonus and be able to withdraw it along with any other funds in your account, you are required to complete the full required trading volume. If you request a withdrawal prior to completion of the required trading volume any profits plus the full amount of the bonus will be removed and the client will be able to withdraw the difference. 40.7 The Company reserves the right to revoke the bonus/benefit should the special offer be abused and/or should the offer’s terms fail to be met. The Company’s decision – should this be the case – shall be final. The Company reserves the right to revoke or change the offers at any time without prior notice.

Turbo Binary Options

In the world of binary options. it pays out to be innovative – turbo binary options are the perfect example. Between a cool sounding name, straightforward mechanism and some good advertising, they are poised to take the market by the storm. Most “short-term” binary options expire in 60 seconds, while turbo options can take only a quarter of that time to “mature”… Because 60 seconds is too long for those who can’t handle the suspense.

Turbo power

Seriously, despite their hype, turbo binary options are basically high/low options that expire extremely fast. Some take 15 seconds, other up to 5 minutes, dangerously encroaching on short-term binary options’ territory. All you need to do is figure out whether the price of a financial instrument will be higher or lower than the given figure, place your bet and boom! You’ll know the outcome in a few seconds. There are several advantages to this type of binary options. Sure, long-term binary options can yield a greater return, but the volume of trading that can be achieved via turbo binary options has a higher return potential for both brokers and successful binary options traders. If you get the trend right, instead of one long-term binary option, you could bet 10, 15 times in quick succession. The return is rarely over 65%, due to the limited amount of funds in the game. Otherwise, standard conditions apply; either your binary options expire in the money or not.

Why go for turbo binary options?

Apart from the increased trading volume, many people are drawn by the fact that turbo binary options are extremely unpredictable; one glitch at an opportune moment, one price shift, and you are in business. The maturity rate is short, but every second brings you the rush the like you might not get anywhere else. This instant gratification is being compared to playing the roulette, except roulette is a lot easier to rig. Why do people go for these things? Because they are fun! Waiting for hours can be tedious, not to mention time-consuming, whereas you can make hundreds of bets at the same time, winning (or losing) many times what you normally would. Plus, the probability of foul play is far lower, and not just in rigging the outcome; you’ll know in a matter of minutes if your broker is legit, dramatically decreasing your exposure to unwanted risks. Plus, at such short intervals, most indicators are worthless, so it kind of evens the playing field.

Are turbo options that great?

Not necessarily. They are only offered on a limited number of financial instruments, in order to ensure sufficient capital is at play, plus there are only so many financial instruments liquid (and volatile) enough to work on turbo binary options. Turbo binary options are all about the feeling in your gut; there is no strategy, no time to think – just pick an outcome and place a bet, so it is sort of like gambling, but who cares? It’s fun!

Binary Turbo Robot Review

Recently, there has been an influx of binary options trading robots. Binary turbo is one of the newest

automatic trading robots on the market. Finally, traders can make a full-time income quickly and

automatically. Binary options is a 4 trillion dollar market and now traders can make trades and profit

without even turning on their computers.

Binary Turbo is a proven method that can automatically trade every currency pair and even stock

assets on binary options platforms. Binary Turbo has had the most proven success while trading on the

TradeRush platform. Trades made with Binary Turbo are usually profitable and with minimum risk, oh

and did we mention these trades are all made on autopilot.

Binary Options is a growing and profitable market which is why Jeff Anderson created the Binary

Turbo autopilot binary options robot. This robot offers highly optimized risk and money-management

strategies – so you’ll never have more than 5% of your account on the line in any trade. Binary Turbo

also has a “set and forget” feature, meaning traders can update their settings and then they do not need

to touch it again. The robot has the ability to trade on all major currency pairs. This is unique because

many of the current binary option trading robots do not have this feature. Binary Turbo also has a

special “Partial Stop Loss” technology that locks in profits early on ever trade. Also, Binary Turbo has an

ultra-low drawdown of 2.83%, if a trader is familiar with the market they will understand how important

this drawdown is.

When Binary Turbo places a trade it takes the earliest opportunities to begin closing out parts of the

trade to keep your principal investment safe. Then it keeps pulling profits out of the market little by little

giving the trader maximum profit potential with just a small fraction of the usual risk!

These automatic trading systems are not just for traders. They are for anyone who wants to start

making money in the binary options market. One of the largest benefits of Binary Turbo or any

automated trading bot is that it can greatly reduce or eliminate the amount of time needed to perform

technical analysis. It can also greatly benefit new binary options traders who have yet to master the task

of reading confusing statistics and graphs.

Binary Turbo is so sure that a trader will be satisfied with its product that they offer a 100% 60 day

money back guarantee. However, this does mean that Binary Turbo does cost money. Traders can

purchase this automated trading bot for $27. This may not seem like a lot, but other similar systems

like Binary Money Mind do not cost anything. This is why Binary Money Mind is the number one chosen

binary option automatic trading system currently on the market.

With the ever changing binary options market it is recommended to invest in an automated trading

system or robot. These robots are beneficial for all traders and can actually make trading binary options

extremely profitable. Binary Turbo is only one of the many automatic trading robots out in the market.

Using the FX Turbo Marksman Binary Options Indicators

One of the most important Binary Options Indicators is the Turbo Marksman. This one is borrowed from Forex, but you should know that the majority of indicators are borrowed from Forex in binary trading . as the principles are the same. Actually, binary trading is Forex, which is applied to other assets, such as metals and stocks, instead of being limited only to currencies, as it is in the case of Forex.

Advices about using the Binary Options Indicators

Always test your strategies on the free platform. The Turbo Marksman is a clear pattern that you can use safely for some pips, but you should understand it before using it.

If you have Forex experience, you have an advantage, but you should know that the Binary Options Indicators are a little different compared with the Forex ones, so you need to do your homework. If you have used the Marksman in Forex, you will probably have success with it in binary trading also. If not, at least you don’t need to worry, as you can easily learn to use this effective tool.

The Turbo Marksman indicator is used for intra-day trading, as it is based on observing the evolution of price during the latest hours, with the purpose of anticipating the evolution of the same price for the next hours. It is perfect for the one-hour chart, but for a limited number of assets. Some beginners try to use the same Binary Options Indicators to trade several pairs at the same time, which actually is a mistake, especially considering that different assets react differently to the same news of the market. For example, if the US government announces a greater Gross Income than initially expected, the dollar would become stronger, but the price of gold would probably go down.

The Marksmen is a statistical observation besides anything else. As we are talking about one hour charts, it is a good idea to choose a quiet period of the trading day, when the market is somewhat asleep. This way, you make sure that your Binary Options Indicators are not affected by the rumors in the market.

MetaTrader And Marksman Indicator

MetaTrader 4 has the Turbo Marksman pattern already configured, so all you need to do is to apply it for your chart. The marksman is used to anticipate a change in prices, and it must not be used as a confirmation in any way. Once you observe the indicator for one hour, you should be able to determine if the direction of price would change, and in this case, you should place your buying orders accordingly.

In the majority of cases, the indicator would not give you any clue. In this case, you should wait for another hour. As said before, this is one of the strongest Binary Options Indicators that anticipate a change in prices, but you should not “force” your eye to see a change where there is none. The good news is that you can follow the evolution of the marksman at the same time when you follow the evolution of other indicators, meaning that you can also use it as a secondary strategy.

Broker de opciones binarias estupendas

Terms And Conditions

You shall bear in mind, that the English form of the T&C of this website is translated to other languages, only for convenience. In case of any contradiction between the English form of the T&C and any translated form of the T&C, the terms of English form will govern any translated form.

1. These terms of use hereby governs the relationship between you, the Client (“you” or the “Client”), and us, Binary88 (“us”, “we”, or the “Company”).

2. By use of the services offered by the Company, the Client hereby acknowledge his irrevocable acceptance of, and compliance with, all the terms and conditions stated herein, and his being of full, unlimited, unrestricted legal capacity to execute transactions offered by this site. El cliente declara que sus datos personales, en su caso, son completos, actualizados y correctos.

3. The Company reserves the right at any time, to amend, alter, modify or change, as it sees fit, any term of these terms without any prior notice, and the Client hereby agrees to conform to the current version as published in this site. Client hereby agrees that the Company reserves the sole right at any time, and in its sole discretion, to choose the assets on which options will be to traded on the Site, the way they will be calculated and shall also have the right to change them at any time.

4. Words and expressions herein using the masculine gender shall also refer to the feminine gender, and words and expressions using persons, shall include also incorporated bodies.

5. The time presented on this site and/or concerning any activity shall be based on the GMT time zone.

6. All intellectual property, including but not limited to, content, information, patents, trademarks, copyrights, modules, techniques, know-how, algorithms, methods of doing business, user interfaces (UIs), graphic design, look and feel, and software; and all developments, derivatives, and improvements thereto, whether registered or not (the “IP” or “Intellectual Property”), are owned in their entirety by the Company and/or by third parties who has granted the Company license to use such IP. Todos los derechos reservados.

7. The Client is hereby given a limited non-exclusive right to use the IP included in this site for his personal, non-commercial, non-transferable use, with regards to the services offered on this site only. Unless expressly stated herein Company grants no other IP right or license to the Client. The Client hereby undertakes not to duplicate or transfer any of his rights without prior written consent of the Company, nor to change, edit or remove any material from the Site. Without derogating from the aforesaid, Client is authorized to print only one copy printout from the site for his personal use.

8. The Company may include in the site information, data, links, promotional offers or any other content in any form, including financial content of third parties. Such content is provided only for the Client’s convenience and as an extra service, and will not be considered as advising. In no case, Company shall be responsible for, or shall it deem to give any representation with regard to such content.

9. You understand that while the Internet and the World Wide Web generally are dependable, technical problems or other conditions may delay or prevent you from accessing the Website. We shall not be liable for, and you agree not to hold or seek to hold us or any of our agents or service providers liable for, any technical problems, system failures and malfunctions, communication line failures, equipment or software failures or malfunctions, system access issues, system capacity issues, high Internet traffic demand, security breaches and unauthorized access, and other similar computer problems and defects. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that you will be able to access or use the Site at times or locations of your choosing, or that we will have adequate capacity for the Site as a whole or in any geographic location. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that the Site will provide uninterrupted and error-free service. We do not make any warranties or guarantees with respect to the Site and its content, including without limitation, warranties for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

10. The client hereby accepts that there is no way to cancel any order or transaction once it has been executed. Without derogating from the aforementioned statement, the client understands such limitations by pressing on the Trade icon.

11. You hereby represent and warrant (which representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated by you on each date on which a transaction is entered into via the Site) that: a. you have full power and authority to bind yourself by these Terms and Conditions, each transaction and any other documentation relating thereto, and to perform your obligations thereunder and each transaction and have taken all necessary action to authorize such execution, delivery and performance; segundo. any such execution, delivery and performance will not violate or conflict with any law applicable to you, any provision of any constitutional documents or any charge, trust deed, contract or other instrument or any contractual restrictions applicable to, binding on or affecting you or any of your assets or oblige you to create any lien, security interest or encumbrance; do. all information provided by you is true and accurate in all respects. re. all governmental, regulatory and other consents that are required to have been obtained by you in relation to the Site have been so obtained and are in full force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been complied with; mi. your obligations under these Terms and Conditions constitute your legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms; F. You will comply with all laws, rules, regulations and disclosure requirements of any relevant jurisdiction, exchange, market or regulatory authority which apply in respect of us, you or your investments from time to time; F. You will promptly give (or procure to be given) to us such information and assistance as we may reasonably require to enable us to assist or achieve compliance with any of the obligations mentioned in relation to your Account or the Site; gramo. where we provide you with an execution-only service you have the capacity to evaluate and understand the terms, condition and risks of each transaction (whether or not recommended by us) entered into hereunder and you are willing and able to accept those terms and conditions and to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks; marido. you are acting as principal in any transactions on the Site and each transaction thereunder; yo. if you are in default of any of these Terms and Conditions you will give us notice as soon as you become aware of such occurrence.

12. The Company will be bounded only to information and/or orders supplied by either party to the other party in writing. The Client is aware that our site offers high-risk speculative investments that might be illegal in his jurisdiction. Therefore, the Client assumes all responsibility of validity and legality of his actions with respect to this Website. Trading in Binary Options and/or any other Options, as may offered by our Website, could be regarded as a highly speculative investment. This kind of investment carries the risk of losing the Client’s capital in a short period, therefore the Client declares that he fully understands the underlying risks involved and should seek for independent advice

13. Before entering into a limited liability transaction, you should obtain from us a formal written statement confirming that the extent of your loss liability on each transaction will be limited to an amount agreed by you before you enter into the transaction. The amount you can lose in limited liability transactions will be less than in other margined transactions, which have no predetermined loss limit. Nevertheless, even though the extent of loss will be subject to the agreed limit, you acknowledge that you may sustain the loss in a relatively short time. Your loss may be limited, but the risk of sustaining a total loss to the amount agreed is substantial.

14. The Company’s liability, to compensate for damages incurred by client, shall be limited to direct damages that client can prove by a final judgment to have incurred, up to a maximum amount equal to the funds client has deposited in his account with the Company. In no case, shall the Company be liable for consequential or special damages (including loss of profits) whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory, caused to the Client or to third parties. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and any and all of its related companies, employees, agents and/or officers (“Representatives”) harmless upon any liability and/or claim, in connection with the use of these Site by the Client, including but not limited to any breach of legal requirement or of these Terms by the Client.

15. We shall not be liable for any breach of obligation or default of any counterparty, intermediate broker, bank, custodian, sub-custodian, market or market operator, exchange, clearing house, depositary or other third party with whom you do business. We will not be liable for loss suffered by you in connection with the Site unless such loss directly arises from our negligence, willful default or fraud. You will pay us on demand all commissions and other charges due to us, premiums on any option purchased on your instructions, such sums as we may at any time require in or towards satisfaction of any debit balance on your Account or any account comprised therein, and the amount of any trading loss that may result from any transaction hereunder, interest and service charges due to us on the Account and our reasonable costs and legal fees incurred in collecting any such amounts. All payments shall be made in same day and freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank as we may from time to time specify. Further, you undertake to keep us and our agents and employees fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, charges, liabilities and expenses whatsoever incurred by us and them pursuant to or in connection with the Site unless due to our or their negligence, willful default or fraud. This clause will survive termination of any Agreement between you and us.

16. We shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability (together “Loss”) suffered or incurred by you unless and to the extent that such Loss is suffered or incurred as a result of our negligence or willful defau or indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in relation to this Agreement; or loss suffered or incurred by you as a result of any error in any order, instruction or information given by you, the Client, or as a result of us acting on any order or instruction which is, or appears to be from you.

You indemnify us against any claim, cost or expense incurred by us as a consequence of any claim made by any of you against us as a consequence of any acts or omissions by any of you.

17. The Company shall not be liable or responsible for any damage, in case of a force majeure event not in Company’s control.

18. You acknowledge that margined currency trading is one of the riskiest forms of investment available in the financial markets and is only suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions. Prices in margined currency trading are highly volatile. The funds in an account trading at maximum leverage can be completely lost, if the position(s) held in the account has a two percent swing in value. Given the possibility of losing an entire investment, speculation in the foreign exchange market should only be conducted with risk capital funds that if lost will not significantly affect your personal or institution’s financial wellbeing. You confirm that the funds you will use on the Site are purely risk capital and loss of your investment will not jeopardize your style of living nor will it detract from your future retirement program. Additionally, you fully understand the nature and risks of currency and currency options investments, and your obligations to others will not be neglected should you suffer investment losses.

19. Client’s withdrawal orders from the account shall be executed by either: (a) refund of his credit card (only the card by which deposits were made and exactly in and no less than the amount of the deposit); and the rest (b) bank wire transfer his bank account (only the account from which deposits were made), subject to identification documents to be delivered by him, and solely pursuant to Company’s discretion which shall make its best efforts to execute such orders by the way the Client has asked. Withdrawals shall be made according to the site procedures and will take up to fourteen (14) banking days or as determined by the billing services provider of the site, the longer between the two. In the Case Client wishes to cancel a withdrawal request he can do so only with respect to withdrawal request that was not completed yet and to which a withdrawal confirmation was not sent yet) and not a request already executed. In case more than one withdrawal request were sent by the Client, and afterwards he requests to cancel part/all of the withdrawal orders, the earlier withdrawal order will be cancelled, and so on.

20. Adjustments shall be made to the options’ prices, according to the adjustments made with respect to the base assets, in case Client has an open transaction in such option whilst such adjustment made to the base assets. Client hereby agrees that the Company has the exclusive right to round the last digit of any asset.

21. The Company, at its sole discretion, may decide (but not be obliged to do so) to offer bonuses, promotional offers or any other kind of benefits to the Client, to set its conditions, and/or change them without prior notice to the Client. The Company shall not be subject to reason its decision nor to be forced to do the same in future transactions of the Client. Once a bonus has been awarded/accredited to a clients account, they will be subject to execute transactions in an amount of at least thirty five (35) times the bonus amount and might also subject to minimum deposit and/or minimum volume of trading and/or a certain time limit. Furthermore, the Company may, at its sole discretion, credit the Client with up to Ten Percent (10%) bonus for each deposit made by the Client up to a maximum of five hundred ( $500). Financial bonuses will be also subject to Client’s full compliance with these Terms. In case specifying certain bonus terms for a bonus promotion, the above specific bonus terms also will be applied.

22. Traders are only permitted to open one trade per 2 minutes on any specific contract that goes on the same asset, direction, and expiry time. Also, closing a contract is allowed once per contract. In the case whereby a trader violates this rule, either intentionally or unintentionally, The Company reserves the complete and full right to cancel the trade and return the contract premium. At it’s own digression, The Company may take action against any trader who has knowingly exploited technical issues and ban them permanently from the Company.

23. The Client declares that he understands that due to legal regulations the Company may withhold or deduct payments of any taxes of any kind, limit the services provided herein, freeze accounts pursuant to any official legal order or action, or any other action or restriction as be required by legal authorities or other authorities as determined by relevant regulations. The Client will indemnify and hold the Company and its employees and Representatives harmless upon such action and will not have any right to prevent such action, as Company sees fit, in order to fulfill any such legal order or action.

24. The Client hereby declares that he keeps his username and password safe from any third party, and undertakes to notify the Company of any suspected misuse of his account or personal information. For the Client’s protection, all login information must be kept confidential. In the event that the Client provides login information to a third party, the Company will no longer be able to accept liability for the funds in the Client’s account.

25. The Client hereby declares that he is aware to the fact, that technical difficulties might prevent the Client access to the Website or his ability to execute certain actions on this Website. The Company assumes no responsibility for such events, as may occur from time to time. Under no circumstances, shall the Company be responsible for problems in servers, bandwidth or software systems.

26. The Client acknowledges that there are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based deal execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software and Internet connection. Since we do not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we will not be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the Site.

27. The Client hereby agrees to conform to all Anti Money-Laundering (AML) regulations and “Know Your Client” (KYC) procedures relevant to his jurisdiction, including the supplying of official bank reference letters, utility bills and any other sort of official identification documentation as may be required by the Company. This is a condition precedent to use of the Site.

28. All cash margin and other payments due by you to us pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank account(s) as we may from time to time specify. If you are by law required to make any deduction or withholding in respect of taxes or otherwise, then you will be liable to pay such amount to us as will result in our receiving a net amount equal to the full amount which would have been received had no such deduction or withholding been required. Any sums due to us from you pursuant to this Agreement (plus any applicable VAT) may be deducted without prior notice to you from any Account in order to realize proceeds which may be applied in the discharge of such sums. You will be responsible for the payment of any commissions, transfer fees, registration fees, taxes, duties and other fiscal liabilities and all other liabilities and costs properly payable or incurred by us under these Terms and Conditions.

29. Clients are not charged any commissions or fees by the Company for any Transaction executed unless agreed otherwise by the Parties hereto. However, any and all bank charges (concerning transfer, charges etc) will be deducted from the client’s cash balance. Clients are also entitled to one free withdrawal on each calendar month. For every subsequent withdrawal the client is charged 30 dollars, Euro or Pounds, depending on the currency of the account. The company will review this policy from time to time and reserves the right to make changes to it without prior notice. There is also a $10 a month inactivity fee which will be charged to each client whose account is inactive for a period greater than 3 months. Activity, in this sense, is a client logging in to their trading account. The fee will be deducted directly from each client’s trading account, from their available balance. To avoid this $10 inactivity charge a client must log in to their trading account at least once every three (3) months. Clients who ave never deposited money in their trading account, will not be charged an inactivity fee. Clients with less than a $10 balance in their trading account, will be charged that balance amount, thus bringing their account to zero.

30. These Terms are for an unlimited period of time, but the Company shall be entitled to terminate it by a written notice. In such case, Client shall be prohibited from opening new accounts or executing new transactions without prior written approval from the Company.

31. In case Client commits any of the following: i. violates any of his obligations under these Terms;

Ii. becomes bankrupt, insolvent or in procedure of insolvency, reorganization, bankruptcy, or any similar procedure; or by its sole discretion, the Company finds it necessary in order to protect itself against any damages might occur to it due to Client’s actions or omissions. at its sole discretion, and at any time and with no prior notice to the Client, the Company may:

(1) transfer, pledge, or sell the balance and/or securities in the account(s);

(2) cancel, terminate, and/or close any or all of the open transactions;

(3) set off any damages caused to it; o

(4) take any action which its sees fit to cure any violation of the Client.

In case there is no transaction in the account during a 12 months period, the Company shall be entitled to close the account by after giving Client a 5 days written notice. The Company may cease or limit any or all trade activities on the Site with no prior notice. Client hereby waives any and all claims or rights of indemnification for any allegedly damages caused by such rescission, whether for executed transactions or for transactions supposed to be executed.

32. In the event that suspected fraudulent trading activity, system arbitrage, some other form of exploitation has taken place, The Company reserves the right to lanuch an investigation that can take up to 45 days. The Company reserves the right to permanently ban any trader who has knowingly committed any of the aforementioned activities and possibly also report it to any relevant parties.

33. The Company is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever. By no means shall the Client be entitled to do any of the above in respect of Client’s rights provided for herein, whether to other Site’s Clients or to others

34. Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein. The Company’s acquiescence to any breach of these Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to The Company’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same.

35. These Terms of Use, as well as any dispute arising therefrom, or in connection therewith, are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Cyprus, and any dispute between the parties hereto with respect to these Terms and the services offered herein shall be brought to the competent court in Cyprus and the parties agree not to claim that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum or that such court does not have jurisdiction over it.

36. You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations with you without the use of a warning tone, and may use the recordings as evidence in the event of a dispute. We will destroy any recordings or transcripts in accordance with our normal destruction policy in place at that time (currently 3 years).

37. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder to be given to a party to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices to the Client are to be given to the contact details given by him during account opening process, and which may be amended by him by a written notice to the Company. All correspondence and notices that will be sent to the Client shall be deemed delivered: (1) at their time of delivery if sent (a) by hand delivery; (b) to Client’s e-mail address, or (c) by facsimile; or (2) within five business days if delivered by posted mail. All correspondence and notices that will be sent by the Client to the Company shall be deemed delivered only upon actual receipt by the Company and subject to its written confirmation as such.

38. Expiry rate is computed from the Bid & Ask prices ((Bid + Ask)/2) which are the closest price offers to the expiry time. The last digit of the calculated price is rounded up if 5 and above, and down if otherwise.

39. Clients are not allowed to have more than one funded account. Clients who have multiple accounts registered under the same name may have one or all of the accounts closed, subject to management decision. Furthermore, clients with multiple accounts in which multiple investments are made with varying names and/or sources may have all the accounts closed, and investments returned per management decision. It is most advisable to open only one account, and to invest using your own funds

What are Turbo Binary Options?

03.11. 2017 00:00 | Max

You may have heard of something called Turbo Binary Options. Basically, this is the turbo version of the usual binary options trading. It is a super-fast trading option because the result of your trading would be determined within the next fifteen seconds to five minutes. For example, you are capable of predicting that the EUR/USD currency rate would go up in the next fifteen seconds, so you would have to buy that currency right now, and hope that your prediction would become reality. If your prediction truly comes true, then you would be able to claim a huge amount of profit. On the other hand, if during the Turbo Binary Options period the rate goes down instead, then you would be losing out. Turbo Binary Options is something that is used often by professional traders because they are able to get instantaneous results.

Although the increase in the currency rate might not be significant, a professional trader is capable of taking part in a Turbo Binary Options numerous times a day, and the profit could become very significant if you are able to predict the flow of the currency rate correctly each time. This instant result is one of the many reasons why professional traders who are feeling confident would opt for Turbo Binary Options instead of the usual binary options trading. With binary options trading, you would normally have to wait days if not weeks or months before your profit would become significant enough that you would consider selling your investment.

That is if your investment does not go down in value instead. The waiting game is not something that all professional traders have the patience for, so many would prefer to use Turbo Binary Options. However, beginners are not advised to take part in Turbo Binary Options, because the trader needs to be able to predict the flow of the currency rate very accurately and in a timely manner. This is only possible for those who have been paying close attention to the ups and down of the currency market for a long period of time. One would develop a sense for it. Also, professional traders would normally make careful and detailed analysis before going in for the kill. If not, then it would be not much different than gambling.

How Turbo Binary Options Works

Basically, if you wish to participate in a Turbo Binary Options, you would have to gamble a bit by predicting what would happen to the market in the next few minutes. There would be no taking it back, so you would not have a second chance to call it off if you somehow decide that maybe Turbo Binary Options is not for you after all. There are those that feel like they have mastered the trick to figuring out Turbo Binary Options, and it could be really profitable if you could really do that because you would be able to make numerous strikes a day.

There are several tips that you can follow in order to make your Turbo Binary Options a successful venture. Basically, many argue that over the fifteen seconds to five minutes time interval, your best bet would be the sixty seconds Turbo Binary Options, because this is the period during which the currency rate would change, but it would not normally change in a very volatile way. In fact, the sixty seconds Turbo Binary Options is often considered to be pretty predictable, and even if the currency rate should go down against your expectations, it would not go down so much that you would suffer a huge loss. Also, many professional traders claim that in order to be able to maximize the opportunity that a sixty seconds Turbo Binary Options could give you, you would want to purchase your currency set in an interval that is around ten to twenty seconds apart. You would want to purchase the currency three times, with the same amount every time. This would allow you to minimize risk, as even if during the first set you lose money, you could regain what you have lost during the second set. And the flow of the third set would usually follow the second set, so if in the second set you gain profit, you would gain more in the third set.

Although this method has been proven to work, you should also depend on your analysis skill before making any major decision. Remember, the currency market is very unpredictable, so you would want to observe the trend for quite some time in order to get a feel for it. The volatility of the currency rate would determine the interval that you would use before purchasing the three sets. Even though it is said that the most optimum way is to purchase the same amount over a ten seconds interval, you could technically stretch that ten seconds depending on the volatility of the market. If the market is especially volatile, you would be better off purchasing at a twenty seconds or more interval, but you should never exceed the thirty seconds mark because the whole length of the Turbo Binary Options amounts to no more than five minutes, so if you exceed the thirty seconds, you would not have much time left for the currency to go up and down.

This method of gaining profit from Turbo Binary Options is by no means foolproof, and you may have to adjust the method a bit depending on the conditions of the market. In the end, it would still depend upon your ability as a trader. You would have to have a keen eye that would be able to analyze the market trend and see the direction a particular currency pair is going. If you are not comfortable about doing a little bit of gambling, then Turbo Binary Options may not be for you, because no matter how good you are at analysis, there is always an unpredictable factor that could change the tides in an instant. You would have to face risks if you wish to claim a profit. The bigger the risk is, the more your profit is going to be.

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